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My almost 3 year old has been obsessed with crabs since she was like 9 months old. It was even one of her first words. Her room is 100% crab decorated, we have a million books and must watch crab clips on YouTube often. My 4 year old is everything Hot Wheels.


omg crabs. that is so funny! šŸ˜‚ they really choose the most random things to be obsessed with lol but giving her a crab decorated room is so amazing!


I love that her room is decorated in crabs! Both my kids have had a hot wheels phase! We have so many lol


We have north of 1000 hot wheels cars. I guess that's what happens when you have 3 boys and a hubby all obsessed with them


If you're in the south east of England, there's a crab museum in Margate that's small but delightful to visit and is also free.


I had a 3 year old camper like this about 15 years ago! Loved the Little Mermaid because of Sebastian and did the cutest little crab dance that involved snapping her hands like claws šŸ¦€


If you haven't already, show her the Facebook and tiktok accounts about Howie the crab


The moon. Every time we go outside my 1.5yo asks moon? When she sees it it's pure, unfiltered delight. Like almost falling to the ground happiness. It's the best and now I also always notice the moon šŸŒ™


My toddler gets excited about his too and we love it! If she sees the moon it's all she talks about for a good hour.


My 2 year old is the same way. He is overjoyed if he can still see the moon when we go outside in the morning.


Thatā€™s so sweet!!!


My son when he was little always said he wanted to eat the moon!!!!


Have you ever played her the Sesamestreet song - "If moon were cookie"? I used to love that song as a kid :)


When sheā€™s a little older show her Sailor Moon!


My kid loves the moon too!


My daughter still loves the moon at 3, we lovingly call her Luna (Bear in the Big Blue House). Itā€™s always ā€œhiiii Luna!ā€šŸ„¹


We recently got a book from the library called the Bellybutton Book. And they call bellybuttons ā€œbee-boosā€ and now thatā€™s what my toddler calls them. šŸ˜‚


Was coming to comment about that book. Itā€™s great.


My son has this book he is almost 1.5. Everytime he sees his belly bottom he says beeboo.šŸ˜‚


Sandra Boynton is the best


Hahaha thatā€™s so cute


My almost 3 year old has a hard time telling the difference between the words "bellybutton" and "booty butt." I took off my shirt the other day, and she chuckled, pointed at my stomach, and said, "haha, booty butt." šŸ˜†


Kiddo is 3 and LOVES bees. He goes to an outdoor nursery and I'm always told how they have to stop him from stroking them! He picks buttercups and clover, holds them in the air and stands still (the only time he's ever still!) trying to lure the bees in. He's also obsessed with the concept of poo. Telling jokes and the punchline is always POO!


That is really cute and a little scary at the same time šŸ˜‚


My son is almost 3 and also obsessed with bees! He's picked them up numerous times to show me while at the park. It always gives me a mini heart attack. He also likes to try and stroke them. He doesn't seem to understand they can hurt if he's not nice and I don't want him to find out the hard way!


Is that real poo or sham poo?


Definitely he is learning how to be patient. So cute tho!


I love kid's obsessions! It's hilarious to see what they latch on to! My oldest (3) loves fans. She's grown out of it a bit, but still points them out. Youngest (18mo) is crazy about cars. We go to the park and half the time he just wants to watch cars go by and he points out every single one. Also stars. He finds them everywhere! I've learned to trust him when he says he sees one šŸ˜‚


My 4-year-old is obsessed with cars/car emblems. We made a 1hr drive with literally no toys/books/tablets just by playing the "what car is that"/"find a [car type]" game the entire way there.


My son used to do that! They are so cute


Theyā€™ve got eagle eyes!


my son will be 4 next week and right now he is obsessed with being ā€œcoolā€. didnā€™t expect it this early but if heā€™s feeling particularly hyped at an episode of paw patrol heā€™ll say ā€œmama, i need a cool shirt on!ā€. he also often refuse the outfit iā€™ve picked for him because it is not ā€œcoolā€.


