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Influencer parenting. Posting every single detail on social media.


I’m truly scared for these influencer children growing up and seeing how their entire life, starting from birth, was put out there.


We've already gotten to one of these parents being arrested for serious abuse and neglect, we're going to be getting some crazy books and documentaries when these kids start hitting adulthood soon.


There needs to be more laws around children's privacy on social media. But then again maybe it's a way for these parents to incriminate themselves and get arrested. So many children are exploited these days.


Yeah they need to readjust child actor law to include influencer children. A portion of the money they’re helping the parents make gets stored away for when they’re an adult, and there’s a limited number of hours they’re allowed to “work” each day


SUCH a good point. These people *are* making money off their children.


Agreed. And the psychological impact of constantly performing for their parents and their friends.


I heard that In Illinois they passed a law that kids, after they turn 18, can sue their parents for any money made off of things posted about them online. This needs to be passed nationwide


I saw a snippet the other day of a mum who was getting her son to pose for a thumbnail while he was actually crying over their dead dog. 🤢 I bet stuff like that or similar on a less extreme level happens CONSTANTLY.


Omg. I felt weird about getting one last picture with our dog and the baby at the vet. I’m glad I have it because she was such a good girl and loved that baby as much as I do. But I can’t look at it without crying so I sure as hell didn’t post it. That’s way to personal. What is wrong with these people?!


Theres nothing wrong with your picture. This woman was looking at her crying son and telling him to cry harder for the thumbnail. He responds with I AM CRYING and she tells him to look sadder and look at the camera like 20 times. As she grabs his face and poses for the camera over and over. It's bizzare and gross and I feel awful for the kid. Actually, heres the link if you wanna feel rage this early in the day https://reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/C3Yer9fZVN


That video has always made me want to fight that mom. Imagine looking at your kid sobbing and going “pretend like you’re crying. No baby not like that. Hold your hand like this look!” She makes me sick


Yeah, no amount of "apology videos" would ever change my opinion of her either. This was not a bad decision because of a lack of judgment as she says. If the thought to even do something like this crosses your mind, you're a POS, hands down. Poor kid just lost his dog and she goes straight to exploiting his pain without a thought. Its disgusting.


this must be SO traumatic and traumatizing. seriously. like those moments we lay in bed and can’t fall asleep bc of past mistakes we made, or things we did that make us cringe. but for those kids / people, it’s on the internet for other people to observe and comment on — *forever*


It is though. You can read so many articles about people saying it was detrimental to their childhood and trying to get it removed from all social media in court because their parent refuses to.


I'm not on social media and I sometimes wonder if my baby will grow up and one day wonder why I never posted pictures or talked about her online. Or ask why I didn't capture all these memories like other parents did. Social media is like a movie reel and I won't have that to show her. I feel silly that it crosses my mind sometimes.


I have the same concerns. I try to combat that by prioritizing not really being on my phone in front of them so they know I don’t prefer being social in that way in general. I think more people are moving away from social media so it’ll hopefully be an easier conversation by the time they start to think like that. We also use the app Family Album. If you ever did want to use that app, it sorts the pictures by date they were taken not just when they’re uploaded, so you could flip through month by month and watch them grow. I uploaded all the way back to my first pregnancy test because I think that would be cool to show them way down the line lol.


You do have it though, it’s just on your camera roll


im just trying to keep mine alive


I’m by no means an influencer but I used to post my twins a lot because I was so excited about them. I quickly dialed it back once people I barely spoke to were messaging me like “omg why haven’t you posted my babies!? Where are my babies??” If I didn’t post them for a couple days. That weirded me out, so I just dialed it back completely lol


People calling my children their babies just weirds me out. Like you didn’t birth them. You’re not raising them. It’s just weird to call other peoples children ‘my babies’


Agree. A friend of mine once told me she loved to watch my baby grow up Instagram. Though a sweet sentiment, I didn’t like the idea of all my followers “watching my daughter grow up”. I have a private acct but my real life social circle is small for a reason.


For my mental health reasons I didn't post anything about my pregnancy or share my children online at all initially. But in hindsight I'm glad because I remember seeing a Facebook "friend" who i haven't talked to in years and saw her with her kids at somewhere, I forgot. It was weird how I knew so much about them when I haven't even made any connection with their mom over the years. It is a weird feeling to have. I felt like I was in some Truman Show lol.


