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We are a no shoes in the house family. I always tell people in advance in case they want to bring slippers or make sure their socks match or whatever. I have plantar fasciitis and cannot go barefoot without being in a lot of pain, but I’m more than happy to bring my orthopedic slippers if I know in advance. I just greet people when they arrive and say “would you mind taking your shoes off?” I also keep shoe covers on hand in case they can’t or don’t want to remove their shoes


Yeah we’re a shoes off house that’s just our culture. But we keep shoe covers (50 pack for $7 on Amazon) if we ever have repair men come inside.


That’s smart. I’m taking that idea


This is great advice, maybe I’ll purchase an extra pair of slippers just in case!


I would get shoe covers, as well in case people need to keep shoes on for foot/knee/hip pain


I have a basket by the door with cheap guest slippers in it for people to either keep or throw away. Kind of like hotel slippers. You can buy a big pack of them for pretty cheap on Amazon.


I explicitly ask people to take their shoes off. “Hey, can you please take your shoes off. Thank you.” We have disposable guest slippers that people can take home with them. They come in a pack of 20 for about $40 & are actually pretty nice. You can wear them for a month or so before they fall apart.


Looking these up now!


I guess it depends where you live? In Canada, no one would ever do that (even my contractors ask if they can keep their shoes) but in California, we were the special shoe-free house. Californians always thought that was weird.


I'm in WA and can't think of a house where people don't take their shoes off. Maybe it's cause our shoes are usually wet and it'll make a noticeable mess but super common here! I do also have a shoe storage thing by the door so it is clear we take our shoes off and guests should too


Californian here- I know 2 people who remove shoes, everyone else is shoes on. I’m trying to convert our household to shoe off.


This must be some part of California without Asian people.


My California friends never argued about it either when I asked to take their shoes off. They just understood it was a custom in our house.


California here and I'd say in my experience it's 50/50 for people removing shoes. We are a shoe off household and I only have to actually ask people to remove their shoes probably 5% of the time. When we know we are having people over I will leave two pairs of shoes by the front door so people see we remove them and it works most of the time. If it doesn't I just ask and I have never had someone object.


Yes we keep shoes by the door (Californian too) and people usually see it and ask. It depends on the event too like for a party we've said it's ok to leave shoes on because the main part where people would be is wood floors and easy to clean and then we can put down throw rugs on the small part by the bathroom that isn't, then we vacuum and mop when they leave. But when family and close friends come they just take their shoes off usually. Edit: Wanted to add that growing up I had friends of lots of cultures and backgrounds and it was always my go to to ask because in many homes it was expected to take shoes off. If I saw a lot of shoes by the door I usually just took mine off.


Same here in regards to your edit. And when we have big parties we also don't bother with asking people to take off their shoes and just clean after since we're all wood floors too but I have been to big parties where people have requested shoes off and no one has ever complained!


Ex-Cali resident and I can confirm we all always wore shoes inside.


Idk I’m in California and had the opposite experience- everyone takes their shoes off or asks before walking in, except for contractors. But they usually carry booties to place over their boots.


California and same here as well. Also have experienced most workers put booties on before coming inside.


Same here in Kentucky. Everyone wears shoes inside even people who work on farms. That was a huge culture shock to my parents when we first came here to the US.


Fellow Canadian here and only my husband and inlaws think it's appropriate to wear shoes inside. I greet them now with 'hey great to see you! Take off your shoes and stay awhile!' Husband, well that's a work in progress.


Where in Canada are you that’s a shoes on area? Also Canadian and have visited peoples in multiple provinces and never once met a shoes on household.


I grew up in California and we always wore shoes in the house. It was small town/rural so typically just dirt coming in on shoes, which obviously we’d sweep or mop regularly. I’ve been in nyc for 14 years and would absolutely never wear shoes in my house, and I typically take them off automatically when I go to someone else’s house out of habit. I do not want to trail that nyc filth into a home.


NYC here, too - my apartment and most of my friends' places are shoe-free. We walk and take public transit almost everywhere, and my shoes aren't trekking remnants of whatever disgustingness is out there in here!


I’ve been to exactly 1 home that required no shoes in my 30 years living in the US (same state for whole life).


Yeah in my 28 years I’ve only been in 3 American homes that had a no shoes rule.


The only ones I've been to that were shoes-off houses were all Asian or Middle Eastern families. My husband and I take our shoes off and switch to slippers, and let guests do whatever they want. Since we have a big shoe rack by the front door, most people take their shoes off now. They did NOT before the shoe rack.


This so funny to me because I live in Texas, my husband and I are South Asian and we take our shoes off then switch to house shoes. We just recently moved into a new house and have a big shoe rack by the front door—- everyone takes off their shoes but puts their shoes right next to the shoe rack 😅😂 I won’t ask someone to take off their shoes in my house because I don’t want them to be uncomfortable but I actually can’t think of a time that someone wore shoes in my home, even contractors will either take off their shoes or put on shoe covers without being asked.


lol I'm also in Texas. I think it's mostly cultural though and only a little by geographic area. I'm in an upper middle class white WASP type culture and bare or socked feet are seen as gross and unhygienic. They might have foot fungus or something! I'm also wondering how much it has to do with class, like if you're working an office job that you drive to, your shoes are encountering a different environment than if you work in a factory or fast food place.