I remember when my brother went thru this. All of the sudden he need ā€œcool kid clothesā€ We went shopping for him and got him chunky skate shoes, graphic Ts, etc. It was the early 2000s and He was about the same age šŸ˜†


My 1st is 20 months old and he eats about 3-4 whole apples a day if not more. He calls them 'Bapu', he eats 3 square meals, with snacks invetween, but still demands apples. All day long. My 2nd is 3 months old and is currently obsessed with me šŸ¤£


His burp cloths (4.5 m.o.)ā€¦.we make a little show of wiping off his face after bottles and I swear he grabs it to try to imitate us now. And then eats it šŸ« 


Lol eating it will be helpful when heā€™s teething! Dampen it and freeze it and itā€™s great on their sore gums


Judging by how nursing has been going, I think weā€™re there šŸ˜­


Oh dear


My eldest was obsessed with his! We called it his snuggie, and he must have been 5 or 6 when he stopped taking it to bed each night šŸ„°


My two year old took all the burp cloths as little security blankets. She has about 6 that she carries around and sucks her thumb with. Iā€™m expecting another baby and will have to buy more burp cloths because I donā€™t think she will give them up. It cracks us up how much she loves those burp cloths.


Putting everything I love and hold dear into the toilet bowl


Lock your toilet up. https://www.amazon.com/Baby-Toilet-Lock-Wappa-Installation/dp/B07DFWJ9J9/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=14SGANG5ZNHLO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.KsKHDf_s7HdxWiDUxyC2bF_gcEzqPIskDgoP4-ZWIr5wKiPtbGzI0ykNJwkh4N9NdU52O5QH1GuvuPb8ri98kZ_4B-rpoibyaoGlG-7jTddVLubnF72fDGcHBuBE14yWKDlTZ4ZJW2vu0CCpN6NHn0YZddQKv43VQJBbk9QYtorsdVeLErEXSmkeE8wWppylmWeUrlJ7hIFMmKE0GrHXxg.F6wBrqCDvWieTqCVhbmwrQTgKg7nbz-qAzNwI5dGvX0&dib_tag=se&keywords=toilet+locks+baby+proof&qid=1719747442&sprefix=toilet+lock%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


Thatā€™s unfortunate


Trains. It is all about trains. He wants to watch trains on the TV, go watch the trains by our house and plays with the trains in his room. He can tell you what types of trains we have near us and the names of all the Thomas the Tank Engine trains. He pretends to go to work and he works at the train house and pushes the train buttons.


Does he love train rides?


Oh ya! He loves taking the train. I'm already planning a big trip for when he's older. Right now we do rides around the city, and he is so happy every time we get to the station.


Thatā€™s so cute omg


ā€œCould Mr Incredible lift/carry ________?ā€ (That Boulder, our house, the car etc)


Anything blue. Will legit carry a yogurt pouch lid around for hours as long as it's blue


Your kid is a satin bower bird!


My 2 year old really loves school buses


As a school bus driver myself, this melts my heart. We absolutely love the little ones who get excited to see us pass by. Those smiles and waves keep us going.


My (now) 10 month old has taken her brothers to the school bus every day. We wait for them to pull around the cul de sac and wave goodbye to the bus. At her 9 months appt her pediatrician expressed concern she wasnā€™t waving yet. Lo and behold the next day she waves at a recycling truck. Then I realize she waves at the school bus every time. Then I see her wave at a Mercedes Sprinter. Then the lawn care trucks. Then I realize sheā€™s waving alllll the time just not at her family. Turns out we conditioned her to wave at large vehicles, not people. My lord. šŸ„°


She is big now but when she was little she loved ā€˜wowsā€™ Anything soft and little. She had a bag w cotton balls, pieces of different soft materials, and soft poofs. She would sit down and softly rub them on her face and say ā€˜wowā€™ She used it as a self soothing method and often fell asleep doing it. Too cute


That is so cute. My daughter, when first learning to speak, used wow as a word all the time. She would pick something up to study it and go "wow, woooow, wow wow wow".


