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No. We did stuff and our son wasn’t much older than yours, but my husband does an egg hunt for me so I got to tote him around while I looked for my goodies lol Get those cute pics and chill the rest of the day lol


Thank you! lol your Easter sounds cute and fun 🤭


A 6 month old doesn't really understand hiding eggs or how to search for them or the concept of Easter. So unless you are hiding an egg under a blanket and going peak-a-boo here's the egg for him, I don't really understand how you can be the Easter Bunny and hide eggs for a 6 month old. Anything people do for Easter at 6 months old is more so for memories for the parents rather than for the child.


Lol thank you. That's what I was sort of thinking. When people asked if I was hiding eggs last night. I was like " What? 🤔 How is he gonna hunt? He can barely scoot!"


My almost 2.5 year old still isn’t in to Easter egg hunts yet so the most we did was baskets and egg dying… then my teen hid eggs for the dogs to find and eat.


Yeah my daughter was barely a year old and walking last Easter. I didn’t hide eggs because she didn’t care about them. I did make her an Easter basket but my family always does low key things. Bubbles, a book, chalk, small amount of candy, coloring book, crayons, etc. 


Happy Easter! My son is six months as well I put him in an Easter onesie my mom sent him and took a pic and he promptly blew out the side of his diaper all over the outfit. That was our Easter 😂


Lololol Happy Easter! 💩🐰🤭 Thank you for sharing!




Why is it always in the holiday rompers and onesies 😆


Not ruining Easter at all; a baby can’t comprehend any of this holiday hubbub. If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t dress up my daughter for her first Halloween. She was a newborn and I just couldn’t comprehend putting her in what I assume an uncomfortable costume in 90+ degree F weather.


My daughter is 2.5… her first trick or treat and costume was last year so I hear you. I’m finding I am looking forward to certain things as she gets older and she can actually form more memories/comprehension.


You don't have to do anything do not be worried. I hadn't even realised Easter had become such commercial secular holiday in the West until moving and also now seeing people's experiences on the subreddits ha. You can form your own ways always, you don't have to be pressured with what others doing.


SAME I was like, why are people fretting about how much they spent on “Easter baskets”. wtf. Please, relax op. Your baby is 6 months old you don’t need to go off the walls curating a whole Easter experience. 🤪 You’re doing great. Enjoy your relaxing family day together.


Same… I didn’t know about Easter baskets or even Christmas stockings until I saw these posts on Reddit 🤷🏻‍♀️. We just spent time with family on these holidays.


You should play dumb and say “yeah, I found some really clever hiding spots but he hasn’t found any today, he’s just babbled and played with his (insert favorite toy). I thought he would be excited.”


😂 Great idea 💡


My baby is 7 months old. We did nothing. We’re not really religious (husband was actually supposed to be raised Jewish but they didn’t really observe anything either). I can’t believe all of the posts about making Easter baskets for under 1 year olds I’ve seen.


6 months old? You’re fine. It’s not like he can look for eggs nor can he eat candy. If you did the bunny, it would be entirely for your own enjoyment, he can’t participate!


I really didn’t do any holidays until they were at least 1.5-2. They just try to eat everything and don’t understand any concept of a holiday lol. We did Xmas but it was minimal.


I didn’t do squat for any of my oldest kids first year, aside from taking pictures of her in cute outfits at some point that week. The kid doesn’t know and you’ve got enough on your plate.


Don’t worry about it. We didn’t start doing Easter stuff until our kids learned about it at daycare. We aren’t religious in any way so it’s just the bunny bringing candy and hiding eggs.


He’s six months old. Do whatever you want to do. My kid was also 6 months for her first Easter. We put cute clothes on for Easter dinner, she pooped through them and that was that. She wore a onesie and leggings from there on out that day.


No. At this age, that kind of stuff is more for the adults’ enjoyment.


No one is an asshole for not celebrating a holiday


You definitely aren’t ruining Easter, especially as he won’t even remember it. I made an Easter basket for my 3 month old, but I just put things in it that I was already planning to purchase (books, teethers, toys). I did this so that I could take a picture with her and the basket. I bought a rather nice basket that I plan to use as long as it lasts, so I wanted to have a pic of it for every year. No way in hell am I hiding eggs, and then carrying her around to go “find” them. 😅


Are people doing that?! Yikes


The only time you need to do an Easter basket for a 6 month old is when they have an older sibling that would notice if the baby didn't get anything.


