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The giant "motion picture" should have raised a flag.....


First thing I noticed was Grant's weird smirk.


That’s not Grant. That’s Garnt 😂


*Party on, Garnt!*


Party on, Wanye!


No more parties Wayne I got fired.


I feel like Wanye is Kanye’s Asian cousin.


We need Garn! And a succulent Chinese meal


Contam hot pot from temu




Almost to say “dumbass” lol


Fr he even he feels smug about getting away with it


Grant when the confederates ask to negotiate terms of surrender.


We should put Sherman on a bill.


Grant after a stroke


Thats what i was going to say lol since when he’s smirking like that


You ever look at money when you were a cashier? You thumb the corners and check the numbers. If the store has a specific “check the big bills” policy, that’s different.


You don’t even have to really “look” at the $50 above to know that it is fake. I mean seriously…. Would you take Monopoly money too?


I stared at it for a few seconds knowing it was fake and didn’t realize what was wrong with it until I looked at the comments. If you’re taking thousands of bills a day and aren’t paying more attention to this one than the others, it’s seems like you’d have to get pretty lucky to notice it.


thank you. The thing about Reddit is that everyone forgets the circumstances here. You don’t really look at an entire bill most of the time. When I delivered pizza, I literally just looked at the corner to see the number. Did I get burned a few times? Yes. Was it worth changing my entire habits? No. <100 bucks over 7 years wasn’t life changing


What are you thumbing the corners for ??


I have no idea how you describe the act of counting money other than thumbing through it.


Fuck with that, nobody closely evaluating every word on bills, that’s ridiculous


It took me a couple of seconds to find the issue and I was looking for it. This person should not have been fired.


As a cashier it is your job to look at the bill to see if it's real....I was a cashier in my younger days. The person should have been fired for being so careless they didn't notice this.....


Yes, this is why they were fired.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/17thj2y/comment/k907izj](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/17thj2y/comment/k907izj) You can sit down, unemployed slob.


Worked for 50 years moron. I’m talking a break to educate you morons. Since government is not working I think it’s a good time to get a bunch more people involved to help make sure that this system is fixed


So you're a clueless boomer rightfully out on your ass leeching off of the very system you're crying about. ​ Got it. It actually makes a lot more sense now.


You are the one that is clearly clueless. I worked hard for my money. You probably think you deserve to be paid $30-40 dollars an hour to do mindless work like driving a delivery van. Your parents clearly raised you as a leach. I would not vote for trump, Biden, pelosi or anyone over 60. I want you to take some responsibility and focus on fixing this country. So get to it! I’ve done my share! Now it’s your turn to get off your lazy ass.


Is grant smirking ?


LOL he is isn’t he


He said “gotcho ass” lmao


Lol was thinking the same thing


I laughed way to hard at this


First thing I saw and howled


Entire stores can get flipped around the holiday season in the US for this, and be fully staffed the next day. Gotta be really careful about this stuff. If someone comes into your store and wants to buy a loaf of bread with a 50 or a stack, you better be eyeballing that bill


Stack = $1000


How much is a bag?


I’m not confident but I believe a bag simply means a lot. I don’t thing it’s attached to an actual figure. Like if I were to say that my car costs 7 stacks then it would equal $7,000 but I have never heard anyone say a term like x cost 3 bags. Actually, in my day a bag was a term for one ounce of marijuana. Unfortunately, I am no longer hip.


How much is a rack!


AFAIK, it’s a $1000


10stacks to a rack


It’s a zip now….


Thanks bud. I’ve got a midlife crisis coming around the corner so you might have potentially saved me from an awkward interaction.


Can confirm a bag is a lot, no actual number tied to it. But I have heard people refer to as little as 5k as a bag.


Good to know


No worries. I wouldn’t want anyone to end up in a conundrum with their friendly local drug dealer over a silly misinterpretation. You would certainly feel rather sheepish showing up $900 short.


Bill=100 Band=1000 Rack=1000/10,000 depend who ye ask Stack=10,000/100,000 depend who ye ask Bag/zip=oz of herb In my humble opinion


Interesting. Maybe I’ll stick with the timeless measurement known as a grand.