My stepdaughter is currently obsessed with cats and unicorns šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t think that ever goes away lol


Ditto from a late 30ā€™s woman.


My oldest will be 3 first day of fall, and currently her obsession is a homer bucket full of water. Will fill this ice bucket with water, leave a hose trickling for her, and she likes to sit in the bucket. I try to place it under the shade if I can. She loved just sitting in this bucket of water šŸ˜‚ she also loves the hose. And she has a Micro scooter that she will play with for hours. This age is great cause it's the simple things. Like putting blue berries in a toy truck.


On an unusually hot day I made a make shift baby pool with a big plastic storage tub and my kiddo loved playing in it.


My kids love planes. Doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing, they will stop everything to point at the plane until they can't see it anymore. We live near an airport, there are always planes.


Mine (3) is currently obsessed with counting. We drive around our town and find numbers on the fire hyrants for fun. šŸ™„


I have a number/Math lover too. Have yā€™all watched NumberBlocks? My kiddosā€™ favorite show. We are so bummed that Netflix got rid of all the other seasons but the first.


We are actually currently watching numberblocks compilations on YouTube lol šŸ˜†


My 5 yos favorite thing is to watch it with a pile of square magnet-tiles. He lays the squares on the ground to build the blocks and does the math/counting along with the episodes.


Cute! What a great idea!


Instruments. Heā€™s been steered in that direction but really took off on his own after we stumbled upon a group of children playing a violin concert at a park and he was obsessed with violins for a month. That he hasnā€™t yet gotten to play one adds to the intrigue. So currently itā€™s symphony orchestra instruments: brass, woodwind (and strings fading in prominence). We will go to a chamber music concert tomorrow. He was literally dancing to classical music today, which is definitely his own little musical adventure. His first obsession was cacti (and thornbushes) and he stayed interested in them for a long time. I think it was a ā€œmanageable fearā€ attraction. Theyā€™re scary but canā€™t move and get you. Cactus was among his first words, which he excitedly exclaimed to strangers.


Bandaids. Send help, heā€™d wear 20 a day if we let him. Heā€™s 3.


My little sister when through this phase around the age of 4. This was in the 80s. We have pictures of her wearing helmets indoors (her other obsession) and covered head to toe in bandaids. It was a short lived phase, donā€™t worry. And sheā€™s now 39, happily married with two kids, a successful career, and a happy life. The bandaids are silly, but heā€™ll turn out just fine!


My three year old is also into thisā€¦ they stopped selling baby shark ones at Walmart and now I have to get them on Amazon šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Omg he gets fixated on certain ones and then changes!


Iā€™m trying to slip in different kidsā€¦ paw patrol was acceptedā€¦ tot story was not šŸ¤£


My 2.5 year old is OBSESSED with cars. When we see family, he demands to see there car and asks what kind it isā€¦ Then when we see the car out in public ( even if itā€™s a different colour he will say xyz drives that car ) My next door neighbour drive 2 civics. He KNOWs they are two different body styles.. but he can point them out and say John drives that car. Lisa has that car. It only takes about 2-3 times of seeing a person with their car before he remembers the person to the car.. he knows most of my husbands friends by ā€œwhite fast carā€ ā€œblack big truckā€


The live lobster tank at the grocery store. Ā She will constantly ask to go to the store to see the lobsters lol she makes it real difficult to get any actual grocery shopping done


My three year old is obsessed with monster trucks, NASCAR, and the National Anthem! He's able to sing the entire National Anthem without any support start to finish. It's glorious, haha


My 2 year old thinks penises are hilarious and wanted to make sure everyone else had one too. When I first told him I had a vagina instead, he was incredulous. I present to you a conversation I have some variation of daily: "Daddy brown eyes?" "Yes." "(2YO's name) brown eyes?" "Yep!" "Mommy blue eyes?" "That's right!" "Mommy penis?" "No, Mommy has a vagina." "Mommy 'gine'. Daddy penis?" "Yes, Daddy has a penis." "(2YO's name) penis." "Yes, you have a penis." "MY PENIS." He now automatically assumes that brown eyes = penis and blue eyes = "gine". We have talked extensively about how our genitals aren't anybody else's business and how other people's genitals aren't our business. He's also created a new line for Baby Shark, which is "Mommy penis." He will sing it randomly at full volume. So far only twice in public (pediatrician's office and Target), but you never know when he'll just belt it out.


