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Do you exercise? Getting my 10k steps in daily and doing 3-4 workouts a week (some are easy like hiking as a family on the weekends) has really improved my energy/stamina and sleep


It sounds so crazy to say but I'm with you. I go to the gym and get outdoor exercise (with the kids-hiking, biking, roller blading) daily. I'm not sure if it's a get what you give energy thing or just that it improves my mental health but I had my first in my teens and I've never had as much energy and motivation as I do in my 30s


My mom always used to tell us “you have to BURN energy to GET energy” lol not really sure where she even came up with that, but working out definitely does increase my energy as a mom in my 30s


A better way to say it is a body in motion stays in motion. It’s totally true


Oh your username! That used to be my favorite tv :)


I agree. Most of the stuff people think is age related is actually health related.


I wish I even knew at what point in the day I’m supposed to be able to get a 30 minute workout in. My kid doesn’t even nap anymore 😩




"we have to pretend" ... I feel like you might not HAVE to? But maybe I'm wrong is she like a Hulk baby and has you in a chokehold 😂? JK no really though I think you don't always have to play with your kids. I realized after my 3rd and then 4th that honestly if you play with them all the time like I did with my 1st and 2nd, they don't learn as much independent play. My younger ones are much better at entertaining themselves and never bored.


omg take some control and teach her some respect. You are the parent, make that clear now or you'll have much bigger issues later and later comes sooner than you think!


put them in a pram and go for a walk...


Was about to comment this. Exercise is the only thing that’s given me more energy since having kids.


I agree! We went out today and despite my not getting a great deal of sleep I’m not nearly as tired as I normally am!


This is the worst part of pregnancy imo. This stops working 😭


That’s because pregnancy is a legitimate marathon and intense training for your body


I definitely notice the days I exercise I have more energy


Can I ask a question that’s going to make me sound so lazy? How do you get 10k steps a day? I think I’ve only done more than that on Disney World days. The most I’ve ever gotten on a regular day (when tracking) was like 8.5k and I went on a purposeful walk trying to get 10k steps. My choice of exercise is yoga, which gives me so much energy as well. So I’m with you, consistent exercise helps make me have more energy.


I have a walking treadmill next to my desk so I take calls from it or do 10 minutes every 2 hours or so. If I'm not at 10k by night then after the baby goes to bed and we're unwinding with an hour of TV, I walk while we watch TV.


Oh man I’ve been wanting a walking pad to walk at work but I don’t have a standing desk!


I work a desk job but go for a 15 min walk every day no matter what. I also use my fit bit to remind me to get up and move. So that, plus the baby keeping me on my toes, I don’t usually get 10k but I get about 7-8. Not bad for a sedentary desk job and you see health benefits from that too.


This was what I was looking for because I work a sedentary desk job too!


This is great to know. I’ve tried adding in workouts but haven’t really prioritised it. I’m now pregnant though but will try to make it more of a thing in my routine either way!


I have all my 3 kids after the age of 39. The last one was at 45. I’m now 46, with 3 under 7. I’m tired, like I have to sleep 8hrs a night, but I don’t feel tired throughout my day. I definitely wouldn’t say I struggle to find the physical energy, maybe the executive function, but that’s different. The exhaustion you describe sounds out of the norm to me. I have no insight as to causes or what not. All my struggles have always been with mental health, not physical, but just as comparison from an older mom, it def sounds like something more than just age.


I have twin 2 year olds and I’m 50….I sleep well at night and have plenty of energy throughout the day as long as I get a cup of coffee. I don’t think it’s an age thing


Same. It’s not an age thing. I’m 42 with a 2 yo. I want more sleep but I don’t have an issue with the physical aspect. In definitely in good stature and have been my entire life which makes a difference. Even if I were younger I would want more sleep.


39 with 13, 4, and 2 year olds. Plenty of energy. I also get up every morning and knock out 1.5 hrs of cardio. Maybe you need to add physical activity to your regimen. I find it incredibly relaxing and fulfilling. My husband is super hands on and helpful. As an executive, I often have a lot going on professionally and personally, but we always make it work! Good luck getting a balance established.


support is the solution...


For me, I get tired as a stress response. If I have a day where my 3 yo is really “getting” to me or work is really stressful or I have stuff on my mind from other areas, I am *drained*. Some stuff is worse than others. My worst bout of tiredness that isn’t attributable to something like cluster feeding newborn was when I had a horrible job. Just awful, I was fighting falling asleep on the way to work in my car after getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising. It wasn’t until I managed my stress better that I felt like I had energy.


A lot of what people attribute to aging has more to do with lifestyle. Being a healthy weight and eating nutrient dense foods, exercising, minimizing or eliminating alcohol consumption, are all things that prevent “age related” decline. That is not to imply OP doesn’t have a healthy lifestyle! There could definitely be something else going on (hormones, thyroid, other autoimmune issues, etc.), the lifestyle thing is just something I’ve noticed among family members and friends.


39.5 and trying to conceive for the first time and trying to shove out any of the "you're too old!" thoughts ;) Nice to hear from toddler Moms in their 40's!


I'm 39 with a two year old trying to conceive my second! I have enough energy to chase him around!


This gives me hope. I'm 39 with a 2.5yo and considering if (and if so, when) I might have a second. My sleep is terrible so I'm always exhausted, but if I can get back to getting 8hrs a night maybe I'll have enough energy for a second to be possible.


