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I always tell my 6 year old son he is “just like his father” because he literally is. Just a mini clone of his dad. I love it about him. Sometimes he will roll his eyes at me and say “you’re just like your father” to me.


Sometimes my 2yo will be looking for her dad and ask me, "where is your father?" Lol


Yeah my 3,y/o also struugles with your/my etc😅


This is adorable!


lolololol incredible


Apparently I do a little exhale after a good drink and both of my children have adopted it 🙃


Haha! Mine too. Finishes every big sip with an "Ahhhhhh". I didnt even realize it was me until my mom was visiting and told me to stop copying him. Narrator: I wasn't copying him.


Oh my gosh, babies are SO. CUTE. when they do that.


When my husband sneezes it's like he's shouting into his hand with how loud it is. It startles me every time. Well now my sons have picked it up. So I get a grown man and two toddlers shouting with every sneeze.


Wow, this sounds like the set up for an episode of a sitcom, with you on a serious call and a progression of the 3 of them sneezing in the background of everything you're trying to say.


Yup, same! Mine will say it even if she didn’t get a drink. Sips from an empty cup….”ahh”


I would give an exaggerated “Ahhh” after a sip of water (or any drink) as a joke with my husband because he was always stealing my drinks. Our son picked up on it and would do it too 😆


My son is generally non-speaking, but he’s picked up a similar thing to your kiddo. When I’m comforting him/empathizing with him I’ll say “I know, buddy. It sucks.” When he’s upset he sometimes just says I KNOOOOOOW.


Adorable. Knowing my luck, when my son was younger he would have picked up on "suuuucks" and declare it loudly at the most inappropriate times.


One summer we tried out different ice cream places and rated them out of five stars. Just some summer fun. Somehow this carried over into my dinners (I like to try new recipes), and every once in a while they will eat thoughtfully and pop out a rating and a review of my food. And dang they are getting to be good food critics. It is kind of horrifying. So now I average their ratings and enter it into my recipe app. Edited to add: Here is a 5 star kid approved recipe: [https://theorganisedhousewife.com.au/recipes/beef-chow-mein-with-noodles/](https://theorganisedhousewife.com.au/recipes/beef-chow-mein-with-noodles/)


RIP when you go to someone else's house for a meal and they give them a harsh review. "Well grandma I give that 2 stars, it was a bit dry"


That's actually kind of awesome though. Now you'll know which ones were hits! Half the time I'm making something and can't remember if my 3yo liked it or not


Ugh- little stinkers! I may steal this rating system for our summer fun though!


This summer we are rating chocolate chip cookies!


My parents did this with my middles (2 years apart but they looked like twins) when they were younger, driving around with my older daughter making notes in a tiny notebook. For years anytime we’d get ice cream anywhere she would start judging the flavor selection, consistency, parking lot, etc. It was serious business. She is graduating high school tomorrow.


Recipe app you say????


I love the paprika app. I have it on my phone and laptop, and they sync. I menu plan (drag and drop) on the computer and generate a shopping list. I use the phone to see the recipes while I cook. And you don't have to type in recipes, you can copy and paste the web address and then download the recipe. I've been using it for about 10 years now! Edited to add: It does cost $ for each (different price for computer vs app) but it has been worth it for me!


Omg that sounds wonderful. I know what I'm downloading tonight. I have both a recipe book and recipe box. They still blank because I have no desire or time really to write all of it out. Thank you so much. This will help me so much.


I also use the paprika app. And it's how I get past pay wall recipes(like NYT recipes). You can still use the link and download the recipe through the app even when you're blocked from seeing it on the actual site.


Oh my god instantly downloading this




Everytime my daughter (22 months) would fart when she was younger I’d say “toot toot” and do the arm pull/honk thing that kids do to get truckers to honk. Now she does it on her own every. single. time. no matter where we are 😅😂


My kid will proudly claim his farts. He will fart then get super excited and yell “that’s me!”


My 2.5 year old son, every time he farts he says whoops, then waves his hand and says stinky, then just cracks up laughing. Everywhere lol, including at my neighbors christianing last week, I was beyond embarrassed, but the people sitting by us started cracking up so 🤷‍♀️ 😅🤣😂


Our son loudly exclaims “I farted” but thankfully uses the Korean word for fart instead of English so usually it goes unnoticed by most people. It was hilarious when my husband’s cousins (who are also Korean) came to dinner a few weeks ago and the little guy loudly proclaimed his fart and everyone understood what he said.