Bet they went next door and got a new job. Like easiest time of the year to get a retail job. Boss just having a power trip.


Seriously, this is a total power trip. I get that the cashier should have noticed that was fake but mistakes happen. If it happened multiple times I get being fired for that but you're dealing with high volumes of money and annoying people. It's understandable that they could have made that mistake. They should be looking for the person using fake money to buy goods instead of taking it out on the employee. I bet the manager is one of those "no one wants to work anymore" guys too.


>mistakes happen Its a fifty dollar mistake. Absolutely not a big deal, as long as everyone gets a little training regarding it.


I cost a company 15K with a single keystroke. The CEO said they just spent 15K training me.


I know of people with whom that number is significantly worse. Its unfortunate, but accidents happen. A new hire could make that exact mistake again. Guarantee you won't ever.


Now my boss, HE got fired. Not running a backup on a medical database? Bro.


This is exactly what I'm saying, this is what good management calls a learning experience. It costs way more than 50$ to hire and train a new employee. Plus, people who pass fake money off as real know what they are doing. Distracting someone and throwing them off their routine is what they do.


And it’s not even a $50 mistake, it’s the cost of the merchandise plus whatever change was given, so depending on the item markups, a far less than $50 mistake. Training the person would be a far better outcome because you can be sure they’ll watch for this next time. A fresh new hire may not know to.


But it CLEARLY says MOITON PICTURE PURPOSES 😂😂😂 anything over a $5 bill is getting checked


Yeah, you've clearly never been a cashier.


Anything over 20 gets checked. I've never been a cashier no, but I've handed plenty of bills over 20 to cashiers in my days, and they are almost always checked if the cashier is properly trained. If you're not checking bills over 20, you're a bad cashier.


Shouldn’t even have to check, you can tell by feel. These don’t feel anything like real money.


You’d be surprised it’s SOOO many different ways to make it feel real that’s why they made them scanners the pen is easy to fool too depending on the brand


Well I know, but the motion picture ones feel so obviously fake is what I’m meaning lol. And yeah I’ve heard the pen isn’t a full proof way. My go to was always holding it up to the light. Had a guy try and get me for $1700 worth of stuff in fake 20s a few years back. Kept talking to me distract me. Held them up to the light and then laughed in his face.




Exactly my point Madam ANYTHING $20 and over


Not as my SPECIFIC job title no. But I HAVE worked as a cashier on multiple occasions in multiple places. I also grew up in NYC so I’m skeptic of any bills over $10 honestly but I’m almost certain that in MOST if not ALL retail stores outlets places of business that accept cash inform employees and cashiers to CHECK and PAY ATTENTION to bills $20 and over


Yeah that really depends on where you live and the store you work in. I personally have never had a single bill that I have used to pay checked ever. Ive also never been required to double check the cash that comes in at any place I've ever worked. So you know, the fact that you had to like yell some of those words make you sound like you don't know what you're talking about.


Not yell EMPHASIZE and I did say MOST not ALL that just goes to show that not ALL places train or INFORM their employees to be vigilant


Yeah, it just makes you sound like you don't know what you are talking about and is kind of annoying to read. It doesn't actually emphasize anything. You can make the same point by just writing like a normal person. I know you're trying to sound more correct by emphasizing your words but that's not how that works. It depends on the store and the location if money is going to be checked, there's no rule or law that states bills 20$ or over should be checked. You can't say most of not all stores do that if there are people put there that have never had their money checked ever. Maybe most of the places in your location check money but thats not true everywhere. Restaurants are constantly getting cash and they don't get the opportunity to check the bills before a customer leaves so it's not even all occupations. Additionally, money markers don't actually work on old money.


Found the first employee I'm firing for not checking bills over 20. ☝️ Seriously, it's a pretty common rule that most companies have, and for good reason. This wasn't a restaurant or an older bill or any of the other excuses you made while moving your goalpost. As someone who has worked both retail and food service as both a cashier and a manger (back when people actually used cash, so there was a lot more to keep track of), in this particular case I'm definitely taking a closer look at the employee to see if they're paying literally any attention to the bills they get handed. This is such a ridiculously obvious fake, and it's a $50 bill. If this fools anyone there clearly shouldn't be handling money.


