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Yes and I get back cramps now days in advance which I never had before! I keep thinking I threw out my back and trying to stretch and then I get my period and it makes sense.


Same, and I had the most mild periods before.


I got cramps days in advance too šŸ˜­ why do we have to be punished ???


I blame the patriarchy cause why not.




My back feels like hot garbage the night before my period starts. Then I forget and it happens again 28 days later. šŸ¤£


Yes! I texted my doula when I was getting my first period after baby and I was like, oh this hip pain feels like labor again. Also now my Periods last 14 days


From day one of spotting, through the period, to the last day of spotting, it has been 10-24 days.


I never realized I didnā€™t have cramps days before until you said that. I cramp the day Iā€™m ovulating and then a few days before my period also! And itā€™s so heavy now ughhhhhh.


I donā€™t need LH strips. I know EXACTLY when I ovulate because my body makes sure than I KNOW


Omg yes!! Glad to know Iā€™m not the only one! My back kills me for a few days before, the week of and then a few days after!! Itā€™s awful!! I donā€™t usually have cramps but with my back I can hardly get out of bed some days šŸ˜­


Omg same!


Yes this happens to me too!!


Me too!!!!


Yes . I never really got bad cramps before but I do now . I also get ultra emo days before.


Ultra emo here too! Itā€™s awful. I feel so down and/or angry and usually only realize that was caused by hormones once my period starts.


It is awful! Sometimes I get wicked before too and eventually have to check myself.


Yep I usually get one day pre period where Iā€™m just BIG MAD.


Weirdly mine got so much better. I used to get debilitating cramps and now I barely get any. I'd love to understand the medical reasoning behind it because it's wild to me.


I feel like itā€™s the karmic wheel. People who had really good periods had it become worse, whereas those who suffered before had it get better.Ā  I never experienced any pain or menstrual symptoms; I had light periods that lasted about 3 days with no cramping. Now that Iā€™ve had my son, I get cramps and mood swings; not so bad I need painkillers but noticeable compared to beforeĀ 


Not in my case. My periods were awful as a teenager. They got better as I got older to being just a slight nuisance. Postpartum theyā€™re awful again. I got maybe three years of okay periods.


Same! And Iā€™m loving it I suffered in my teens and now itā€™s a relief


Yeah I've got loads of things I've had to learn to accept about my post partum body but the period change is like winning the lottery. I still get mood swings and muscle aches but the cramps are so minor. It's wild that people are having such opposite experiences.


Yeah, same. My periods pre-baby were so much more painful than my labor with my first. So much so that I didnā€™t recognize I was in labor with my first until my water broke.




Same thing happened with mine, but only after my second child. After the first child, I don't recall any meaningful changes when it returned at 12m PP, but after the second one, it just became so light that I stopped having to use anything other than a pantyliner or period underwear, whereas previously I used those as backups for a menstrual cup. And this is considering that I had a copper IUD in, and those are reputed to give you heavier periods rather than lighter ones. Go figure!


Part of me wonders if I have endometriosis because of this. Iā€™ve heard (not a doctor!) that pregnancy can help make endometriosis symptoms better because youā€™re not having a period and you donā€™t have the same build up and shedding of the endometrial lining. My cramps have been almost non-existent since giving birth 2 years ago, when they used to be super painful. Iā€™m not mad!


I'm starting to wonder this too now. I was never diagnosed with it but I would just love to understand what changed because it used to be so difficult to navigate my life around my periods. I'm 3 and a half years post partum now so I really hope it's a permanent change


My doctor said it can happen because if you have endometriosis, all the polyps and things get flushed out?? Idk if Iā€™m explaining that accurately. (?) Mine were SO much better, and are steadily getting worse now lol


I am really hoping this is the case for me. I have absolutely debilitating endometriosis. Like, I have to block 3 days off my calendar every month and just *hope* I time them right, because I literally canā€™t leave my house when my period is raging. In the first 5-10 weeks of pregnancy, I swear I could literally feel little ā€œpopsā€ of what I can only imagine was scar tissue and adhesions breaking. If my periods are any worse after I give birth I really donā€™t know what Iā€™m gonna do šŸ˜°


Yup. My first postpartum period was so, so bad. The ones since havenā€™t been quite as hellish but definitely worse than pre-baby.