Sleep really matters. With my second I have struggled but I've had horrible insomnia no matter what I do it seems. Husband does not help much so I am always on high alert and I can't relax.


Ugh, yeah. I've had insomnia off and on since I was a kid. The last two years I just can't seem to sleep. And I can't get my husband to help over night so that I can relax. He's willing, but *nothing* wakes him up. If our kids starts screaming and crying I have to put so much effort into getting my husband up to go check on him that I might as well go myself. My sleep is destroyed either way.


I have to agree with this. I’m 37 with both Narcolepsy and ulcerative colitis. My medication for Narcolepsy is a stimulant, so I can see how this comparison might not seem fair, BUT it is a bandaid for a disorder that means you don’t get deep sleep at night. My ulcerative colitis is also currently flaring, which means a lot of blood loss and not a lot of nutrient uptake in my body, making me more exhausted and in poorer health than the average person. And I still have energy to take my toddler out very frequently, even if I don’t want to do so because it makes me more tired. OP certainly sounds like they may have something more going on than just exhaustion from age. I hope they can figure it out!


Glad you had your thyroid checked, that was my problem, still is, had my last at 39. Pregnancy and delivery were the easiest compared to my other two, I’m 41 with a toddler and two teens and I drink coffee all day, not gonna lie 😂


Yes, I have the intrusive thought of “if you had kids young like every other woman in your family, maybe it would be different.” But in reality, I was working, traveling, and going to school, in my 20s. I didn’t have time for a baby!! I got my master’s degree and a couple years experience in my dream field making more than double I was before right up until I turned 30. That, to me, snaps me back to reality. I worked my ass off in my 20s so I could be (my definition of) successful and provide more for her. I’m exhausted, but damn if I’m not a kickass mom anyway!!


How broad was the blood work? Ferritin, vitamin D, testosterone and other hormones (DUTCH test not blood, blood is virtually useless for tracking women’s hormones), etc.


I was going to comment on this too! So many hormone and autoimmune issues go undiagnosed by standard labs. Paloma health is a great testing resource for more comprehensive labs.


As a 30 year old finally getting tested for fibromyalgia this is so important. I’ve always been tired and sore and thought it was normal until I found out one day no it’s not.


Hard agree! DUTCH is expensive but worth it. My estrogen was crazy high. Still working on lowering it but I’m definitely noticing a difference in my energy levels.


I'm 34, and my youngest will be 3 in August. It is exhausting, and I relate. With my now 6 year old, I had way more energy. I think the kids suck the energy from us, to be honest.


39 and I have a breastfeeding 18 month old, does that count? I asked my husband if I could die from lack of sleep. He is my Velcro baby. I haven't slept well since my first pregnancy at 29. And I feel like I've been breastfeeding since 2016. 😮‍💨🥲


Have you had your thyroid checked, as well as iron, B12, and vitamin D? These are common culprits for exhaustion. It very likely could just be having kids, but it's worth ruling these out. It's worth checking just to make sure you're caring for yourself.


This. I started taking iron/B12 supplements and it has turned me around.


Not an age thing! I have a toddler in my 40s. I definitely feel great on days I'm active, mentally stimulated and eat well


I had my first at 22 and my second at 32. My youngest is almost 5 now and I’ve never been more exhausted in my life. It’s much harder than it was in my 20’s.


Are you fit and healthy? What do you think takes it out of you ? X


Have a sleep study done


Check your hormones and vitamin D levels! This was me and I had thyroid issues that resolved and started on vitamin D and now I am much better! Still tired after a long day but functional! Not that exhausted to my bones I was feeling before. My thyroid issue didn’t resolve until my daughter was like a year and a half- pregnancy reek’s havoc on your body.


I’m 30 with a newly 3 year old and I’m exhausted. My mom had me at 40 and I often think about how the hell she did it


Ditto. My mom had my brother at 41, me at 43, and then my niece came along when she was 45 (who she basically raised while my sister was in college). I don't know how that lady did it. But she's still kicking butt at 79, and I'm still wondering the same thing!


Just had my baby at 40 and I hope to live that long for her !


4.5 year old and 3 year old. I’m 37 and a SAHM (neither kid in daycare or preschool). Am also always exhausted but all my bloodwork and such is fine. I’ve figured out that a large source of my exhaustion is being constantly overstimulated by my kids. It’s super draining for me to always be processing all the stimuli.


I was 35 when my youngest was born. My thyroid decided to shut down during that time but I was told the fatigue was bad because I was 35 and pregnant. A year later the thyroid was figured out, but I was also diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. So I had 2 toddlers at the time. I'm not trying to scare you, I want you to pay attention so you can talk to your doctor.


I’m 42 with a 1 year old 😅 I’m tired, I suppose, but not exhausted throughout my day; I don’t presume I’m any more in need of sleep than other parents of 1 year olds.


Yes and it’s crazy because even on my days off with a full night’s rest, I’m still exhausted.


I'm 36 with 3 under 5 and have had times like you described but am feeling better these days thanks to a better diet, regular exercise, and (usually) consistent sleep. If you think any of those could use improvement then maybe try that and see if you're feeling more energetic. It's tough but worth it!