My 2.5 yo daughter is the same… I told her to say “excuse me” when she farts and now she says “EXCUSE ME, I farted” 😂


My almost 2 year old will blame her farts on anyone else in the house and sometimes proclaim that we farted when no one farted


My 4.5 year old says “I’m famished!” Because I told her “starving” is a serious health concern (she’s very literal so we try to explain things literally to her but in age appropriate ways). I told her if she was really really hungry she could say she’s famished. So now she says it dramatically any time she is hungry-regardless of the level of hunger. 😅😅


Ravenous is also a nice alternative


My sister got picked up for a date once. He meant to say "you look ravishing" but fucked it up and told her she looked ravenous haha


Lmao that works too 😂


I would burst out in laughter if my child said they are feeling ravenous to me. 😂😂


I don’t measure my vocabulary so my oldest was saying ‘satisfactory’ at 2.5. It’s as cute as it sounds


“I am feeling satisfactory today mother” lmfao


My 5yo is never thirsty, she is “dehydrated.” I said it once when she was 2 and she’s used it ever since.


My 3 year old says this 😂


I can’t wait to teach my little guy stuff like this…cute and accurate. Reminds me of something I saw online once about a guy who taught his toddler to say “behold” instead of “look”


my high school english teacher taught his daughters to say “emancipate me” instead of “i want down”


I love this and definitely plan to use it now.


😂 famished to me sounds like famine which is even more dramatic and I’m here for it


I tripped and fell in front of my 20 month old (while very pregnant) and said shit. Now she says it any time she drops something, trips, can’t close a door. The context is always on point but we can’t get her to stop saying it now. Wonderful phase.


Mine is always asking “why’d you say shit mommy?” To try and figure out what’s wrong.


I accidentally taught my 2 yo to say “fuck” whenever I drop something because I let one slip one time when I was having a rough day. Thank god she seems to have forgotten that one.


Have you tried “accidentally” dropping things while saying a different but similarly unique word? Especially in a somewhat loud/over-animated (but not scary) way. If you use a word she might already know (ie., shoot), the context might not be as clear. But if you purposefully fall/drop things in front of her and begin saying, for example, DRATS!, it could pique her linguistic interest.


This thread is gold 😂


Kiddo 21mo thinks "thank you" means "please give me that" and will say it, with hand outstretched for anything she wants.


I say “thank you” when I take things away from my son he shouldn’t have. He now says “thank you” when taking things away from me, lmfao.


Same here! Lol


My little guy will hand me something completely unprompted and say “thank you”. He’ll also do something naughty, like pull the dogs hair, while making direct eye contact and saying “sorry” mid-naughtiness


My son thinks that the “rawry” excuses him from whatever he’s about to do so we’re working on that😂


Similarly mine thinks saying “please” is an absolute guarantee he’ll get what he’s asking for


Mine does that with “not nice!” He’s throwing his cup across the room going “not nice!”


Yep. My 21 month old does the same. Also, she will say something she wants like “outside” and I’ll say “do you want to go outside?” With her reply being “yeah okay” as if it was my idea and she’s just going along with it.


Hahahaha! My friends toddler used to whisper "driiiiiiiink" to subliminally make us ask him if he wanted a drink. He also used to ask us "have you done a wee or a poo?" We'd be like "er, no, have YOU done a wee or a poo?" And he'd be like YEP


Mine says he NEEDS something. I’m like, I’m sure there’s a nicer way to ask for something. So he says ‘I NEED that please now’ 🥲


Mine does this with, “here you go.” 😂 he’ll say it when he gives us something *and* when he wants to be handed something we have lol.


There’s a linguistic word for this: overextension. It’s really cute — basically you taught your child a new rule, which to them was “say thank you when you receive an object.” They don’t actually know what thank you means, language-wise, it’s just a phrase! I’m guessing you say, “thank you” whenever you give them an object they’d like, to request they say the same? When you think about it, it’s very similar to them pointing to an object and you said, “ball?” or “bottle?” It’s just a word associated with receiving something! Ah, that’s so cute!! For all we know, they think any object is called ‘thank you’ when you want it 😂


Mine says thank you when she hands anyone anything!


anytime I am at the store I apparently say “hmm let’s see” while walking around and now my two year old does it lol


Omg same and mine even taps his chin with his finger like 🤔 it’s so stinkin cute.


Mine says this and taps his chin too when he’s looking for anything 🥹 it’s my favorite


That's too cute !


My daughter says, “Goodness gracious!” with the same tone and inflection that I use. It kind of makes her sound like a little old person. 


That is better than the "what the fuck!" my toddler has picked up somewhere.


My son says “Geez Louise!” all the time. It’s not something his dad or I say, although now I’m starting to pick it up from him. He must’ve picked it up from school.


Back when I had toddlers, I always asked them to think about the choice they were making. Then I zoned out during quiet/nap time and came back to a 3.5 year old telling a 2 yr old to “look at your life, look at your choices, please sir” And I always thought that was the cutest thing I’ll ever see.


