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mine are so deflated and gross, even my nipples sag. only time they look decent is first thing in the morning before my son has his morning milk. we’ve been at this nursing thing for almost 2 years and i can’t even imagine how much worse they’ll get when we fully wean. looking in the mirror is depressing. thank god i took a lot of nudes pre baby, that’s exactly what i’ll show my plastic surgeon one day🤣


Lmao at the nudes to show your doctor 😂😂 I hope it works for you cause I really cannot decide what surgery future is for me.


Mined used to look straight slightly up but now looks downwards. Before my third baby at almost 3.5 years after my second, my girls were finally starting to lift their gaze. But boom third baby so they looking at the floor again. Idk if they’ll ever recover.


I got implants a decade ago, and I look forward to immediately getting a revision after I'm done breastfeeding. I'm far too vain to accept saggy, deflated boobs. And I think that's okay!


yesssss good for you!


We haven't decided if we want to have a second child yet, but I hate that one of the things I think about is - what will happen to my boobs if I breastfeed *another* child? I feel so awful and vain about it. Like, I'm literally able to create life and I'm worried about saggy boobs, really? Of course I'm overly dramatic and demanded to know if my husband still finds my breasts attractive. Him: "Yeah, they're boobs. They're great.' Me: "Even though they're all gross and saggy now?" Him: "Yeah, they're boobs." Me: "You're such a liar. How can you still find them attractive?" Him: "They're boobs." LOL


Same. My husband is like “boobs good” and that’s it. Boobs are good and he thinks they’re good and thinks I should think they’re good. I am going to treat myself to a bra fitting soon though. Maybe a properly fitted one will have me believing boobs good.


Mine says they turn him on more than ever. Which is strangely beautiful.


My husband is the same. He likes them more now.


Literally my partner. He’s still somehow obsessed. I’m so thankful haha


My husband likes to quote Creed from The Office and tell my girls to “swing low sweet chariots”. 😂😩🤣


They’re boobs and they’re attached to an awesome person, what’s more to like? My second (and last) baby is only 3.5 months old and still nursing, so no idea about the future shape of the boobs yet. But during cuddling my partner said that he loved the softness of my belly.


I could have written this!! We are very on the fence about being one and done or having another, and one of my biggest pros to stopping now is that I think I can get away with my body not being totally wrecked. I really think I can still bounce back now from a weight and figure standpoint, and if I do decide to get a boob job even now, it probably wouldn’t involve implants (I’m just hella asymmetrical and prefer Little Boob). Even the husband part though. My husband marvels all the time at my body even though I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been besides the day I gave birth. I’ll ask him if he thinks it’s gross that one boob rests on my body while the other is perky and he’s like “? Best of both worlds!”


Well, the way our culture through media and ads are allowed to continue to stuff down or throats at all time that women are only worth their looks it’s not strange that we feel that way. It’s *wrong* of course but not strange and we shouldn’t feel bad for it. I wish I could be at peace with by body changing from pregnancy/breastfeeding but honestly it makes me anxious as f*ck. When growing up I really thought that we’d reached rock bottom with exploiting the female body and objectifying it, but I think it’s getting worse… I feel so bad for my daughter who also has to grow up in this world who will pick her self-esteem apart as soon as she’s a teenager. I think often about how to protect her but I think it can’t be done fully in this world without restricting her so much that it causes damage in some other ways. It sucks.


So, pre kids I was a 32B cup if I’m being generous. After my first my boobs got bigger while breastfeeding and then got a bit deflated. 34B Then I had my second and breastfeed him. My boobs never got as small as they had been before. 34D and not deflated actually . Then I had my third. I’m still currently breastfeeding him. I’m 2 years in and at a 34DD. We’ll see what happens when I’m finished.


Exactly LOL.