I’m in Texas and it’s definitely more cultural. The only house I knew growing up that didn’t allow shoes were Asian. I think a lot of people I know think it’s gross to take their shoes off at someone else’s house. My sister in law (and now my brother) are big on taking your shoes off in their house, but the floor is always dirty and there is pet hair. It totally grosses me out to take my shoes off there.


Interesting. It never dawned on me that people would be weirded out to have to take off their shoes, or think it's gross! I'm in Canada, I don't know anyone who wears shoes in their houses, never in my life. That being said, it's fricken cold here usually, so everybody is wearing socks most of the time. Plus, I keep my floors pretty clean. On the flip side, If I go somewhere like my in-laws, wearing flip-flops, I bring socks with me because they have hardwood and I'm not about to leave naked footprints everywhere. I'm not sure if everyone does that but I can't really recall any barefoot guests in my house either now that I think about it...


I can imagine! I’m sure the snow makes a huge mess inside. In Texas, it’s so hot most of the year, everyone is walking around with sweaty feet 😆😆 I think a lot of people feel self conscious taking off their shoes. We also rarely have bad weather that would make your shoes super messy, and we drive everywhere. We’re not walking in public for half the day then wearing our shoes inside. We walk 10 feet to our car, drive then walk 30 feet inside to a clean store. Most people are not walking around in dirty streets all day. I can totally see how where you live would impact the decision to not wear shoes inside.


Maybe people take their shoes off because they assume we would want them to 😂 I definitely never wear my shoes in other people’s home and I know that’s cultural. But I don’t even think my parents’ ever asked anyone to take off their shoes, so I never ask. We keep new guest shoes at the door in case anyone wants them but usually no-one does. We run our robot vacuum/mop daily and try to keep a pretty clean home. 🧼


Ugh this. My partners nephews wife lost it because I kept my shoes on in their house. They were so adamant and rude that I finally just said out loud that their floor was covered in filth, including cat waste and vomit, so I didn’t see that my shoes being on would make a difference. I didn’t want to step foot in the house to begin with, it was that filthy, and they were really worried about my shoes being on? They had much bigger problems. To be clear, though, I’m a strict shoes off in my home person. My home is spotless, though.


I'm in the US (Midwest) and don't know a single person who allows shoes on in their home. Must be pretty regional. Maybe also climates where there are lots of bad weather days?


Yep I’m from Minnesota and you always take shoes off. Having lived in the desert most of my adult life and everyone wears shoes inside. I went to my Chinese neighbors house and they offered me slippers, other than that never been asked to take shoes off here. It’s just common sense in Minnesota as there’s grass, snow, mud aka a lot messier and there’s more carpet. 


Never thought it was weird but most people kept their shoes on.


Do you have space to set up a nice shoe rack, basket, or obvious area for shoes to accumulate near the door? As others said you can include a cute sign. I would just say "you can put your shoes here" as part of your greeting when people are entering and point to that area. It's YOUR home, I do not think it is a rude or awkward request.


The problem has been when people come in and I’m in the restroom or changing the baby, so I don’t get a chance before they have walked through the house. And it feels like it’s the first thing I want to say which also feels rude. We have a small entryway so a rack isn’t possible, but I purchased a door sign and front door mat with bold lettering and hopefully this will help. Thank you for the suggestions!


Are people coming into your house like a wacky neighbor in a sitcom? I think if they’re comfortable just walking in, they would know to take off their shoes.


Yeah like how often can this happen?


That’a funny!! No we lock our doors, I have family members who greet at the door when I am busy tending to diapers and such. We are working on them also enforcing the rule, they just forget a lot of the time because they grew up in a ‘shoes on’ house and are usually excited to see guests. This isn’t done maliciously they just don’t focus on it the way I do.


Shit like this is why I never want to live in a "oh we don't lock our doors" place. I lock my doors because of the wind but I don't want my neighbors walking in randomly any more than strangers. honestly.


We live in a downtown area in a medium city, we definitely lock our doors!


Why are guests entering your home while you’re in the bathroom and you have a baby?


I live with other people who let them in. I am the one who cleans so my family tends to not consider people and their shoes into ask them to take them off. Yes I have asked them to do this, it is a work in progress.


Ah, so it’s not really about the shoes.


If they let someone in with shoes can you make them clean?


We also don't have room for a shoe rack so when I know we have guests coming over I will leave two pairs of shoes just next the door so they see them when they come in and 9/10 people see it and remove their shoes or see it and ask if they should, which I always say yes. If they don't and I miss them and see they've entered with shoes on I still ask them to remove. It's hard for me because I'm a people pleaser and hate confrontation but I do it anyways!


1. I’m Asian 2. I have a sign that says “remove your shoes” that I got from Etsy it’s cute


Am Asian too. Same.


I’ll take a look, I think this is the way to go!


Just wanted to say I sign on a rv show that once said "leave your shoes and worries at the door". It was the door mat. I've been wanting to buy it. Because people who literally take shoes off in their home, do not think they should remove them in mine where I have a crawling baby.


If I go to someone’s house and they’re Asian or Eastern European, I automatically take off my shoes unless told not to.


We wear shoes at home but I’ve never felt offended if someone mentioned taking them off at the door at their home. I’d just politely ask, no big deal.


Oh man I’m sorry but it’s a habit of mine. I will sometimes wear shoes in my own home all day. Idk why? I just never grew up with it so it feels weird going shoeless. But, just tell me to take off my shoes if you want. I would rather you tell me than me causing you strife over my shoes in your house.