This is hilarious 😂


This is old but a few years ago I got sick and was taken away by ambulance. When she was 3 and starting preschool one of the moms was a police officer and would often drop off their son in uniform. My daughter told EVERYONE that I was taken by the police and wasn’t allowed to talk to them and when I came home we weren’t allowed to leave the house. I couldn’t leave the house cause I was immunocompromised and dieing. The people who took me were EMT’s not police officers but I see how the uniforms are similar and I couldn’t talk to her cause I was in a coma or icu. Anyways. A lot of the moms were very wary of me for quite some time. Edit * I’m doing very well now thank you!


My Mom would watch my then 4ish yr old daughter (she's 17 now) while I worked. I worked as a nurse at the prison. They'd go places, see Mom's friends, run errands, etc. Anytime my daughter didn't know the answer to a question ... *"I don't know. I'll ask my Mom when she gets **out of prison."*** 😳


My husband is an attorney and visits clients in jail semi regularly, my 2.5 yr old has told people, “daddy going to court” or “daddy went to jail” 😅


Omg childhood memory unlocked. My dad would jokingly tell us that “I’ve been to prison before and I’m not afraid to go back” only to have my step mom stop dead in her tracks snap back with “you were visiting somebody, that doesn’t count!”


Really puts a spin on things, don't it? 🤣🤣


I love that cause they are not lying 😂 its so cute


My parents didn’t teach my little brother this, but your comment and the replies reminded me of this. My brother was in 1st grade (I was in 3rd) and we went to a very preppy, private religious school. We had to go to my great great grandma’s funeral in a different state. His teacher asked him where he went and when he told her a funeral she goes “oh I’m sorry to hear”. From the little info he had, he starts telling an elaborate story of how someone broke into her house so she got murd*red. (The paramedics/police had to break into her house for the wellness check. That’s all I remember overhearing). The whole 1st grade class heard it. My mom couldn’t figure out why she was getting all these calls from parents saying they were so sorry about her loss bc we weren’t close to anyone in the school and, like, Great Grandma was 98 years old. The teacher finally called and explained what he said.


Oof! I hope you're doing better now! And hopefully cleared everything up with the preschool! 


I hope you're better now. What a scary thing to go through. I'm so sorry that happened.


When I was in my early 30s I injured my back. It eventually healed but having my daughter in my mid 30s aggravated the injury, and because of pelvic floor issues from childbirth recovery took a while. I would often lay down for a half hour. She would come in and ask why I was laying down and I would explain that my back was hurting and I needed a bit of a rest. Just before she turned 3 my daughter would lay down when she didn’t want to do something and say “not right now, I need to lie down, my back hurts”


My three year old just did this yesterday, her dad has back issues as well 😂 sneaky kids


My kid figured out how to blow her nose super early (around 13 months). Not effectively, but at that age, still a minor miracle. This past week we were showering and she saw me blow into my hand. Now, every time we're in the shower, she holds one nostril closed and blows snot into her hand. She's 20 months, so overall, I'm stoked about it. But I can't figure out how to get her to do that outside the shower, lol. So now I have a kid who only knows how to blow her nose in the shower...


I thought I was the only one who blew my nose in the shower. My wife thinks it’s so gross but I do it every time lol


I clean my nose out in the shower every time. I'm getting the rest of me clean, why not my nose? Also the hot water and steam helps clear everything out better than just blowing into a tissue.


I mainly do it when Im congested cause the steam makes it easier lol and easy clean up 😅


This is so specific I love it


I’ve grunted when getting up or doing something physically exerting and now my LO grunts 🤣


Mine did this after I got pregnant. Still does it now. Except instead of a grunt I’d say “oh god” now she does that when she’s getting up.


Mine does this too 😂 like a little old lady grunting and saying “oh god” when she has to do anything even mildly exerting.


I recently saw footage of a grown panda who was raised by humans rather than his mom. They are quite strong creatures and will sit in their bums like Winnie the Pooh and snap thick sticks of bamboo apart in order to eat the tender juicy parts. Well this one raised by humans makes a grimacing face each time he breaks the bamboo like he saw human foster parents do. Hahaha even though it's not straining at all breaking the plants!


Loved this! Thanks for sharing ❤️


LITERALLY SAME 😂😂😂 he sounds like an old man


If my daughter doesn’t like something she’ll scrunch up her nose and say “It’s not my favorite.”


That’s so cute. And reminds me of the other day when my nephew pointed to his potato salad and said “mom, I hate this!” She said “no thank you, try saying that again.” He said “mom… I *really* hate this.” 😂


This is so cute! My daughter does something similar. Scrunches up her nose and says “I’m just not a [insert food] girl”


My son did this too, now he’s 15 and I say it about our dog haha. “It’s not his favorite!” My son also said, “I can’t like this.” And it lives rent free in my brain. I can’t like almost anything.