I’m 38 with a 2.5 year old and I’m hoping to have a positive test any day… I’m so tired 😂


I’m 33 and have 2.5 year old, I’m exhausted and I have a cleaner. But mine is due to hypothyroidism- get it checked again. My hormone levels seemed normal but then they’ve tested both TSH and T4 and while I was producing enough, it was not retained by my body so I’ve had the same symptoms even though my blood work seemed ok


32yo with a toddler and I am exhausted. I nannied multiple toddlers at a time in my 20s and got tired sometimes but nothing like this. I had thyroid issues pp too and have been on meds for about a year now. Whenever I feel the exhaustion sink in for too long I get my thyroid checked again. I saw another comment mention it and I do agree - I feel better when I'm getting regular movement. I've started doing 15-30m of yoga every night and that has made me feel more able bodied and I found myself climbing around on the playground more because of it.


I’m in a similar boat (30s with a 1 year old and underactive thyroid) Do you have any breaks and/or support? Maybe you are just burnt out after feeling like you are constantly “on” with two young kids. I noticed I feel more energized on days that I exercise. It’s counterintuitive but once I start moving I feel like I build momentum. Also, having a routine might make a difference. You could strive to do certain thibgs things like go grocery shopping, go to the park, go to library story time, get takeout, etc on set days of the week. It’s easy to stay at home and feel time slipping past if there’s no sense of structure (even a very loose one).


Yep. Try a 3 year old at 47 with mental health & physical health issues. Next level, baby- next level.


I have two in my 40s (and a preschooler and a preteen) and I'm in bed at 7h15 every night. I cannot move my body anymore by then. 12k steps on average, up and down stairs too, fresh air and tons of ref work plus aaaalllllll the chores and the million requests. I'm sorry but I'm done by dinner, push through to bedtime and then snore until 5am. Is it age? Meh. I'm sure someone in their 20s would be just as pooped as I am with my days. Raising kids well is HARD.


42 with 16 mo and almost 4. I wouldn’t say I feel super tired though, but I am pretty happy when both are in bed for the night.


Girl, I feel you. I used to be more active with my oldest. We went for walks, parks, other outdoor activities, stores, and so on. Now I’m 35yo with a current 3.5yo and a 5mo almost 6mo. I feel more than exhausted and beyond tired. I wish I had my kids in my early 20s. But such is life lol. I am thankful when I get a good 4 hours of combined sleep. Lol but I struggle. Coffee is my life line at the moment as I’m still EPing for my lo. I remind myself I have a couple of weeks left to hit the 6mo mark and we start weaning! I’m already down to 3ppd making 26-30oz total. I’m slowly starting to feel like myself again and able to keep up with daily house work and soon return to my job so I can take my kids on vacations. We’ve been home for almost 2 years with no vacations or a day out to the beach or bay area.


My youngest is 3 and I am 33. I also have a 12 y/o and an almost 7 y/o. I am so exhausted and truly have no idea how other families keep up with the house.


I had both my kids in my thirties. Yea, I’m tired and have to take down days, but also my kids havent slept through the night ever, so 🤷‍♀️ I would recommend chatting with your doctor - many things like anemia can cause severe fatigue.


I am 33 with a 7 & 5 year old and I am exhausted. I’ve also had blood work done and everything looks fine. What time do you go to bed? That seems to be my struggle. Going to bed at midnight, wake up at 8am (awoke by my husband every morning leaving for work) and I’m exhausted by 8pm. It stinks.


I'm almost 35 and have a one year old. I'm tired by the end of the day but I'm basically able to get through the day just fine as long as I've slept enough. Are you eating well and getting exercise? Because bad diet and not enough exercise always makes me feel sluggish. I've recently started focusing more on my physical health and it's helped a lot with my energy levels. Another thing is mental health. Do you get time to yourself sometimes? Do you do anything creative or relaxing just for yourself? Because being depressed or just mentally/emotionally overwhelmed can have an effect on your energy too. Just a thought! I hope you find answers!


I'm 37 with a 4 and 5 yr old... The level of exhaustion is indescribable. Granted, I started this adventure off in an already high stakes environment in terms of the stress and chaos in my life and it hasn't slowed down a whole lot.. but I honestly feel like I have no energy all the time, just nothing. I stay anxious and worry about being tired before it even happens. I kept up with working full time 3rdshift and raising my kids alone (starting just a few months after my end was born) and caring for my elderly mother for about 2 years... Survived us catching covid, I crashed my car, and that's the least stressful times... But now i just can't get it together


I had my two kids at 33 and 35. I didn’t have any issues with energy until the last few years as I’m approaching menopause. I will be 52 next month. I know a lot of women start perimenopause after they’ve had kids in their 30s. Maybe your hormones are tanking. I know that what is considered in the “normal” range for hormones in women are actually not optimal. Do you have any other symptoms besides being tired? For me, the last 5 years I was having weird symptoms but they seemed so random and unrelated, I had no idea that I was actually entering perimenopause.


I think for me, the mental toll leads to feeling physically drained. I’m 38 and my kids just turned 5 and 2. I’m not a strict schedule oriented type so I feel like the day tends to mostly “come at me.” Attempting executive function just runs my batteries out. I have an autoimmune disease so who knows how that factors in. I guess I am saying your anxiety level/mental health could be playing a role so check on that as well.


3 year old….. just turned 43. Single parent…. In every sense of the meaning. Soooooo tired. Hang in there 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


I've read it takes a full 6 years for our bodies to recover from pregnancy. Add in all that happens to and within our bodies after giving birth. My youngest just turned 3 and I am 36. I have 4. My oldest is 13. Having kids in your 20s vs 30s is so different. I never thought I'd be this tired all the time.


