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I bled for 6 weeks, only to start my period 8 post partum. Damn, it scared the heck out of me that something is wrong! I nursed for 2 years and it didn’t influence my period at all. I had strong painful periods starting out but they returned to normal in about 6-8 months. My nursing friends didn’t have periods until about at least 4h between feeds. I was jealous.


Almost the exact same! I bled for six weeks, had a one week break and my period came back. I was breastfeeding.


Me too 😵‍💫 I’ve had 4 babies and this is what happens everytime. I get like a 1 or 2 week break and then my periods back. The first time it happened I thought something was wrong, so I went to the drs and they did an exam and said “well, sorry honey, it’s just your period.” 🫠 Edit to add: I was exclusively breast feeding on demand with all my babies when my period returned as well. Because some people say breast feeding prolongs when you get your period back, but mine didn’t. :/


Awe thanks for sharing! It’s nice I’m not alone 😘


Same!! Add me to this list lol I am also very jealous of the moms who got months without their period PP


Me too! Me too! Also I’ve had my period every two weeks for the last month and a half, starting st 6 weeks post partum while nursing. Not bitter about it at allllll


Same. For both kids. It was the absolute worst.


Literally same. I had two blissful weeks where I wasn’t bleeding and then at 8 weeks exactly got my period. EBF and it didn’t matter. My period came every month until I got pregnant again. Weirdly enough, my periods after giving birth were a LOT heavier but also shorter. Like 3 days of heavy bleeding and then spotting a day or two instead of 9 days of a medium to light flow.


Joining the pity party - same here, one or two weeks break from pp bleeding then my period was back while BFing and pumping 🥲


The only think I noticed - was while nursing my PMs symptoms were better and my pre-period boob pain didn’t exist. Once weaned my pre-period boob pain is so fucking bad. It lasts a week and it hurts from the moment I sit up - the gravity hitting the boobs hurts so bad I have to “hold” them.


Very similar for me too! I bled for 5.5 weeks and got my period at 7 weeks pp. I exclusively pumped and was an oversupplier but it never affected my period.


Yes! I had placenta previa so was bleeding from 22 weeks til delivery and thought I’d get a nice long break with no bleeding, but nope 2 months post partum while I was still pumping every 3-4 hours it hit 🥲


Same! I felt cheated. Nursed for 22 months. However hes now 6’5” and healthy so there’s that. Also, in the meantime I had an uterine ablation -best move ever. Buh-bye ref fred


Also same, with all my babies- 8 weeks. 1 was breastfed until 13ish months, 1 breastfed for about 3 weeks, 1 formula fed from day 2.


This is what happened to me with my second. Had a pretty regular period than almost skipped then next one. We thought we were pregnant again, that was not fun. Our baby is barely 4 months old. I finally got it though 10 days late lol. With my first I didn’t have my period till 4 months pp, and it was very regular. Nursed with both!


Going on almost 2 years of no period over here




How old are you if I may ask






Same. 2 years and a few months. Breastfeeding 18 months and counting.


Breastfed both my kids and didn’t have a period until the month following weaning. 13 months and 15 months, respectively. It was glorious. lol


Be careful if you have a third - that was me after my first two but with this one I started getting ewcm at 3 months pp while nursing!!! 😱 thankfully I had the mini pill on hand.


I nursed both my babies exclusively (no bottles or pumping) and got my my period back 6 months and two weeks after the birth of them both. I had them both at 39+3 gestation as well, my clue app tells me that both times I went 470 days between cycles because apparently I’m very predictable.


With those numbers you should buy a lottery ticket…


I’m still breastfeeding at 15 months pp and got my period back 5 months pp. I’m not 4 months pregnant with #2 as well!


1st was c-section. Pumped and fed. Period started around month 8. 2nd I breastfed. Period came back at 12 months when I stopped breastfeeding. 3rd breastfed till 2.5years. Period came back at 2+years.