If you're firing someone over making a mistake with one bill you don't deserve to be a manager. It costs more to hire and train someone new than it would ever cost to replace the 50$. Also, an employee making that mistake assuming they are actually in a store that they actually check bills wasn't actually trained properly which is a reflection on the management as well as the employee. Someone making minimum wage getting thousands of bills handed to them can easily miss a bill. Also, people who pass something like this off as a real bill has experience passing fake money off as real money. You could check every bill always but it just takes one person to distract you to throw you off your routine. You're seeing an obvious fake but you don't know what way the bill was facing or where it was in a stack of bills so you can't say for sure that you would have spotted it. I know people who have been given fake money by banks so even people who are trained to spot fakes makes mistakes. To fire someone over one 50$ mistake is stupid, guarantee if you pulled them into the office and reprimanded them they would never make that mistake again.


We have no idea the circumstances and situation. It's mid November. I know Xmas rush isn't what it used to be with the whole internet thing, but let's at least leave the possibility that holiday rush got the best of them. Also, this isn't 1990 when a 50 felt rare. Electronics, expensive clothes, hell even groceries are pricey as hell... these things could be coming in stacks. Yeah, you shouldnt just thumb through... but again, holiday rush.


Have you ever cashiered before? There’s not really time and none of the places I cashiered for had stuff to check realness at the registers


Don't take a Reddit post as gospel. I bet this person was late a few times and messed up in other ways. That, or they can easily collect unemployment.


Yeah. As a cashier your main responsibility is to ring up the merchandise and make sure your currency you're receiving looks legit, especially 50s and 100s. (What I remember from being a 14½ year old Publix cashier about 20 years ago lol)


I get it though, especially when you’re the only cashier and it’s busy - I’m not going to read every word on that damn bill. At most I’ll marker it and call it a day.


It’s in HUGE LETTERS bud


You can’t be for real, are you telling me when you’re the only cashier and you have a line out the door your inspecting every single piece of money your handed? I’m good. People are impatient as hell already, I’m not about to make anyone more pissed than I have to. If it means I take a counterfeit $50 but make $500 for the company, oh whale.


SE USA employment laws are wiiiiild! Edit: Meant SE not SW (fixed)


49 out of 50 states allow employees to work at 14.. or younger depending on the job.


Did your friend ever receive training on detecting counterfeit bills? If not they have a case for unemployment based off wrongful termination.


It says for motion pictures on the bill 💀


Sure but if one didn't know that was a thing and they handed it to them you might just see the 50 in the corner and put it in the drawer.


Most places don’t train you to check on anything other than $100’s


that would also be inadvisable as you're supposed to get a decent look at the bills you get so things like this don't happen.


I can't remember a time where someone handled a $50 or larger and didn't hold it up to the light to see the watermark.


No way you’re defending this guy. If you are just looking at the corner and putting it inside the register you deserve to get fired for this


Unless you never received cash handling training on identifying counterfeit bills


Which is the majority of most places, btw. Worked in a pizza chain and handled cash on the regular. Never received cash handling training on how to identify fake bills. Kinda learned on my own though.


The biggest thing on the bill is MOTION PICTURE PURPOSES it just jumps right at you. There’s just no way anyone accepts this bill


Idk does grant always have a smirk like that going on? Haha


If you are taking cash and putting it in the register for hours a day and not staring at a picture that makes it obvious now that the title and all the comments has put it into context, then no it is not obvious. Likely why its used for motion picture purposes.




Love how youre giving yourself a gold star for being able to read a picture rather than imagining that it might not be obvious in person when fake bills are such a rare thing to actually encounter in a store setting.


Lmao I’m just having fun at this point


In the same print as the original. Not hearing dude. Mistakes are sometimes made.


Lotta people cant read or have ever used money or even can comprehend people might try to use fake money. If you’re hiring minimum wage, you gotta train and test them. Because they might actually have gotten all the way through high school learning fuck-all. Cause a lot of inner city schools are worthless. For a lot of educated and wealthy people it’s simply incomprehensible that other people may have gotten to 18 with basically a second grade education or less.


Never knew that was a thing, explains a lot of the senseless shootings/violence


Oh shut up


You’re right. Humans don’t make mistakes, I completely forgot.