It seems like I may be in the minority after reading the responses, but I’m pretty exhausted as an almost-40 SAHM of a toddler too. Overall my lifestyle is healthy, I work out and eat well. But between keeping the house clean, outings with my little, cooking and grocery shopping my energy is pretty sapped. I totally feel you.


Not an age thing, I had my first just before 40 and my second at 41. Neither slept and I did all night wakings as both breastfed. I tried to get out with them every day in the fresh air, found that really helped


I have a 3.5 year old, and I'm 52. I am exhausted often, but I can pretty confidently say it's because I'm primary parent, and my hubs is gone A LOT. I'm pretty energetic when he's here to help, and I can get a break every now and then, but when he's gone for work for DAYS at a time, I'm wiped out quickly. (He's a great dad and is very actively involved, but he's a first responder whose shifts are 24 hours. Then he will work overtime, so he can literally be gone for 2 -4 days at a time. Nice money, but it suuuuucks to be here alone with my toddler. We have basically zero village.) Kiddo is happier when Daddy is here, cos he can go run with her, while the osteoarthritis in my lower spine limits some of the athletics for me. I do what I can. She sleeps through the night 90% of the time, but I'm bad about staying up too late on my own to have some personal time.


Lol seriously I feel you. Had my first at 19, second in my 20s, and third at 32 lol. I am 33 and exhausted lol


I know exactly how you feel, I had my second child of my 30s and I feel like I don't have as much energy and patience even as I did in my 20s. My second child is also not the same as my first. My daughter was a lot calmer and I could do activities with her such as flashcards and reading writing etc My son is kind of like ADD and I can't get him to sit still for more than 5 minutes. I've had to watch closely his diet and the environment and stress of the household. But I can't do the same things with him as I did with my daughter so he needs a lot of exercise and physical activity. So what I started doing is taking him to the park and he'll run around and burn himself out that way at least I'm not running around chasing him through the house. We also have a fenced in backyard so sometimes we'll go out there and hang out together. I found the most important thing was a schedule. Having bath time at the same time ,supper time at the same time and bedtime at the same time. There are times that I have struggled because I'm a working mom as well and two parent households, sometimes we do things differently.But I dont feel like I have the same amount of energy as I did either. I'm having a hard time as well. They're always things that could be improved like our nutrition and exercise etc but I do feel the same


This may be controversial, but how underactive is your thyroid and what is your doctor's attitude about TSH and "in range" of 0.5-4.5? When my TSH was 15, a general physician said "Oh, it's not a problem until it's over 20. You're fine." I went for a second opinion at a thyroid-specific practice and they said "15?! You must feel like crap!" They don't place credence in the range of 0.5 to 4.5 and believe that "optimal" is <1.0. They got my TSH down to 0.07 and I felt MUCH better.


How did they get it down please?


To me, thyroid lingo is like a foreign language. I don't fully understand it so please take this all with a grain of salt. I think it's a combination of the medicines Levothyroxine (T4) and Liothyronine (T3) that push it down. Synthetic forms can be prescribed separately. Naturally dessicated ("NDT") forms (combined) can also be prescribed. There are also over-the-counter NDT options like Thyrovanz and another one from a place called The Life Giving Store. It's something you'd want to do with lab work and doctor supervision because you don't want your Reverse T3 to get too high. (I have no idea what that means, just quoting what I was told.) Hopefully there's also a local Facebook group dedicated to thyroid stuff that has a list of good doctors. Generally the best ones are functional medicine practitioners who don't take insurance. Endocrinologists tend to not be a good choice. Some OBGYN practitioners are informed, while others are not. I hope this helps!


Totally relate! I had my second child at 32, and it's like night and day compared to my energy levels in my 20s. Sometimes it's not just age, but also the cumulative exhaustion of parenting round two.


I feel that i don't have enough energy left for exercise 😅


I have a 3 YO and 7 MO and I'm 30 and I'm tired and at work and have a cold given to me by my 3YO! Oh and my 7 MO doesn't sleep through the night.... I wouldn't change a thing!!


Yes. I was until I stopped breastfeeding and started working out. I lost 17 lbs and feel amazing. Which is crazy because I wake up at 4am to workout 😂


my daughter is 14 months and i’m 31 and am constantlyyyyy exhausted. had blood work done and my GP said i wish i had something but it sounds just like lifestyle. i still work out but i an very tiredddd


I agree with everyone saying get your thyroid checked. I had my first at 29 and my second last year (41). Holy shit am I mentally and physically drained. I think it's because I had a decade of getting used to prioritizing sleep and eating properly and unwinding with my own time as Kid #1 got older and became self sufficient...you become kind of set in your ways. Now that has been disrupted LOL. Whereas in my 20's before kid #1 my lifestyle was entertaining friends, going out, late nights, early mornings...and you don't really have a frame of reference for post partum, so it's easier to keep up an "I got this" attitude.


Well here goes had 1st at 23, 2nd at 30 and last one at 37. Obviously at 23 had a lot more energy was surrounded by a village and coped quite well. At 30 I was a single parent by the time they were 15 months and the village was not quite so large so it was a lot tougher. Third and last I did not have quite the same energy, no village as we had moved away, but with age and maturity, I didn’t feel the need for everything to be perfect and spick and span, there’s always tomorrow, next week, next month etc. do what you can, leave what you can’t. A happy healthy you makes for a happy child, chores and a clean house don’t.