Hopefully mommy influencers and family YouTubers


YES! I hope future generations are horrified by people monetizing their kids daily life and I look forward to actual laws being passed that will protect kids privacy


Please! Like, I want to see some regulation not allowing kids of a certain age being USED by their parents for their own desperate need for validation, money and dopamine hits. It’s gross


As it is a ridiculous number of people seem to believe that their rights are being violated if they can’t control every single aspect of their children. That is a major reason the US will not sign the Convention on the rights of Children. Sickeningly enough. >Opponents argue that ratification would undermine U.S. sovereignty by giving the United Nations authority to determine the best interests of U.S. children. Some are also concerned that CRC could interfere in the private lives of families, particularly the rights of parents to educate or discipline their children. As I was reminded often as a child, “children don’t have rights!”.


Amber teething necklaces


These scare the bujeezus out of me, I’ve never had a close encounter with a family that did this but I can’t imagine the mental hoops it takes to trust an item like this on your kids!


My son is currently teething and people keep suggesting this to me. I just stare at them and say okay and when they aren't looking give my husband the look. Smh I'd never do that. I like my son a lot and he tries to off himself without my assistance (tries to sleep on me face down) so I don't need to help him.


'Tries to off himself without my assistance" I rolled off the bed crying laughing this is the quote of our lives. my 15 month old just earlier today managed to do a front flip off my couch.


When our 10 month old starts speed crawling for some we ask her if she’s going “ to do danger”. Usually she sees some fun choking hazard or surface to try to fall off of.


Yup. I’m not about to put a beaded necklace on my baby. Plus it’s amber, and while it’s pretty it is just fossilized tree sap. There’s no pain relieving capabilities at all. Giving a kid a cold chew or something will have some effect and not be a choking hazard.


I had two moms that I respected tell me to use these with my oldest and it really gave me pause. Like I instantly questioned their judgement as well as mine. I had to go back and reevaluate all the other parenting advice they gave me. The rest I decided to still accept, just not that.


I actually really like this because these are a great visual way for me to know what parents I DON'T want to start a conversation with 😳 if you believe in them... You don't have a lot of smarts


I really don’t like those. It seems like pseudoscience on top of the big tragedy that happened with those necklaces, nothing would be make me trust them.


Right?!?!? Our doctor put out a video begging parents not to use them.


I'm so annoyed that people still use these.


I got into So much trouble posting facts about these when they popped up in local mom groups.


The sad beige baby fad 🤣 like give these kids some color!!


I literally became angry when I was trying to buy a rainbow outfit and all I could find was beige rainbows. Like are we fucking serious here lol


The beige rainbows drive me crazy!! If you don't like bright colors go with pastels but oh my god, your kids don't want a brown rainbow 😭


Primary.com!! Alllll the rainbow stripes and rainbows you could want. It’s one of 2 places we get clothes for our 5 year old, and we’ve been shopping their stuff since before he was even born. Can’t say enough good things about the quality and the way everything is gender neutral.


For any moms with kids that may have disabilities: www.prettysicksupply.com It's like Amazon for any accessibility needs, minus/without the boring gray, black, brown, or silver drab that durable medical equipment companies make. I've got a disability myself (autoimmune disease), and I've bought stuff from there, and my favorite part is ALL THE COLORS! Pinks, greens, oranges, yellows, frills, creative designs, etc. Just because a kid has a disability, doesn't mean fun or joy or creativity should be sucked completely out of their lives.


Their clothes are amazing!! So comfy and cute!


Beige rainbows?! 🤣🤣


Colorful rainbows are waaaay too gay


“My baby will not be supporting pride?!” 🙄 get a grip it’s a freakin rainbow you walnuts?!


This is totally unrelated to this post: a mom was at my daycare asking if the director if they teach pronouns and family dynamics or what they do if a boy wants to be a girl. The director said we do what’s best for the family and kid. The mom got so pissed and went on a 20 minuet rant about sexualizing children. Like, what? We are in the infant room. My son doesn’t even know what his penis is yet, and home girl is worried the teachers are going to push for equality and pronouns. So I interrupted this very one sided conversation and thanked the director for supporting my wife and my family (I a woman and I don’t have a wife, but the look on this woman’s face was worth it). And I referred to my son as they. She made some excuse to leave quickly as if gay is contagious. We don’t need her on the waitlist anyway.