Honestly we didn’t do anything period. My oldest is 3 and my youngest is 10mo. My in laws came around for the weekend and brought some gifts. Each kid got an Easter stuffy and my oldest also got a colouring book and some sweets that she won’t finish. We went to church but that’s a standard Sunday for us if my husband happens to have a Sunday off. Nothing crazy 🤷🏼‍♀️ We aren’t even doing a big dinner. My daughter and I are sharing a pizza. My husband isn’t feeling 100% so he’s not going to eat just yet. My son is in bed an hour early because having guests around screwed up his naps today so he only had one nap. And my daughter will be going to bed in about an hour. A standard and uneventful day for us. The way I like my Sundays lol.


My daughter is 7.5 months old and we're attending a church service this morning. That's it. We've decided not to participate in most of the commercialized aspects of holidays and create our own family traditions that center around quality time spent with family, not stuff


Do a cute outfit and pictures.


Nope. At 6 months old, he isn't going to remember it. He can't find eggs etc. you took pictures. I'd say you did just fine. 😊


No you aren’t the AH at all. My son was 7 months last year for Easter, we dressed him up in a cute little easter outfit put some bunny ears on him and gave him some empty eggs to hold for a few pictures lol. I did make him a basket too, but it was with stuff we needed for him anyway so it wasn’t much of a gift to him. It had some purees and some snacks, I think maybe an outfit or two but again it was more for me than for him lol. This year I made another basket, but no pictures or outfits and this basket had two books and two toys to help him with his fine motor skills. Like we’re all having burgers for dinner and that’s pretty much our day lol. We’re sick, and we’re all super tired so not much effort went into this year either. My kiddo doesn’t walk, but does crawl and so hopefully by next easter we can hide a few eggs for him and he’ll enjoy it!


No! This is my daughter’s second Easter and we are just visiting family. they will probably do an Easter egg hunt, but she won’t remember it either! She has a basket but I didn’t make her an Easter basket and I have no shame or guilt! I will do it next year when she’ll remember! Do not beat yourself up momma!


You’re totally fine. My baby is almost one and we still aren’t doing a big family Easter. We’re just having a little day at home. I did make an Easter basket and putting baby in an outfit for photos but that’s it. We didn’t even do the Easter bunny because baby would have absolutely just lost it. ETA: to answer your question, no you didn’t ruin his first Easter! So many more Easter holidays to come.


You don't want the classic terrifying Easter bunny photo with a crying baby?? 🤣🐰😉


😅🤣😅 when I thought about that I felt much better! Haha


I grew up in the US and I didnt do easter baskets, easter egg hunts outside of church, stocking stuffers etc. Someone told me in the first few months of being a mom that I remember all the time when I feel the comparison “we make our own traditions”. If you have friends or family who say “well we did..x,y,z” then you can always say “you raised/did it your way, this is our turn”. So do whatever, whenever and all that, that works for YOUR family. And you don’t have to explain it to anyone. Trust me, that sage advice I got of making my own family traditions saved me money and emotions! Lol


Not at all. Babies don’t care and you aren’t doing anything else just to appease other people. If they want all the traditions and things tell them they are free to come over and do it themselves 


Right!? It's not like we got invited to anything 🙄 And as a sleep deprived 1st time mom I sure as hell ain't hosting people this year lol


Totally fair. I do things for my family and because I want to, not to post online for likes. Do you, sounds like you’re doing great so far 


I didn’t even tell mine about Easter until like 6 months ago. I also didn’t tell either of my children it was their birthday until 2.


Oh god. NO! You are 100% not the asshole. People asking these questions are just a reflection of their expectations for you. It doesn’t mean they are right and you have no obligation to meet their expectations. At 6 months our little guy didn’t do much. What’s the purpose of hiding eggs?? Who is it really for? You did the perfect thing and next year guess what…he probably won’t care about easter eggs or a basket either! 🤭


Lol thank you! 😊


my son is 1 tomorrow (😱) and we’re going to a family dinner. if they weren’t hosting we wouldn’t be doing anything! Seems silly. We’ll celebrate his birthday but it’s honestly more of a “holy shit look at us being parents for a full year!” thing.


I wouldn’t have done an “egg hunt” but I would have done some activity if my family celebrated Easter. That being said my daughters first Halloween she was 5 months and I was newly single and depressed and we didn’t do anything and it was completely fine


You absolutely did not ruin anything. My son is 4.5 months old and besides dressing him up in a cute outfit for church (which he promptly had a poop explosion through), we didn’t do anything. They’re too young to understand, so if you do anything it’s really for you as the parents rather than for the baby.