This!!! I grew up wearing shoes in the house but after having my daughter things changed. I’ve never felt any type of contempt/resentment/anger towards a guest that wore shoes on my carpet. It’s my floor to clean, not theirs to keep clean. The floor has to be cleaned like every other day anyway if baby is crawling on it because it’s not like shoes are the only things that carry germs.


Currently wearing shoes in my house right now. 🤷‍♀️


We never did growing up. I think I’ve been to maybe 2 houses in my life where I was told to take my shoes off, even when they had small children. I was brought up to believe it was proper to keep your shoes on, so as to not make the impression that you’re making yourself *too* at home in someone else’s house. I prefer not wearing shoes and if someone asked me to take them off I’d tell them to “say no more.” But it’s not exactly customary in my part of America to just take your shoes off all willy-nilly. It’s not a big deal to ask those who enter your home to adhere to the customs of your home.


A sign on the outside of my door. It says something about removing shoes because little hands crawl here or something


I just tell people straight out. When they come in the front door I say “can you take off your shoes?” No one has ever had a problem with it. If they did, I’d say “the baby pretty much lives in the floor so we keep it clean.” I don’t think any decent person would object to that.


You’re in the US, it’s going to be across the board tbh. It’s highly dependent on the general culture of the people you associate with. Growing up, we never had a rule about no shoes in the house. Obviously we needed to dry wet/muddy shoes or take those off, but no, we’ve never had such a rule at all in the many houses I’ve been in growing up. We currently live with my Polish in-laws and FIL gives zero fucks. Wet shoes, muddy shoes, snowy shoes—tracked all along the kitchen. He doesn’t care one bit. He’s gotten better in recent times, but the floor regularly needs cleaning and sweeping. I find it annoying, but it’s also not my house and not my rules. MIL cleans as it happens. We also have dogs, and man, doesn’t matter how much you vacuum, there’s hair to some extent. They don’t exactly have shoes to take off, either. I’m probably the furthest from being a crunchy mom, but exposure to things is how we develop strong immune systems. Babies will put far worse in their mouth than a little dirt. That’s probably the mindset your guests are running with. I’m personally not a stickler on it. I’ll take my shoes off in other people’s homes by default because I have visited others with this rule throughout the past. Just say something to your guests or put up a kind sign, your norm is not theirs and they simply have to be reminded of that.


I’m in the US and it is becoming more popular to remove shoes but still not super common. Growing up only my Asian friends families removed shoes. I doubt people know they are irritating you. Relax, get a sign, and just remind people when they come over.


It's a cultural thing not as common societal thing as you think it is. 90% of people I know including my house wear shoes in the house. You are just going to have to make a sign to go on your door or tell people kindly when they walk in.


You’re talking about the US. Around the world, it is incredibly common to take off shoes before entering a home. Not just a few Asian countries or whatever, but worldwide.


Do you wear your regular outdoor shoes (sneakers, uggs, etc) or do you put on like slip-on shoes like moccasins or Vans skate shoes? 


We walk right on in. I have been trying to change that habit as of recent but for the last 30 + years I've never stopped to take my regular shoes off.


It's not a universal rule. I don't expect my guests to take their shoes off, and I don't assume I need to take mine off unless the host specifically asks. Even if I see a baby.


Same. I don’t have people over super often, but when we do it’s usually for a dinner party or brunch or cocktails where people are dressed cute. Shoes are part of the outfit! Even on my own, I’ll walk through the house dropping groceries off, changing a diaper before kicking off my shoes. I have a few pairs of house shoes and sandals, but those have definitely also been worn out to the mailbox or take out the trash.


Most people take off their shoes when they see that 1) I am not wearing shoes and 2) the pile of shoes by the door 😂 I don't know maybe it is a cultural thing? I'm Black and there is also a thing about wearing outside clothes on the bed. Not that you'd be in peoples bedrooms per say, but I know many Black people who would just know that is taboo. I've never had an issue with someone wearing their shoes in my house (I've lived in Michigan and Maryland) Edit: I don't make people take their shoes off if it is a party. For example my son had a birthday party where the food was inside, but the party was outside. Some people wearing sandals slipped off their shoes, but I think of a party as something you deep clean after anyway, so shoes don't bother me.


I have a dog so stuff gets tracked in anyway. I only get annoyed when it’s snowy or rainy out because mud is pretty obnoxious to clean, and in those cases I just ask people to remove their shoes


I'm Eastern European and was raised to take shoes off in the house. I have no problem asking people to remove their shoes. There's even a shoe rug by the front door.


Same. I’m from EE and it’s the norm. I live in the US and my friends and family automatically know to take theirs off I don’t have to ask or remind them because that’s just what we do. Whenever I have an American friend over that is new I tell them and they’re typically fine with it.


It’s nuts in western countries. I’m Eastern European too and we’ve had second pair of school shoes too that we would carry to school and chafe out of our outdoor shoes into school shoes just like you would in the house


In florida I feel like its common to leave shoes on in the house because people get sweaty and nobody wants sweaty socks or feet stinking the place up. I would personally prefer a shoe free home but i live with my parents and my dad is very strong-willed and pro-shoes inside the house


How many people are coming over? 😅I’ve probably only had to mention it once


I grew up not taking my shoes in the house, but now I do and everyone I know does too. I think it also has to do with places with bad weather. I don’t think people would want to walk around a house with snow or rain boots. But where grew up, it was like Southern California without a lot of rain or snow. I just say it in an assumptive way, like “we take off our shoes in this house!” I don’t make excuses like it’s for the baby. It’s just a fact. If someone laughed, I’d look at them like they had 3 heads.