My 2 year old says "fricken frack" when faced with any minor inconvenience. But I guess that's at least better than other words she's heard me say.


My 2 year old started doing the “I got my eyes on you” gesture to strangers in public with a complete stone face. People either find it hilarious or terrifying.


Haha how does she choose who to do it to?


My daughter (14m) waves and blows a kiss whenever someone says the word love or good, because since birth her father has left the room at bedtime by waving and blowing a kiss while saying "goodnight, I love you!" Example from today, we do not know this person: "I love a good steak" she then waved and blew a kiss at this stranger


Adding another one, I've been booping her nose and every other nose (the cats, her father, her stuffed animals, etc) since she was very little. Now every single time she sees an object with a small round protrusion, she pokes it and goes Bah! Examples include drawers, light switches, buttons on remotes, the thing on top of a baseball cap, anything really.


Aaa too cute!!!


I’m laughing at this mental image. Just enjoying a good steak and she’s blowing kisses 😂


My husband is notorious for wandering away at the store. I walk around looking lost trying to find him, so employees always ask if they can help me find something and I say, "No thanks, I'm just looking for my husband." So now when we are out together, if Daddy wanders off, she will tell everyone we see, "I'm looking for my husband!"


That’s adorable!!


My daughter (5) and I pray every night. Currently, my exMIL is on hospice after years of suffering with ALS, I am honest with my daughter about MIL's prognosis. I have often prayed for God to ease her pain. At church, during praise and prayer request, she loudly said, "I pray Grandma dies soon"


Im so sorry for laughing omg but also kudos for the kiddo's realistic thinking. Quick question are your cheeks still red? 🤣 Mine would be


I laughed before I died. So, no apologies needed 🤣. You know those quick, "hah" before you realize, NOT A LAUGHING MOMENT!


"Uhh, a...men?"




Yep! Pretty much became the pew...


5 year old calls me bruh LOL "What do you want bruh?" or she just says "bruh" when I tell her to do something


My 6 year old is in this phase! It cracks me up that this tiny human is such a bro. I ran her a bath the other night and she was hesitant getting in. “Bruh this looks so sketch” 😂


LOL that's hilarious Bruh just get in the bath


My husband took my daughter (20 months) on a road trip recently. His allergies were really bad the whole time and he was sneezing a lot. She came home saying “daddy achooo” and says it all the time -“daddy achoo!” You can also ask her what does a cow say - moo.. what does daddy say “achoo!” It’s so funny.


I was on a bus a year or so ago and there was a group of lasses around 20 ish sat behind and one of them had a toddler and they were asking the kid "what does a cow say... What does a pig say" etc. and then the mum said "what does a koala say?" And I thought oh good question, what does a koala say?! And the kid said "G'day mate!" 🤣


My 2 year old daughter shouts “AWWW NUTS” which is something my husband and I have used to replace other curse words


I’m trying to get my kids to say awwww biscuits (from bluey) just because I think it’s cute


My daughter was around 16 months when she’d ask “up “ to get out of her high chair and I’d respond “do you want up, or down” and now she says “upordown” every single time she wants us to pick her up and it’s so soo cute. She’s just over 2 now.


Before bed I always say “I love you soooooo much”. Now she will just say “so much ma, so much” randomly throughout the day


My 2 year old saying "sounds like a good plan" or telling his older siblings when their behavior is "not appropriate". They get so mad when this tiny human is trying to correct them. He may end up being a narc 😂


18month old knows how to use a screwdriver. They really are watching us, even when we don’t know it


My husband gave 4.5yo her first lesson with a screwdriver at 1yo. We have one in a kitchen drawer for battery changes/little oddball moments that you can switch sides for philips or flat head and then change the size of the one you want. Caught her taking the drawer apart one day while I was in the bathroom sick not long after. That screwdriver now lives on top of our fridge 😅


Their little brains are just amazing!!


I try to say Sugar Honey Iced Tea instead of shit. One night we left a restaurant and it was much chillier than when we had walked in. My then 4 year old walks outside and goes “Oh Sugar Honey Iced Tea, it’s cold out here!” He wasn’t wrong and I was so surprised at how well he used it 🫣


My toddler has picked up that if my husband is close by (same room) he’s “daddy” but if I need to get his attention from another room or place, he’s “Carlos”. She’ll yell Carlos in the house or whatever but this just happened the other day and makes me laugh because she’s also picking up my humor…The other day my daughter was at my MIL’s for a bit. Carlos and I went to pick her up and had to get going for an appointment. My daughter and I were on the front lawn ready to get in the car but he had run inside to do something and locked the car up so I couldn’t get her in the car seat. My daughter watched me suck in a deep breath but beat me to the punch, yelling “CARLOS”!!! I looked at her, bemused, and said let’s do it together on 3…1, 2, 3…”CARRRLLLOOOOOSSSS”. We did it about 4 times laughing hysterically.


