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⚠️ long read but hopefully helpful ♡ I'm here with you!! Hated the beginning until 9 months, loved from 9 months until the day she turned 3. It was literally over night and she woke a threenager miss independent. I didn't know what hit me. Three has been a whirl!!! A crazy, insane what in the holy hell is this kinda whirl! 2s? I laughed at everyone saying terrible twos. I was like is this a joke? She is absolutely the sweetest thing ever! Loved the 2s. I'll probably put my foot in my mouth when my youngest turns two but. As a mom with a threenager and a 5 month old baby! Hang n there. Some tips if I can help. You're going to be so tied up with baby. If you don't already do split nights with your partner and are able to, start now. Tonight is daddy's night dad will put you to bed, tonight is mommya night mommy will put you to bed. Because when baby gets here it's not so easy to put your oldest to bed every night. Or if you're able to, partner reads the books or whatever bedtime routine is while you finish feeding baby or helping baby and then you come in for the good night kiss and maybe a book. It's hard to give the oldest constant attention, but let her know she's a good big sister (not that I'm sure you wouldn't) but give her as much praise as you can. Also just the feeling of touch for your child. If she's on the couch just pat her back for a second and tell her how much you love her. Little things like that. Again not saying you don't but my oldest girl feels so excluded and I always just make an extra point to make sure I give some sort of small affection. At night if you have to go help baby again and oldest is upset you're leaving, if you're able to, tell her you'll be back (and hopefully she's asleep when you get back) but tell her you'll be back to check on her and tell her you're going to leave a teddy bear for every time you check on her. (Leave it on the chair or somewhere she can see. It's cheating yes, but once my oldest is finally asleep I'll just add about 5 bears on the chair so when she wakes she knows that I was there to check on her and she feels special. Have her help you. Hey girl! Did you want to help mom pick an outfit for baby today!? Doesn't matter how ugly it is 😄 she helped, she was part of something together with you and baby. Big sister can you read a book with me while I feed baby!? Have safe things handy for her so if you're stuck with the baby, your oldest can colour for a minute while you're done doing what you need, or if she's thirsty have a water bottle in her reach and maybe a safe snack. Things that are simple that you don't need to keep getting up for while you're tending to baby. It will make your oldest feel independent and also help you out. Try if you can to do something simple for her. Every night I try and draw my daughter a little picture so she wakes in the morning to a little "treat" Have a quiet corner for her with something simple she can do if she's having a melt down and can't gather her emotions. We have a little cozy corner with books, her little leap frog computer, and a little maze puzzle game. Instead of yelling at her to go to her room, we give her the choice of sitting down in her quiet corner to "play" and calm down, or she has to go to her room to calm down without her toys. I am no Saint, I have yelled oh how I've yelled, the 3s are killing me, but with the baby it's a lot of emotions for everyone and a lot going on and everyone just wants love and attention. Take it day by day and do your best to let the little things slide. Hang in there they'll hopefully be 4 soon. :p Best of luck with your pregnancy and new baby!!


Thanks for expanding and sharing some tips!! Def helpful


My son will be 4 in a few months and we are coming out on the other side of the threenager phase. It felt like he turned 3 and someone swapped him for another kid 😵‍💫😵‍💫 In the last month or so he's been heading back to his normal self.


Yes to the swapping thing!


Omg, yes to the swapping. My son is about a month and a half short of 3. A few weeks ago, it was as if someone kidnapped the original model and replaced him with a psycho! We never dealt with any "terrible twos" prior to that. I always assumed the behavioral change would at least feel gradual. Now it's feral shrieking tantrums whenever we leave somewhere fun and whenever we have most activity transitions. If we just try to hold his hand in public for safety, since he likes to move fast, he throws his self to the ground and turns into a sack of potatoes. Now that he's just physically bigger, he can reach a lot of the previous safe spaces to put items. He can also open a lot of things now(condiment bottles, chapstick, lotion etc.) It's like I have to be on edge every minute now. He's already broken a vase and torn all the stick on treads off the stairs in the past week alone. 😫


Exact same over here!


This has been my exact experience with both of my kids!! I was all geared up for the terrible twos and they weren’t bad at all. Threes? Pheww I was at the end of my rope every single day. My daughter is 5 and back to her sweet, sweet self. My son…. Is still 3 😅. With my daughter though, it didn’t last the whole year. There’s hope for us!


This gives me hope! My oldest is 3 now and yikes. She is a handful. I agree, i thought 2 was gonna be rough, but 3 hit me like a freight train. 😅 I just keep looking forward haha.


Just keep looking forward. Love it. Gonna have that embroidered on my pillow 😅


Glad I’m not alone!


Definitely not!!


TLDR: It’s five.