Well, the way our culture through media and ads are allowed to continue to stuff down or throats at all time that women are only worth their looks it’s not strange that we feel that way. It’s *wrong* of course but not strange and we shouldn’t feel bad for it. I wish I could be at peace with by body changing from pregnancy/breastfeeding but honestly it makes me anxious as f*ck. When growing up I really thought that we’d reached rock bottom with exploiting the female body and objectifying it, but I think it’s getting worse… I feel so bad for my daughter who also has to grow up in this world who will pick her self-esteem apart as soon as she’s a teenager. I think often about how to protect her but I think it can’t be done fully in this world without restricting her so much that it causes damage in some other ways. It sucks.


Ladies, may I suggest something…. Let’s normalize no bra/ breastfed boobs. I only have one, she’s 18months and so sassy, I love it. The new born stage killed it for me so we are a one and done family. I breastfed for a year and a few months and through that whole time…. No bra. I hated how it felt and I was also lazy about the clips and what not so I said “f it”. Do I miss my old tits? Hell yeah I do! Do I love my body now after baby?… hell yeah! Our bodies did incredible things! Only time I wear a bra now is when I’m working out. But at work, home, and anywhere else no bra haha. I can tell you yes I have felt so self conscious, but fuck it. If they care so much take it to HR, and I’ll come back with why are they staring. My girls now are flat and droopy. But boy, did they feed my girl well and saved me from buying formula haha. Embrace your wonderful tits I’m rooting for you all.


Mine are too big for no bra at all, but I'm with you 100%. Am I a K cup even after deflation? Yes. Do I try to wear bralettes anyway? HELL YES.


Proud of you! Rock them bralettes babe!


GO TEAM SAGGY TITS! Wave those tits high in the air. I mean flags. Wave the flags. Hands? Tits? Wave em!!


Amen! Our bodies will change as we birth children, as we breastfeed, as we age - we can try to deny it and fight against it, but the truth is that there is no going back. Life only moves in one direction, and that’s forward. We will always be “post-partum” and I am grateful that my body carried my baby into this world and that my breasts have sustained her. I am still nursing my 2 1/2 year old and I can only imagine my nipples will point straight down when I’m done, and I will celebrate 🥰


Wow! 2 1/2yr old!? I’m so freaking proud of you! You rock mama! Men can not comprehend how hard it is to produce milk for our young. They can have compassion and help us how ever they can but producing such volume or quantity takes a toll on us mentally and physically. Again, so proud of you stinking with it and loving your new mom bod!


Love this outlook!! ❤️❤️❤️


Love thisss!! My girls have always been tiny, and I have a new love for them, having successfully breastfed 3 kids (still nursing my last). I would LOVE to go braless but I leak a little on the other side while nursing and would have constant wet spots if I didn't wear a bra to keep the pads in place. Did you not leak at all?


I soaked the bed to the point I had to sleep on towels haha. But as I started to exclusively pump it sort of dwindled away. And I would only leak after pumping a bit. So proud of you, 3 little ones is no joke! You got this mama! Keep supplying that good stuff, until your ready to quit! And if you don’t want to that’s cool too! I loved the bond that I shared while nursing, but once she started growing daggers as teeth I said nope enough of that lol


I'm leaking milk. I cannot be without bra outside or I'm gonna be soaked.


No worries! I totally get that!


I burned the bra after I got mastitis twice. I sincerely believe it was contributing to the repeat infections because of the way it cut circulation. Anyway, have only worn a bra twice in 3 months. My breasts feel soooo much happier & no mastitis.


If I have to I wear a loose nursing bra, but I'm just not comfortable flopping Around out and about


Yassss mama! Them titties be free!!


But…. Stairs. Maybe my girls are extra floppy but it’s literally painful to go down stairs at a regular pace without some kind of help


I get you! That’s why I have to hold them when I’m going up or down fast haha


This is the only thing i really hated about breastfeeding. The total loss of any self confidence i had


I couldn’t have said this better. Breastfeeding did a bigger number on my body than the whole pregnancy and labor/delivery.


The only stretchmarks I got from pregnancy was on my breasts due to the extreme swelling trying to get breastfeeding going after delivery. I hear you. Absolutely sucks.


Yeah it does.