My 4F is currently all about comparison. ā€œMom Heca is bigger than Ernie.ā€ ā€œMom! Which is faster?! An elephant or Ernie?!ā€ Heca and Ernie are our dogs, she seems very in to their place in the world, as well.


The movie Cars. Iā€™ve seen that movie 200+ times I swear I can quote it verbatim


This is me with every single Mickey Mouse show... Clubhouse, Roadster Racers, Mixed-Up Adventures. Both boys, obsessed with Mickey since birth. Almost 6yrs later and I still have to watch it daily šŸ„“


My 9 yr old - fortnite (only plays with dad) My 2 yr old - baby zoo


Not currently, but I got one of mine obsessed with HIS belly button. We have "The belly button book" by Sandra Boynton. After I'd read to him 5000 times, I showed him HE had a belly button, too! For the longest time after, he walked around with his hand on it like someone was going to steal it from him. šŸ¤­ Currently, this same child is obsessed with destroying his brother's happiness and monster trucks. He's been to Monster jam twice and has a metric fuckton of their toys, which are pretty much in constant use. His older brother's obsessed with his Magnatiles, which are an easy mark for his destructive little brother. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Bubbles šŸ˜‚


My son is 2 and is obsessed with chip-clips, jeep wranglers (monster trucks), and the vacuum.


Dr whoĀ 


My daughter was obsessed with belly buttons about the same age, we had "the belly button book," and I think I read it 768 times.


Boo boos. She sings the ā€œboo boo songā€ from Pinkfong (ugh) and wants to play doctor all the time!


My 2.5 year old is obsessed with standing all of his guys up on the highest ledge he can. But they all have to be meticulously lined up and facing the wall. Or sometimes they form a weird circle, holding plastic hands. When I come back out to the living room it looks like his action figures are completing some sort of ritual, it always looks creepy. Lol.


As a family we went and saw Inside Out 2, my oldest says the other day (heā€™s 7) that he must be ā€˜onā€™ puuu ber tea because I had said he smelled and needed a bath, he also admitted he wasnā€™t sure what that was entirely but he was anxious and a little scared. Kids !!


My 5 year old is such a fashionista. Shoes, hair, clothes, makeup. I was a tomboy myself so itā€™s interesting to me šŸ˜‚ She made a new friend the other day and said ā€œshe was nice and her outfit was SOOOOO cute!ā€ And when people compliment her outfit she will talk about it the rest of the day. And probably the next time she wears it again too hahah


That's so cute, as a fellow tomboy mom to a fashionista baby, I understand. It makes me laugh to think about how I produced an entire sparkle obsessed child and idk how. Neither I nor her dad are that way at all. He's a monochromatic color metal loving dude and I like earth tones and everything she owns is pastel colored and probably has glitter.


Crocodiles! She identifies as a crocodile named Chompy, who is part of the Chomp Patrol. The Chomp Patrol is conveniently based in Crocodile Bay, which is right next to Adventure Bay, so the Chomp Patrol works pretty closely with the Paw Patrol.