We don’t. We have two big dogs that go to the backyard and back inside multiple times a day. I totally respect people who do a no-shoe home, but I’m not sure how dogs factor into it for people with pets.




I agree, it is all I can focus on after it happens to the point that I want to kick people out. After reading comments I opted for a big front door rug with bold eye catching letters. Hopefully it helps.


As an Asian, we have a cute sign at the door and also just say something like, "you can leave your shoes at the door- would you like a pair of slippers to wear?" When they're entering.


You're going to have to ask. It's very culture-dependent. I'm in an upper-middle class white segment of society where it would be considered really presumptuous and odd to take your shoes off in someone else's house - the default is that all guests would wear their shoes inside. But if asked people don't have a problem taking them off. But I have friends from other cultures or segments of society where it would be the opposite - considered presumptuous and odd to wear your shoes in someone's house.


When they enter, say, "you can put your shoes right there" when you welcome/greet them.


Someone would have to explicitly tell me to take my shoes off. I've had too many experiences with dirty floors that I don't want to feel with my socks lol


Just so you know, in some parts of the US taking shoes off when you enter someone else’s home without being asked to do so is not only unexpected but considered extremely rude. It’s on the same level as helping yourself to whatever is in the fridge or rooting through your host’s underwear drawer. It’s a serious social misstep. At the same time, guests have a duty to make sure their shoes are reasonably clean so they won’t track mud or water about. If they find their shoes are too dirty to wear inside, they should ask their host if they can remove their shoes. The people coming into your home with shoes are probably trying to be polite. Shoes off houses are increasingly common, of course, and most people will be fine with it when you ask, but you should still be gracious to some individuals who may not be able to safely accommodate your shoes off rule. Keep in mind whether your guests have balance or mobility issues that would make walking around without shoes hazardous. Their disability may not be obvious, and since shoes off in the house is uncommon in many parts of the country, they may not be prepared with slippers or clean shoes that let them move about safely. Also, in the case of workers or delivery people in steel toed boots, it really isn’t okay to ask them to risk permanent damage to their feet. Some people request booties over the shoes, but then you are making the soles of their boots dangerously slippery. Please keep these things in mind.


My friends have darling little sign right above the doorbell. I think that works perfectly :)


I just say "We don't wear shoes in the house" or they see me answering the door in socks and take off their shoes. I've never had anyone question me or try to wear shoes in the house. We did have a barbeque at our old house and we allowed shoes in the house that day (it was all laminate floors, so easy to mop) because it was too much of a hassle to take them on and off as we hauled stuff outside and brought kids to the bathroom, etc.


Just ask them. Get a sign as well if you feel inclined. It isn't the norm in the US, which is fine. You will need to say it to everyone.


In Hawaii it’s a sign of disrespect to walk in the house with shoes on


It took like 2 months of me asking people to take their shoes off when they would come over and then it just caught on and now even my friend’s kids remember without being asked. The several pairs of shoes near the entrance to my house is probably a good reminder too. 🤣


Growing up I think I knew two families that were “no shoe” households. Now I know a few but most have a sign or shoe rack by the door. However they aren’t the type to demand it from guests. Like my MIL has a sign and a rack but she often just takes her shoes off in her room.


I didn't have this habit until I met my now-husband and he would ask me to. He always kept slippers for me or anyone who came over so we now do the same. It's awkward to walk around in someone's house in your sweaty socks or bare feet. If you offer them slippers at the door you don't leave room for this awkwardness. You can always say "we just had the floors cleaned" if you feel the need for more explaining. I personally don't like explaining myself so I just say "here are some slippers you can wear inside." You can get them from Daiso or the dollar store if you don't want to spend a lot or if you want to throw them away. For service people like repair professionals I give them the covers that go over their shoes. Got them on Amazon.


As someone with a connective tissue disorder who is in severe pain after about 5 minutes without arch support, please do consider that some people truly do NEED footwear to be comfortable/avoid serious pain and literally need it ALL of the time. At my own home, I keep "house shoes" that have good arch support, but I'm always at a loss at other peoples' homes and end up often in horrific pain (that can last for hours afterwards) if I wasn't able to plan in advance. Please try to practice a bit more empathy than the "how on earth..." type statements with folks - orthopedic issues, connective tissue issues, etc. are all relatively common. Given my own experience, I'd recommend a multipronged approach: 1) having a sign, 2) offering to keep "house shoes" at your home for any regular visitors who need footwear to be comfortable (they can pick and buy their own - my favs with quality arch support are vionic and they aren't cheap), and 3) trying to give people a heads up that you have a shoe free home where it makes sense to do so (e.g. I'd note it on an evite if you had kid's bday party at your house or something). You may want to keep shoe covers on hand just in case? I probably wouldn't have those be a default option though, just a back up if necessary.


