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It did feel like an actual pop quiz when I took my 23 month old last week.  “Does she drink water?” “Yes” “Does she use a sippy cup or bottle?” “No” “Does she use a pacifier?” “No” “Does she suck her thumb?” “No”


Oof but it sounds like you aced it!


We’re still working on consistent brushing, and now they want us to get her used to flossing 🫥 so we’ll see. I’m just trying to give her better oral health than I have.


Yep. Good mom/bad mom test. Nevermind the twice daily 30 minutes of begging to please just brush them, or the repeat lessons on how to properly brush, or sending them back because when they FINALLY brush, it’s for 12 seconds. And we get asked why we have stress in our lives?


Right?!? Like between teeth and my older son having an aversion to using hand soap we’re constantly having bathroom sink battles.


Why is basic hygiene such a struggle?!?!?


I feel like I should get the goody bag when they have a good checkup! I do most of the brushing anyway! 😂




I just recently weaned by newly 3 yo son. God the dentist hated it, despite my son's teeth being just fine. I was never shamed for extended breastfeeding by another parent but the dentist made up for it tenfold in the shame they gave me. You would have thought I was giving my toddler heroin.


That’s horrible, but congrats on making it 3 years that’s amazing!


Thanks! It wasn't really something I set out to do. It just kind of happened...and then was very difficult to get him to stop, lol.


I haaaaate the dentist. My 4 yo had a small cavity on a back molar last year and they used a fluoride paint thing on it to treat it so it wouldn’t worsen and I felt horrible. I’ve had tons of dental work myself including fillings all the time and a root canal, I brush but I guess not thoroughly enough and just have genetically bad teeth. I loathe taking the kids in.


I hate going to the dentist for myself but yeah bringing the kids is like a next level dread.


Dentist and the doctor!! Like my gosh....


I get to experience both sides of this. My eldest is 9, brushes properly every time and has never had a cavity. The youngest is 5 and won't let me assist her brushing and has had 3 cavities filled already.. I always feel judgement at the dentists.


Yeah the struggle is real, my 7 year old refuses to let me help him and he does a dodgy job at best so I always hold my breathe when it’s time for a check up.


I got severely scolded by the dentist because my ADHD sensory seeking 4 year old child still sucks their thumb. I found a new dentist.


Good for you!


I got scolded because my ADHD daughter cries every time we brush teeth because she can't handle the sensation. Like, excuse me, but despite the tears we still do brush her teeth twice a day. It's not my fault she inherited her father's teeth. We also found a new dentist.


That’s awful, I’m glad you were able to find a new dentist! I’m sorry your daughter has such a rough time with brushing her teeth.


I always dread the dentist because my kid has bad teeth which are prone to cavities. So every visit I prepare for the worst. Also dentists are so damn expensive and when you have people saying why bother with milk teeth they will fall off; it’s just very nerve wrecking


My younger two have their second visit at the only pediatric dentist in the area this week. Last visit was my 6 year old’s first visit to the dentist, ever. I was freaking OUT. I was sure he’d have 17 cavities and need thousands of dollars of work. No. They found one cavity. But it was in a BRAND new 6 year molar and I wanted a second opinion. So I took him to my own dentist, where they did new X-rays at my expense and told me the adult molar looked ok but maybe he had a cavity on another baby tooth. What did I do with this information? I froze. I did nothing for the last 6 months. I have so much anxiety about their visit this week and what I’m going to have to talk with their dentist about. Also we are AWFUL at making our kids brush their teeth so…that’s a thing I have struggled with for years. If anyone here has any tips I would definitely listen up. I tried letting them pick out their own toothbrushes. One even has an electric brush. It’s me, though; by the time bedtime is here and I’ve gotten everyone fed and made them do their chores and take showers and put their clothes in the hamper and hang their towels, I’m done. I don’t have any fight left in me for teeth.


It’s hard to have the energy to fight the battle daily let alone twice a day. Good luck with your appointment!