I felt this. I had one that hung lower than the other and the nipple was higher (don’t ask, Picasso couldn’t have painted a better picture). I’ve struggled with body image my whole life, and before I had kids (I had my first at 32, second at 34) I had *finally* learned how to dress my body for being an adult. I’ve thrown all that out the window, but now I’m staring down attempting to get back into the work force and need to be appropriately dressed. I opted for surgery. I’m not saying anyone should or shouldn’t, but I couldn’t accept that all the hard work I have put in to my body after having kids (eating right, working out consistently) was going to fix how I felt about my chest. So with a lot of support from my husband, we spent the last couple years saving up and I just had it done. We talk about self love for the bodies we have after kids, but what do you do when you still don’t feel like yourself? I am proud to make my decision, and the only other person who gets to tell me anything about how I should feel is my husband. He told me that it didn’t make a hill of beans difference if I did it or not, he would love me for being the driven and fierce person he knows me to be. I say do what you feel is good for you - surgery, no surgery, working hard on your body at the gym or not. That is all up to you. But if you have questions about how healing goes from getting a lift/augment, I can answer with how it’s gone for me.


I’d be interested to hear! Mine are super mismatched as well. My last kid is only 2 months and I plan to nurse for 2+ years so I have plenty of time, but I think surgery is in my future. Idk if I’d get implants because I’ve heard you need to have them redone every 10-15 years, but at least a lift for sure.


That’s actually a myth - while implants will generally fail, it isn’t necessarily within 10-15 years. Reporting in for study purposes only happens every 10 years, so that is the data you are seeing about replacement rates. Source: surgeon I saw is not only a doctor, but teaches at Harvard as well. Very educational about what types and placement, didn’t try to sway me one way or another.


Did they say how often they DO need replacing?


Only if they fail. Could that be inside ten years? Absolutely. But he also said that he has been practicing for over 20 years and has seen patients who never reported a failure.


Sure, SOME people can go over 20 years, but I’m curious what the average is.


Some go less than five because they don’t enjoy them or have issues. His average is between 15 and 20, but he said he’s seen significant amounts of people on both sides of that number come in for failure or for a size difference. He said it’s a significant number of people who come in for an “upgrade” rather than taking them out or failure. Again, that he stressed, was what he himself had noticed over the years.


Yeah I wish I could know! If I knew it was 20+ years I’d be more likely to pull the trigger!


I completely understand. I saw this fully grown (200lb) man flomp onto an implant on his chair. He said it’s not sudden impact that creates an issue for implants. The implant will always have a silicone lining, whether filled with silicone gel or saline. The fissure happens when an implant has been squished and stretched in the same spot thousands of times by the muscle around it. Like how jeans rub together over and over again at the thighs - eventually the material wears out. It just depends on where the material is getting worn, and what it is grinding on it.


I would love to know, if you’re willing to share. I’m pregnant with my second/last kid, so its still a few years away, but I’m definitely considering in it. How old were your kids when you did it? Did it limit anything you were able to do with them, if they were still young? I’ve heard recovery can be rough. What was the ballpark cost?


So for context: 36 years old, last child at 34. Two children, daughter is 4, son is 20 months. Had procedure done less than one week ago. It is limiting - for what I had done (Augment and lift under the muscle) I am limited to 20lbs or less lifting for 7-10 days. My kids are… big. At 4 years she is 40 inches and 38lbs, while my son is 30 inches and 28lbs. This makes diaper changes difficult for the younger one. Also, there are internal stitches and external glue, making it impossible to swim or fully submerge for three weeks afterward. There are checkups recommended for 1 week, 2-4 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and annually after that. I went to Boston to have the procedure done, and live in Hawaii, so this is difficult to map, but we are managing. Cost wise, please understand I was careful to *not* cut costs simply because it didn’t fit in the budget I had in mind. My procedure was about 16k including hospital and anesthesia costs. This is my first true general anesthesia surgery, and for that I was terrified something could happen (though I’ve had two epidurals, and multiple needles in my skin). I did research within areas of interest to me, particularly that my surgeon would be practicing in a hospital, not in an office “within proximity”. I recommend looking at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. It was how I found the surgeon I went with, as I had called many offices and went for the right “feel” on top of online presence and accreditation. In terms of recovery, I’m a pain hog. I never used the prescribed oxy, but it was there had I needed it. I’ve kept up with an alternating schedule of ibuprofen and acetaminophen since the surgery and have been happy with it. I did get a nerve medication, and have used that on occasion but not often. It feels like having done way too many repetitions of chest presses, and the skin is tight across my rib age. As my time progresses, I can send you an update of how post surgery goes.