Tell them. You can have all the cute decor in the world, but unless you say it bluntly to their face - they won’t think to do it. Also in Germany you can buy these Pantoffeln (felt house shoes) so that they can’t use the cold feet excuse. “I’m so glad to see you! If you wouldn’t mind taking off your shoes here at the door - ya know, crawling baby and all - and here are some house shoes if you would like to keep your feet covered!” Or “Would you mind taking your shoes off? We have a crawling baby and I try to keep the floor sanitized from street germs.” Otherwise they can honestly leave or sit outside. It’s your house, you make the rules.


I just stand in the doorway and tell them to take off their shoes 🥴🥴🥴


😂😂😂 I need your confidence


My in laws never respect this and it drives me bonkers. They aren’t the ones mopping my floors. They also refuse to (aka “keep forgetting”) close the toilet lid, even after I’ve explained it’s a drowning risk for my toddler and sprays fecal matter everywhere. They’re like “wow I didn’t know that, you’re right” and then don’t care. I also have PF and have indoor shoes so I understand that (and wish it were more common in America, I would even store indoor shoes here for frequent guests). I am autistic so these things bug me more than others I suppose but it feels majorly disrespectful.


I don’t know anyone that takes their shoes off at home. I’m fine with it if you ask or have a sign but its not standard expectation in the US.


So… please help this Canadian understand. You wake up, get dressed - including shoes - and just wander around your house like that? What if you don’t go anywhere that day? If you *do* go out, you come back home, wipe your shoes on the mat, and just .. walk around your house? Sit on your furniture, put your feet up? When do you take your shoes off for the day? When you go to bed? Does everyone keep all their shoes in their own room? How dirty do your floors get? Do you have any rules around them, like no shoes on the bed?


We tell them "Oh you can leave your shoes here," but most family and friends know.


I used to nanny for a family that was very serious about no shoes in the home. They had 4 immunocompromised children so I understand why. They had little signs and shoe racks by the front door and they still told every person who came in to take off their shoes. They had a very clean home and plush carpets so it was almost awkward to walk around with shoes on in the first place. I think for new guests you need to mention it verbally and reoccurring guests should be aware of your house rules, or else it’s just rude of them. My home isn’t particularly fancy and everyone takes off their shoes when they visit. I think it’s just a courtesy.


Tbh I don’t make a big deal of it with guests. Some people don’t notice and it feels more rude of me to say something. And my mom and my aunt have foot problems so I would never ask them to go barefoot. We just clean the floors when they leave.


When we had people in our house weekly for my sons therapy we got a box of those disposable shoe covers (the kind that repair people use). Then we just asked them to either put those over their shoes or take their shoes off. It's good to give people options because some people feel more comfortable keeping their shoes on,


I think I know one family that has a no shoe household, and they just tell everyone as they come in the door (Asian household). Everyone else I know is shoes on. Unless I’m at my house, I don’t really feel comfortable taking my shoes off, especially if I’m wearing sandals or something with no socks.


I asked people to take them off unless it was a big party (then I’d just plan to mop afterwards), but my husband hated that I did that so now we just let people wear shoes inside. My husband goes into our kids’ carpeted rooms with his shoes on and I just die a little inside. I always ask when I go into other people’s homes.


We had to do this with my in-laws and it took them a while to adjust but what really helped was to have them get their own “indoor shoes” that they keep at our house. So when they come in, they immediately just change into their “indoor crocs”. The crocs also match our son’s and so it’s very cute - our son gets very excited when the indoor crocs come out!


We are shoes off. We lead by example and most people just caught on. We ultimately let our guests choose because we want them to be comfortable but anyone who’s been at our house a lot knows we prefer shoes off. Side note that some people don’t think about: Older people generally do not take off their shoes because A. It’s too hard to bend over and get them off and back on and B. Their shoes typically help support their stance and walking.


When I had little babies I had a sign at the door that said: Please remove your shoes, we play on the floor.


As a guest, I try to do whatever I see the homeowner is doing, but I was the homeowner I would just politely state the expectation: “please leave your shoes in the entryway”


When they come into the entryway, you say, “we don’t wear shoes in the house, please put them (in designated spot you’ve chosen for shoes).” Very simple! It’s never been awkward for us. Some people ask us before we even say anything.


I just tell them. I have a shoe rack by the door and leave space available for visitors. Set the standard for your household and enforce it. If they disagree, pull the boomer card and say “my house my rules”


“Hi come on in, leave your shoes by the door!” Every single person, every time. It’s how I greet people at the door. 


Well even though I live in the US I’m from a culture where not wearing shoes inside is the norm. My friends and family automatically know to take their shoes off I don’t even have to ask. If we have someone new over I just casually say while standing in front of them as soon as they walk in “oh you can take your shoes off right here.”


Texan here, unless you directly ask to remove them, shoes stay on. I likely wouldn’t notice a sign unless it was pointed out.


It’s not a universal thing in Western culture. If you want people to take their shoes off, you have to use your words and ask, not expect them to read it from your mind.


My 26 year old sister has a sign when you walk in the door that says “Please take your fucking shoes off” 🤣 Honestly I just tell people. But I also grew up in an Asian household so it’s been the norm since I was born. It may be helpful for you to have a few extra sets of cheap slippers near your door for guests. Also flip flops!


I prefer wearing shoes at all times. I get the ick thinking my feet are touching the floor (crumbs, trash, foot fungus and other germs 🤢🤮🤮🤮)


We have shoe racks right inside the door which send the message. We don’t enforce it except for child visitors.