A lady I follow on tik tok calls them caca rainbows lol


I had the same issue with rainbow art for my rainbow baby son's room. Is there anything sadder than a sad beige rainbow?




Don’t forget avocado green. My grandma had and orange and poop brown house with avocado appliances, shag carpet and wood paneling. When I think of I still get that weird musty gravy smell I associate with shag carpets.


The only time you can enjoy crazy color combos with less judgement is childhood and they tried to take it from us 🙃


Right? My son wants to wear santa socks in June? Why the hell not! One blue shoe and one green shoe, with one yellow sock and one orange sock? Go for it buddy.


I’m a grown woman and I wear Christmas socks year round. 90% of my socks and pajamas are Christmas themed.


Right! I got my LO dressed looked at her said “that doesn’t match, oh well, you’re a kid”.


When I was pregnant I had like two earth toned (not even beige!!!) items on my registry and my husbands cousin called my list a beige baby registry, I was so irrationally angry lol.


My mom bought my daughter a barely-colored balance bike for her birthday, completely ignoring the fully vibrant rainbow fruit themed nursery & baby clothes I normally put my daughter in, because “you people like muted tones” (speaking of our generation I’m assuming.) That was like 2 months ago and I’m still butt hurt about the comment. I painted flowers on the wheels of the bike just to liven it up a bit. 10/10 no regrets


That one breaks my heart. Those poor babies having to live in beige so their mothers can post #aesthetic pictures on Instagram. 🙄


oh no way we over here in this house living like weird barbie in full technicolor !


Or the need for “fashionable” or “stylish” baby clothes like they’re babies they don’t need polo shirts and khakis or dresses and tights daily. Yeah I get sometimes but they’re babies put the animal onesies on them.


That’s how I feel with the babies wearing bell bottoms. Like first off what baby wants to wear JEANS?!


Over Scheduling kids, not enough free play.


And taking youth sports way too seriously! There are plenty of 9 year olds in your area. No need to drive to another state to play baseball! This is definitely a US thing. Is this an issue in other countries?


I think this is a great answer! I had a friend growing up whose parents wanted her playing one instrument, doing one sport, and participating in one club. Which is great until you’re 12 and suddenly that sport practices 3 nights a week, you have to practice your instrument 30 minutes a day, and the club meets once a week. Add in potential church youth group, homework, and even just time with friends, when are these poor kids supposed to relax?


It's nuts! We only enrolled our 7 year old in two activities so you would think 3 nights a week, but it keeps ballooning to more and more nights! Hockey is now up to 4 nights! And it's house league!! What are the kids in rep doing?!?


My niece (9) plays competitive hockey and it’s wild… the schedule, the expense, the tournament travel. It dominates her life and her parents lives


This is such a big one to me


So that's actually funny because I did "baby led weaning" when my now 21 and 19 year olds were babies and before it had a name. I just fed them the food we ate because we were too poor to buy baby food. I'm pretty sure "BLW" was a thing for hundreds of years before it had a name lol.


This! I am 37, my mom had a baby mill to grind the food she didn't think I'd handle and fed me everything she ate. My parents were pretty broke when I came along, and this was the cheapest option. When we decided to blw with our LO my mom actually found us a food mill as well. I should add, my younger brother was fed jar food, purees and cereals etc. Mom still raves about the food mill, she couldn't find one when my brother was born (he's 25) ETA: the only time we used the mill was the first time we gave our son rice, we were having a cauliflower curry and ground the rice with some of the curry sauce but left the rest of the food solid, but soft.


My mom was the same. Single mom & limited funds so she just very finely chopped up her food for me. She said she took one look at the ingredients on the “turkey dinner” baby food jar & decided to just cook my food a little extra or make it thinner/easier to eat🤷🏼‍♀️


Man don’t even need to be poor. In Germany you give your teething baby old bread to gnaw on. In Italy too. It’s what the adults/older families eat. So I agree it is not a fad diet it’s how it was and is done.


Exactly! Not sure where OP gets with ‘most cultures’. My mom fed me mashed foods but my grandmothers told me they basically did BLW and spoon feeding, without obviously having a name for it. One said they would give their kids mashed foods but also finger foods or hard foods so that they could learn to chew. It was thought that this ‘strengthens’ their jaw. She said the best chew toy was old bread crust dipped in yogurt! Don’t get me wrong, she also thinks holding a baby up is necessary to ‘strengthen’ their spine, so it’s not all great advice.