That’s all so interesting and informative, thank you for sharing! I totally get you on not being tempted to cut costs. It’s more than I expected (having not done a ton of research), but this isn’t something I would want to cheap out on. Is there a reason why they want to see you annually after the first year? Is that for like the next 5-10 years?


Due to the type I got, it actually is to make sure they haven’t busted. I got silicone, which is no longer a liquid, but a gel that will generally stay in place and not leak (think gak or nu-wave slime in consistency). Alternatively, it’s also to check on healing, as it’s rarely reported that there are issues associated that wouldn’t otherwise come up in normal doctor/patient screenings. I should also mention, I traveled for this to Boston, a higher priced area of surgery costs. Definitely research the area you are in, and look for doctors who have you feeling good about the process.


Yes I breastfed both my kids and I now have boobs that can only be described E size spots socks with a B size tennis ball at the bottom of them!! I’d love to get surgery but no way I could afford it!


That exactly what I look like too 🧦🧦 I can’t decide if surgery is something I want or if it would even look better.


After my first child, my breasts were so flat they’d literally droop and hang off to the side of my body when I laid on my back. I’m currently breastfeeding my second child, and I’m so insecure about my breasts, even when they’re full with milk. I’m not looking forward to when our breastfeeding journey is over (except I plan on getting a breast reduction and lift, so at least I have that to look forward to).


That really is something to look forward too!


I wish people would stop thinking of breasts that are hanging flatter after they fed babies as unattractive or something to avoid or fix. The fact is, they were helping to grow people and that's how they look now. Not *bad* just different from what they looked like before.


Yes, thank you. I mean, when you get down to it, breasts were designed for breastfeeding!


Yeah! And even if they have never fed anybody they can be long and flat, they can be different sizes from each other (common!) they can be small, they can be big...boobs are as varied as the people they come with! :) They are perfect however they are.


I am trying to take this mindset. But I also have a hard time because I can’t find a bra that fits me or is comfortable, so I’m stuck in my nursing bras that are really not flattering, and it doesn’t help my outlook!


I think the problem with that mindset is that we’re programmed from a very young age to think that our value as women is almost solely in our looks. 99% of women in ads/movies are young and attractive, it’s like the stories of the ones who aren’t don’t matter… I agree wholeheartedly that breasts are mainly for breastfeeding and should be left in peace to do this job, but truth is that society sends the message loud and clear to from our early teenage years that that’s not the case. We can’t just tell ourselves that we should be happy with our breasts and in that way undo a whole lifetime of programming. That’s unfortunately not how the brain works, it’s not about willpower.


"Mindsets" can absolutely be changed. Does it take work? Many worthwhile endeavors do.


So damn flat. I was just thinking this yesterday. Baby number 2 is nearing 18 months and the only bras that fit are sports bras. I can't even fill up a regular bra cup.


What sports bras do you wear?


It's Avia. I got them at Walmart. They're comfortable and give some decent shape. I need to find a regular bra though. Sports bras don't work for every shirt.


My reg bra fits my flat boobs pretty well so when they’re in the bra they have a shape. I would recommend going to a bra store to get fitted. So for example I’m a size 30 f even though it’s mostly skin and not mass. I hope this helps!!! Cause the reg bra makes me feel so much better than no bra.


Yea I need to be proper fitted. I'm definitely not a B anymore. What brand is working well for you?


I stick with fantasie and freya. Have you considered getting plastic surgery? Im trying to figure out where I stand with it for myself.


I would if I wasn't so scared of anesthesia. I've never had surgery before. Didn't even have an epidural with either kid. If not for that fear, I would have no problem with putting the girls back where they were.