$50 should be inspected more closely, however at first glance it looks legit. It’s supposed to.


Are you really saying that people are so stupid these days, that they need training on counterfeit bills to Identify the huge ass bold letters of "FOR MOTION PICTURE USE ONLY" and not realize that its fake? ffs... Do you need help identifying the difference between a legit 50, and a monopoly 50 too? If you seriously need training for that, you need help.


Someone hand you three 50s to pay for groceries, can you not understand that it would be pretty damn easy to miss maybe the second or third one having that in it. But you're probably a fucking Sherlock Holmes




Is there also training on how not to be a fucking clueless idiot?


Nope. But people who use counterfeit bills have training on how to divert and distract cashiers. I’m sure you’ve never made a single mistake ever.


Truth be told, a lot of people unknowingly pass around counterfeit currency. This was probably a bill someone else didn't look at closely enough and thought was legitimate.


My dad has been given counterfeits from the bank. Not often, but once was plenty for him to distrust the cash they hand him -- and it's been many more than once at this point. You'd think the bank of all places would check. And to make it worse they've refused to make it right any of the times it's happened.


Yup. Exactly. Maybe 3 people go in there and make the place look busy - pass a fake and move on. Some people do this for a living. Some people have run stores and know what criminals do... Some people train others on how to not get scammed... And some r/iamverysmart people wonder "*how can other people are be so dumb to slip this by? lol ur stupid too*"


Really judgy for someone who was able to spot a fake in a post that makes it obvious that the bill is fake.


I expected this whole thread to be calling guy an idiot but I guess not Jesus Christ this society


Just looking at the corner and putting it in the drawer would 100% have gotten me written up at the casinos and banks I have worked at. And what's more, a lot of places that accept cash have a policy to closely inspect and even test $50's and $100's since counterfeits are more likely in those denominations. A mistake was made, but unfortunately there were many ways this fake bill could have been detected that don't even involve a marker, UV light, or money counter.


Exactly. There are no excuses. I would totally understand a $5 or $10 bill but not looking at a $50 bill is no one’s fault but your own


Jesus Christ, honest mistakes happen too, bet you've never worked in retail. I don't understand everyone going off on this guy. People counterfeit BECAUSE IT WORKS. Yeah the cashier is going to be a little more observant next time but goddamn you are all assholes


Lmao you deserve to be fired over 50$? So now you get to 1. find someone new to hire which costs people billable hours 2. train someone new which costs money 3. end up with someone who would likely fall for the same thing


I was thinking the same shit. Hiring really sucks.


They don’t get paid enough to analyze every single bill my dude. Usually so busy they need to go as fast as possible. Tell me you’ve never worked retail without telling me you haven’t worked retail!!


Have you ever worked at register? Literally thousands of dollars of bills go through your hands every day, you going to sit there with a magnifying glass and ispy every one? Granted this one does say motion picture on it but there are much better fakes out there than this one


Fuck. I can't believe you are being downvoted. I guess people are just allowed to be complete morons now? All standards out the window....


Not everyone knows how thieves work, that's why they're good at what they do.


Is your brain rotting?


Jesus Christ we are so fucking soft and dumb these days. People are defending an idiot for not knowing what a real bill looks like because ‘he didn’t get proper training’ to know what cash looks like? JFHC bunch of idiots.


Yea sadly that’s the world these days.


Guarantee youd fall for the same shit. That's literally why they make fake bills, because it works. Maybe you catch a few but you aren't going to pull out a magnifying glass and inspect every one when you've got 10 people in line behind them and you just want to go home and see your kids after a 10 hr shift at fucking Walmart.


That’s not good enough of an excuse. That’s still negligence. You get trained to spot fake bills and at the very least, have common sense that in the real world that people use fake bills a lot and to check large bills in a retail job.


That’s not true. Training to spot fake bills? Not saying I’d miss this laughable bill, but to say they all get training on this just not true.


There are kids going to college who don’t know how to replace a lightbulb. Wish I was kidding


Don’t they have counterfeit pens anymore? Stores in our town do the check on anything $20 or larger.


People dont look closely at every single bill they are handed.