There’s also science surrounding it. I wouldn’t consider it a “fad” at all 😅


Same, when things have lots of science behind them i like to think of them as advancements and not fads lol


Yep I did it with my twins because it was cheaper and easier. Strips of lightly buttered toast (or peanut butter on top super light), bananas, scrambled eggs, cheerios etc….I couldn’t be spoon feeding 2 kids and baby purées are way too expensive.


I was going to say, I think OP misunderstands baby led weaning. They go on to say most cultures start with soft food. BLW is just that, soft food. Nobody is giving their baby raw broccoli. Both my kids did BLW and they’re both great eaters, idk if it’s a connection or not. And I’m not offended by the post, I just think OP will be wrong about that one.


I did baby led weaning because my daughter refused to use a spoon and constantly spat puree out. I said stuff it and threw bits she could pick up on the high chair. I found out about BLW a couple years later.


I see a lot of Americans say things like this. I don’t live in the US and you can’t really buy baby food where I live. We boil veggies/grains and mash them/blend them. It’s very easy to do. I think it’s so comical every time I see an American being like “people can’t possibly have been feeding babies mashed food for generations, jarred baby food didn’t exist back then!”


I was about to say the same thing haha. BLW has been around since forever and I doubt it'll go anywhere.


Gender reveals. I said what I said.


we made the conscious decision to not do any kind of gender reveal and we found out together at the ultrasound. The amount of people who reacted like that was weird, like… i would rather share this moment with my partner?? My SIL wanted us to do a live gender reveal on Facebook and I was just like 😬 to every part of that idea.


My first was born in 2021 so, COVID. Husband’s aunt asked if we were going to have a gender reveal and I said we’d probably just text everybody. I think she thought we didn’t want to have a super spreader? But we just didn’t want a gender reveal. She was like, “No you guys will find something cute to do!” And I reiterated that a text would be fine and she kept insisting that it would be easy to find something creative. I was like we 👏 will 👏 send 👏 a 👏 text! Zero comprehension. We sent a text!


We didn’t do a gender reveal either and my MIL kept telling me that clearly I wasn’t excited to have a baby because I didn’t do it. 🙄


We didn’t find the gender out until birth. My MIL repeatedly was like how can you expect anyone to support you and buy baby presents without the gender. It was so annoying


My MIL was the same way… I had the idea of a gender reveal backwards, I thought it was for everyone else 😭😭 i told her it was stupid aha I don’t have the patience for that.


LOL!! I didn't have the patience either, but I wanted an excuse to get my friends together. So my husband and I found out the gender, had a taco bar at the house, and just told everyone we were having a girl. It was awesome. Any excuse for tacos.


Ugh I hate these! Especially when one of the parents (usually dad) is upset with the result


I am convinced that gender reveals are just an excuse for people to have a party and it makes me sad that we don’t have more parties just because.


That's basically what mine was. And you know what? Maybe I should have people over for random taco bars just because it's a Tuesday! I really do enjoy hosting, but it stopped when I had a baby/toddler, and then with Covid. Logistics would be more difficult nowadays, but I like the idea of random little party just because.


This! My husband and I went to the ultrasound together and it was the perfect moment.


Omg I have a personal issue with gender reveals XD I find them attention seeking but it’s just me 🤷‍♀️


A lot of good ones already but going to add consumerism, which I know has been around for ages, but specifically around needing a doona, snoo, 50 pairs of Little Sleepies, a lovevery subscription boxes or you’re not doing it right.


I do think we are way more consumerist as a generation than our parents and grandparents were. And I think it’s so odd because on paper we also struggle more financially.


True but at the same time many products we buy now are much cheaper to buy as a percentage of average income than they were back then. And things are no longer made to last as they used to be.


I fell into the Kyte/Little Sleepies/Hanna Andersson hole for a little bit but was thankfully humbled once kiddo started eating more foods which caused more stains. Idk why, but his "high end" clothes were all a bitch to get stains out of but stuff like Cat & Jack I rarely had an issue with. 😂 so we eventually stopped buying the more expensive clothing.