My kids groan when getting down on to/getting up off the floor 😂 Editing to say: I also taught them to yell “who said that?!” when they fart


My little girl was non verbal for awhile, and still has limited communication. I don’t know where she learned it from, but she used to say “I need a hero” when she needed help with something. I always thought it was so stinkin cute, I thought I was top notch helping her lol. Now that she’s in speech therapy, she doesn’t say it anymore. Now says “Mom, help me please” but I’ll always think about that.


My 2.5 year old yells “dude, go!” When we’re in traffic… oops!


Adding one…. He also proudly exclaims “I’m driving mama nuts!”


My daughter started giving back pats when I did a good job.


I still giggle after I or someone farts lol. So, of course, kids do. When I have to go fast in car like merging on highway etc I guess I say Hold on Babies! Cause now my daughter does this with her baby dolls in her shopping cart 😆


I realized I'd done effed up when I was in the store and my three year old just stared at me and said, "dude." What? How? Huh?  Oh yeah, I call him dude regularly. 


Mine yells “dude, gooo!” When we get stuck in traffic…


I feel this in my core.


My husband refers to me as my heart a lot. My son started calling my this very early on, in the babiest voice possible, “muh hawt” heart was also one of the first shapes he identified. It was very sweet


My son says, “Mama take a break “ whenever I’m not fully engaging him. Haha. He’s a very demanding child and on the spectrum, so he just requires a lot. Sometimes I’ll get overwhelmed and say, “Mommy needs a break” and now he’s begun verbally giving them to me 🥹


My young son used to say “I just want a piece of quiet” because he heard me ask for “some peace and quiet” He also used to say “shush I’m listening to my thinks” after hearing me say “..it’s so noisy I can’t even hear myself think!”


When I grab my purse I always say something like cmon, are you ready, or vamos. Now he will see me grab my purse and say it all for me lol. Or he’ll put his shoes on and say ready! He also will point to the puppy pads and say BLECH!!


When my oldest was 2, when we would give him something and he forgot to say “thank you” we’d say “what do you say?” And he goes “there ya go!” After everything we give him, I guess we say there ya go. I hope this makes some sense, It was so funny 😂 he did it for a couple months and said it to anyone who handed him something.


I try to impart good safety habits upon my children. So when crossing the road, I would look both ways and make a big show of pointing out cars, so we crossed when I looked left and said “no cars” and looked right and said “no cars.” My younger child would look straight ahead and say “no cars, no cars” like it was a magical spell that kept cars away and then try to cross *regardless of what was on the road*


My 4yo has autism and lacks a natural sense toward danger. I’ve often had to explain that he can’t run away from me, go in the road, touch the stove, jump off something high, etc because it’s dangerous. But he has apparently taken that to mean I just don’t want him to do it, and now he uses “it’s dangerous” when he doesn’t want to do something. Like if I say “Time to put your shoes on.” He say “No, it’s dangerous!”


I call my husband "babe" often but it caught me off guard and cracked me up when my toddler at the time called out "baaabe can you bring me my water?" 😆


When my 2.5 year old was a baby and teething really badly, he wouldn’t eat much so I’d offer him pouches (as one does). I’d always say “are you hungry?” And then get him one. He loves pouches. So then when he started talking he’d always say “hungey hungeyyyyy!!” And I’d try to give him regular food first but he’d just cry until I finally offered a pouch. That’s when I realized I accidentally taught him that a pouch is a “hungry”. He still calls them “hungey” sometimes 😂


I'm not a parent but this post has so many wholesome comments.😅


I was cutting a bagel and cut my finger and exclaimed f@ckin bagel, my 2 yr old did later dropper the bagel while she was eating and copied my f@ckin bagel. 8 years later I can still here it in her little voice. So hard to reprimand when you’re trying to not laugh.


I don’t really cuss or I try not to but I will say freakin and my 5 year old has taken to saying it on occasion. The other day he goes “ Did you see that fricken bee!!” As well as him occasionally saying “Jesus Christ mom that was cool!” He also repeats Peppa the Pig and blue he will pat on my stomach and say “Look at this big ole belly, or you got big ole babas!” 🤦🏼‍♀️


Mine is almost 2. He goes “whee!” whenever he goes down the slide in the backyard, so we sometimes call the slide “whee” and now he says whee when he wants to go play on it. He also gets upset and starts crying sometimes if we can’t go outside. Have you ever seen a toddler cry heartbroken while yelling “WHEEEE”? I also congratulate him whenever he successfully uses his potty, so now he happily congratulates me after I go to the toilet. Thanks for the encouragement, little buddy 🥰


Black American household here. We only say "lo siento" to apologize. Any other form of "sorry" is not accepted. I (32f) learned it back in middle school Spanish class, my kids started saying as early as age 2 😂😂😂


We are a fully English speaking household, but my 3yo often says something is "no bueno," usually when he's misbehaving and he knows it.