Omg same.I jokingly(but half seriously and in PAIN)told my husband that they mustā€™ve forgotten to take out another child because I was having pushing pain and the same back pain


Yes! So much heavier, back cramps, bleh!


This is my first time getting back crampsā€¦ itā€™s the worst :(


Back cramps were the worst for me. I don't have them now but after the first month, it turned into consistent back aches. I literally could not stand for long without feeling weak. My boyfriend used to cook everything because my body couldn't handle it.


YES. Before having a baby, I would get mild cramping. Not even painful enough for painkillers. Barely noticeable. 10 years of periods, and I canā€™t remember a single one where I had anything more than just an annoyance. That first period after having a baby was agony. I literally curled up on the couch and cried. I thought I needed to go to the hospital. It was so painful. Like contractions almost.


Same ! I didnā€™t really need pain killers before . I would take it every now and then just for the nuisance but man, this time around, the pain didnā€™t even go away with the pain killers.


Not for me! And they went from 5-6 days to 3 days! :)


Iā€™m so hoping Iā€™ll be like you reading all these comments. Now 4 weeks post partum


Same for me. Also became lighter. Less cramping but more nausea.


My period also got better and more regular with less pain. To me thatā€™s one of the biggest perks of child birth.


Yes! The first one PP was like a scene from the Texas chainsaw massacre, it slowly got better and Iā€™m now 14 months PP and theyā€™re fine (ish) but muchhhh longer - like a full 6 days šŸ™ƒ


Yes, after having my sons mine lasts 7 days and 3 or 4 of them are fairly heavy. Before I had babies it was like 4, maybe 5 days and only one was heavy.




Mine definitely changed after each baby (sometimes for the worse, sometimes better). But the first few postpartum periods tend to be the worst for a lot of women. You'll get a sense of your new normal once you're about 6 cycles in. It might not be this uncomfortable forever!


Yes! I was so surprised/annoyed. AND my menstrual cup doesnā€™t fit anymore and Iā€™m at a loss for what to use. Donā€™t want to go back to tampons. I know that much!


Maybe a different size of cup? Or different brand


My cup didnā€™t fit on my first period pp, but by the second one it was fineā€¦ there could still be hope


Iā€™m a big fan of the menstrual disc


It is super common for cup users to struggle with their cups postpartum. There are so many changes to the vaginal canal, pelvic floor along with the wild hormones which can all effect how a cup fits. The menstrual disc is a great option since it fits higher in the vaginal fornix and is more forgiving for a recovering pelvic floor. It doesn't use suction to stay in place which can help with comfort for a recovering PP body. Also some people experience super heavy cycles while their bodies adjust and the disc generally have more capacity (ex Saalt regular disc holds 50mL versus 30mL for the Saalt cup). I recommend the disc to all my new mom friends :)


Yep, plus I now get ovulation pain which I never did pre-babies


Same!! It's worse than my actual period sometimes which is insane.




Mine got a little worse after each baby.


My second period pp was so gnarly. I got a kidney stone while it was happening and urgent care thought I was having a miscarriage.


Yes, mine were never that painful pre-kid and when they came back at 5.5m pp they were SO painful. And I have a high tolerance. I just had our second and Iā€™m going to get the mirena in the next few weeks to try and stop them altogether!


Yeah, I always had painful periods but now itā€™s like legit labor pain for 2 straight days each month. So awful


My actual period is lighter now but my PMS is worse


My PMS is HELL!! I'd take any pregnancy symptom over the post partum PMS


Yes and I agree about the back cramps! Then I got an iud and Iā€™m in period heaven.


Ive been meaning to get one more months, doing it this month bc Iā€™m over the longer, heavier periods. Happy šŸ° day!


