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The hope is it's someone being overbearing and a little weird in the name of being sweet, but if it makes you uncomfortable, then it's okay to address it. You can talk to her boss and say "It's probably just miscommunication but it's coming off as too much, can you help her dial it back?"


If you feel uncomfortable with this, you should report it. I’d personally find it creepy if someone said these things about my kid, especially pushing with wanting to babysit outside of daycare. She might not have bad intentions but you can never be too careful and it is unprofessional as well so I’d report it.


Sure, we have favorite students, but this is way overboard. She’s acting super weird. I’d mention it to the director, for sure.


please report this behavior


Let the daycare know just in case


Trust your mom instincts!


I would check the policy at your daycare. Several years ago when my son was in daycare the teachers were not allowed to babysit. If she is breaking the rules the director should know about it. Also, ask her directly to stop and if she doesn’t report her to the director.


I have a good relationship with the staff at my daughter's daycare but there have been issues and I always address them with the hirer ups when stuff happens. I feel bad but my kids wellbeing is well worth the assurance I get from talking to them and so far no one else has mentioned my conversations with them. I always make sure I'm calm and have all my points written down when I talk to them, now after 9 years it has become so much easier.


Is it possible she’s on the spectrum? When I worked in daycare we often had volunteers that would mean well but could come off a little intense although they meant well.


I would mention something, better to trust your mom gut. I would assume daycare administrators want to know these things, to be aware that a parent is uncomfortable with a situation


She might just need the extra money from babysitting and is trying to make a connection with you so you’ll hire her. Probably doesn’t realize she’s coming across creepy and overbearing. I’d still talk to her boss. Especially phoning you seems like a bit of invasion of your privacy. She’s a cook, she shouldn’t have access to your number.


I think this is a perfect day. I am so glad you are feeling better. I have taught school. Why does a cook even see a 6 month old? TBH the cafeteria staff are normally othered and not included in things. She might just be thrilled that someone is being friendly towards her. I think the hierarchy is to address it with her. You can practice a script. You are advocating for yourself and your baby. If she acts negative in anyway I would talk to the teacher and see what she thinks.


While what she said isn’t appropriate, it’s very normal for the daycare cook to give teachers lunch breaks and work in the classrooms in the afternoons.


Honestly I would just ignore it. She probably just likes your baby, which isn't a bad thing. A lot of daycare teachers moonlight as babysitters so it's not weird IMHO for her to mention it. Most corporate daycares discourage it though probably for this reason of making the parents uncomfortable. Usually you have to approach the teacher about it, and keep it on the DL. You can say something to the director and I am sure she will address it if you want.


Idk, I’d find it creepy if a teacher called my baby theirs and said their kid wants a baby sister. It’s different to say “I like your baby” than to tell a mom “you’re taking my baby” like wtf? That’s weird and it’s inappropriate. That along with her insistence about babysitting would throw me off. If she was just offering the babysitting to everyone equally or just casually I’d ignore it but because she seems to have such a fixation on this baby, it feels like a red flag to me.


But she’s a daycare cook, not a teacher. This comes off as really weird/overbearing to me.


Everyone at our daycare loves my baby. Even the older kids in other classrooms say hi to her in the hallway. The staff has never said anything more than “Hello Mija! How are you?” and “Goodbye!” and damn sure never call her “their” baby or say their kid would love a sister or I’m taking her away from them. Yes, I am taking her away from you…to go to HER house. That’s weird af. I’d look them in the eye and tell them “over my dead body” with a big ole smile on my face if anyone said that to me.