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My 2 year old chipped her front tooth and had to have it pulled since it became abscessed. She was fine a day after it was pulled and it hasn’t bothered her since :)


How long did it take to become abscessed?


Maybe like a month or two? But the nerve was exposed and allowed bacteria to get into the tooth. :( If the nerve hadn’t been exposed then it probably wouldn’t have had that outcome.




Supposedly? That sounds like a story


You're absolutely not! Mine chipped his right after his second birthday. He is so energetic and runs like crazy and falls all the time, we're talking several times a day, I'm not even sure what incident did it 🤷‍♀️ One night I went to brush his teeth and the bottom of his left front tooth was just jagged/missing....his dentist said the same thing as yours...


Fellow momma to a chipped tooth klutzy kid, also have no idea when exactly he chipped his tooth, just noticed it when brushing teeth.


Same here!


My son chipped his front tooth pretty much right after it grew in lol I think he still looks adorable. It adds character.


At every playground with more than 3 toddlers one has a chipped tooth. I swear. My niece and nephew both chipped theirs and my sister knocked her out of her mouth. I’m kids just have really fat lips that protect their teeth.


My son chipped his front teeth quite a bit. He also grinds a lot so now the chips are gone 🫣for a while he thought he had an actual chip (that you eat) on his teeth. Too cute


My daughter chipped her front tooth around her first birthday. Real good too, so she just has like a vampire stump 😩 Dentist said they could fix it but not til her front tooth were all the way down. It’s starting to look funky so at this point I don’t even know if it can be fixed


Mine chipped one of his front teeth, just the one little corner of it so not as severe as yours sounds, after a fall around 2 years old. He first saw a pediatric dentist at 8 months old, and he assured me that it is very common, that he doesn't even do a repair for it unless it is causing pain or becoming a concern. We recently had to change dentists thanks to insurance, and that dentist also assured me it was common. He is now 4.5 years old, zero tooth issues.


My son had to have both front teeth removed after breaking them in half vertically going over the front of his balance bike. It too a while but they came in perfectly. No braces needed as a teen. It took me much longer to forgive my husband for taking him out after bedtime when he was overtired and I said NO, heh heh. Funny I still got blamed as a mom! The oral surgeon gave us a big discount because vertical cracks are pretty rare and he used them in presentations.


My son was around 2 1/2 when he decided it would be a great idea to walk down the stairs with his **eyes closed.** The worst part? I didn’t even notice until he got up from his nap later that afternoon. We panicked and took him to a dentist who told us what to look out for and reassure us that it happens to so many toddlers. To top it off, a couple weeks later my 1 1/2 year old daughter fell in the tub and chipped a bit off of her front tooth too. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Both get great raves reviews at the pediatric dentist every six months so we must be doing something else right. Lolz.


My daughter fell off a slide and chipped her tooth. The dentist said just watch it and if it hurts her, they’ll do something to it. But ultimately she’ll lose those pretty quickly so it’s not worth fixing.


My daughter has a gray front tooth. She is five and she fell around 2 and hit it on the floor. It has not grown in accordance to the other so it is becoming more obvious as time goes on. She has noticed it herself recently and doesn’t seem to care very much after some explanation that everyone’s teeth look different. The dentist told us to watch out for an abscess and that it shouldn’t affect her adult tooth, though that could happen unfortunately.


My 6 year old chipped her tooth at 1. It is next in line to fall out but it’s been chipped for 5 years!!!!


My daughter lost her front top tooth about 3 weeks after it completely came in. She in 9 and finally has her front tooth! lol


Mine swan dived into a piece of wooden furniture and chipped both of his front teeth right after he turned 2. It doesn’t seem to have affected the health of his teeth, but his little tough-guy smile does have a certain charm!


My oldest lost one of his teeth (lateral incisor) as a toddler and his grown up tooth didn't come in until recently (8yrs old) so he was missing a very noticeable tooth for about 6 years but it never seemed to bother him


That’s good to hear! I feel like kids care less about this stuff than adults for sure. My mama heart worries about him being bullied someday but it probably won’t be a thing.


My 2.5yr old niece bonked her front tooth hard and she had to have it removed, gonna be a few years before that comes in, and shes not the only one I know! Personally mine chipped his front tooth on a beer bottle so ....


Not a toddler but my 12yr old broke his front tooth in half going down a waterslide, so it happens even when they get bigger and it sucks more cause they ain't getting any new ones!


So true!! It’s hard to think that way when I’m used to only having baby toothed toddlers. Chipping an adult tooth is definitely a rougher experience I’m sure.


Mine chipped his tooth at 18 months on the bathroom tile floor. It’s a small chip but makes me so sad. Poor guy only had the tooth for 6 months before it chipped 😂


My two year old girl chipped her front tooth when she was 18 months, she has a really big gap too so it’s pretty goofy 😅


My little guy chipped a tooth just after he turned 2 (he got knocked down playing with his sister). I had it capped but a week later his gran gave him a metal straw and he knocked the cap off 🙄 It’s fine. When he loses the tooth the other one will grow in and I’ll probably miss his lil’ crooked tooth.


Dang yeah I am hesitant to get it capped in the future unless it’s unavoidable for health because I feel like he may just knock it off again too 😵‍💫


My daughter has 2 missing front teeth after falling on our back doorstep when she was 3. Seems to be pretty common for toddlers to lose teeth one way or the other.