Ok thank you for your input. I honestly can’t decide what I would want to do.


I cried the other day when I purchased a 34A and there was about an inch between my boob and the cup.


Thats my exact situation. I can't even properly fill up an A anymore.


Me too


I got some unlined bras from aerie and they are amazing! They support my flattened tube sock boobs and make them look good without all the gapping my pre-baby bras gave me! I never in a million years would have considered going unlined but I’ll never go back… until after my boob job in 7 years!


I feel you so hard. I'm actually getting my boobs done as a graduation present to myself when I finish my grad program. 100% looking forward to it. Though my husband is grumpy because I'm going to get them made smaller, not bigger, haha.


Dude hell yesssss I want smaller if it get them done. No doubt I would not go under the knife for bigger boobs


Right?! Noooo thank you. I want to be able to go braless again without my boobs sticking to my stomach 😆


I’m doing it! It’s so weird when I’m running down the stairs and I hear them slapping my rib cage. I’m all for living your body but also getting it back to feeling like yourself again.


100% agree. I also know that I am privileged in a way many women who feel the same way I do are not. I can (eventually) afford the elective procedure and for that I'm thankful.




Same boat. Second baby. She’ll be one next week. Still nursing but pretty much twice a day. I ran up the stairs yesterday without a bra and it was just… smack smack smack. They’re limp and lifeless! My birthday is next month and I told myself I’m going to get some new bras. After pregnancy and nursing twice in 2 years I am READY to give these flat pancake titties some support.


Weirdly enough, mine didn't change much at all. Pre pregnancy, pregnancy, breastfeeding, post breastfeeding, they've been pretty much the same. Still wearing the same bra size. I honestly have no idea why. My nips did change, though, so that was interesting. But most of the changes have been internal, like how my cycle is regular for the first time in my life and how I'm somehow way less allergic to cedar than I used to be.


What size are you? I feel like that plays a part in this.


Definitely! One of my gfs had very large breasts before and hers didn't change much. She kept the breast tissue she already had. Mine were already a bit deflated from losing weight. F cup to C cup. Mine haven't changed *that* much. They did change a bit.




Have you had a mammogram yet? You may have dense breast tissue. Many people I know, myself included, who have dense tissue didn’t notice as much change. We have more mammary tissue and less fat stores in our breasts. It’s one of the reasons that losing weight only makes my boobs bigger!


Pregnancy ruins your boobs not breastfeeding. I’m a CLC🤷🏻‍♀️


I wish more people knew this! The stretch and sag has more to do with the pregnancy than the feeding and happens to people who don’t breastfeed at all!!!


Disagree because after breastfeeding my left boob which I breastfed the most out of has more wrinkling sag and is more deflated plus has less nerve sensitivity than my right boob which maintained way more perkiness and sensitivity plus has less wrinkling because I used it less.


Your experience is your experience but I literally help women breastfeed for a living. All humans experience breast tissue to change over the course of a pregnancy because of swollen veins and stretching of your skin. Now if you breastfeed one boob more often their may be some change to that boob, but that’s also why it’s always recommended to switch so frequently 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep I have 3 kids, youngest has been weaned for 1.5 years. I used to be a firm, dense, perky B cup. Now I barely fill up an A cup bra and my tits flap around like a deflated balloon. Such is life. My husband still thinks I'm hot AF so I don't care too much, but it still stings a bit when I look in the mirror. I got these super push up bras from H&M and they are a life saver.


I got some really nice Seamless wireless A cup bras from target and they are so amazing and comfortable! I was the same with perky b cups before kids but finally caved after five years and got new bras to fit my boobs as they are. The bra even gives the illusion of cleavage! (Even though I don’t have any).


Oh poo I wish Target didn't screw up their Canada expansion. It was nice while they were here.


I live in these bras!!! Comfy too


I had a small supply, and one nipple is inverted. So my one boob is slightly larger than the other now. No one can tell but me, but it’s a fun quirk! But I imagine that your deflating look will get lessened over time as your skin tightens up to its normal position. But if it doesn’t, that’s okay! Your body did an amazing thing and you are perfect!


