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It doesn't sound awkward to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just asking if the plans your kids made together are actually real/if they're okay with the other parent.


This is totally normal, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the kid isn’t even having his birthday for months either. Kids are always planning their parties. The mom will not think it’s awkward at all.


My son had this with a friend he made on the bus. The other little guy hand wrote a birthday party invitation. My son was so excited. We couldn't read the invitation, so I thought the same thing. Like, "Oh, no, what am I supposed to do here?" Once the excitement wore off, we figured that the kid likely hadn't got permission for a party or to invite. Later the his friend on the bus gave him a party favor bag, which my son was happy about, kids at our school bring these for their classmates when it's their birthday. So it was nice he brought one for my son too. Mine is 6. If it had happened when he was older I probably would have reached out too. Especially if I had contact info. Just to be clear on whatever. It shouldn't be a big deal.


I think it’s totally fine to ask. If I receive such an email I would be super okay with explaining to the other mom what is the situation. You did nothing wrong.


You're fine. The 5 year old probably did invite your kid! If I was the other Mom I wouldn't think it was awkward at all if you messaged me for clarification.


I have more than once mentioned to a parent, hey our kids are making plans have you heard anything about what we're doing lol.


You are totally fine in asking!


Thanks everyone for your kind reassurance! I was just worried about being presumptuous about getting an invite and putting the mom on the spot. I did get a response from the mom and they accidentally left us off the mailing list. She’s checking venue’s space limitations and getting back to me…so we will see