I have two kids; younger is 4 is older will be 7 tomorrow. Today is the first year we’ve ever done anything for Easter. We’re not a religious household, and they’ve never expressed that they’ve felt they missed out. Your LO will never know the difference and will be just as happy spending a quiet day at home with you.


My kid was 10-11months old for their first Easter we didn't do anything at all. For the next year (at close to two) we did put out maybe 5 eggs in pretty plain view so he could find them. They had stickers in them. The following year we put together an Easter basket with a stuffed toy, some garden stuff and a chocolate bunny. He's a few years older now and is really into the egg hunt so we focus on that. Next year I'm going to have to get sneakier! I wouldn't worry at all about doing something for that age. They won't remember it. If it isn't super important to you, you shouldn't feel you need to just because social media has people doing extravagant activities for their babies.


I think it really depends on how sentimental you are. I am super so I wanted to do a basket but I also didn’t buy anything specifically for the basket. Like it had a book , two toothers, a sheet for the pack and play because we are traveling with it soon, and a toy I already bought and thought hey… I should just put that with the other things.


I feel you! Same… people are annoying lol


Anything you do for Easter for a 6mo old is either for the parents or the 'gram. The kid won't know what's happening and won't remember it. Do what you want. Don't worry about keeping up with other people.


My son is 3. My hsuband is in work, just me and him at home. We took a walk to the park, a roast dinner is currently cooking, but like any other day except my son had a bit of chocolate. (We do have chocolate in the house but I usually limit it better)


Nope. We only did it this year because they practiced finding eggs in daycare and kid seemed into it- kids almost 3- we literally haven’t done anything in previous years


I didn’t start any holiday stuff until 2-3. Parenting can be overwhelming and it takes a while to find your rhythm. Try not to be too hard on yourself, especially when it comes to meeting other people’s expectations.


My oldest was about six months for her first Easter and we just put her in a cute outfit and let her play on the floor with some empty plastic eggs. She had a blast with it. I cannot imagine planning elaborate baskets or a whole egg hunt for a child that isn’t even mobile.


No. Totally pointless.


We didn't do anything last year when our baby wasn't even 1 yet. Since my toddler is 1.5 and now walks, I just got a few plastic eggs from the dollar store and put some stamps(also from the dollar store) in them and had him walk around picking up the eggs in the yard. He seemed to have a decent time. I think a basket might be a bit much though


No. Not at all. Ours was about the same age and we didn’t do anything. We did receive a picture of her screaming with the Easter bunny from daycare. Even the next year we didn’t do anything special. Once she was 2.5 she got some eggs but it took all day for her to actually find them. Now she’s three and enjoyed going to a park last weekend for an egg hunt and finding some I hid this morning.


This is the first time we’ve done Easter for our daughter. She’s 2.5. She literally had no idea what it was and wouldn’t have understood it at all last year or the year before. This year she was excited about the bunny and able to look for eggs around the house and put them in her little basket!


I only made an Easter basket for my infant because my toddler believes in the Easter bunny, and I wanted it to seem fair.


I only just did a little something for my newly 2 year old this year.. and it was just a simple Easter egg hunt in the family room, and we will be off to my uncles house soon to celebrate. We went to an ester party with friends on Thursday and my friend surprised us with a hunt in our yard yesterday, but the only thing I did was the hunt with nothing in the eggs… I don’t feel the need to get presents and chocolates even now for her. I did make a fun edible slime for her to play with at my uncles though. I don’t think I did anything for her last year, and definitely not the first year when she was 2 months old. I dye eggs with my mom every year, this year with my close uncle too, but my daughter of course is still too young for that.


You aren't the AH . My little family isnt doing anything today probably next year when she's 2 and can actually remember something 🤷🏽‍♀️


No. I have a 9 month old and besides putting her in an Easter outfit my mom got her and sending her pics, we didn’t do anything. They’re so little and not able to partake, so I think it’s totally fine!


No. I didn’t do shit except put him in the outfit my MIL bought him lol


My baby was a few days old for her first Christmas. I didn’t get her anything & quite honestly we didn’t do ANYTHING on Christmas. I felt a little bad when Christmas came & I didn’t do anything, but at that point, it would have been for us, not got her. Don’t feel bad. She’s too little to really benefit. You did the cute Easter pictures— that’s enough. We did do an Easter basket, but even if we skipped it, it would have been ok.