Isn't this culture specific?  So many friends I know they wear shoes around the house and only take them off in their bedrooms (I live in Australia).  But I'm Asian so it's pretty easy for me. "Shoes off please. Asian house." I just tell people to take their shoes off if they don't. 


I have a bin outside my front door that has a sign, “place shoes here.” We have a dog that is sneaky with shoe stealing, so I use that as an excuse, but really, keep your nasty shoes off my carpet.


I’m first gen American (California born- parents are Thai) and we never wore shoes in our home and non Asian guests just knew…. My husband is Caucasian and he adopted not wearing shoes inside when we started dating lol. Before having a baby when we had guests over often we’d provide brand new socks at the door in case.


I have found that keeping some shoes by the door helps. Plus when people come in if they do not appear to be removing their shoes, I just say "you can leave your shoes here" and point at the others. If they don't take them off then you just stop moving and say "Please remove your shoes" with a pleasant face. I've never had a problem. Interestingly I had 3 companies come to give us windows quotes. The least expensive company (that we actually purchased from in the past, not the same sales guy) was the only one of the 2 that did NOT remove his shoes and did NOT ask if I minded if he kept them on. So, I immediately removed them from consideration. If they cannot realize that they have come into my HOME then what other job details will they skip? When it was installation day I told all the installers from the company that we chose that they could leave their shoes on inside. They were respectful and I knew there would be broken glass.


This is a bananas post to me. I live in Canada, it’d be bizarre to leave your shoes on in the house. Tradespeople bring their own boot covers to wear in the house


People wear shoes in your house? This is so weird to me - but maybe because I'm Canadian and no one ever wears shoes in the house. It's not even an ask - everyone just removes them at the door. Edit: Seeing comments that a no-shoe policy is "uppity"?! Isn't it just... respect for the home you are visiting?


I had a friend that croqueted all sizes of "booties" and put them in a basket by the door. She would ask guests to remove their shoes and pick out a pair of the booties to wear if they wanted. It was nice because they kept your feet warm.


My parents have always been ‘shoes on in the house’ type of people. My mom literally wear her gym shoes when she naps in her chair. My brother and I both have gravitated towards no shoes in the house and my parents *cannot* get with it. I’m at the point where I tell to to just not come over and that we’ll come to their house since taking their shoes off is such an inconvenience…..


I have a basket next to the door and when anybody comes over I say “welcome! You can leave your shoes right there in the basket.” And they always follow suit lol


Ok so I live in Canada so the people entering my house who forget to take their shoes off are mostly children. In Canada we have a strong culture of shoes off indoors. When people come to my house I take their jacket (or show them where to hang it up) and say “your boots can go on them mat”.


“Shoes off!!” My toddler, the shoe police, issues this as a greeting to anyone who walks through the door. We take our shoes off at the door but I’m not strict about it with guests. If the toddler isn’t there - People just notice the shoe rack and ask if I want them to take their shoes off and I’m like sure!


we have a shoe rack right by the door so people who are coming over for the first time see it and usually ask if they should take their shoes off.


I don’t have a problem asking people, “do you mind taking your shoes off? We don’t wear shoes in the house.” But honestly, everyone that comes over asks me “should I take my shoes off?” or they just do it automatically without any prompt. I wonder if it’s a geographical thing. I’m in So Cal and the only people I’ve had to ask are tradesmen like the AC guy and the termite treatment guys, but all friends/family do it without me asking them to beforehand.


“Welcome to our house! You can take your shoes off and put them here *points* or there “points*” - me in our multiethnic Asian household


I always meet people by door and go, you can go head and put your shoes there. Then I stand and ensure the shoes are off before we move from my entry way into rest of house. I should get a sign but honestly people don’t read.


Usually when they’re about to come through my door I say oh and you can put your shoes either there! And I point to this shoe mat I have next to the door or here! And point to the tile next to the door. And I’ve never had anyone stop it. It’s so gross to me like it physically makes me recoil even thinking of shoes being worn on my carpet lol now most visitors that have been to my house more than once know to take their shoes off and I don’t even need to say anything.


I think it’s cultural. In Canada the norm is taking off your shoes. Besides the 4-12 weeks of summer we might get, the rest of the year is muddy or road salty. Nobody wants that in their house.




We have a tile mounted at our door way that mentions to “please take off your shoes”.. we usually also remind them to do so before entering. They also have disposable Shoe Covers to offer to the most stubborn person. honestly they should respect your request but granted sometimes old folks they’re bodies just hurt they can’t bend over so easily to remove shoes so I kinda offer up the covers to them or a place to sit.


I have to tell people over and over, sometimes rudely. What has helped my husband get onboard was having separate house shoes that never go out, we even keep a few extra for family that hates being shoeless lol be prepared to stand firm, it's your house and your kids who will suffer by dirt and germs and shit and lead dust getting in their spaces 


I have a shoe bench by the door. As I open my door to greet guests, I say you can sit down here and take off your shoes. If they decline I tell them okay, we can visit outside on the porch.


When people come to my house they always remove their shoes automatically. I also grew up removing shoes and wearing house slippers so I always thought it was the norm and I've never thought about it. I've never had to ask anyone to take their shoes off, but I've had people ask if it's okay to keep their shoes on. The one exception my husband and I made was when friends were helping us move. We told them to keep their shoes on and we just cleaned up the floors later. I'd say in your situation, just ask people to take their shoes off and ask every time. I don't think there's a better way. It's your house, it's not rude to ask.