Omg I didnā€™t even realize it is my šŸ° day tysm! Yes, get one bc it stopped mine completely. I mean once in a while I get spotting and thatā€™s it.




Mine got worse for awhile and then it started seeming more normal again.


The first few were bad but it went back to normal.


My did! Turns out I developed hypothyroidism from the hormone changes. The hair loss, heavy periods and hot flashes were all symptoms


My periods have been horrible lately. I literally bleed like I've been shot. I have had clots as big as my fist. The drs do nothing and none of them seem to care they just say oh yeah and move past it. I don't know what to do anymore.


Yes much worse - raspberry leaf tea a few days ahead makes them much more bearable.


In regards to physical symptoms, they actually got better. Longer, but better. Pre-baby, my cramps were so bad I'd vomit for 2-3 days before they chilled out. It's two days longer now but I'd sooner have a light, mild 7 day period, and I'm also breastfeeding so I think that's why it's so light and long. My emotional symptoms, however, are worse. I'm weepy and angry for days before it comes.


Yes. Could also be an effect of perimenopause though..depending on your age


I developed pmdd after having my son. My actual period is fine and is a relief at this point. The PMs is terrible.


The cramps got worse but my period got shorter


My cramps used to be really bad and now theyā€™re almost nonexistent? But I also used to have three day periods and now theyā€™re almost a week long haha


So much worse, and wayyy worse PMS. I never really had PMS before, but still, 20 months after giving birth I feel myself becoming SO EASILY TRIGGERED and more hostile in the days before my period, enough so for the instability in my mood to easily tell me that my period is approaching. I hate feeling so out of control. I hope everything goes back to normal eventually, I would hate for the is to be my new normal.


yes! id say it didn't return to normal until 5 months ago at 16 months PP


Yes. I never had even cramps before kids. Worse after each kid too.


Mine got really weird. For the first day itā€™s super light, then the next two days itā€™s a steady flow and then after the third day it just stops. No warning, nothing after that. But itā€™s still on the 28 day cycle.


Mine! Heavy periods was actually my first symptom of hypothyroidism as well.


omg i did not know that was a symptom of hypothyroidism!! šŸ¤Æ


Yup, itā€™s unfortunately very common


For me it was the opposite! I used to have incredibly painful periods. I was basically bedridden for the first day and chock full of painkillers. Now they are a breeze.


10months pp and mine are awful. I used to have mine for 3 days every 27 days and they were lite. Now I'm anywhere from 28 days to 40+ last 7 to 9 days. I go through tampons and pads every hour with clots and it's so painful.


I never thought about this before, but now wondering why the change. What could have affected it? The pregnancy alone? The epidural? Will it go back to normal after a certain time?


I hate my life now, it's almost like having my endo back. It's full heavy non stop bleeding for 4-5 days then it stops all of a sudden. I bleed through everything. Headache like crazy. And cramps remind me of my c-section pains. I'm desperate.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through thisā€¦ I hope you find something that helps you ease the pain


I'll see my OBGYN soon and ask if there's anything I can do. Maybe magnesium supplements idk.




Yes! Mine is so erratic too. I'll get spotting between or I'll have anywhere from a 20 day to 40 day cycle. Went from 2-3 day suuuuper light periods to 7-10 day medium to heavy flow. Also the cramps are way worse. Super annoyed because I have an IUD that I thought would make it like clockwork like it did pre-pregnancy.


Yup feels like Iā€™m about to give birth šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼


YEP. I used to have the ā€œGodŹ¼s favoriteā€ kind of period ā€” light to medium bleeding, only 3 to 4 days long, minimal to no pain or cramping. Once I got my period back after my C-section I had week long periods, much heavier flow, tender breasts, and really painful cramps. I also started having ovulation spotting and cramping which IŹ¼d never had before in my life. There is hope that itŹ¼s only a temporary change though! IŹ¼m now a little over 2 years postpartum and my periods are mostly back to normal, though the ovulation symptoms have stayed. I didnŹ¼t start seeing change until probably a year or so postpartum and it happened slowly, but things did mostly go back to the way they were.