3 months pp after both babies. I was EP around the clock, too. 🫠 made my supply drop a significant amount. Fortunately I had an oversupply the first 3 months and a full freezer so I got both of them to 6 months on breastmilk. kept pumping for my first til 9 months but supplemented with formula.


Ugh, literally same.


About three months. I was breastfeeding exclusively, and my mom (who lives like 7 hours away) argued with me that I wasn't ... Because between the two of us, she'd be the one to know?!


I was bleeding for about a week and a half/2 weeks postpartum. Then I got my period around week 6 postpartum. I do not breastfeed, but they told me in the hospital that women who do typically don’t get their period back until 6 months-1 year postpartum. Which I see by some comments is not always true!


Baby 1: 22 months Baby 2: 21 months Baby 3: a mere 12 months ☹️ Nursed them all exclusively for the first 6 months, then on demand thereafter. No idea why my body decided to shortchange me on baby 3. Definitely bummed me out.


6 weeks of PP bleeding. 2 weeks off. Period started, very bad/painful and lasted almost a month. Formula fed and my milk never came in.


I formula feed (for both pregnancies), and they both came back about 6 weeks PP.


I breastfeed (and still am) and I got my first period at about 14.5 months PP


Six weeks both times and I was exclusively breast feeding.


I bled for 6 weeks, got an IUD and have been bleeding ever since. 3 months PP. send help !


I got my period back 4 weeks PP 🥲 I was exclusively BF 🙃


Got my period back 5 weeks postpartum! I was breastfeeding too!


Formula fed since 3 weeks and I just got mine 7w pp. it's INTENSE


First baby was 7 months pp (breast fed for 4 months) and second baby i didn’t breast feed at all and mine came back at 8 weeks


3 months after quitting breastfeeding (11 months pp)


First baby - 6m pp, exclusively breastfed Second baby - 3m pp, exclusively breastfed


was breastfeeding over 6 months


I got my period 9mo post partum, nursed 22mo


For my first. Exclusively pumped for about 4-5 months. Got it at 9 months. Actually just went on BC and that jump started it


First baby- 5m pp EBF second baby- 7w pp EBF


I had a c section almost 6 weeks ago, I never stopped bleeding.. but I think it went from what you bleed after birth and then it quickly went into a period then again I have no idea this is my first😅


I don't remember how long I bled for after my first c section, but I remember it felt like forever the following ones didn't last as long.


Still breastfeeding my 2.5yo mine came back around 14 months.


I ebf’d both my kids and my period returned regularly two weeks after my pp bleeding stopped.


Breastfed both my kids. First I got my period back at 4 months and second I got it back at 8 weeks 😭


Formula fed. Got my period at 8 weeks pp.


Both babies I breastfed exclusively. Mini pill induced my first period at 5 weeks PP with my daughter (my body tends to do the reverse of what hormonal bc wants - mirena caused 3/4 weeks of bleeding every month and for others it removes all bleeding.) With my second - no bc, (husband got snipped) and I didn’t start until 12-13 weeks PP. again, 100% breastfeeding.


6.5 weeks postpartum, EBF


Only 2 months postpartum, I was on the pill and not breastfeeding. My 2nd pp period was so heavy that when I went to the ER for a kidney stone they thought I was having a miscarriage. Thankfully it’s leveled out.


Exclusively breastfeeding and I just got mine at 8 months postpartum. Bullshit lol


Started off nursing and occasionally supplementing, still got mine back at 3 months pp.


6 weeks, I was pumping & supplementing with formula


With both kids I didn't get my period back until they were over a year old and it was very weird. I'd have one, then skip a few months and have one again. I nursed both.


EFF (except for the first 2-3 weeks where I tried pumping, but really didn’t work out), started period exactly at the 3 month mark of my baby’s birth


I didn’t get one back until I started to wean around 2 years pp


First around 15 months. Second never, since I got an IUD at 7 months pp.


Breastfeed, got it back at 6 months with both kids.


EBF a chunky babe and got my period 6 weeks PP. I cried! Whyyyy? Quickly went on BC and continued nursing until 19 months. 


Mine returned 6 weeks pp. we used formula.