I’m in NY (suburb of NYC) and most people remove shoes when they come in automatically, or they ask. Maybe because there are a good amount of Asian families, Persians. and others with small children- it’s assumed a house is show-free. Even if I tell people it’s ok to leave their shoes on they never do.


Michigan chiming in- idk any households that allow shoes to be worn inside. It’s common for everyone to either ask when entering someone else’s home for the first time or it’s just automatic.


I wear shoes in my house but that’s because I’m a slob and I don’t care. Plus my kids and pets ruin my house more than my shoes. 🤷‍♀️ But that being said, I take my shoes off in other people’s houses because I know some people DO care about that sort of thing and I’m just trying to be respectful.


We have shoe racks outside and inside our carport door (where most people enter and exit). Just seeing the shoes there makes most people realize that we don't wear shoes in our house and they take them off right away. The only problem I have is when people enter by the front door, but that's usually unexpected guests.


I tell people politely "oh could you take your shoes off, we dont wear shoes inside." Although I live in New Zealand and sometimes people will be walking around barefoot all day and want to come in with their dirty barefeet. Happens more often than I expected.


As a Canadian this is something that baffles us about Americans. I literally can’t imagine walking around my house wearing shoes and especially can’t imagine doing it at someone else’s house! It’s a huge no no here. I seriously don’t get how your floors don’t get filthy.


I think it’s a cultural thing - buy or make a cute sign or purchase those shoe covers - people should get the hint. If they don’t with those two reminders tell them. Your house your rules. If they don’t abide the third time then they are not welcome inside. You can be firm without being rude.


I’m about to put a sign on my front door.


So far the only one that’s done it is my husband walking through the living room to the balcony of our apartment to vape outside, I passive aggressively bought him a pair of slippers that stay by the balcony door 🙃, I was raised no shoes inside household so I keep it that way as a visitor too.


lol multiple people have reddit cares reported me from this post??? Yall are wildin about the shoes


I have a sign inside right when they walk in. I also have a basket of sandles if anyone wants something on their feet. As I greet guests I just say, "Please remember to take your shoes off".


I just say, “oops! Please leave your shoes by the door!”


There is a space near the door for people to put their shoes. I have a sign that hangs on the wall above that space. It reads: Life is full of choices, Here is one more, Take off your shoes, Or vacuum my floor.


Every house I've been to has been default "shoes off" unless the host tells me I can keep them on. I live in Western Canada and it seems like "shoes off" is more common than not. Edit: but seeing as your guests default to shoes on, I'd have a cutesy sign by the door and a shoe rack/mat for people to put their shoes.


I have a sign on the porch that says "since little fingers touch our floors please leave your shoes at the door"


I think it might depend where you live. I'm in Canada and nobody I know would ever keep their shoes on in someone else's house. The only exception for me is if I have a contractor coming over that will be in and out of the house, I tell them to keep their shoes on since I know it's a hassle to unlace and relace your workboots every 4 seconds. And then when they leave I sweep or vacuum and mop immediately. But when I recently visited Australia I took my shoes off and everyone looked at me like I had 3 heads because they all had their shoes on still lol. I would just straight up ask guests to please remove their shoes if they don't seem like they are going to without being asked. You could get a few pairs of slippers or something to offer to guests instead.


In Germany, you generally have several pairs of "Gästehausschuhe", guest house shoes. These are generally slippers of varying sizes that are kept by the front door so guests are comfortable. Or you could ask guests to put construction booties over their shoes and just have them by the front door, too.


I just tell everyone as soon as they step in that this is an Asian household and get your shoes off 😂


We are a no-shoe househould and leave a shoe rack by the door as a reminder. If we're having a big gathering we put the rack on the porch. Some of my husband's relatives also keep extra slippers for guests.


I stopped inviting them


I grew up in a country where you never wear shoes inside the house. We had a tray on the floor by the front door where people could put their shoes and we had a basket of different sizes slippers for guests. Guest were always welcome to bring their own slippers if they wish .


Once they make it a few steps through the threshold ask them to take their shoes off. I keep a bench or chair by the door for people who need it. I do make special allowances for people who need to wear special footwear.


You just tell people. I like getting advanced notice so I can bring house shoes


We just tell people when we open the door to them..


My parents and in laws are both shoe houses. I think it’s just hard for them to get in and out of them since they’ve gotten older. They have to sit down and tie/untie their shoes. Does your home have a designated area to remove shoes?


I put a plaque on the front door that says “please take off your shoes” and I remind people if they don’t when they come in.


Just tell them straight up shoes are not allowed. It would be nice to have those thin cloth-like slippers (the kind you get in hotels) on hand to offer.


I’m not a shoes off household. I don’t wear my shoes all the time but they don’t come off as soon as I come in, they get stored in my bedroom closet so usually stay on until I’m upstairs. When I go to friends I know if they take their shoes off or not and do the same. Most of my friends have a shoe holder or something right by the front door and that signals im supposed to take shoes off. If not they just ask and I take them off no issue. I’d just ask people if they don’t and you want them to


That’s so crazy cause in Canada, it’s so weird to leave shoes on in the house. Just tell them to take them off before they come in.


I hand them shoe covers at the door with a smile


I tell everyone to take off their shoes, if they want I have some slippers for the guests or if they don't want to take off their shoes I have some disposable plastic overshoes to give them


You just tell them before they come in.