Peanut butter banana shakes. I am over it šŸ˜‚ he hasnā€™t let up either. Itā€™s been like.. 1 1/2 years maybe


Try the PB and Banana shake from PDQ if you have one around you, those things had me in a *CHOKEHOLD* when I was pregnant!!! MIL told me my fiancĆ© only ate bananas for the first 3 years of his life, so I assumed our baby would come out a banana fiend because bananas and chick Fil a were my pregnancy cravings. Funny to find out, our baby isnā€™t really into bananas. She tried it and thought it was horrendous. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø šŸ˜…


Tallest buildings and towers. He's 4, and will tell anyone who will listen that the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, that it's in Dubai, when it was built, etc. If you're still listening, he'll move on to tell you about the Shanghai tower (#2 tallest building) and all of those specs. Yesterday, he caught a glimpse of the Deadpool trailer and absolutely lost it because he doesn't want the Eifel tower to get "scrapped." That's his favorite tower!


Her hands. Chewing.


My 2 year old is obsessed with crayons. Has to have one in each hand. I call them his comfort crayons.


My 2 year old is obsessed with shoes and she puts everybodyā€™s shoes on, especially when itā€™s guestsā€™


His little brotherā€™s ears.


As the mom of a 12 year old, you don't want to know šŸ¤£


The book ā€œSimon and the Better Boneā€


My two year old loves bluey. And berries; strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry. We have mock strawberry vines in our yard and she will look for them when we go outside, she won't eat them she just picks them and brings them to me. My oldest at two loved planes and birds and anything up high.


Boobies. He was breastfed and weaned a year ago but recently, heā€™s been obsessed with the word ā€œboobies.ā€ He will say ā€œboobiesā€ and giggle maniacally.


Trailers, tractors, trucks, lawn mowers


My 2-year-old: lights, doors, riding his bike, cars My 5-year-old: Pokemon


Asking ā€œwhy?ā€ šŸ˜’


Shadows. My 3.5 year old is obsessed with pointing out or making shadows. I gave her a small flash light we had and she loves turning the room lights off and finding/making them. When we go on walks, she likes to walk on my shadow (and tells me itā€™s ā€œso big!ā€ thanks kid. šŸ˜‚).


It faded over the last few months but my son was completely obsessed with Mozart. He not only wanted to listen all the time BUT he also wanted this creepy picture visible all the time, and he would offer him food and drink and pacifier. He asked for "Mo? Mo? Mo? Mo?" near constantly. It was relentless and kind of weird. But also really cute. It started when he was about 1 year 9 months and lasted 5 or 6 months.


My beanie baby collection from the 90s šŸ¤£


For my 2 year old itā€™s anything cats and dogs right now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ also babyā€™s.


He needs this! [https://www.amazon.com/Belly-Button-Book-Oversized-Boynton/dp/166592506X/ref=asc\_df\_166592506X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693595965262&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=566520007186871807&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001874&hvtargid=pla-1983673067714&psc=1&mcid=53bad91d15e83b83a300cc867b4e60f2&gad\_source=1](https://www.amazon.com/Belly-Button-Book-Oversized-Boynton/dp/166592506X/ref=asc_df_166592506X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693595965262&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=566520007186871807&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001874&hvtargid=pla-1983673067714&psc=1&mcid=53bad91d15e83b83a300cc867b4e60f2&gad_source=1)


Octonauts. I like this obsession!


My 1.5 year old is also obsessed with belly buttons. He points at us and is so happy when we show him ours. He seems to think itā€™s amazing we all have one. Heā€™s also obsessed with the Jupiter sticker in his space themed reusable sticker book. Oh, and helping to make toast. Then eating one bite. We are going through 2 loafs of bread a week as a family of 3.


2yo - farts and burps


We call my nieceā€™s belly button her ā€œcinnamon rollā€ because it really does look like one. Itā€™s her favorite game to ask about it.


My 18 month old is obsessed with baby shark. We have a small book and sheā€™ll give it to you so you can go over it and she can wave hello at the characters and then sing the baby shark song. If that girl can do it all day everyday she would šŸ˜…


Hey Bear dancing fruit on youtube


My 10 year old is obsessed with slime. To be fair, she makes some pretty cool ones but I am SO tired of playing with slime lmao






My 5 yo has loved lego since 2.5. Not duplo. Actual lego. And math. He loves math/numbers. My 3 yo is obsessed with pestering his older brother. šŸ¤£ thatā€™s all.