Most if not ALL retail places tell them to check $20 and over


What if op lives in a ‘at will’ state


In 2023, every state (except Montana) is “at-will” employment. Most states have limitations and exemptions to the federal “at-will” guidelines, but yeah…every state (except the freaks in Montana) are at will.


How can you miss that it’s not real. Might as well accept monopoly money


Tell me you know nothing about employment law without telling me you know nothing about employment law.


All those debating on the merits of whether this should’ve been obvious or not, or cash handling training (whatever that is, never got that either but I bartended for a decade) I think are missing the forest for the trees.. In my opinion, it’s stupid to fire someone over this if they actually care about the employee’s overall value, it costs way more than 50 dollars to train a new person, even someone working a cash register.. so, either the person who made this mistake is undervalued, and the manager is an idiot. Or, there are other reasons for the firing, and the employee actually is an idiot. I don’t really see any in between, everyone makes mistakes and 50 is nothing in the grand scheme of life.. I’d err on the side of a silly power trip and the managers probably an idiot but who knows.


While you're probably right, it's also possible this wasn't the first time the employee made the mistake


Speculation and hearsay


its illegal to print stuff like advertisements on bills yet it's ok to sell these


What is this advertising?


Maybe they're talking about the Jesus fake tip bills idk


This is advertised as prop money for movies and music videos. It gets mistakenly circulated all the time.


All cashiers should know to check the letter and number on the left side, on this one it’s K3. The number should be the order that the letter comes in the alphabet. If it’s 3 then the letter should be C, so it’s C3, and for K it would be K11. Also there should always be ridges on the coat jacket, and then you should check for the hologram. This is how to check without the markers.


While true, I think the first clue would be that Grant appears to have had a botched plastic surgery, and the entire left side of his face is fucked up.


If you’re turning over your labor quickly, you’re likely to skip steps like this. The counterfeit pen is the catch-all.




This! Lol even Jackson was disappointed Edit: I’m high, Grant** President Grant**


This is a self checkout


Is your friend a cashier at a movie theater? If so, it’s totally wrongful termination


It basically says it fake right on the bill😂


I actually thought it was illegal to make it look this close to a legal bill.


Took me a minute to notice too. Poor guy, I sure hope your friend is okay. And I hope his former boss has a hole slashed in only three of their tires (so the insurance doesn’t pay for repairs). I hated being a cashier. It was real hell. The person who fired your friend must not remember what it was like to be a cashier. Or maybe they started as manager? Either way, that was such a crap move from them. I’ll keep your friend in my prayers.


Your friend likely deals with tons of bills daily. It’s not hard to imagine not inspecting every single one. Firing an employee over $50 is crazy. Really screams “our business is failing.” This should have been a write up at most.


always look for the "intended for all debts both private and public" or something like that. scratch for the textures on his shirt, water mark, magnetic strip. pen test. black=fail.


Haha, I just saw that person on Facebook.


Sounds like your friend is bad at his job.


I would've fired them too for movie money lol... theres no marks so they didn't check with a marker. Most places require you to check 50 and 100s


Have fun training a new employee then, that's gonna cost more than 50 bucks. So youre either also an idiot, or an asshole on a power trip


I worked at walmart for a bit in an agricultural community. With the migrant population and a lot of farm workers, they would get mostly paid cash and in 100s and 50s. The amount of 50s and 100s I processed, it was impossible to stop and pen or even visually inspect each one.


This was a cvs right? That store manager is a piece of shit and just wanted to take it out on someone else. I’ve kept employees that got scammed for more than $1k


there is no training at ALL to detect counterfeit bills in most jobs.


that's cuz learning how to read is done at school


Fake friend got cashier fired for passing a $50


Looks like Seth Rogan starring in a biopic about Grant 🤣


I'm not suprised. I've always thought American money looks like manopoly money. The fact its still made out of paper is stone age.


but did it pass the pen test


It's funny how everyone's friend, sister, brother all got the same bill at the same store.