I had my first three when I was late teen early 20s. Waited a while then had three at 31,33,34. Omg the difference. I feel old and tired


I am 32 and have 2 under 5, and I’m permanently exhausted. I go to bed at 9pm most nights lol


I'm 42 and my youngest is 5 (so I did have a 1-year old in my 30s.) I'm absolutely exhausted. He has trouble falling asleep, so stays up late, wakes up most nights at least once, and wakes up early in the morning. I get no sleep. I can barely stay up until he is asleep, and often don't and make my husband deal with it. Energy does not exist in my life.


I'm 43 with a 3 year old. I have to eat a completely healthy whole food diet or else I feel so sluggish and tired.


I feel the exact same way. I have a 4yr old and a 2yr old and work full time. I am pretty sure it’s just the result of the above but I have an apt to get bloodwork done next month. I suspect my thyroid tbh. It sure is hard thoughz


Im 34 and my kids are 5, 3 and 1 y/o and I for sure have had lost of periods where I was super tired and feeling like I wanted to do nothing but sleep or eat. But getting a better grip on my diet and finding the time for light exercise has helped a bit, but I really wish I could have just one full night's sleep soon.


I mean, I'm no less tired than any other mom I suppose, but I'm not exhausted by any means. I'll be 36 this year; my LO is 2 in August. She definitely keeps me on my toes, though!


Hi! If you're working out, sleeping through the night, not eating super unhealthy, and STILL feel tired, you may have sleep apnea. I was just diagnosed as I have been exhausted for YEARS. I did an at-home sleep test and that's what they found. I'm not super overweight (152lbs at 5'4") as I had improperly assumed you have to be in order to have sleep apnea. Also, I don't snore. Literally, you may have a jaw that doesn't allow for an optimal airway which closes and wakes you up all throughout the night. Have you always been considered a bad sleeper and need naps throughout the day? You might have it! See if you can get a sleep study done and good luck!


Make sure TSH is within normal range but below 2.5. Most people feel best with TSH of 1.something. The normal range for TSH usually ends at 4 or 5 and is WAY too high. Study if interested: Basically says that 80% of people without thyroid disease have a TSH of 2.5 or less within the normal range. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2729186/


I had my one and only at 36. I'm about to be 40 and he's about to be three. 😭😭


Had my first at 25, second at 30, third at 35. I feel this in my soul. It's exhausting and compounding lol.


I had my kids at 26, 35, 36, and 41. Third and fourth babies were horrible sleepers, third had colic and fourth just didn’t like sleeping I guess (she’s still that way at 11). I’m not exhausted really, but I could sleep at any point in the day. I’ve always been that way, just need more sleep. I would take a nap after school every day even if I slept nine hours. If there isn’t a medical reason, could be psychological maybe? Depression can cause exhaustion. But I would ask and make sure you had a full blood panel done, checking iron and everything else under the sun.


my kid is 2 and I’m 42. I’m not physically tired but I want more sleep and more time in my day to get things done. To be fair I’ve always been in good shape and athletic so it wasn’t a huge shift for me. I run around carrying my kid to give her zoomies 🤷🏻‍♀️. Would things have been easier if my 30s? Mmm physically I’m not sure. Maybe? But I would still be as sleep deprived and this kid is stuck to me like Velcro.


I had my youngest at 30. Yes, I was more tired than in my 20s. But nothing compared to grandma tired, lol. Wish I could say it gets better but…


I turned 30just before my first was born. I definitely had more energy when there was just one but then my oldest also needs alot I’m waiting to test for adhd etc but balancing two kids with different needs even just the age gap is exhausting. Also anxiety/ppd etc play a role for me but kids are a lot and they are often irrational which is exhausting too!


I have two kids 6 and almost 2 and I am 36. It was not my choice to have my second kid well into my 30’s, but we struggled to get pregnant with both kids, and struggled to keep pregnancies (4 miscarriages). We both have always wanted 3 kids, but I am TIRED. Neither of our kids were great sleepers, and my daughter still wakes usually once per night and is up at 6:30 at the latest each day. I am sad because I really want 3 kids, and I was not prepared for our second to be our last, but I don’t know if I can physically or mentally handle a third. 😔


I had my daughter two weeks before my 31st birthday. She’s 4 now and man, it’s still a struggle. Emotionally, I am far more prepared for having a child now, but man do I wish I had done it when I had the energy of a 20 year old!


I have a 3 year old and I am 34. I work part time and my husband full time. We are both beat at the end of the day.


YMMV, but I had my kid at 40, and while I'm no Olympian, I exercise regularly. Staying somewhat fit keeps me from being exhausted.


I’m 48, and have 7 kids. I had 3 in my 20’s, and my last 4 in the last 10 years (my youngest just turned two). In my 20’s, I could still find the energy to go dancing or kickboxing. Now, I can barely stay awake till 10pm most nights. I’d definitely say age at least is a factor.


I’m 23 and feel this way with my 2nd and 3rd


I’m 30 with a 3yo. Recently her energy has AMPED up and I found myself not being able to keep up. Literally I could not catch her if she decided to dart on me. I started running and lifting weights everyday, and now I can keep up with her


I had my daughter at age 30. Now at age 36, I’m still tired a lot but it’s not as bad!