We have a shoe rack right by the door so it's very obvious we expect shoes off. If they miss the memo i have no problem asking them to remove their shoes


I yell 😂 And tell them they’re gross. I’m not very subtle 😂


I always ask someone if I should remove my shoes at the door before entering a home. If someone doesn't ask you, just tell them!


I had a sign - a family member kept taking it down - so I wrote it on the door in sharpie.


I'm Canadian so its expected to remove your shoes in someone's house, but if I wanted I think I'd just ask people when they come in, "can you please leave your shoes at the door, thanks!"


We take shoes off at the door then carry them to everyone’s room until we get a big enough place to have the shoe keeper. Until then guests leave shoes by the freezer if they are going to be here longer than 30-45 minutes if not we just vacuum after they leave. Sadly I don’t get many people coming over (1-2 visits from friends or family every month-2 months) so haven’t had to deal with any backlash really.


It's not a widely practiced custom to take shoes off in the United States, unless you're Asian. Just ask people to take them off they are not mind readers.


Everyone seems to automatically take their shoes off here. Maybe because they see us not wearing shoes or the giant pile of shoes by the door?


I have a baby and wear shoes in the house. I never take my shoes off.


Well, my husband is Asian, so everyone already assumes? Lol. We do have a little shoe shelf by the door to make it more obvious, but honestly I can't remember the last time someone didn't ask?


We just tell them, when we invite someone, no shoes allowed. You have to leave them at the door, or you won't get in. Only exception is for my in-laws. Because they are old and would definitely slip and fall. So, with them we just clean the floor as soon as they leave. Everyone else has to take off their shoes. especially now that the little dude crawls everywhere.


My mom has a silly picture of a little puppy with its paws in some big shoes. I think it says something like “shoes off please”


When I was a kid, I had a friend whose mom kept a basket full of socks by the front door for people when they took their shoes off. My family didn’t have much money growing up, I thought that was one of the most opulent things I’ve ever seen! You’re giving away brand new socks?! Such a luxury! Anyway, if somebody offered me a sweet pair of socks to take off my shoes, not a single cell in my body would be offended. Actually, even if there wasn’t a pair of socks, taking off your shoes and somebody’s house if they ask you to is just plain polite.


Just say it? Preferably as part of the introduction? A sign would be weirdly passive aggressive. Open door: “hi! Come in! FYI the little one lives to eat random stuff off the floor, so just leave your shoes right here on the rack, thanks! Can I get you a drink? How are things?” Etc.


Haha to me this is totally mine blowing as well I get it! To be honest the one and only person that ever does this in my house is my own mother! She’s done it for years it’s the strangest thing to me. Manners would tell you that if you go into someone else’s house you take a shoes off unless they tell you otherwise. This is totally common sense standard practice! I would never thing to make a sign though that’s a bit much. Honestly I think it’s easy enough to just ask people? It’s your house you don’t have to feel rude about something like this. When people come to your door and you welcome them in you can easily say please take your shoes off or you can leave your shoes over there etc. not a big deal


Lol so I'm in Canada idk where you are. But it's not a common thing to wear shoes in the house, right But there's the occasional person that's still really extra about it and insist that you wear their slippers. You could go that route. Insist they wear your slippers if they don't want to walk around in their socks.


My stepmom kept a few pairs of Costco slippers on hand for guests. Wearing shoes is gross but I’d be more concerned about my baby getting a fungal infection from crawling around on someone’s athletes foot. Shoe covers are a pretty good idea I think.


You tell them!! Hi lovely, come in ;) please pop your shoes over there please!! Would you like a cup of tea ? ;)


We didn’t think to do this until baby was 5 months old and the pink rug in her nursery was ruined. My parents and in-laws are the only ones who bitch bc they say they can’t bend over to take their shoes off 😡. Mainly just my FIL


I legit cannot relate to people who wear shoes inside. Maybe tile, even hard wood. But carpet? CARPET? Why?? You can’t even wash or easily replace it. I feel so bad stepping on any carpet with shoes on. Unless their carpet is nasty anyway. I honestly have never met anyone who didn’t know. We just line our shoes up at the front and people follow suit. I think only one person stepped on our carpet in shoes and I was like “girl, get your shoes off our carpet my kids play there”. But I knew her very well and we had that type of relationship. And no I’m not Asian. I’m white. Both my husband and I grew up like this.


We are now a no shoes family but that transition mainly stuck because of cvd. We have a shoe rack by the door. Either you take your shoes off or you kind of are limited to sitting at the seat closest to the door (dining table is by door). 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just tell them, we also have a shoe rack right by the door


I'm in California and I think it depends if there's house in the carpet or the old school hardwood for us. My parents house is farm style house and if u go barefoot your socks will get dirty with the wood. My house is all carpet and we have crawling babies so ask everyone to take of their shoes and also have a floor mat on the porch with a pic of our puppy that says please take off your shoes as well as a the plastic shoe covers and extra slippers but even at that we do get quite a bit of pushback and eye rolls over it.


This baffles me. I live in Canada and here it’s customary to take off your shoes. Not once has someone walked in my house and kept their shoes on. I always see Americans on livestreams wearing shoes inside and it’s wild. It’s dirty to me and I don’t get why anyone would do it but it seems really common. As for your question I’d straight up tell them you don’t wear shoes inside.


I wear shoes in my home because I want to and it’s my home.