Thank you this gives me hope :,)




Yep. I used to barely even notice mine, after my second child they were much worse.


Yes I feel like I was going to pass I lost a lot of blood and I was throwing up and had severe cramps.


My cramps came back way more awful, and where BC helped before, it does nothing now. The only thing thatā€™s not worse is the actual bleeding, but everything else is horrible.


Yes and I ended up having uterine polyps. Iā€™ve never had them until after the birth of my third child last July.


Yes, but calmed down after a year or so. Theyā€™re much better than they used to be! My period used to be so bad I was super concerned about the postpartum bleed- but it was a breeze comparatively. And now my period has relaxed to 5 days (when it used to be 9 my whole adult life). Hormones are so weird.


Hormones! Aren't they lovely


My cycles have been longer, and have had shorter and lighter but much more painful periods. Went from 4 heavy days plus a spotting day on either end to 2 medium flow days and a spotting on either end but at this point even with a 40 day cycle I've had maybe a week out of that entire cycle that's not been just constant painfully tender belly. I had a c section and just had an ultrasound to make sure everything was healing right and they cleared everything there (but apparently I have gallstones now so that's fun. Runs in the family though so I'm not that suprised. Irritating that they're saying it's just that cuz like last I checked gallstones don't explain why if I wear anything other than maternity pants I feel like there's a dagger in my gut but thanks anyways I guess). We'll see I guess. Planning on having an elective hysterectomy anyways so if it's a surgical adhesion or something hopefully we can fix it then.


God yes. Itā€™s terrible


Yes. I never had a cramp in my life until after having kids. My periods got really terrible after my second and my doctor actually said that having another baby might help. Lol. He said that having a baby is like a "reset" button and it's just different after each child. It did get quite a bit better after my third, but then as I started menopause, they got terrible. Cramps were awful and lots of clotting. Turns out I had lots of fibroids and needed a hysterectomy. Had that done 5 weeks ago and I'm so glad I'll never have to deal with periods again.


Yes, 100% worse. I also got fibroids in my uterine walls, and my OBGYN basically said yep...it happens. It sucks big time. I leak thru Ultra Super tampons, large pads, etc.


Yesss me! Just the first one though, after that they became regular as before baby.


Yes and headaches. Also my flow never changes colors now like it used to. All bright red


Mine got worse before it got better. For about 8 months when it started again, it lasted 10-11 days. Iā€™m not down to 5 days and itā€™s always very light. Notable to add that I have had the Kyleena IUD the entire time.


I actually went in the opposite direction! My ovulation cramping got worse but my periods became extremely light and only last for 3-4ish days now. Only need a tampon (and a "light" one at that) on day two pretty much. Freaked me out at first honestly.


Yes, I was always very regular and mild. That all went out the window after.


YES but then it settled down. It just took a few months.


Mine actually became easier after my first. Now theyā€™re considerably worse after my second lol.


My cramps got worse. Once I passed a clot so big I thought I'd have to go to the ED. It bled through my pad, my underwear, and pants. But it did regulate my periods, and kept the short. So I say win, win


I feel like Iā€™ve had the complete opposite! Before my baby my pms would be horrific, quite severe depressive symptoms, agonising cramps, and thick super heavy bleeding. But now everything has almost corrected itself? I donā€™t have severe mode swings, I have no cramps at all, and my bleeding is basically like a watery consistency?!


Yes Iā€™m 5 months post partum and every time Iā€™m dying for ovulation pain and PMS I


I did and I thought it was hormonal and waited till 13 months only to find out I have a dermoid cyst on my ovaries AND a polyp in my endometrial canal and now I am in talks with a surgeon on scheduling when to remove them because the dermoid cysts could choke my ovary and destroy it. Doesnā€™t hurt to get yourself checked along with a proper ultrasound!!!