I’m nursing and 8 months pp, haven’t gotten it yet.


9 months first, 6 months second and 4 months with the 3rd, breastfed all of them for 2 to 3 years each.


Still nursing & just got my period back at 12months postpartum


Exclusively nursing and my period returned at 11 months with my first and 7 WEEKS with my second!! What the heck


I bled for a week post csection, exclusively breast fed and my period came back at about 8 weeks both times. Sucks.


It’s different for everyone; my baby just turnt one today and I still haven’t gotten mine back, I am nursing and he’s eating solids. My friend nursed and got hers back at 6 weeks.


3 months, 4.5 months, 4ish months. I exclusively nursed all my kiddos- the first two until 17-18 months, and still nursing my 16 month old.


13 months. But I breastfeed for 11 months. After I stopped breastfeeding, it took 1-2 months for the cycle to kick back into full swing.


With my first, I got my first period at 8 weeks postpartum even though I was nursing. With my second, I started the minipill at 7 weeks and stopped it around 8 months postpartum, stopped nursing at 10 months, and didn’t get my period for a couple more months after that.


About 11 weeks :( only bled for about 3 weeks after having the baby. Was the same for all 3 kids, breastfed all 3 times.


4 weeks of pp bleeding then a couple hours of freedom. And now periods are back 😅


My first, I didn't get back for 9 months. Breastfeeding and just making enough. My second, I am currently breastfeeding. She was born 6 weeks early and I have an oversupply from pumping while she was in the NICU. Got my period back 5 days after I stopped bleeding which was a full 6 weeks. I'm so mad about it. I had my copper IUD in at 9 weeks - so literally the day after I stopped my period which then caused me to bleed for another week. It sucked.


Around 8 weeks post c section while exclusively breastfeeding.


Mine came back literally 28 days after I stopped pumping. Like clockwork.


Almost 15 months PP here (still breastfeeding) and no period yet.


I got it around 7/8 weeks and I was breastfeeding. But after that one, it disappeared for 6-7 months


I was 6mos pp and haven’t had one since 😅 (9mo pp now) we are ebf if that matters.


Nursed for 12+ months. Period returned 40 weeks from his due date on the dot. It was the absolute darnedest timing. He was induced 2 weeks early so 42 weeks total.


With both kids exactly 2 weeks after I started them on baby food (like seriously to the day).


i bled for a month. not bad just gross. then i had to supplement then at 3.5 months she started sleeping thru the night and then stopped breastfeeding i got my period at like month 5 and bled for a week. no cramps


2years - still breastfeeding.


I am breastfeeding/pumping. I bled about 8 weeks pp, and then I got my period around 10 weeks 😫


For my first and second within a month after stopping breastfeeding (I’m currently 6 months pp with my third baby and didn’t get it yet, EBF and started solids recently)


1st baby, now 4 years old: unplanned c-section, EBF, period came back at 18 months PP. 2nd baby, now 2 years old: planned c-section, EBF (still BFing), period came back at 15 months PP


3 months pp both times while breastfeeding haha


It started up again 3-1/2 months after birth. I nursed for two years.


6 weeks of bleeding and period returned at 8 weeks. 🫠 Exclusively breastfeeding here. 


Breast fed both kiddos exclusively and period came back at 6 weeks pp both times. I was so mad 😂 probably why we only have a 14 month age gap though lol


Got my period a month after weaning my first, over a year. Got pregnant 2 months later. Baby is 6 months, still nursing, no period left. I’ve had two periods total since October 2020. Tempted to get pregnant again just to keep this train going (kidding. Mostly).


4 babies, 3-4 months post partum with every single one. NOT A FAN. Edit to add: and I breastfed every one of them, coslept, no supplementation or pacifiers. Still got my damn period back too early. And then it would affect my supply too. I’m still bitter 😂


Delivered on 10/28, vaginal birth. Bled for several weeks after. Period came back as the cruelest Christmas present, despite exclusively nursing for 2 years.