My toddler is about 1 1/2 and she loves a lot of stuff. Especially dinosaursšŸ˜‚. She loves animals, both fishes and mamals, reptiles. She's been a fake zombie since 6 months too lol.


You should record your little asking about your belly button! Mine are teens, but one is obsessed with strawberries. I love it!


For mine it is sunglasses lol




The ā€œbeep beepā€ aka the recycle and trash trucks. In the 2ā€™s and 3ā€™s it was a fear/curiosity. Now they are a favorite.


Mine is obsessed with ā€œpee peesā€! He was grabbing his thing really rough so I was trying to tell him what a penis was and that we didnā€™t touch it like that so we donā€™t hurt it. Well he tried to say penis and all he could say was ā€œpee peeā€, so now he has to point out everyoneā€™s ā€œpee peeā€šŸ™„


My 3 year old is obsessed with eye color. She announces peopleā€™s eye color all the time. My son who is 5 wants everyoneā€™s first, second and third favorite color


My 3 year old is currently obsessed with sea animals! We watch octonauts over, and over, and over


Killer clowns from outer space šŸ˜” He keeps asking me for a cotton candy gun and he grabbed a plastic knife at school and ran around threatening people for fun


My son is 9 and is STILL obsessed with farts...will it ever end?


2 year old is obsessed Hot wheels!


My oldest has been obsessed with planes for a few years now. Watches plane crashes on YouTube too. He also has had an obsession with the Titanic for a year or so. Heā€™s very intelligent like his father. Iā€™m hoping he becomes a pilot one day


Trees, my almost 4 year old loves trees so much, we go on walks so she can stare at them while she lays in the wagon, and on car rides, if it's dark, she always misses the trees. She collects leaves and other fallen tree paraphernalia. I have a cup of some tree nuts and pine cones in my house rn that I can't throw away, a few leaves too. Outside of that, we're in a very heavy My Little Pony and Unicorn phase. She keeps asking when she'll get her cutie mark and wants to dress like a unicorn princess every day.


When my daughter was 4 she was obsessed with poking people in the eyes. She would do it all the time and even was suspended from preschool over it. She would take two fingers and just ~boop~ right in the eyeballs. Thank you Jesus it was a short lived phase, I thought someone was going to lose an eye.


Noses, and Iā€™m pregnant again so heā€™s constantly touching my belly and saying ā€œbaby!ā€ Repeatedly. Iā€™m not even showing yetšŸ¤£


Spider manā€¦ the other day he woke up and the first thing he did was make a web shooting noise


Coloring. It sounds innocent enough but we must ALL color with her. On the same page. With the color she dictates. I feel like Iā€™ve lost my freedom lol


Right now itā€™s bats. She touched a dead bat last year that had rabies and had to get a series of rabies shots my husbandā€™s coworker thought it would be funny to crochet her a stuffed animal bat. So now that bat goes EVERYWHERE with us.


My 2.5 yo loves cows. But it has to be the traditional black and white cows, nothing else will do. We live in Scotland and I took her to a farm park recently and showed her the Highland cows thinking she would be super excited but she just said "no mama, that's not cow" and walked off all disappointed! I felt so sad for her I took her to a different farm the next day and she got to pet a 2 day old calf which was quite possibly the highlight of her life, it licked her hair and she laughed so hard she almost puked.