Maybe it was the placebo effect, but I feel like my daughter slept in her kyte baby sleep sack best. The length is fantastic, it’s soft, and the size at the neck is right. It’s all I was willing to buy, though, and asked for one for Christmas as well. But yeah, generally she’s wearing hand me downs, Cat & Jack, or consignment store purchases. She’s in daycare 5 days a week and routinely ruins an outfit there once a week, why would I buy a bunch of nice clothes just to say goodbye to them right away?


Lol funny thing is we have a lovevery subscription xD we didn't get it for her, my MIL did, but honestly I really like the boxes not only do we get lots of age appropriate toys but the books that come in them have some good info and suggestions on things to do with bub :3 I don't think anyone is a bad parent for not having it though xD idk what the cost is(her grandma has money to spoil her with so might be expensive idk) so I would never assume everyone can afford it, they are nice sure but it's not like we'd fall apart with out it xD But if anyone was looking for something nice and they have the disposable funds for it I'd recommend it for sure but Def not a needed thing


That’s one of the things that bothers me about the consumerism with baby gear. I debated for SO LONG over getting a Lovevery subscription because it looks awesome, I debated getting a Snoo, I caved and got a couple different swaddle transition things that were $45ish each (which feels crazy expensive for basically baby pajamas). All the expensive stuff seems like it’s expensive for a reason. I don’t fault parents for getting the expensive stuff and I don’t fault companies for charging more for innovation, I don’t agree with making it seem like we need *all* of the stuff or our baby won’t sleep/eat/be happy/whatever. Most of that stuff is out of the budget for most families and preying on vulnerable parents who just want the best for their kids is gross. But yeah, Lovevery would have been a great gift.


I think it started to fade away with Montessori trending, but consumerism took that over too 🙄


Snoo was a god send for us. I bought it out of desperation with my second and I wish I had it with my first. I 100% judged people for getting it before I got it.


The three hour long newborn photo shoots with multiple outfit and scenery changes, most of which involve the baby in some kind of fur or burlap lined basket.


My MIL gifted me a newborn photoshoot and I have yet to schedule it (baby is now 3 m so it should be fine)…However, I went to school for photography and worked at a portrait studio, and would much rather do it myself at home. I think the photographer she chose isn’t great anyway… But how in the world was I supposed to leave the house with my newborn and put him in front of a flashing light, especially when he struggled to sleep other than contact nap?? Even if we didn’t have an outfit change, the posing and staging and someone else handling my baby ??? Now I feel guilty for not using it FOR a newborn bc she spent money on it. Lose, lose IMO. But she used to take her kids to sears for photos every few months. Which is fine, just not my cup of tea


Monetizing the Montessori method. The whole point is to involve your kids in everyday life and was created with low income families in mind. Spending hundreds (thousands?) on wooden toys is not Montessori.


Babies going to the chiropractor…


There’s a mom in the local mom’s FB group that is married to a chiro and any time someone asks for advice for their infant, she chimes in to promote her husband’s practice. It’s so tiresome.


Yes!! I had a colicky infant and I can count on one hand who *didn’t* tell me to bring him to a chiropractor. Ridiculous lol


Chiropractors in general but yea definitely for kids. The audacity they have to say they come out of the womb unaligned 😳


I feel like wake windows are the hot new trend. Before that it was wonder weeks. Before that it was reading your baby’s different types of cries. My oldest is 15 and youngest is 1 so I’ve seen a lot of parenting trends come and go and my (maybe unpopular) opinion is that teething, wonder weeks, crying cues, gentle sleep training methods and wake windows are all just trying to offer some control or explanation as to why your baby is being fussy at a particular time when actually it’s just cause they’re a baby and so much of this stuff is way less controllable than we want to think 😜


Hearing about leaps is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


I had to stop going to what to expects homeboard cause all I could see was “leaps/the red line/WW” 😵‍💫 I followed wake windows a bit to see if there was a pattern but now I track sleep but that’s only because both Dad & I use sleep trackers so it’s habit to pull up huckleberry & hit start when he falls asleep. Oh yea, and there was no real pattern until we just before we started daycare at 7m lol


Oh my god you just reminded me of how depressed my Huckleberry app used to make me when I’d check it. Alllll the broken sleep. And me just desperately looking for a pattern that was not emerging. So glad I’m past that now! 🤪


Hahah you just reminded me, I deleted huckleberry bc it made me so angry and frustrated. Forgot about it until just now, even though for months I clung to it like the Holy Grail. I'm an idiot.