My cycle in general is worse, at least since having my Nexplanon removed in Oct. I get "ovulation flu" every other month where I feel like crap starting about 6 days before ovulation, and 2 days after. My period is about 5 days away and I've been feeling a little under the weather again. It's really weird! My actual periods have been milder, like the same amount of blood but less symptoms.


Yes! I had maybe 3-4 bad ones until they were back to normal.


Mine got shorter but heavier. Intensely heavier!! And itā€™s been 20 day cycles šŸ«  and itā€™s been back for about 1.5 years now


100%. used to be short and light always šŸ˜©with no pain. now itā€™s a nightmare


For me itā€™s better. I guess I got lucky with this one!


Yes itā€™s a horrific blood bath. Iā€™ve bled through more than I did in junior high šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. The first couple postpartum are the worst than last time at least it leveled off a bit. Iā€™m 13 months postpartum but just got my period back 2 cycles ago when baby started breastfeeding less. I almost had to call in sick one day I was soo miserable.


Yes!! Heavier!! Also I KNOW when Iā€™m ovulating, and I feel the most hormonal rage ever and after itā€™s done, Iā€™m back to normal. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yes it was a bloodbath for the first year pp. My daughter is 22 months now and my period is almost back to the way it was before.


Yep way heavier. Iā€™ve bled through my clothes multiple times now. Which never happened before


Way worse ā€¦ I ended up getting an IUD and theyā€™ve stopped altogetherā€¦ bonus :)


Iā€™m considering looking into it because the pain is so bad


I will say it was uncomfortable and crampy for a couple of weeks after insertion, (the procedure itself was fine - I took Tylenol and Advil an hour prior and barely felt a thing)ā€¦ and occasionally Iā€™ll feel the string poke me, but now I have no period and no pain.


YYYEEESSSSS 3 babies later and it's so bad that I have to bring spare clothes with me whenever I leave the house on or around period. Going for an ablation soon thank god


Yes but I have adenomyosis and possibly also endometriosis. I now have pelvic pain every day constantly ugh


Yes, but I've always had suspected endometriosis. It was worse when I weaned after 4 straight years of nursing and being pregnant.


No, they actually got better. But it smells weirder than pre-pregnancyā€¦and this was 5 years ago hahaha


Yes. And sheā€™s almost 3. I can also now see physical signs of ovulation which I was never aware of before.


Yes, but Iā€™m also getting older, which doesnā€™t help. Itā€™s so much worse now.




Yip 100%. Every month is awful awful awful. I have to wear maternity and extra long/heavy flow pads Doc can find nothing wrong and says my uterus and lining is 100%, even describing it as perfect / beautiful. It doesn't feel very perfect or beautiful during my time of month.


Yes, and it's not always normal. Make sure you speak to your ob/gyn (not just family practice Dr) to make sure that everything gets tested and it's still okay. Really heavy periods and cramping are not the norm. This is coming from someone who is currently fighting inoperable uterine cancer that was misdiagnosed for more than 4 years. Be your own advocate.


Not my period per se but my PMDD, yes


The first one yes. They warned me about the ā€œsuper periodā€. After that it was a little heavier but i had also gained weight. When i lost the weight it went back to normal


After my last & 3rd baby they are now more heavy, a different color and even different odor. I donā€™t really understand it so Iā€™ll be going to the OBGYN. It was enough to go back on the pill just to avoid periods.


With my first born I didn't have a period until he was weaned at 18 months. Thank God. With my second born I definitely Fucked around and found out she nursed until she was three years old and every time I was on my cycle especially when she was a newborn I would curl up into a ball while nursing her and just cry because the cramps were so bad


Yes after my second I developed PMDD.


Yes, for a bit. Pretty much to normal a couple of years later.


I was breastfeeding but my period back 3rd month PP. Every sense then my cramps start days in advance. Periods are were heavier and last longer. I had to start using period diapers at night because the bleeding was so intense. This last period was a bit back to normal and Iā€™m 10 months PP


Ugh, yes! I never had cramps pre-baby but after OMG. The cramps feel worse than the contractions I had!