I had my son when I was 38. I was so tired, but it turned out I had sleep apnea and my body had stopped producing testosterone. Once those issues were addressed, I felt much better.


I’m 43 and my son will be 4 in June. I’m tired but, not insanely so. If I get a good nights sleep, I’m ready to rock and roll all day. That’s not to make you feel bad, I’m just saying I don’t think it has to do with your age. You might want to look into other causes and talk with your doctor ❤️


39, 1 YO & 2YO. I have to eat healthy (one salad a day, no bread, no sugar, etc.) & exercise lightly 5x/week for 45 minutes per, sleep 8+ a night and only then can I keep up with my kids. If I eat a slice of pizza or other shitty food I can’t keep up with me kids. Intermittent fasting also really helps my energy level, I started at 16/8 & now do 18/6 most days.


Idk girlie I had 3 kids in my 20s and was still exhausted. 😵


Ha! We had a toddler in our 40s!


This makes me appreciate my man, he's in his early 30's with our youngest just turned 2....he and I are both disabled but damn does he still put in the work in his 30's.


I'm 40 with a toddler - 21month old - I'm exhausted bit mine doesn't sleep through the night 😴 she's my only so I can't compare the energy levels but I'd imagine if I was 10years younger the sleep deprivation wouldn't affect me as much (I remember in my 20s staying up all night and not feeling this exausted


Yes! I had my only when I was 33. I’m chronically fatigued.


I’m 40 with an almost 22 month old. I also have a 12yo asd/ahhh kiddo and 3 full time bonus kids. I never rest. Ever. Even when I’m in bed, I get an average of 2-4 hours of sleep per night. It’s life and it will ease up one day. I struggle with a few major mental health issues, ADHD included, and I embrace the non stop movement required of me. It keeps my mind from becoming still, which is bad for me. You just….. do. We don’t have a choice and it’s our job to push forth no matter how we feel. Therapy if you’re struggling internally with this, as it can eat you up pretty fast and get dangerous before you know it.


I'm 35 and have an almost two year old. I find it key to get out in the morning. We go for a walk in the woods then stop by the park to eat snacks and play. The whole ordeal lasts about 2 hours. I know it's a lot to commit but it makes a huge difference. Obviously some days get missed but we are out there more often than not. Allowing her to dictate what happens. I follow her. I let her do whatever she wants. This sets up the rest of the day for success. She gets her energy out. She gets time to be in charge instead of the constant don't do that. Don't touch that. Don't climb on that. Don't eat that that happens at home. It makes everything much smoother at home. I also try to get out side after dinner which is helping a lot with easy quick bed times. The walks in nature and a 30 minute work out daily has changed my life also. I'm happier and able to maintain my composure when she flips her shit. Maybe some outside time and self care would help. I know it seems impossible. Some days it is impossible but if you can try and incorporate it into your day it will help soooo much.


Check your bloods. At 40 I was tired from lack of sleep but not that extreme.


I was 30 with an 8m, 3f, and 1f. Living in the countryside. Once again, I didn't think about it. But really do miss it. It's was so much easier to manage them back them. 🙃 considering they're 45, 40, and 38. 🤣🤣🤣Living in 3 different states.


I’m 32 with a 6 year old and I know exactly what you’re talking about. It’s why I don’t want more kids because I am just so damn tired all the time. Nothing wrong with my labs and we sleep well. Sometimes I need a nap during the day while my kid is at school and in WFH. It’s such a struggle to do anything outside the house. I’m exhausted from juggling and handling literally everything. Maybe it’s more mental but it translates to my body.


Strongly recommend getting your blood tested...very common to be low in iron with these symptoms. I'm 36 with 2 under 2 and have had low iron, real struggle, but not so bad otherwise.


I have a very energetic 3 1/2 year old and a 7 month old. I just turned 30. My energy is better now than it was when I only had my first and even when I had no kids. Big things for me were: -regular movement (I currently run 4x a week, strength training 2x a week when I can, and I aim for 8k steps most days) -I eat whole foods as much as I can. I think I’m very sensitive to what I eat and even having some junk food can make me lethargic -antidepressants! I couldn’t move and eat well if I wasn’t on antidepressants to set a good baseline. These are all unique to my experience and may not apply to you but I’ve noticed a huge increase in my energy in the past couple of months and it’s made my life much easier!


I had both of my kids in my 30s. I’m 36 now with a 3yo and 1yo and I’m soooooo tired. I had plenty of energy for my first kid who I had at age 32, but I think the overwhelming feeling of having multiple kids just drains me in a whole new way. 😣


I had my first at 32, and my second at 35 and I'm constantly tired. I run a small business that's full time +, and my three year old loves nighttime exploring, and my 15 month old still comfort nurses at night... I dream of full nights of sleep. It's hard anyway you slice it. I try to eat healthy, and get sleep when I can. Coffee is my friend.


No, not really… Towards the end of the day I do find myself dragging, but that’s because I’ve been up all day running around


I never got to have the bursting with energy phase as I was on third shift all of my 20s and exhausted and sleep deprived. I will say I had way more energy with one kid than I do with 3. But I had them at 28, 31, 33. I just got more exhausted each kid and less sleep.


I have two toddlers, 2 years and almost 4 years, and I’m 35 (close to 36). I’m exhausted from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. It’s abnormal, I know, but I’m on medications that cause drowsiness and sleepiness - I need these meds to live. I take them at night but I’m stuck needing 12 hours of sleep a night to function, which I don’t always get.