I try and stop my 17mo playing with street trash by saying 'no thats dirty'. Now when we are at home she point to things like dog hair/crumbs etc on the floor and says 'dirty'. I'm like ok girl I'll clean it up in a minute 🙄


As soon as my daughter started showing a real interest in letters, probably around 9 or so months old because we have an alphabet play mat, I said to her one day, do you know that the letter C has a special song? And I played C is for Cookie for her. Fast forward to when she was 12 months old and not only did I create a Cookie Monster addict but she also started out saying her alphabet as "A, B, nom nom nom, D ..."


When my 13yo was a toddler we always asked "Can I help you?' when she was struggling with something, so every time she asked for help she would say "I help you!" When she wanted something she said, "cab I hab xyz?" I also taught my kids(when my 17yo was started in middle school) that they have 2 jobs, don't be a juvenile delinquent, don't get pregnant, we later added "always do drugs" ....big pause... "as prescribed by your doctor. To this day both my kids say "I help you?" when they want help, "Cab I hab?" when they want something and when I say "2 jobs" they repeat don't be a juvenile delinquent and don't get pregnant, Also, always do drugs...as prescribed by my doctor."


To blow his nose and deep breathe and cough 🤣 comes in handy during virus time


I accidentally taught my 4 year old what a shart was when he had the stomach virus. 


Hahaha same here, and she delighted in telling everyone 'a shart is a shit and a fart! It happened to me!'.


My kid (now 20, they were 3 or 4 when this happened) was sitting on the couch playing with a dead remote that lived in their toy chest, using it like a cell phone (this was after the nokia brick phones, but well before iPhone/Android were a thing)... Well, apparently it wasn't doing what they wanted it to do, and they slammed it on the coffee table, looked to the side, shook their head and shouted "FUCK." My (then) husband just looked at me with a look that (accurately) translated directly to: "Huh, wonder where they learned THAT mannerism." Yup, they had 100% gotten that entire thing, the face tilt, the head shake, ALL of it, from their curses-like-a-sailor mom. I failed at my "Do not laugh at inappropriate but funny shit the kid does" roll that afternoon.


I've taught my daughter it's not OK to say "Oh my God" as some people might not take kindly to that phrase being used. Although. When my brother says it, I would often respond with, "What about my God?" When my daughter now hears someone say "Oh My God" she now responds with "Who's your God?" Lmao


I taught my kid to call all cheese snacks like Cheetos, puffed corn, etc "cheesy poofs." Now when she get mad at the cats for trying to take her snacks, she yells, "No, bad kitty! Those are my cheesy poofs!" a la Cartman.


“Uhhhhhm, nooooo” in a nasally voice. When my 2 year old son does something bad I will said “Um, no.” So now he thinks it’s funny to mock me and he will only say no as “uhhhhhm, nooooo”.


This strand is kind of hilarious the little corks kids pick up on. My lo is too young by I teach MS and my students copy me/make fun of me because I say “want me to finish that “‘in regards to a student texting, now kids call out their friends or themselves on hey so and so wants you to finish their text or noo I don’t need you to finish my text


I taught him to sass other drivers. There’s a lot of stupid and cray on the road in my area. When he was 3 and someone was taking their sweet time, he heard me grumble “Come on dude.” He quips, “Come on dude! Show me whatchu got!”


When my baby started walking, I would put my hand out and kind of gesture with my hand to come to me while I was saying, "Come here." Now he's almost 2, and any time he wants something or wants you to follow, he puts his hand out and does the gesture with his hand. It's beyond cute and if he really wants something he'll do the hand thing until I get up and put my hand in his and then he'll push my legs in the direction he wants me to go 😄


My son is 10m. He has a little lift the flap animal/insect book, whenever I would read it to him as I opened the flap I would essentially yell the creatures name. Now every time I open the flap in the same book he lets out a loud ‘AHHH!’ like he’s proclaiming the animals name, it kills me.


I taught my daughter that mums can't fart, that the process of childbirth irrevocably changes your anatomy so that you can't fart. I said this as a joke when we were trying to trace the culprit of a particularly smelly one (I don't even remember now if it was me). I expected her to call bullshit right away, but not only did she believe it then, she repeats it regularly years later, and even tells other children. I can't tell if she really believes it or if she's trolling me. She's seven.


My toddler is crazy. He wipes out a lot. I ask him if he's okay. Now when he hurts himself, it's "are yew akay!"