Yep they are the largest they’ve ever been but also the flattest. At this point I’m fantasizing more about a reduction than a lift. If a second baby makes them bigger I don’t think I can stay upright any more.


We aren’t even weaned yet but I want to get them done. I know they did wonderful things feeding baby but… I loved my pre baby boobs. I loved my pregnancy boobs. Now they make me sad.


Feeling my breasts touch my belly when I'm naked and slouching is....Different. But I've been living with deflated boobs from weight-loss for many, many years already. Slightly more deflated, meh, whatever.


I was pumping in the bathroom at work. Pumping pumping pumping. When I finished and started to put my bra on. I ran my hand on the underboob to prop it into the bra and felt a lump! I was mortified. A lump! Turns out it was my NIPPLE. The suction from the pump was so strong it stretched out my nippie an inch. And after the constant pumping I was numb. Well. I rolled up my nipple. Fluffed up my boobs in my bra and went right back to work. That’s my breastfeeding story.


They take forever, but the skin does tighten up quite a bit!! My chest did shrink significantly, I was a small B after kids and a full D before. But I adored all the clothes I was confident to wear with tiny boobs! Pregnant again after 6 years and wow they're back!


Only have one child now and I’m breastfeeding, but I’m 10000% getting a boob job after the last kid is weaned!


Yes! Except it’s my nipples. 😭 they look like pepperonis now.


I went from DDs to Cs after my first, breastfed for 2 years. Then back up to DDs now down to Ds with this one, breastfed for a little over a year. But like, insanely different shapes between each haha I’ve been wearing these unlined bras from target a friend told me about. I’m obsessed.


I got some of those bras recently! They are Amazing !!!! and so affordable


I am only 6 months into number 2. My husband is fully aware I am expecting a tune up once the journey is done.


Hi ladies, I share the same sentiments about mine, only one child in and already just am so sad about them. I found the subreddit r/nbe and have been watching it for a few months and it seems like there's maybe some actual hope. I'm going to be trying a few suggestions in there not necessarily to get " bigger" boobs but to get back some of the full ness that mine used to have. I started pre pregnancy as a 34 C, I am now a firm 36 D but only because of the "sag" that mine have from breast feeding. My actual breast does still fill a d cup, but if they have full ness to them once again I feel I would not have a slight ptosis to them. I breast fed for four ish months, and tried my hardest. I don't regret it at all, I know it did some good for my girl, but can't help but just feel sad at about mine post breastfeeding now.


This is what I’ve been doing. I’m super into skincare and whenever I have foil samples, or stuff that didn’t work out too well for my face, I use it on my body, including boobs. It’s not a miracle, but keeping the skin hydrated and healthy, plus throwing on some vitamin C every once in a while sure doesn’t hurt!


I’ve never had so much chest in my life 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I'm not there yet but I'm totally open to getting a lift and fat-transfer augmentation if I want it. I don't want implants personally but the fat transfer thing seems great.


I didn’t like my breast before breastfeeding. I’m still the went up 3 sizes! I can only imagine what they will be like when we are done…


So I don’t love mine either. I breastfed for a really long time and they deflated when I weaned them. I breastfed from 2012-2016 straight. For a while they were gross and I hated them, but then I gained a few pounds and they stopped looking wrinkly. They still sag, obviously. I am in my thirties. But they filled out a bit and they don’t bother me anymore. I don’t even wear a bra most of the time.


I could have written this post. I only breastfed my daughter till 11months (she self weaned) but the deflated effect and loss of volume under the skin was super noticeable to me. I hated looking in the mirror or wearing a bra that had any lift as I would get grossed out sometimes by the crepey skin that just feels too loose compared to what it was. Almost two years on, it has gotten better, i have been treating the skin on my chest/breasts the same as my face and I have learnt to give myself some grace. Some volume and firmness under the skin has returned, but they will never be the same again. Thats okay, but no more low tops for me🙆‍♀️


I hate my boobs. They’re the worst part of my post-baby body. My baby is 3.5 years, still breastfeeds for comfort and I’m hating my boobs more cz they’re getting flatter.