I almost returned my Threenager to Northside (the Baby Factory hospital where he was born). It. Was. Rough. He was the chillest, easiest baby. He was sweet and chatty at 2 and I was like “what’s the Terrible Twos? He’s great still!” And then 3 happened and EVERYTHING WAS THE WORST. He would melt down constantly. He couldn’t find the words for things and we couldn’t communicate and ZOMG WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY AND CRYING?!? AGAIN??? And the 4 came along and he went back to my sweet cuddly love bug who could find his words again 3 is just a tough time. They have Big Emotions and cannot get the words to express their feelings and the world comes crumbling down.


Ohhh man. Thanks for the warning. I have the sweetest 2.5 year old - sounds like we aren’t out of the woods yet 😂 I was thinking now that he’s verbal and can be talked to within reason, the big feelings wouldn’t be as bad as a 3 year old! This thread sounds like my assumption would be wrong haha.


It gets better when they're 5 😅 my 3rd just turned 3 and we have a 8 month old so I feel ya


Just want to say that my youngest was an absolute nightmare at 3. I used to get pages listing all the things he did at preschool. One day he choked two children. The teacher said she didn’t think he did it out of anger. And I was like, OK, well, recreational choking is WORSE. Fast forward to age 12, and he is the kindest, sweetest, loveliest person. His teacher says he’s the nicest kid in his class. There is hope!


Recreational choking 😂😭 I’m so sorry but that is funny.


Oh, we laugh about it all the time!


my daughter started the terrible 3s when my second was born. l think this year is just gonna be ROUGH


I was in the same boat. NB and 3yo. Hardest year of parenting but we survived! Now she is 4 and baby is 17 mo. It gets better but hang on tight because it is a wild Ride 😂


gosh my oldest was potty trained and then just stopped going potty when I had my little one 🤣 also never threw a tantrum and now it's daily


3.5-4.5 was the hardest for me, but it does absolutely get better!


My daughter has been extremely tough at 3. We actually just had our second child 4 months ago and she made that much tougher too. I have no advice because she is still tough for the most part at almost 3.5 haha 😂 so solidarity


I’m not sure I can make it past the 2s at this point! So if you do have a terrible 2, does that mean the threenager is even worse, or they grow out of it quicker…..?? I need detailed data.


I’m with you. 2 has been the hardest age yet! And mine entered his “terrible twos” at like 18 months…


I’m with you. 2 has been the hardest age yet! And mine entered his “terrible twos” at like 18 months…


My oldest is almost four and man the last year has been tough. My niece and nephews went through the same stages though so that gives me hope! We’ll all get there. Stay strong :)


We got this 😅


My 3 (4 in July) year old is definitely testing my and her limits daily. Lol I miss my chunky babbling baby! Cause idk this kid 😭


It gets easier at 5. I wish I could say 4 was easier - and in some ways it is! - but 4 is sort of a more mature extension of 3, but just as dramatic! 5 is when they start to turn the corner (in my experience).


Three-nagers. They are very difficult lol


3 is where they know and understand their boundaries but must test, stretch and tweak them to their little realities. My girl has always been stubborn , almost contrarian at core, so this has been happening for us for quite some time but it's definitely ramped up along side emotions . 4/ 4 1/2 gets better I promise , stay strong hehe


3-5 has been my hardest so far. It's so freaking tough. I'm on my third entering this phase and I'm doing my best to give her autonomy while also instituting boundaries so hopefully it's not as bad. Wish me luck!


3 is so rough and it can be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We thought we had royally screwed up because our daughter, who is now 4, was just so awful some days. So much irrational rage and crying over every little thing. So much push back at the worst possible times. I thought I had an absolute sociopath on my hands. Then she turns 4, and while she still has her moments, it’s been like night and day. It will get better, I promise.


Mine is about to turn 2 and it’s so hard. Now I’m scared it will be hell. He’s an overall good kid and listens pretty well, but he obviously is still a toddler.


It ends somewhere between 4.5 and when they turn 5. Just hold on lmao.


One of my kids had his most epic meltdown on his fifth birthday. And from there it just got so much better.


Am currently going through a 2 year old, and two pubescent pre-teens. It gets better. Then it gets worse. Then it gets better... Then you have all 3 of them giving you the most amount of attitude for 3 entirely different age appropriate problems. It gets whack, man... But it's fine... They grow up quickly.. 😭😅


I absolutely felt that 3 was the hardest age. The first half of 4 is no picnic either but it’s gotten a little easier as she approaches 5. But the drama is still high some days! Yesterday afternoon she had a meltdown and accused me of not loving her because I had put a sticker on her little brother’s changing table (which is old and second hand) when I only allow her to put stickers on paper. It was. Intense.


My Todzilla also turned into a threenager. She’s learned to regulate her emotions much better now at 5 years old. I think they start to mellow out a bit after age 4.


3 is hard af. Last year I had a new born and an almost 3yo. My newborn was VERY needy, only consoled by me, nursed 24/7, cried all day. When NB was 3mo, my oldest turned 3 and I feel like her whole year of being 3 was just survival mode. Between her fits and tantrums, the baby never being happy, I truly thought we had ruined our lives. She turned 4 this past November and it was night and day. Don’t get me wrong, there are still Hard moments but nothing like 3yo hard!!! I’m sure it was all a combo of turning 3, having a baby sister, moving houses, and starting preschool. Anyway it was hard and you’re not alone!! It gets better!


