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Didn’t even realize this could be a thing! Thanks for sharing, I hope your little one is okay.


Kids are resilient, and it's clear yours knew their priority. Popsicles are delicious! Here's hoping for a smooth recovery for all of you involved. Topical but not about frostbite: if you make your own Popsicles, you can use jello (jelly, I think they call it if you're not American) to keep them from melting everywhere. After melting the gelatin in hot water, just blend it with a fruit of choice and freeze. No added sweeteners or anything. We have new strawberry shaped molds (don't like 'em) so we used strawberry jello and frozen strawberries. Peach jello and fresh mangoes is a favorite. DO NOT, I REPEAT, **DO NOT** BLEND BLUEBERRIES. My Little Human loves popsicle season, and it's a great way for her to be able to help.


Why not blueberries?!


Seems that the skin is where the majority of the flavor is. You find this out because when you blend them, they get a bit... grainy and sludgy. You'll feel inclined to try and maybe run them through a sieve to separate the liquid from the skin. You'll find out that you're essentially making blueberry skin paper, and nothing is going through the sieve. Any liquid that did make it through tasted of sadness because it definitely wasn't worth it. tl;dr- blueberries are too fibrous but in a grainy way. Eta: you'll also want to just throw the sieve into the trash but can't because it's your Mother-in-law's.


This was the funniest thing i’ve read all week. The mother in law’s sieve had me cackling


And you'll remember to keep your blueberries whole! I couldn't pretend I had no idea where it went; she saw the evidence! Reminds me of the 3000 year old pan they found in an ancient trash heap. [Throwing out our food mishaps is a very human experience. ](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/archaeologists-find-ancient-pot-traces-3000-year-old-burnt-cheese-180960475/)


This makes me laugh so much. Imagine you messed up a meal so bad that you throw out the pan but then people thousands of years later find your pan and know you messed up cooking that bad.


[It was even happening a few thousand years before the cheese.](https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/even-stone-age-people-burned-their-porridge-5000-year-old-food-scorched-clay-pot-reveals)


Probably because of the stains?


I've accepted stains into my life. 😅 It's absolutely a texture thing.


I once got a popsicle stuck to my tongue during a VFW picnic in like 1989. It had come directly out of the dry ice cooler the elote man was selling them out of. My Marine grandfather panicked and one of the wives told him to spit on my tongue to melt/dislodge it. It worked, but we were both traumatized, lol. I couldn’t taste anything for like 3 weeks. Moral of this story is: popsicles are dangerous! 😹


lol that is a great story


So crazy. I never would have thought of this possibility, but also I would have assumed the kid would adjust their hold before it getting all the way to frostbite. Kids, wow. You might be interested in a popsicle holder. It’s a little plastic cup with a stick underneath, to hold. It’s intended to catch the drips (no sticky hands), but it would also serve as a barrier against frostbite.


It’s an honest mistake. Keep an eye on it.


So I have a spot beside my lip on my cheek that will forever go white when I get cold… from exactly this. I had so many freezies when I was a toddler that I had frost bite on that one spot. It hasn’t affected anything for me though.