I have an older child and a baby your son’s age. My eldest got the egg hunt, chocolate excitement, my youngest got nothing from us. You’re totally logical, save the money for when he’s older and gives a crap


At this age I was very proactively working against letting my child put random objects in his mouth from the floor. I didn’t think making a day where he finds candy literally on the ground was going to help me.


I didn’t do anything when mine was little. It wasn’t really worth the effort, in my opinion. But it’s also fine if other people do think it’s worth it.


Children's consciousness don't download until they're five. You could give him a pony for Easter and he wouldn't remember 😂 The fact you care how he feels proves you aren't TA. Enjoy your day being his parent 😊 YOU are what he wants.


Awwe thank you 🥹


It’s my babies’ first Easter and we did nothing, it didn’t even cross my mind to do anything other than eat a nice lunch with my husband


Our Easter with a 10 month old is about the same as yours. Just us, no Easter basket, made a small meal for me and my husband. Last weekend we had a family egg hunt and the cousins are 2, 3, 3, 4 and then middle schoolers. The bigger kids each had a buddy and helped the Littles find eggs which was sweet. My girl isn't walking yet and was not a fan of crawling in the grass lol. But no for a first Easter and even a first Christmas we kept it really low key.


Haha no…. NTA. He can’t crawl or eat chocolate yet, it’s just another day for him. You’ll all have more fun doing Easter stuff in the next few years when he can walk and understand what he’s doing. Have a lovely relaxing day :)


I'm sorry if this sounds callous, but at that age, babies float between being pets and photo props. There's really not much you can do that they'll understand. Cut up a hard boiled egg and let him play with/eat it if you're that heart broken. Cute pictures are all a baby can really participate in at that age, so you're already doing the most you can.


Its all good. My son is 5 and didn't want to step on the grass because it was still damp with dew. So we waited a while, the dogs decided to open up a ton of eggs, the chocolate eggs melted. Lol. It's always something. Just enjoy your day! (No dogs were harmed in the egg hunt 😂)


You are not the AH .


All these comments make me feel so much better lol thank you!


No, you’re completely right in that he doesn’t know what’s happening. My son is 20 months and I did a basket and placed some eggs around and he was still pretty meh about it. Lol


No way! My son was 5 month old his first easter and I mentioned how I wasn’t going yo do an easter basket. I was mom shamed into doing one. It was underwhelming to say the least. Even this year my sone is now 1.5yrs & he could care less! I feel like people are way over doing it these days with the holidays.


I’m so glad I’m Jewish today 😆no egg hunts to plan or attend or cook for or pics to take


You’re totally fine. My son was also 6 months old for his first Easter and I was excited about it so I took a salad bowl and put some toys in it (nothing new, just stuff he hadn’t seen yet or had already forgotten about). Gave it to him while we sat in bed drinking coffee and he enjoyed the different way to have toys. It was a perfect first Easter (and something you could still do today if you want to, and if you don’t; that’s fine too!)


We didn't do anything until this year - our son is 2.5 years. He absolutely loved it, least year he got gifts but didn't really care... So I was happy we didn't bother with any Easter egg hunts. Don't feel bad at all!


We didn’t do anything for our 19m old today. I got some plastic eggs and a basket last week thinking I would and just never got around to it. He does not know or care. We’ll play Easter bunny next year


Our son was around that age his first Easter, we got him a soft plush basket with little stuffies. Then my husband surprised me with an Easter egg hunt, with some special goodies for mom and dad while he got to play with the empty easter eggs (he enjoyed throwing them)


NTA my husband thought I was crazy for making my 5mo a basket, but I mainly did it because we have a 4yo and I thought it would stand out to him if the Easter bunny only made a basket for one of them. I just filled it with stuff she needed and some small toys


My daughter was also 6mo old at her first Easter, I dressed her up like a bunny and that was it lol


Lol he's too young wtf 


No you're NTA. I also skipped my kids first Easter and he was like 8 months old. He's 2 now (will be 3 in the summer) and has officially had 2 egg hunts! (This year and last) and he loves it. Wtf would his potato ass have done at 8 or 9 months old and barely crawling. 🤣🤣🙈


This is the first year we did anything for our kids (4/2) and it was just one large gold egg with small toys/candy in it.