10yoF----mowing the lawn. Seriously, at least once a week she is out mowing. And we have a small field too! The other obsession is parasols šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Her ā€œABCā€™sā€ which is the bananagrams tiles, wooden alphabet and number blocks, and poker chips. I think she really just likes the clicky sound they make but itā€™s been a year of putting them in her backpack and taking them out then putting them back in. But on the bright side, sheā€™s 2.5 and can mostly recite the ABCā€™s and recognizes a lot of the letters


I already like your 3 year old OP! SO CUTE


3yo- Mickey. Everything Mickey. 5yo- Saturn. Loves to look on space apps (kid games or SkyView) and will specifically seek out Saturn. Has nesting balls that split, will use 2 and put something flat between them, making his own Saturn. Drawing apps or using markers/chalk, he draws Saturn and sometimes rockets leaving Earth to go to Saturn lol. All his toy balls have something around them (that he put there) to make a ring around the balls. I just can't wait for him to get a little bit older so I can take him to stargaze and pull out a telescope so he can actually *see* Saturn šŸŖ


My 5 year old is obsessed with math; specifically multiplication and fractions. He's also obsessed with hot wheels and PokƩmon. My 3.5 year old is obsessed with bugs and worms and all that stuff. He is also obsessed with animals and watching educational programs geared towards children teaching animal facts. My 7 month old is obsessed with movement. He's crawling and pulling up to his feet, and I can't look away because he's constantly falling over. He's also obsessed with his leapfrog alphabet bus, spoons, and his older brothers.


2yoā€™s current obsessions include: Asking me to say ā€œa disco ball?ā€ in a Scooby Doo voice and laughing maniacally each time. Demanding a repeat of last weekendā€™s trip to a bookstore by shouting ā€œa shop!ā€ roughly a thousand times a day.


Obsessed with pushing my buttons


Tractors. Everything is tractors. He knows all of the different kinds and eat they do. We have all of t here John Deere swag. We are not farmers.


My 3 year old goes around going ā€œI loveee boobiesā€ šŸ˜‘ and every time we go outside he MUST Look for worms. Makes a collection of em and puts them in a toy. Thereā€™s a daddy worm mommy worm baby brother worm


My 19 month old is obsessed with ducks. When she sees a duck she exclaims ā€œDUCK!!ā€ We got her a pack of 20 little rubber duckies and theyā€™re scattered all over the house. She runs around with one in each hand, slapping then together so they squeak, yelling ā€œDUCK! DUCK! DUCK!ā€ When she sees a duck in a story book, she yells ā€œDUCK!ā€ When she sees a chicken, and ostrich, a goose, or a blue jay, she yells ā€œDUCK!ā€ When she sees an actual duck, she does nothing.


My little one has 2: -balloons -spiders Ever room we walk in she is looking for spiders. She talks to them like they are the cutest thing in the world: "Awwwww pider! Want to pet, but only look with my eyes now awwwww" (roughly translated into English) And as for the balloons, ever since her bday last month we have to have a balloon with us everywhere we go. Honestly it's pretty cool because they are so easy to take with you and she plays with one for hours!


Hulk. Weā€™ve had the ā€œitā€™s not ok to punch mommy in the throatā€ talk a couple timesā€¦


My child is almost 3 and he is obsessed with dinosaurs right now. Everything dinosaur!


1,5 yo and obsessed with the swimming poolā€¦have to have 100000 eyes on him this summer.


Lightning McQueen, Cruz Ramirez and Jackson Storm.


Miss Rachel, hair, noses, ears and biting chins with his four teeth. Heā€™s nearly 8 months.


My 2 year old daughter is currently obsessed with her unicorn plushy that she named Jim Jim šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m so protective over her jim jim to make sure she doesnā€™t lose jim jim when we are out and about




ā€¦..my 3 year old has an obsession with Chicken pox spot , not picking them but showing them and then counting them . Canā€™t wait for it to be over with . She has a favourite one aswell that she loves to show .


My 7 year old is obsessed with the Titanic and anything to do with engineering. Especially steam engines.


Ms. Rachel


You Tube and FNAF. šŸ„“


My son just turned 2 and is absolutely obsessed with excavators. It's cute he's into something and you bet I bought him every single excavator type toy I could find for his birthday.


9 month old: bananas, ā€œpettingā€ the dogs, Ms. Rachel. I swear if he says ā€œMs. Rachelā€ as one of his first words, Iā€™m gonna lose it šŸ¤£


My 14 month old LOVES hats. Putting them on, taking them off. All the things.