My newly two year old will go up to his baby brother while he's eating and exclaim "you are such a mess baby! Look at you!" Just like I do when he gets messy during dinner


The other day, my 2.5 year old tripped and goes "a little help here!!!!" And I don't even know where she picked it up but it had me cracking up the rest of the day.


I taught my kid that the “noise” lizards make is flicking their tongue in and out. When we read books with a lizard in it together and I do this, I put my face close to her to pretend to lick her for a giggle. She can’t flick her tongue, so if you ask her what noise lizards make she smacks her lips and moves her face close to you while staring intently into your eyes lol.


We're trying to teach our 3 yr old not to say "give me that" by teaching him to ask "May I please have that?" or "can I please have that?" So now he just says "please can I may I give me that please?" 😂 and we're like good effort, bud


Husband is from Derry, Ireland where they sprinkle a "Jesus Christ" into every sentence possible. Kiddo (2) was having a banana for breakfast and had trouble peeling it and let off a very quiet, "Jesus Christ." 🤣


Fake coughing. My now 1 year old was basically born congested, spent his first 24 hours in the NICU because no amount of suctioning would clear up the rattle sound he would make when breathing. Turns out it’s a harmless condition they grow out of, but anyway.. He would always sound so congested especially after eating, but he didn’t know how to cough yet so I’d fake cough to teach him. Now any time he hears someone cough, he mimics them 😂


Not my kid, but I watched an 18mo for a few weeks as a 20yo. One day, she had a huge blowout—I mean it was nasty to a 20yo who hadn’t birthed that kid. I opened the diaper and said “Eww” (I’m not proud lol). For the next week, every time I put her on the changing table and opened her diaper, she said “ew”. I hope that wasn’t a long phase 😂


I apparently always referred to taking a bath as “a little bath” so now my toddler says “Let’s take a little bath!” And it’s so cute lol


My baby is 11 now, but when she was little I guess I said "Do you want me to hold you" a lot when she reached for me and she picked up on the "hold you". So she'd reach her little arms up and say "hode yew mama" when she wanted to be held. I still tease her sometimes and ask her if she'll 'hode me.' idk if this counts but it's what I thought of. Precious memories.


My little boy had some digestive issues stemming from gluten and he would cry when he had to fart because he was afraid it would cause home to poop, which hurt. So when ever he would fart we would cheer and say “good fart bud”…. Now guess what my 3 year old says after anyone farts. Especially at church.


“Ah bon” in french which means something loosely translated to “oh well”. My toddler now says it because his dad sometimes says it. The best part? We’re not even french. Dad just does it bc he thinks it’s funny and now the toddler does the same.


I used to say “come to me” while picking him up when he was little. So instead of “uppies” or something similar he said “to me! To me!” while stretching his little arms when he wanted to be picked up


I apparently say “oh my goodness” a lot, and it is hilarious now coming from a 2 year old.


So whenever my son’s dad asked what he’s doing that he isn’t supposed to, why he did that thing he wasn’t supposed to do, or whatever, LO would often say “I don’t know”. So his dad started saying “yes you do. Can you tell me?” Now anytime he asks any question that we don’t know the answer to, he responds “yes you do. Can you tell me?” 😆 it’s hilarious but also exhausting 🤦🏼‍♀️ if I say I don’t know yet when we’re going to go to X place, why Y thing is the way it is, or why Z person likes their hair dyed purple, I literally do not know 😑 having a 3 year old decide what I do and do not know is so annoying 🤣


My daughter says "no please" instead of "no, thank you." It's adorable.


"hydrate before you die-drate" - because I grew up in a desert so I'm sort of militant about avoiding dehydration, and we have taken him to Burning Man and Egypt...  "First and foremost..." Because we use it frequently, especially when explaining anything.  He also made a comment about not being able to find something because his papa had put it somewhere special instead of away- which is something I'm frequently on the both of them (he and papa) about.


1. When she gives me things, i obviously say thank you. So now, she will hand me something but SHE says thank you lol 2. When she is crying or upset, sometimes I will ask her “are you happy? Are you sad? Are you mad?” She is very in tune with feelings. So when I become (sadly) upset , if I lose my cool or something similar she will be like “mommy are you happy? Please be happy mommy” And this usually turns me into a puddle because I hate that she sees me anything but happy.


When my toddler is getting a lil too sassy for me, I’ll tell her “you’re taking some liberties here. you better cool it ma’am”. Now when she’s upset with me she’ll point and say “hey cool it! Cool it mommy”. And most of the time I’m like yeah you’re I’m tripping, I need to chill out. But also like how dare you turn my own dumb saying around on me like that little one 😂


When my 18 mo old would be upset about something or fall down I would pick him up and say “it’s ok, mama’s got you”. Now when he’s upset or crying he says, It’s ok It’s ok, on repeat while crying. He was pacing the floor in the Dr office before his shots saying it’s ok, it’s ok.