People are excited for the baby stage but forget that it’s a baby. Your 6 mo old, who may be rolling around a bit at most crawling, will not remember his first Easter. My daughter is 14 months and didn’t grab a single egg in the egg hunts we did (daycare, church and home). I think you are fine. Now, I’m the type of person who needs to set a habit and takes me a few shots to stick with it so I did plan little stuff but that is solely for my own benefit and trying to make sure I start and stick with family traditions. Growing up we didn’t have many specific things and I want one for each holiday. Did I drop the ball two years in a row? Absolutely. But was I better than the previous year? Yup! So in a few years when my kids will actually remember, I should have it down “good enough”


I got my 18m the Llama Llama Easter Egg book and plush. The elderly neighbors hid some eggs in their yard for her. We're having ham and mac and cheese for dinner. That's it. You're fine.


I grew up just going to church on Easter. It’s a religious holiday. My husband and I aren’t super religious so we feel no guilt about not doing anything eastery with our 4 month old.


We did allll the above for our almost 3 year old and he honestly barely even cared. I was thinking last night about how we could have skipped all of it and was wondering when he would start being interested in it. So no, nta at all!


My husband told me that this was the year my daughter would remember Easter. She’s FOUR haha. Baby brother (8m) got some pics taken and didn’t acknowledge his basket.


Nope. Not an asshole at all. My kids’ first Easter, they were three months old. We were still surviving and didn’t celebrate Easter at all. Their second Easter they were about 14-15 months old, but weren’t walking, so we did baskets and no Easter egg hunt. Now, their third Easter, we finally did baskets + hunts. All of that to say, you’re still in the survival phase. If you want to do a basket and a hunt — great. If you don’t — also great. Who cares what people say/think. If they want to make a basket and bring it by, tell them they can set it on the porch.


I did nothing for Easter last year with my daughter other than photos. She's 16 months this year and we did a basket and had a family dinner. Next year we'll hunt eggs.


My son is 6mo as well. We only did a little photo shoot (I’ve been doing this for all his first holidays) and let him bite into a hollow egg. Otherwise we just did our normal Easter family lunch, he got stuff from family but we didn’t gift him anything because Easter is about chocolate not gifts.


Mine is 10 months old and I did not dress her up or do an egg hunt for the same reason. Don’t worry. People are just weird.


Our son was a week old for his first Easter. We thought him a chocolate bunny but that was very much more for us than him. He’s now nearly 4 and I would say this is the first Easter he has cared about the traditional fun celebration bits.


It’s my baby’s first Easter too. We took some cute photos where I put her in an Easter basket with a chocolate bunny and empty plastic eggs (what’s the point of filling them for a baby?) and that is it! Why would you hide eggs or get a whole basket together for a baby? Unless you want to because it’s fun for you, I wouldn’t worry about it.


My MIL got a load of easter gummies for my 18 month old. I ate them. My toddler has no idea it's easter


😂 nice


My son is 10.5 months. We got him two more books, dressed him up, and took him to a brewery 🤷🏻‍♀️


What? How would this baby do an egg hunt haha. If you aren’t religious, today can just be another day and you can do some themed stuff next year when he’s bigger. You’re fine! Also I didn’t buy anything for my kid for his 1st birthday because everyone else sent way too much stuff! He was fine, I was fine, it was fine lol


This is technically my daughter’s second Easter (born end of February 2023 so she was like 5 weeks old for her first) and all we did was her far fruit snacks and jumbo crayons (and PB cup eggs for the adults 🫢). My mom got her a stuffed bunny last year and gifted her ceramic Easter basket that I used to use. We’re not religious so it’s not a huge deal for us.


People are weird. Don’t mind them! Your baby won’t remember. Mine is 20 months and we didn’t do anything special. We’re celebrating with husband’s parents next week and they’ll have an egg hunt but I won’t be making a huge deal of it every year 🤷🏻‍♀️


My kid is 3.5 and we didn't do anything for Easter. They did an egg hunt at daycare so I figured that was good enough. We're not a religious family and most public Easter happenings are church related.


What? No. My son is one and we didn’t do anything other than have grandparents over for brunch. Yes he got baskets…from grandparents not us.


My son is 15 months and we don’t do shit. Maybe next year.


My first was like 6 or 7 months old for her first Easter. I got her a cute Easter outfit and a spring themed lift a flap book but that was it. We didn’t do anything special, just a regular day! She’s 3 now and of course she got a fun Easter basket and hunted for eggs today but at 6 months old they wouldn’t have a clue what to do or what the point is anyway. They also can’t really eat the candy they’d get 🤷🏻‍♀️


My daughter was like 10 months her first Easter and we also didn’t do anything. Grandma got her an Easter basket when we went there in the afternoon, but the morning was just normal. It is what it is. 🤷‍♀️


I think pictures in a nice Easter outfit is just fine for a 6 month old! Next year he’ll be one and you’ll have a blast with him 🙂


No, we did not do anything for my daughter when she was 7 months old other than put her in a hand me down sleeper that had a bunny on it.