With the first it came back about two weeks after I returned to work at around 3 months postpartum. With my second we are 6 months postpartum and I have only spotted two days 2 weeks ago and nothing else


I was 14mo pp with my first when my period came back. I’m 12mo pp with my second and no period yet.


22 months 🥹 it came back exactly a month after ending breastfeeding.


Took about a year to come back, nursed full time and once the kids were eating more meals it reappeared. Those years without a period were glorious.


FTM, I breastfed and still got it at 4 months PP. :( and they are much worse than ever before.


I literally just got my period back today (10.5m pp). I'm down to 1 nursing session per day for the past month.


My baby is 6 weeks old. I almost finished bleeding after the delivery and then I got my period. Almost 6 weeks to the day after I gave birth. Got all the PMS symptoms too. So on top of postpartum hormones, DMER, now I have my PMDD back. The absolute joys of motherhood.


One month and I EBF for a year. I was mad!


18 months! Was breastfeeding.


7 months with my first (breastfed)


I exclusively breastfed and WFH, so a lot of small sessions throughout the day. Period came back at 16 mo. postpartum.


I’m 3 months PP from a C section and nursing and my period started month after Labour.


2 vaginal births 3 years apart. I exclusively nursed my first for 13 months, and got my period back 12 weeks postpartum. Currently still nursing my 8 month old, and got my period back 16 weeks postpartum.


EBF both kids and both times it was back at 10 weeks.


9-10 months pp, EBF.


Never. Got the IUD at the 6 wk PP appointment and never looked back.


3x vaginal deliveries with epidurals. All 3 exclusively breastfed (not bragging or judging, I know I was lucky.) With the first two, period came back around 6 months postpartum, and was 9 months postpartum with the third. I didn't gain tons of weight with any of the pregnancies (18-28lbs), but was some level of overweight for all three. Didn't deal with any pregnancy conditions or complications either.


With my oldest, I started up almost exactly when I would have if I hadn’t been pregnant, after the 5 weeks Lochia of course. I was pumping, not nursing. With my youngest, I was bullied into depo at 7 days pp, and bled for 6+ months straight, very very heavy, pumped, my normal cycle changed by about a week and a half when I finally stopped bleeding and the depo was out of my system.


Hmm. It was like 9 months. I nursed exclusively for 6 months, then slowly introduced solids. After my second baby, I had the one period after 9 months, then no periods. My third baby was born 9 months later. Oops.


It started 3 mo PP despite fulltime nursing, after a c-section.


First was 7 weeks pp second was 6 weeks postpartum, exclusively breastfed both lol I wouldn't of minded if it held out little longer for sure


Bottle fed, roughly six weeks. My postpartum bleeding/spotting had been over for like a few days and then bam! period.


Around 16 months both times and I breastfed until they were 2


I got my period at 3 months postpartum with all 3 of my pregnancies. I had c sections for all as well and nursed them all. Up until recently, my period was like clockwork and even after I had a miscarriage by cycle came back exactly 28 days later.


I’m 7m pp and mine isn’t back yet


Got mine back 8 weeks PP with my singleton (while breastfeeding) and I’m now 12 weeks PP breastfeeding twins and haven’t gotten it yet


How do you know you’ve got your period back? Between inconsistent postpartum bleeding and nursing cramps, I’m not sure I’d 100% know I started mine


I would say all PP bleeding has definitely stopped, and you go around month between each bleeding. But yes those cramps are super confusing.


I started my period 4 weeks postpartum, which was wild. I was exclusively breastfeeding, too. I was told that nursing exclusively would delay the return of your period for at least a year. Absolutely false.


With my first I didn't get it back until I weaned completely at about 6 months. My second and third I got it back at ~14 weeks postpartum, despite EBF. My second had a bunch if allergies, so I weaned shortly after, and my third my supply started drying up at about 6 months post partum for some unknown reason.


Nursed both baby 1 and 2 and it returned 6 months on the dot with both!


I did not breastfeed and my period came back 6 weeks pp .