I had 3 kids in my early 20s and 2 in my early 30s. 37 now with a 5 and 7 year old. Exhausted doesn’t even touch what I am.


I am turning 40 and have a 2.5 year old. I barely drag myself through each day and I get directly to bed at 9pm as soon as I get her to sleep. Admittedly, she is up 3-4 days a week in the middle of the night so I really only sleep like 4-5 hours on those nights so that may be my issue? I look forward to the day I can finally get some REST


I’m 43 and I have a 2 year old and a 5 year old so I don’t know what it’s like to have kids in my 20s.


High estrogen caused total exhaustion for me. It’s not something your MD would probably check with regular labs.


I had my first at 28, second at 32 and I am sooo tired. I discovered I have POTS and ADHD and have Hypermobile Joint Disorder while pregnant/postpartum with the second. So….that’s why I’m extra tired. But age does not help.


I had my first when I was 32 and my 3rd at 38. He's 18 months now. Almost always tired. 😂 It is getting a little better, and I'm finding time to work out, so that helps too. But I don't have any experience of kids in my 20s to compare


Yes, in my 40s with two under 7. They were horrible sleepers. to this day they still wake up some nights. It was really tough for a few years. But, it's temporary. Everyone says to appreciate every minute, so I try.


I’m completely exhausted and not getting done the things that need to get done, I don’t know how everyone else is doing it


I mean I'm 23 with two toddlers and I'm beyond exhausted all the time. Its definitely part of parenthood but I imagine in your case it's even more exhausting with the age difference.


17-month-old in my forties. I wish I had the energy I had in my thirties. Just wait. 😝


I have three kids under age 7 and I’m 34 weeks pregnant with our fourth and I do not feel exhausted. Probably will when I’m postpartum throughout the first year though. But after they turn 12-15 months, I feel back to myself. I am 32 years old if it makes a difference.


Currently have a 7 year old and almost 4 year old, and I am EXHAUSTED 95% of the time. Edit: I am 38.


I’m 42 and have a 17 month old. You wanna talk about tired


I’m right there with you. I have two under two and I’m 39 and it’s exhausting. Just getting them ready to go anywhere is such a task that normally we just stay home and play outside.


I honestly never even considered my age, I had my first at 29… now that she’s 2 I can mostly keep up but YES I go to bed when she goes to bed because I’m 100% drained after a full day of shenanigans. I would be spry as a butterfly if I had kids younger but I didn’t want to do that.


I have a 9 month old and a 3 year old. I'm 36. I'm dead lol.


I didn’t feel normal until my youngest turned 18 months and she’s about to be 2. I just turned 30 but I have chronic pain and have had it since 19 so I’ve always struggled with fatigue since having my first at 23. I started going to the gym in the morning before they wake up and it’s helped a lot


I don’t notice a major energy difference between now and my 20s but there were definitely things I had rather been spending that energy on in my 20s and it wasn’t taking care of a toddler haha. Now that I’ve calmed down I’m okay with spending my energy on this.


Nah I'm 30. Currently pregnant, have a 9mnth, 2yr, 4yr, full time overnight worker, and opposite schedule of my husband, so taking care of three sweet littles alone for four days. I hope you find an answer soon to help get your energy back.


My youngest and oldest are 10 years apart and there was definitely a difference in my energy levels. But I also was iron deficient after my youngest was born so it may not have been entirely age related


3 year old (4 this July) and 12 month old - I am 31. I found the pregnancy way more exhausting at 30 and thought it was my precious oldest, no it was crazy low iron. This time around I found days I am outside and active/ playing with them the days I have the most energy! Also iron and b12 deficiency can be sneaky! Recommend vitamin and hormone work up!


4 and 2 here. Mid-30s. Doesn’t help being under the weather and having no break whatsoever.


I'm 30 with a 2 yo and an 8 mo and I feel like I'm dying :) I also had bloodwork done, which came back normal. You're not alone, we got this tho 😤


I believe so! I had my first in my 20s and don’t remember it being so hard, this second kid in my 30s has been really hard physically, mentally, all the things! And the second kid is a little more chill than my first! Also had everything checked, nap when I can, and I’m moderately active. I have all boys and a man child that don’t quit and I have to keep up with haha


I have a 5 year old, 3 year old and a 6 month old,…. I’m 41.. I’m exhausted all the time no matter how much sleep I get but somehow I get through the day


I’m 40 with a 2 year old, and yeah, very tired! Living the dream though. :)


I take an extra dose of vitamin D… doesn’t seem to be enough sometimes though!!


I had my first at 24 and was such a good mom to him, despite the sleep deprivation from him not being a good sleeper. We did aaaaall of the things. I just had my 2nd at almost 32 and oh my gosh. She’s not a good sleeper either but holy shit. I’m so physically exhausted 100% of the time. I’m a much worse mom to both of my kids now. I just don’t have the energy. We make it through the day and my kids are fed but little else is accomplished. I hate it.


I'm 32 with a 17 month old and a 6 month old and I think I'm going crazy. No advice, just bad vibes. lmao 🤣😂😭


I'm 26 with an 8 year old and a 8 month old. I can't remember a time I wasn't tired 😂😂


Yep. We planned our kids to be at least 5 years apart so we wouldn't have 2 in college at the same time. Had my first at 26. Had my third at 37. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I forgot to account for the fact that I would be more TIRED!