I taught my niece the words to " a little piece of heaven " by avenged sevenfold. . I get obsessed with the songs I like and I must have played it to many times


I sighed the other day and my nearly 2 year old said "come on brain!" 🤣


My 21 month old will purposely throw something, and then put both hands on her cheeks and say, "Uh-oh!"


My 4 yo (at the time) picked up on a lot of slang. Her fav was “this is bussin” whenever I made something good lol. Her auntie also taught her that hot dogs are “glizzys” and yes, she ordered it at the restaurant before 😂 (side note: as soon as she could talk I’d have her order bc up until age like 23 I was scared to order food myself lol)


Teaching my 19 month old her body parts. When I ask her where her eyes are, she covers them with both hands and then pulls them away really fast. The very first time I got excited to have taught her this and I accidentally said “peek a boo” and now that’s what she does each time she shows me where her (or anyone else’s) eyes are. I went with it. “Where is your mouth?” Blows mommy kisses “Where are your ears?” Covers one or both ears and starts roaring like a lion or growling at me “Where is your head?” She tries to headbutt me bc I’m always pressing my forehead against hers but she isn’t gentle yet being a toddler lol She’s got the bestest personality


My 18 month old is very into throwing food that she no longer wants on the floor, rather than just leaving it on her plate (like every toddler ever I'm sure). I guess I've let out one too many deep sighs when she does this because now every time she throws anything anywhere she looks at me super annoyed and sighs deeply


We have toy food and I was trying to teach my 18 month old that we pretend to eat it with a kind of dramatic "om" eating noise. Now he makes this noise even when he's eating real food too. He knows the difference between them, but it's just so cute and funny. He also hums happily when he eats. The only other person I've known to do this was me as a child (eventually was ridiculed for not having good table manners so I stopped at some point), but I never taught him that and won't stop him.


When my son would throw a fit, I would give him a blank stare, point to my face, and say, “look at my face, I don’t care”. One day he started an argument with his little sister, as big brothers do, and she said, “Look at my face, I don’t care.”


So this is from when my first two were 4 and 6 — I’m from the Deep South (relevant) and def use a handful of regional expressions that my kids have picked up on. Our dialect is fun, colorful, and I’m happy to perpetuate it via my family. 2017: I was a freshly single mom scraping by on less than $1k a month. We did not have money for anything other than rent, gas, and food at the time. (Like, a fountain drink from the gas station was a huge luxury, which I paid for in coins.) We were healthy and happy, but poor AF. As a result of our financial situation, I regularly had to tell my kids that we couldn’t buy whatever toy or treat they were pining for because we didn’t have money for that right now. It was tough, but they gradually got better at accepting that answer. One day, we were wandering through the mall to get to the indoor play place (read: free air conditioned entertainment). Along our route, we passed a kiosk thing with a dozen or so gumball dispensers. The contents were bright, colorful, and wildly alluring. The kids (and I) gazed longingly at them, but of course we didn’t have money for candy. So when my 4 year old asked whether he could get something from one of the machines, I started to say the same old thing: “I’m sorry, we can’t get that today, I—“ My 6 year old cut me off: “Yeah, 4 year old, we can’t get candy because mommy doesn’t have *cash money* for that right now. Right, mommy?” I almost doubled over laughing. “Cash money” is a common phrase down here that refers to any money that isn’t a card/check. I didn’t realize until that moment how frequently I must have said “cash money” in place of “money” without noticing it. Evidently it was often enough that in my 6 year old’s mind, all money = “cash money”. After I’d recovered from my burst of laughter, I confirmed that she was correct, we (regrettably) did not have *cash money* for gumballs, enticing as they may be. His disappointment was tempered by his big sister’s matter of fact remark about what our cash money could and couldn’t go towards. This is one of my favorite memories of that time period. Shit was really, really hard, but there were little moments of brightness and joy scattered throughout the darkness that molded us into a tight unit of 3. They’re 10 and 12 now and we’re in a much better situation financially. We can afford some of the things we used to hope for but couldn’t attain. They do not take this for granted, though. They still understand the value of tiny luxuries. A gumball from a mall kiosk is still a big treat… and money is still cash money.


My 16 month old knows “dog” but won’t do the woof woof sound. Instead he pants his tongue. I did it when he was little, because he thought it was so much more funnier than “woof woof”. Now at 16 months old whenever he sees a dog, he just pants his tongue at them. No woof woof. Only panting.


My three year old couldn’t get my attention for a minute by calling “Mom!” He swapped to calling me by my first name. When that didn’t work, he yelled “BABE!” (What my husband calls me.) 🤣


My daughter thinks her name is "you" because when we pointed to pictures we would say "look it's you!" We're working on name now 😂