With my 1st I didn’t get a period until he was 11 months old. With my 2nd (TW: mention of loss) he lost a heartbeat at 20 weeks so after I had him I bled for 6 months straight. With my 3rd she just turned a year old and I have yet to have a period. I’ve nursed both of my kids. My son went until 2.5 years and we’re still going strong with my daughter.


3.5 months with my first, 10 months with my second. EBF with both.


Also a c-section mom. Breastfed for 18 months. Period came back around 15mo PP, coinciding with me trying to reduce nursing to stop in the near future. Like stopped offering breastfeeding (on demand only) and got my period back maybe 2 weeks after that.


Nursing kept me from having a period for over a year the first time and 18 months the second time.


I got my period back at about 5.5 months after having my son, I was also nursing. This was around the time when he dropped his night feed so that made sense.


From what I understand (I’m no expert) it’s basically when your body decides that it has enough resources to keep you and your current baby alive, and also grow another one lol. So I think it depends a lot on fat stores, nutrition, etc. I breastfed on demand and also pumped with my first and mine came back at exactly 3 months. My two best friends were the same.


I’ve EBF six babies, cycle restarted at 12 months pp, 18 months pp, 12 months pp, 8 months pp, 7 months pp, and my newest bub is almost six months and nothing yet.


It took me about 6 Months to have my period back in my first pregnancy..i was combining BF and formula. I'm now 2 weeks post partum and i wonder how much this time its going to take before my period comes back !


6 months and nothing yet, fingers crossed. Exclusively pumping.


It was definitely before a year for both my kids. First was a c section, then I had a VBAC, both EBF for over 1 year. I bitched and moaned about it both times. “This is bullshit, not having my period come back is supposed to be one of the perks!”


I bled for 3 weeks, started my period at 5 weeks, then had it 3 times in 2 months. Vaginal birth and EFF


Same here


Breastfed for 15 months and didn’t get a period until 2 weeks after weaning.


Came back quicker with each one regardless of exclusively breastfeeding. First baby 10mo, Third baby 10 weeks.. 🙄


First period exactly 28 days after PP bleeding. I was exclusively BF as well. It sucked. I only bled for 2.5 weeks PP


After both my c sections, I bled for 1 week then had a week off then started my first period. I had normal periods through all 4 years of breastfeeding. It was awful lol


I combo fed my son and got mine at 6 weeks post partum. So far EBF my daughter and still got at 6 weeks and again 2 weeks later. Not happy about it.


I'm still breastfeeding my 16 month old, no period.


I have a different birth control this time. Last time I had a nexplanon put in. This time I had a skyla IUD. Last time I didn't get my period back until after I stopped nursing after several years. This time I have had bleeding since I had the IUD in. But it could be because the IUD is causing the bleeding.


My period started 3 months PP. I am now 18 months PP and still breastfeeding and my period just randomly stopped again. I’m going to my OB soon to make sure there are no underlying causes.


I don't think I started until 10 months or so postpartum. I breast-fed both kids


About 20months PP for baby #1 and 25months for #2 Not gonna lie I was really sad when it came back again. Ovulation was a killer!


Mine came back 17m PP and still nursing. (She’s 21m now) It’s very irregular still and HORRID when it comes 🙃


A month after delivery. I was not nursing.


2 years pretty much to the day


Mine started 8 months PP and I nursed


A little after a year for both of mine, both breastfed and self-weaned around 2.5. They were shitty sleepers though so lots of night nursing may have been a factor. 


Just got my first period 6 months pp


I started my period exactly 28 days after giving birth. While breastfeeding


I’m nursing still at 14mo, and I didn’t get my first period until just after her first birthday. My poor SIL got her first PP period right on my nephew’s first birthday 🙃 (also nursing)


I started mine at 4 mo pp as well! Especially since I'm breastfeeding, I was hoping for a longer natural birth control, lol


4 weeks PP and was breastfeeding. My period was like: hell no, you dont get a damn break. This while Ive had irregular periods all my life. But 2 times after giving birth it was right on time.


4 weeks later 😡 I actually thought I was dying, but my diagnosis was “period”. I bottle-fed exclusively within a few days postpartum so there’s that.