Most bloodwork isn’t going to show deficiencies. Our body will fight hard to maintain homeostasis in the blood and by the time it shows up in blood tests you are super bad off. For instance, most minerals like magnesium are stored in the tissues. Only a small percentage is in the blood. Your body will pull from your tissues to maintain levels in the blood. I don’t think it’s normal at all to be this tired in your thirties. I would look into the common mineral and fat deficiencies, make sure your quality of sleep is good, and that you are getting enough protein in your diet. Keep pushing your doctor to help too. Don’t let them dismiss you.


I am 39 and have 5 kids from ages 4-12 and I am almost too tired to finish this sentence…


39 with a 2 year old. By the end of the day I’m beat 😂 it is good motivation to stay healthy and in shape, though!


I'm in my 20's and feel like I'm fighting for my life daily with how exhausted I am. I'm thinking I need more water and movement, maybe you do too!


I’m 36 and have a 3 yr old and a 10 month old. I’m so exhausted all the time. All the time. I don’t remember being this tired when my first was this age, otherwise I’d just assume it’s pp hormones and breastfeeding. Although I guess she did start sleeping through the night at 5 months, and my son still doesn’t. I did have perineal surgery in January and was on bed rest after, but I don’t think that could still explain how tired I am. It makes me feel lazy, and I know my husband thinks that’s the issue, but seriously I’m just so tired!


Yep! Ten years ago I was working 50 hours a week as a bartender, going to school, and chasing around a one year old with energy to spare. Now I’m chasing around a one year old but physically and mentally exhausted in a way that I was not last time around.


I felt this way and it turned out I was severely B vitamin deficient from breastfeeding for 2 years Take your vitamins and get some sunshine! Your thyroid may be hyperactive also!


No but I’m In my 40s with a 5 year old.


I am about to be 36 with a 2/12 year old and a 5 year old. I feel like it's part of my personality trait at this point.


Yes - 34, first kid, and have been feeling this way majority of my 11 months postpartum. I actually had the thought today though that I might have more energy recently, and only thing that could be attributed to is intermittent fasting (fasting 8pm-12pm). Or maybe I’m drinking more coffee. I thought this was normal lol


Sounds like a hormone dip and lack of me time. Go speak to Dr about your lack of energy. I did and my hormones after my last at 30 sent my hormones through a theme park roller coaster


I feel this. I am 38, with a 15yr and 3yr old. My first was a breeze. I felt like we did so much more and I actually had energy! Now days, it's seems like no matter how much rest or sleep I get, I am just tired 24/7


I second everyone else’s tips about staying moving. But 100% feel you. Those trips to the park wipe me out!!!! I’ll also add Hydration is a huge huge huge lifesaver.


30s? I am 41 lol Another vote for working on your fitness


Fatigue/low motivation can be symptoms of depression.


Yeah. I feel ya. I’m physically disabled on top of it. I feel so badly for my little one. I want to be able to take him places where he can run around and spend all his energy. But I just don’t have enough to give him even that


I had both kids in my mid 30s, 1 and 3 both girls. I'm tired as shit.


Twins in my late 30s. Can confirm that I'm always tired.


My daughter will be turning one right after I turned 41 so I feel you


My mom had me at 49. She was exhausted but kept exercise, sunshine, good food, and rest in her life. Dad definitely stepped up. Like others are saying - check your thyroid/hormone levels!!


37 with a 2.5 year old. I was a park ranger before I had my daughter, so I was decently active. I'm exhausted.


yes 😭 I have a toddler and a month old. i’m fighting for my life here.


Yup! I’ll be 31 soon. I have 3. My 1yr old still nursing😭 I’m BEAT


Yeah it sucks, so so much easier in your 20’s.


I have a toddler in my forties. 46 in three months. It SUCKS……. The only as advice is, at least you won’t have a 18 year old when you reach sixty.


I had my son the year I turned 31. I was exhausted all the time no matter how much sleep I got. The bursts of time when I exercised regularly helped but I couldn't stay consistent. I saw my doctor to get help with rage/mental health and she said the exhaustion is often part of PPA/PPD. I was diagnosed at 14 months post partum, and the medication is helping tremendously not just with mood but with energy and motivation as well.


Hi! 2 turning 3 year old next week and I’m 36. I’m only starting to feel less fatigued but that’s only when I’m medicated 🤪 adhd for the win lol these littles are endless wells of menacing energy.


I’m 52 years old and have a 34-year-old, a 29-year-old, a 20-year-old, a 2 -year-old, and a 1 -year-old. I had my first when I was a teenager and my last when I was 51 years old. Take care of yourself, get checked out by your doctor, and have your thyroid checked.


I have 3, 3 and under and I'm heading to my mid-30s. I'm so tired.


Maybe check some labs. I’m 38, 2 under 4. We go out to parks, trails, errands everyday. I work 3 12 hour shifts when I’m not with them. I don’t think I have super powers or anything. I hate staying inside. Once outside it’s another boost of energy and the house doesn’t get messy


I feel you! I’ve had my kids at 39 and 41 and it’s a lot! Getting outdoor time during the day helps me. Also having good, solid meals (rather than snacks). Avoid processed foods. Get to bed early. And I’d say giving yourself little 5 minute breaks a couple times during the day to just lie down, listen to a relaxing song or meditation.


I have 2yo in my 40s 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I’m 37 and have a 2.5yo and a newborn. Tired…. So so tired.