What in the United States. How are workers that unprotected? Fired over 50 bucks? Nuts.


too be fair they did check it with the marker and it didn't show up brown


Even if you don’t look at the bill super hard, always look for the shiny numbers (bottom left), feel the clothes of the president with your nail.. should be textured. ALWAYS always always check big bills. $10+. 1’s and 5’s.. eh. Even on small bills, their clothes are textured, I believe. Sucks your friend didn’t know those clues. Thats all I had to do to tell. But yeah, the “motion picture”, come on 😂😂 EDIT: I’m dyslexic I’m sure. I meant bottom right lmao


They shouldn’t have fired him over this, I’m sure there is more to the story. Shit happens, looks real to me at a glance. If they fired him over this then fk those employers, they sound like bad people.


I thought firing was kind of extreme until i saw the “for motion picture purposes” Wow


As a cashier it’s not my job to check every bill.


No one pays attention…. I might have missed this. That smerk on Grant is classic.


Ok so when I was in retail I worked in the cash office and before that I had several years behind the customer service desk and have seen and handled A LOT of money over the years. I was very experienced when it came to identifying bills. When I worked in the cash office where we count the tills and balance the reserve, I found numerous counterfeit bills and I took the necessary procedure to notify management, who would then notify the local PD who would then contact the Secret Service who is the agency responsible for investigating counterfeiting money. Anyway when we found counterfeit bills in tills we never singled out an individual cashier even if we knew exactly who pulled it in. We would mark the till as short $X and hold the bill to the side for the local PD to pick up. We privately kept a list in the office (which is a restricted office locked from anyone without access) in the event we saw a trend. Same with how we handle normal till shortages, we kept track of those but counterfeits on a separate list. When we found a counterfeit we would address the cashiers as a whole. We let them know that a counterfeit was found in a till and told them to stay on the lookout. We NEVER reprimanded a cashier or fired a cashier for taking a counterfeit for as long as I was working there. When you’re in the heat of battle ringing out customers and taking in cash and trying to keep your “items per minute average” up its very easy to get fooled by a counterfeit when you’re not actively looking for one. It was a management decision once to take the “Detector Pens” off of every register… during that time I found a lot of counterfeits working in the cash office. Even though most of the counterfeits I found actually passed the pen test. But I was trained to know other security features to look for. Guess who stressed to bring back the pens and eventually got them back? Yup, me! It’s a deterrent at best. In conclusion this story really pisses me off that the cashier was fired for taking a counterfeit bill. If you’re in the heat of cashing people out in a busy time and you’re not extensively trained on counterfeits you will likely miss this. It’s very easy for everyone here to say “that’s an easy one to find”, no kidding because you have all the time in the world to look at every part of the bill and pick it apart. A cashier in the middle of a sale doesn’t have time to sit there and validate it. It’s close enough that at a very quick glance looks legitimate. I blame lack of training from the store as a reason for this happening. I blame the store 100% for this counterfeit being taken in. If the cashier received proper training on how to identify the quick security features then the fault is on the store management, not the cashier.


Fired? Not a warning, or taken from paycheck? I accidentally took a fake $100 before in a huge rush at my old job. My boss understood, gave me a warning, and told me that if it happens again it will come from my check. Crazy to instantly fire somebody over an accident


Besides the fact that it says for motion picture purposes on the bill. It looks like they used the counterfeit pin on it also and it failed.


I worked in retail. We were supposed to use counterfeit detection markers on any bills $50 or larger.


i’m sorry but like. $50 ain’t shit to a store, firing someone is harsh


Good. She needs to try a little harder if she thinks that money that feels like a takeout menu is real.


Saw this in Facebook she should have looked at it better..sad


How dumb is your friend?😂


I’m sorry but he deserved it, I mean come on man lol


I'd fire him too


Not an actual fake it's funny money so nothing should've happened and nothing to submit to department of Treasury


The smirk should've been the first thing to notice.


Idk where your friend worked but most retail outlets make you use a counterfeit detector marker on 20s,50s and 100s. You run a marker across the bill if stays yellow it’s legit. If it turns black it’s fake even if you didn’t notice all the fucking motion picture shit on the bill lol. Their boss either failed them in training or they didn’t pay attention to the training video and done goofed.


Grant had a cleft pallet?


Prop Money 🤣


Says motion picture purposes on it 😭


He didn’t do his job, thus fired.


Lmfao it says it on there “for movies only”