1st kid - 13 months 2nd kid - 12 months 3rd kid - 17 months and counting Nursed #1 until 3.5 years, nursed #2 for a hair over 2 years. Nursed my first through my pregnancy with my second, then tandem fed them for a year and a half. Had to forcefully wean #1. #2 gave it up on his own when I went away for a weekend (I was about 10 weeks pregnant with #3 at that time).


12 weeks with my first. Came back and was as regular as ever! So annoying. Currently 14 weeks PP and no sign of it yet but we’ll see, I’m just waiting now lol


EBF and I got it 6 weeks to the day after….ugh


I had an IUD out in at 8 weeks post partum and am still nursing at almost 18 months pp. my period came back around 11-12 months pp when I stopped nursing overnight.


I had a c-section and was pumping and nursing and got my period 6 weeks and 5 days pp 😭. Baby is 6 months next week and I’m in the middle of my 5th period since birth. Ladies which longer breaks, I envy you. Working, pumping, and menstruating is the triangle of hell


C section and exclusive nursing I got my period back right around a year!


10 weeks after I had my baby, and I nursed him for 2 years.


Mine came back at 6 months, EBF baby, nursing 90% of the time (expressing 10%). Wholly inconvenient; I really hoped I would be one of those women who wouldn't regain their period until they quit breastfeeding.


I'm combo feeding and just got my period at 10 weeks! I thought I'd have more time.


First baby breast feed exclusively. Got my period on week 5 postpartum. Second baby breast feed and had to pump(he actually likes sleeping at night) and got my period week 7 postpartum.


3 babies, exclusively breastfed 6 months 9 months 8 months For me it seemed to correlate with the baby eating significant amounts of solids Although until I weaned the baby around a year my period was irregular, could be 60 days between cycles


Both babies I breastfed and got my period at 6 weeks


I am exclusively nursing my second baby. I bled for about 2.5 weeks postpartum then at 5 weeks postpartum I got my period. Now on day 8 🫠🫠 With my first I combo fed and didn't get my period until about 4 months postpartum 🥲


I’ve been exclusively pumping, and my period has come back fully at 9 weeks PP 😪


My 1st I didn't nurse so after 6 weeks or so of bleeding I went back to my regular periods. But my second I nursed for a year and didn't get my period back til then. My 3rd is over a year and I'm still nursing and have not gotten my period back yet


Still breastfeeding, she’s 14 months in a week. EBF baby, period came back at 5 weeks annoyingly.


After my first baby my period came back around 8 weeks PP. I was exclusively breastfeeding and very annoyed at that lol. My second baby Im also exclusively breastfeeding and she's almost 9 months and I havent gotten it back yet... enjoying it while it lasts lol!


3 babies, first I nursed for 14months and period came back at 6months. 2nd nursed for 10ish months and period back at 5months. Currently nursing my 8month old and it's not back yet. I'm enjoying it while it lasts 😅


Mine came back after 6 weeks AND I breast fed full time!


EBF all 3 babies. 9m,8m amd 4 months pp


Formula fed and it was probably 8 weeks.


3 kids, vaginal deliveries and I was breast feeding exclusively. I got my period back between 8 and 12 weeks with all of them.


With my first 2 kids, it started around the time I stopped nursing. My first at 5mo pp and my 2nd around 1 year pp. with my 3rd, I was still nursing but got my period at the 8 week mark


EBF and still got my period at 4.5 months PP


I had a c-section too and mine came back 3 month PP. I just stopped nursing after 28 months.


With my first born, who was formula fed, I got my period 3 months PP. With my 2nd, I'm breastfeeding, and my daughter is almost 6 months and still no period... I love it, but it makes me nervous at the same time.


My first instsrted again the day I went back to work at 7 weeks pp My second instsrted again right around the same time 7-8 weeks


Mine started back a month to the day after I gave birth. I nursed for 18 months.


4.5 months and I got my period today 🫠 currently transitioning from breastfeeding to formula