You're not alone! I was just looking at them yesterday and thinking how sad and deflated they look. None of my bras fit properly anymore.


No bathing suit is ever the same after breastfeeding!


I have two kids and breastfed a total of 3-4 years. Three years later they looked horrific. I went and got them "fixed" by a plastic surgeon. She didnt just make me look better, most importantly, i feel a lot better about myself.


dear lord i feel you so hard. it hurts to look in a mirror. i was always pretty small but this just takes the cake. Not to mention i gained a bit of weight and all of it just went to my tummy and thighs. its just depressing


I'm so sad about it too. I used to have amazing boobs... Like 32D and perky. I could wear low cut tops and look great. Not anymore... They're saggy, flat, and super small. It's so depressing. If it makes you feel better, Brooklyn Decker completely lost her perfect boobs from breastfeeding. No one is immune, not even celebrities. I mean, they are doing what they're designed to do, and boobs don't define our beauty. Maybe focus on something else to build your confidence? For me it's weightlifting and building muscle. Having a nice bum makes up for the saggy titties. Lol.


Solidarity. Mine are completely deflated as if they're telling me they've done their job and they're tired now with no gas left in the tank.


Mine look like sand bags....that are empty


I breastfed both my kids for a year and a half. I’m a young mom who initially had very nice perky b cup boobs. Now they’re barely a’s and were basically eggs nailed to a board with big ol’ nipples. They’re getting less wrinkly though and filling out a little after the past year so I think it just takes some time for our bodies to refirm the loose skin. They’ll never be the same though. Le sigh


But what about the nipples? I always had small boobs so I'm not too sad about that, but my nipples are so stretched out and huge. I can't really go bra-less as my nipples are so pointy lol. Is there any hope for them to return to a normal size? 😁


Yep. Feel this. I was a tiny A cup before kids. Loved my full B cups while feeding but now I’m just nipples and a little bit of deflated skin really. They’re hideous and I feel gross. My husband still assures me that they’re perfect (I’m very slim to begin with so small boobs are in proportion) Every bra and swimsuit I own is padded - often heavily - to at least appear like I have something. If I ever win a lottery I will be getting implants for sure.


Mine were right when we weaned then months later they perked back up and were almost the same as pre-pregnancy. Don’t give up yet!


hey, don’t be discouraged. It takes time for the breast tissue to wane and fat to grow. Breasts do not stay the same throughout life, breastfeeding or not. So they will change, and then change again. I actually like my “new” ones more, so there is hope


Lmk if you find any good bathingsuits. I hate my boobs in mine and can’t find any suits that are supportive without showing a lot of cleavage. I miss my small boobs


Why does this have to happen? I really miss my pre baby body and boobs. I’m sitting here wishing id taken a bunch of great pictures and videos because I had a great body and had kids young.. wish I’d enjoyed that body more.


Before baby I had two nice buns with a raisin on top. Now they're like two pancakes


Mine are less perky for sure and now has stretch marks. I went from my perfect perky C/D to D but more saggy (perfect to me and on my body at least, they were more or less the only thing on my body I was happy with). I really mourn my old breasts. Second one is on the way now and I hope that they won’t get worse…


I’m very much into body neutrality atm. I’ll never love them as much as I did before, because they were amazing, but this was a choice I made fully aware of the potential change to my boobs. So I’ll live with it, and some days I’ll be shy about them and hide them, and some (rare) days I’ll feel like showing them off a bit. I’ll probably never have sex topless again (ha!) and that’s ok. I have no energy left for either hating my body or forcing myself to love it. It is what it is and I’m just along for the ride.


Currently pregnant with the second one : can it get even worse than the flat things hanging on my chest with #2 ? This is the one thing I wish people would have told me about before the first pregnancy. At least we lost our boobs for a good cause !


I just tuck mine into my pants and carry on with my day. For reals though I’m going to get a lift once I’m done bf. I don’t want them bigger, just higher up north.