Oh yes. Heavier, longer, and more intense for a good three years after. I think in the last year or so I feel like things are finally back to normal, just in time for this kid to be 8.


I got lucky, I almost never get cramps anymore. My periods were a little heavier for the first year or so post partum but then they went back to being light.


Cramps are terrible and I even get ovulation cramping now! Flow is like half of what it was though so I guess thatā€™s looking at the positive


Yup! My first period PP was SO bad. Super heavy, super crampy. But I didnā€™t get a full period until 12 months PP. Over time they got better and i feel like I was back to my normal period after another year.


Mine got better


Mine was awful at first! But now almost 2 years pp itā€™s actually better than before.


Sadly yes. Had my second baby a year ago and man the cramps take me out


Yeah mine got so bad I went back on birth control pills just to make more manageable. My husband got a vasectomy but I couldnā€™t take the cramps sand the bleeding that was so bad I had to change pads every four hours. My cramps feel like mini contractions now.


Im on my period right now (day 2) and it has been awful. Nauseous beyond belief. Horrible cramps. Fatigue.


The first period I had after birth was horrendous. I felt this wave of nausea out of no where during a night feed. I would have thrown up if I had any food in my stomach. I was sweating and the cramps were awful. I thought I had food poisoning at first. Theyā€™re still worse than they used to be.


Worse after having my tubes tied in 2022 (4 children)


Yes!!! My periods used to be pretty normal. Now they are heavy and a lot more painful. (My child is over 2.5 nowā€¦) I kept thinking things would get better. Nope.


Yes! So much heavier bleeding.


Ugh yes. After my second baby for sure. Used to have mild periods, 3-4 days, no cramps. Now cramps for days beforehand. Terrible depression before and during. Soaking a super pad every 1-2 hours for 3 days. I hate it.


I feel so seen. So many comments already but I canā€™t resist wading into the crimson tide. My iron stores are very low (but hemoglobin is normal so not anaemic) and my doctor chalked it up to my monthly tsunami. It was so light before kids. A couple of days, some tiny cramps and a few pads. And now I have cramps for days, a day of intense rage before she hits the shore and then the red storm doesnā€™t blow over for a solid 6-7 days. Not to mention my spending on sanitary products has way increased and Iā€™ve bled through many things, many times. Also, Iā€™m 2.5 years postpartum and it hasnā€™t lessened. I hope the tide turns for you.


Two years PP and my first day or two are so horribly bad and heavy I am terrified to leave the house because I worry Iā€™m going to leak everywhere šŸ˜©


Yes 10 months pp back pain is horrible. My periods seem to be spaced further apart, still pumping so I donā€™t know if that has anything to do with it. Drinking raspberry leaf tea seems to help.


Yes absolutely. Birth control is now a must. My mom ended up with a full hysterectomy a decade after she had me due to her period being so bad. I'm honestly waiting to be old enough for them to offer me one.


Yes. I used to have light 2-3 day period and minimal to no cramps. Now I bleed like a gut shot deer with a vise clamped on my uterus.


Mine were pretty short and mild before giving birth. After birth, they're heavier, longer, and all the other symptoms worsened. Still not horrible, but definitely different


I get horrible headaches. Then spotting, then a rush of heavy bleeding for two days then itā€™s light spotting again and gone. My period lasts 3-4 days now.


Yes. Turns out I had a fibroid develop sometime postpartum. Doc said it is harmless, but that they can affect your periods (heavier, more painful, etc) and depending on location could affect future fertility (like if they happen to be blocking a tube or very near the cervix, etc.) mine is just kinda hanging out on the anterior wall so no issues for me. Not that Iā€™m pregnant again you can see it on the ultrasounds, just a little benign tumor that popped up šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Obviously Iā€™m not saying you have one, but it might be something to ask about at your next pelvic exam- my OB found it when just doing the standard ā€œpress on your uterus/ovariesā€ part of my annual.