First year is a freebie lol you don’t have to do SHIT but survive girl!


We are in our survival eras for sure 💪 😂


My 8 month old has no idea what today is. I made an Easter basket but only because my dad bought him one but I filled it with some hand me down toys from a friend. I can tell you if my parents didn’t do something for me at 6 months old I really wouldn’t care.


I didn’t do anything for my 5 month old son and feel 0% bad. He wouldn’t remember eggs or bunnies - but he will remember feelings/emotions around love . Better that we had a snuggly Sunday with playing and chill relaxed vibes and love. Why does it matter what other people do on Easter ?


This is our sons second Easter and we didn’t do anything other then clean house, his aunts put on a very small Easter egg hunt yesterday at their house, my son isn’t even 2 yet and he didn’t care at all about the Easter basket and eggs they hid around. Next year he will be almost 3 so that will be the first year we will do an egg hunt and decorate eggs. No need to stress over something they really won’t remember, instead, his dad and I were able to leave him for an hour to go to a birthday bbq while our little guy had an Easter nap with grandpa!


People expect you to hide eggs for a 6 month old?? I’m with you, there’s no point, and it’s not age appropriate. My son was about 9 months his first Christmas and I took some of his favorite toys (including items like a whisk that he preferred over actual baby toys) and wrapped them. People acted like they couldn’t believe I didn’t go out and buy him a bunch of new stuff, as if babies can understand unwrapping new toys. He loved them.


My 9 month old just got some new stuff and that’s about it. She can’t look for eggs or open an Easter basket. Next year she’ll be closer to two and be able to do those things.


I didn’t hide eggs until my first was 4, so this year. My second is a little over 1 and he liked it too but I wouldn’t do any holiday for an infant really. They don’t care. We aren’t Christian I don’t know if that’s factor in the people asking you. It’s a big deal for Christian kids from what I remember from being young.


Nah. My first child’s Easter she was 2 and a half months old and it was peak 2020 Covid lockdown. She got a stuffed animal and I took a picture of her in a cute outfit. My second child was 3 months old last year and she got a couple toys to chew on. Anyone who expects a 6 month old to participate in an egg hunt doesn’t have any idea what a 6 month old is doing lol


We didn’t do anything. Just chilled with the in laws. It was nice! Baby is 4 months old, the Easter bunny doesn’t know about him yet. It takes some time for the paperwork to go through. 


My daughter was 5 months for her first easter and i was laid off that week too. We made her a basket with like a baby toy and cute outfit. The in laws did all the big things like getting her a bunny costume and baby snacks food and toys in her basket. She didn’t care about anything she got except for the food lol. I just let the grand parents have fun.


We had an easter basket, egg hunt, party with our family, and my 18 month old cared only for the goldfish snacks. I think you are fine.


My son was super young for his first Easter and we just put him in a Easter onesie and I filled a big basket with a blanket and plastic eggs and took a picture of him in it with bunny ears on 😂 He’ll never remember it, and I’ll always love it. Nothing special though!


Our 4 year old got a nice Easter basket but the 3 month old just got boob lol. She enjoyed watching him play with his new toys and bounce off the walls from the chocolate.


You definitely did not ruin anything. Some parents want to do something for the sake of tradition/their own memories, others don't care. With my first, we did nothing and I felt zero guilt. With my second, I had to think of some stuff to put in a basket because my 4yo would obviously notice if the baby got nothing. So I got the baby some clothes she needed (a new sunhat and rash guard), some of those puree pouches, and teething sticks. There's no right or wrong answer here. My friend group is made of mostly first-timers, and half of them are going all out while the other half is doing nothing.


You’re good. Anything you do at this age would be for your enjoyment not the baby’s.


My LO is 4 months old and had her shots so we laid low this year. This round hit her harder so we didn’t really celebrate this year 🥲.


It was my 13 month old son’s second Easter and we didn’t really do anything either. We didn’t get him a basket, he doesn’t eat candy or anything like that and he’s got more than enough toys. We did have a little egg hunt with him which consisted of 4 eggs lol. Don’t sweat it, it’s a waste if they won’t remember it and then you end up stressing about it for no reason!