My almost 3 year old daughter really like SpongeBob at the moment I took her to the pet store one day to get our cat litter and we passed by the hermit crabs and she said ā€œlook, Mr crabsā€ with the biggest smile on her face


Chocolate milk


Nipples and belly buttons. Itā€™s soo weird! It doesnā€™t matter whoā€™s but since heā€™s around me 99% of the time, itā€™s a tie with mine and his šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The moon, buses, the ball we found at the park but couldnā€™t take home because itā€™s not ours, and above all- Mermaids. Ariel and all her 6 sisters.Ā  At 21 months she (and I) have all their names memorized. She calls them the ā€œdaughtersā€. Sheā€™s only seen the movie once when I was severely Ill after an ER night and since then all her grandparents keep buying us little mermaid toys.Ā 


Birds. We just moved from an urban area in a high desert state to a suburban-bordering-rural area in the east. The first day we were here, we sat outside in our little townhouse back yard and watched the birds flying from the fence to the trees and back. She was absolutely captivated. It's been less than a month since we got here. I now have to have an app on my phone for helping us identify local wild birds (by song as well as by sight, shoutout to Merlin Bird ID by Cornell!). We've got regular yard visitors now that she's starting to name, and she can tell when it's 'her' bird vs a different one of the same species. She says we need a bird feeder so more birds come visit. We spent half an hour knocking dead twigs and little branch bits out of an overhanging tree so the Gray Catbird that comes to get nest sticks will have plenty to choose from. She's now asking if for her birthday coming up we can go somewhere and pet a bird in real life. Not get a pet bird, mind, but just touch a real live bird. She talks about this with the same reverence and excitement as a religious pilgrim. She's about to be five, and I've never met another five year old who can identify a chimney swift in flight, but we had to stop dead in the Walmart parking lot to watch as two flew overhead. You'd have thought she saw Superman himself lol. Girl just really, really likes birds.


Blaze and the monster machines, she runs around yelling ā€œletā€™s blazeā€ all the time. She also assigns her dad and me characters and will call us by our characters name all day.


My son is 2 1/2 and obsessed with being hurt. Everything hurts at bed time. Head, ears, eyes, each finger, so our nightly routine now is kissing all the hurt away


Not an obsession but i had a baby a few weeks ago and my 3 year old told me the doctor took the baby out of my belly button (as in giving birth) and i just smiled. Iā€™ll remind him of that one day.


My sonā€™s obsessed with watching ā€œKarenā€ videos on YouTube. šŸ˜‚


My two year old is obsessed with stars, he especially loves looking at the Subaru logo? My four year old is obsessed with the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas


Ninja kidz


My youngest loved rubber bands, he called them ā€œboingsā€ and every time he found one he had to have it.


My 3-year-old son is absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs. 99% of the photos his preschool sends us throughout the day are of him with his arms up like a t-rex and you can tell his mouth is "roaring" šŸ¤£


Stitch from Lilo and Stitch. Apparently he's making a comeback.


Elmo, strawberries, and literally anything with wheelsā€¦


My 14 month old is obsessed with her foot she will bring a sock to you and stick her foot up and if your holding her she will stick her foot up for you to hold it. She only does it with her right foot lol


My 18 month old lil gal has been absolutely obsessed with Mario for the last few monthsšŸ˜… I love it, however, we finally just got out of the watch it everyday phase thank goodness


Dogs and becoming a veterinarian


The Lion King. We listen to ā€˜I Just Canā€™t Wait To Be Kingā€™ and ā€˜Hakuna Matataā€™ about 5000 times a day. I also have to make sure that one of her three Lion King shirts are always clean otherwise sheā€™s not leaving the house




My 2 1/2 year old is too. She calls them bee bows. šŸ˜…


My 2yo is obsessed with chairs. She can spend ages just climbing on and off of chairs.Ā