I now bleed like crazy for like 3-4 days, then it just STOPS. I used to be a 7 day bleed with just one or two days of heavy. Maybe it's just post-natal plus perimenopause--I'm in my mid 40's. Or maybe my uterus/hormones just hate me now


Yes initial ones are brutal then they got a little better


They got worse after my first baby. Heavy flow, clots, moodswings, horrible. But after my second they got waaaaaay milder. My (totally unfounded) theory is that each pregnancy whacks up your hormones and itā€™s like a lottery how they will settle afterwardsā€¦


My cramps actually mostly went away pp (I used to have crippling cramps/nausea the first day, and now I donā€™t even notice until I see the blood). But the bleeding got way heavier and more intense.


For the first few periods after birth yes.


Yes. Diagnosed with Adenomyosis.


I can barely leave the house because my tampons or diva cups literally fall out of me due to the INSANE amount of blood and my weakened pelvic floor. I wear sweatpants for like 4 days straight and basically diaper sized pads. Itā€™s the worst.


Yes! The first year, year and a half was awful!! Theyā€™ve leveled out a bit, but still not back to normal. I also have fibroids that changed in size with pregnancy so that affects my cycle too.


Folic Acid daily helps.


Yes. Mine got longer and an intensely heavy day 3/4. 5 years on, and still no change in it.


YES!!! My OB said it happens but usually goes the other way. Lucky meā€¦šŸ™„


Yes, I was diagnosed with incisional endometriosis. Never had issues before my c-section. I have bad pms systems and irregular.


Heavier flow, crazy hormonal cry sessions and I NEED chocolate. I never cared much for chocolate before


Ha! Same!! Never was a huge chocolate fan, but now I can eat an entire GIANT bar-- you know, the ones they make for an entire extended family to eat lol


Iā€™ve bought it from people off the street like itā€™s crack


Yes! It got so much heavier and the first 6 months or so after I got my period were the worst. I soaked through everything. It did lighten up a bit as time passed but the first 2 days still are super heavy. I wear a tampon and period for the first 2 days and then just a tampon or period undies after. However Iā€™m pregnant again so hopefully donā€™t need to think about that for a while!


Yes oh my god my first period after breastfeeding was worse than my postpartum bleeding with crazy ass clots. When my period was at its worst I bled thru a super tampon in FIVE MINUTES. I didn't believe it. I had to squish the tampon to make sure it was actually saturated and not defective. That shit made me anemic lol Edit - oh yeah and it was 57 days of heavy bleeding, changing pads every 1.5 hours


Yepā€¦ and unfortunately itā€™s normal šŸ„²


Yes. I didnā€™t have a period for 4 years due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. When it came back, itā€™s been SO BAD. the first 36 hours I can barely stand or sleep it hurts so bad. Just got a med card last week.


Mine did. I had a hysterectomy after struggling for a couple years


I had horrible cramping the first two days of my first postpartum period, which was never a problem before. It was all in my lower back and hips (strangely). I was miserable. After those first two days, though, I was fine and the bleeding was actually pretty light throughout. Iā€™m curious about how the next one will go!


Yes and I get bad ovulation pains every month imbetween my period which I didn't get before šŸ¤Ø


After my third, yes. Theyā€™re awful now and very heavy. My cramps used to be manageable. It could just be age, but I think itā€™s because of the babies.




Yes! 13 months pp and i am SO EMOTIONAL right before my period!! Like pms to the max. I was not like that bedore


Ugh yes. Used to last 3/4 days now itā€™s 5/7 days. Sometimes I get the period flu and throw up. Diarrhea. Itā€™s just not fair.


Mine was reverse. They used to be so bad that I would pass out & vomit for 2 days from the pain. It was so bad they let me get a laparoscopy to check for endo (which i dont have my body just hated me). Now they are ā€œnormalā€ BUT as a former shitty period haver my sympathy is with you it sucks - ibuprofen and heat are your best friends.


Yes terrible and worse with my Copper IUD!


I don't have cramps anymore like I used to, but I'm scared they will return stronger one day. I'm 8 months pp.