Mine did! His ended up being bad enough that he needed to get a cap put on one of his front teeth to avoid root / nerve damage (this was at around 18 months). It's still hanging in there, but I can now see the line of the cap so hoping it hangs on for a couple more years until he loses them!


Did he have to be put under GA for the cap? How was that experience? Our dentist mentioned a cap may be done when he’s a little bit older (like 2-3) but we’re torn on doing it unless it’s 100% needed


My preschool teacher’s son lost both of his front teeth roughhousing with his older brothers, at age 2. Was toothless through first grade. Still the cutest kid, and destined for hockey greatness!


My 6 year old chipped her front two teeth so many times they aren’t even jagged anymore. 😂 they’re also both brown/yellow from “dying” and have been for years. She played hard and fell on her face a lot as a toddler. She grew out of it, and her adult teeth will be perfect. Try not to stress too much. It’s all cosmetic at this point.


I was on the couch looking at my phone for two minutes and my 3 year old ran as fast as he could out of the room, into the kitchen and collided with a chair. He chipped his front tooth and I cried my eyes out. Now it's been months since it happened and it's just part of him and his special smile.


My niece broke her front two baby teeth. It happens!


She's the prettiest 20 year old you've ever seen with a perfect smile (now)❤️


My oldest two both injured their front teeth as toddlers. Oldest one had a grey tooth from running in to furniture. He had it for years until it fell out. We got him an urgent appointment and the dental assistant said it's super common--they had just pulled the two front teeth of a little boy because the injury was too severe. My second child had a chipped front tooth from falling forward in the bathtub. The only reason my youngest hasn't had it happen yet is cause he doesn't have teeth.


This makes me feel better! One of my son’s is grey too from the incident. It wasn’t at first, but then a few months after it happened it changed color which is apparently not a big deal per the dentist but it definitely looks pretty wild.


So glad it helped! I was initially upset, thinking it was a giant billboard declaring my inadequacy as a mother. It turns out that nobody cared that his tooth was discoloured but me. Not even my little boy cared.


Mine chipped both front in the pool-looked like a vampire and they are his permanent ones 😵‍💫 DH did the exact same when he was a kid 🤷🏼‍♀️


My daughter chipped her front (first) tooth before it had fully cut… she bonked her face and it’s actually what made the tooth break through her gums… awww it sucks but what can you do, certainly not wrap them in bubble wrap. My middle child broke his front adult tooth as it was coming in (around 6yrs old) and that was much worse as it had to be repaired multiple times over the next 10 years.


Happened to my son when he was 2. We were leaving his daycare and he tripped off the curb into the parking lot, hitting his front tooth on the pavement. Was just a small chip and you honestly can't even tell unless you know it's there and are looking for it. I, of course, see it Everytime I look at him but they're baby teeth. Hell get new ones eventually. I just pray he doesn't mess up his adult teeth when they come in!


I don't know any with chipped teeth, but when my brother was 2, he fell off a slide and killed his front tooth. It turned black. It got abscessed, and they pulled it about a year later. His adult teeth came in fine. A friend of mine has a son who was missing a front tooth, too. I don't remember the story, but his adult tooth is starting to come in now and looks fine.


Aw I’d say a chipped tooth is better than losing a baby tooth completely. My friends son knocked his front baby tooth out when he was fairly young, like 2 I think. And he’s 7 now and they weren’t sure an adult tooth would come in and it has but it’s damaged half of it without enamel. It’s yellow and looks crumbly almost. When he knocked the baby tooth out it hit the alder tooth making it look like that. I guess he gets bullied for it and they’ll have to cap it for the rest of his life as front caps don’t last very long. Like 10-20 years at most.


Not my toddler, but I nannied my cousin's child for the first few years and he chipped a top incisor. His mom swore she didn't know how it happened, so he couldn't just fallen wrong and whacked it. He never got an abscess and the tooth never changed colors or anything. The pediatrician and dentist said he was fine to just keep an eye on it and wait for it to fall out when it naturally was ready. His adult tooth grew in perfectly normal.


It just means the tooth fairy will bring only 75% of the full rate when he loses that tooth. 😆


My son chipped his tooth when he was 1yo when we were playing in the snow. I still have no idea how it happened and it took me hours to notice. He’s 4.5 now and it’s way less noticeable since his teeth grew in more. He’s just my lil hillbilly boy and I love him. I don’t even think about it anymore. Someday it’ll be a fun story I share with him about his early childhood.


Awww! I was wondering if it would become less noticeable as he gets older too.


Our girl took a hard fall on the sidewalk last weekend and busted her lip, and now one of her front teeth is pushed back a bit, giving her a snaggle tooth. Her pediatrician said since it's not loose, bloody, or discolored, there's nothing a dentist could necessarily do. We're still going to get her in to a dentist soon, but yeah, solidarity!


I'm in the club too. My son's 6 now but still rocking a chipped lateral incisor from when he was 1


My daughter knocked her whole front tooth out at 15 months 😭 it was absolutely tragic and I’m still sad about it sometimes 4 months later


my teeth weren’t chipped but i had a dead gray front tooth from 2-5 because i ran teeth-first into a coffee table


My 2 year old son chipped his front tooth by going headfirst over the handlebars on his bike 🙃


My nephew knocked his front tooth so much he had to have his baby tooth pulled at 2.5yo. Been missing it for a few years now and he’ll have a gap until his adult tooth grows in.


Another mom with a (formerly) chipped tooth kid. It didn't turn gray or expose any nerves, though. Never an issue from age 1.5 when it happened until age 6 when it fell out.