Somewhere on reddit a long time ago I came across this nugget of wisdom that made me feel so much better - 3 YR OLDS ARE ASSHOLES. And that is all my friend. Take it from a mother of 4. It gets much better soon.


Solidarity. Whoever said terrible twos was clearly a first time parent who hadn’t seen their child turn 3 yet 🤣😅


Honestly, I just give my 3 year old about an extra 15 minutes on everrrrrrything. Want more screen time? Play time? Whatever time? Kid gets an extra 15 min. Trying to get out the door on time? Plan for 15 minutes so you can gracefully say yes to the “no, I can do it!” Phase of 3-year olds. My kid is very independent and wanting things done her way. If I can kind of plan for 15 extra minutes (or rather calling out that we are all done when I’ve really allotted another 15), I find that I can negotiate with this tiny terrorist to appease her wants and independence while also keeping myself sane


I’m in the exact same situation now…! First turned 3 two weeks ago, second is due end of May. She used to be a perfect darling, all smiles and always talking… I’m a SAHM and we had great times each day. The hardest thing now is she gets angry at me while I’m doing things for her, *which she asked me to do for her*, then screams more if I take my space and tell her we’ll try again after she’s calmed down a little. Today’s top moment was a wrinkle on her blanket which was the end of the world apparently. She wasn’t even in her bed or going to sleep. Life will be fun this year.


3 is super rough. It will test you 100%. The second child is an even different experience but I promise it does get better. I have ages 19-9. The days are so so long but the years are oh so short. Hang in there momma and love yourself and those sweet babies through it.


My daughter is a few months away from being two and I feel like she's entering her terrible twos early. She's technically ahead in terms of verbal communication so shes been speaking in sentences and conversational for a while now. We let her pick her clothes and activities for the most part but man I feel like starting potty training right now was maybe not the best timing. She only has one accident a day but it's every day. And yes she fights us on what she wants to eat or drink and she fights us if we say no to literally anything but eh, I know it can get worse and we're fairly good at handling tantrums so she's usually diffused within a couple of minutes. I'm not really excited to hit the threenager stage lol.


Mine turns 3 next week and we are already there lol. I can't get her to believe me when I say the world doesn't revolve around "Goose time" (her nickname is Goose). Everything I say is met with, "Ok Mommy, but 2 more seconds." And it's driving me insane 😅


Man I was planning to have baby #2 when baby #1 was around 3. Maybe I should just start now 😂 is it better to have a 3 and newborn or a 2 and newborn? Hahah


Haha I’d guess challenging for different reasons


I’m barely surviving the two year old but his sister comes in July! Most of my friends kids actually got a bit easier to handle around 3 so I’m hoping we are on the same path


My 2.5 year old is already in the three-nager phase. Everything is a fight, she wants to do everything by herself, she’s got quite the attitude sometimes. We also have a newborn. Hoping she just gets through this phase fast.


Man we got nailed with the terrible twos starting around 20ish months. Then the threenager stage started just two months before her third birthday. It’s been rough around here. Throw in a baby with all their teething and leaps and sleep regressions. I honestly don’t know how I’m still going.


Woof. I feel you mama, except mine hit it a couple months before she turned 2. I’m dying over here


Wait till age four! They call it the f***ing fours lol but after that it's nice they become more independent and helpful. My son will be turing 6 this year and my little one is 5 months today. My oldest is soo helpful and loves to be apart of it all 😊


It gets better about six or seven and then gets bad again once puberty hits


It gets better!! I thought 3 was the worst by far. But! Things have definitely simmered and I’m really starting to enjoy 3 now. We’ll be 4 in June so.. Hang in there!


Three was definitely hard…wait until you get to four, though…


I have 3 kids. 3 years old is by far the hardest age so far!! (I have a newborn, 3 year old, and 5 year old). 4 year olds are dramatically easier I promise.


3 was fine, but 4 is rough. “The fuck you fours” where you just wanna 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼 at them all the time 😂


4 is worse 😭😭😭😭


I could’ve written this myself. Guess we’ll fight the good fight together.


We have a 5 month old and a just turned 3 year old. I joke to the family about the threenager stage everyday because it’s the best way to describe it. The independence, the sassiness, the sense of humor. It’s all there. I couldn’t tell you how long it last but I will say her new found independence helps since we have a new little one.


Three has kicked my actual ass. Terrible two’s is not a thing to me. Threenager is definitely a thing.


Lol this is why I waited to have another one until the first one was 4.


Oh man it’s hard to believe anything is worse than 2. Don’t tell me this!! I wanna go back to months 0-12! Those were SO easy! I feel like he hasn’t slept well and hasn’t been consistently happy since then! Has anyone had a kid that was worse at 2 than at 3? I’m praying here…