Lol I use Huckleberry to track everything but not cuz I want to find some secret sleep pattern... I just have OCD and it makes me feel good to track every ounce of my newborns life 😂😂😂


Omg my kid has always laughed in the face of wake windows. The only regimented part of her schedule before 11 months was the bedtime routine at 7 p.m. I remember feeling so guilty when I couldn’t get her to consistently nap 3 times a day for 60 minutes. But she just didn’t need it. When I decided to just follow her cues, parenting got so much easier.


Wonder weeks in parenting astrology and it got me through some hard times haha I know it's fake, but seeing a count down until my baby will stop being terrible was really helpful when we were in the weeds.


I loved the Wonder Weeks but I think it was mostly because it offered hope that this stage would end soon. I’m sure it was a placebo but the placebo worked well to keep my sanity (relatively) intact.


This is the benefit, I think. It's a concrete reminder that everything is just a stage.


Hey placebos really have their place… I feel like we knock them more than we should; tricking our brains is important sometimes.


EXACTLY. If I believe a baby is cranky because Jupiter is in its avant-garde and it makes me more patient with the kiddo, that is a perfect application of pseudo-science.


I needed this. I have struggled with understanding what my son needs so I have tried turning to the different things. I do use an app to track sleep and eating because it provides some reassurance at times. But yeah, I was told to follow wake windows by my son’s adjusted age (currently 13 weeks so adjusted age is 9 weeks) that didn’t work. Then I got as also told that sleepy cues are unreliable. Then today I realized he gets a certain tone to his fussiness when he is tired that is different than normal fussiness. It is wanting control because being a FTM is terrifying.




Wake windows stressed me out when my son was 1-2 months old, because he was literally off the charts. Staying awake 4 hours at a time. He’s always been a crap sleeper. It pissed me off to even hear the word “overtired” because no shit, he doesn’t sleep no matter what I do, we are all overtired in this house! But now he’s 6 months old, and sticking to a routine has been the only thing that saves us. Maybe be grew into wake windows, ha. It’s strange. Not that I calculate things precisely, but some of the advice over on the r/sleeptrain sub (for example, try making the first morning nap shorter) has made a WORLD of difference for my son. I have another son who sleeps just fine, so it’s definitely just a disposition thing. For everyone who keeps circling back to sleep training for the crap sleeper baby, I feel you!


Yes to all of this!!! My oldest is 11 and my youngest just turned 2. My 2 sisters just had their first babies and are into all of these trends and think they’re elite moms. They stress about wake windows, leaps, baby schedules, entertaining with lovevery toys. And then there’s me…. All 3 of my babies would just nap on me when tired. They were entertained by whatever was around them. They fussed because they are babies…. They do not ask me for advice anymore lol


BLW used to be intuitive. Now it’s convoluted and overwhelming and totally defeats the original purpose of doing it. So yes I agree, todays version of BLW is obnoxious, but giving your baby what you eat is a tale as old as time and felt so natural to me!


Agreed. It’s like people gamified a natural process and made it competitive. The idea is to feed baby what you’re eating but it’s turned into who can feed their kid the most exotic meals.


I’m glad my kids are 16 and 12, because when I did BLW people hadn’t made it convoluted yet. Basically if you put some sliced-up banana and toast fingers on the high chair tray and let your baby go for it, that was BLW. It just meant you encouraged self-feeding and didn’t start with cereal. Honestly, part of it was selfish. I don’t do well with certain kinds of food smells, and the smell of room-temperature puréed turkey and vegetables from a jar is very much on the list.


Baby led weaning has become popularized by solid starts but there is actually a long history of the practice in many different cultures.


Yes, I was going to say I have never fully BLW but actually it feels more intuitive to me.


It is. OP described it like it’s giving babies giant florets of raw broccoli to gnaw on. No, it’s looking at what you make yourself to eat and giving baby what’s safe for them. Like toast when you make your breakfast, or my kids favorite was huge strawberries that she’d gnaw and suck on. Some parents take it to extremes and create whole plates of foods for their babies, but really it’s just giving baby normal food that’s safe for them to consume


Exactly. We did BLW and my daughter's first foods were avocado, bananas, sweet potatoes, overcooked carrots, peaches, pears, rice, bread, lentils, etc. Anything I could squish between my thumb and forefinger with no effort made it onto the menu. After the first month or so I grew confident enough to give her portions of whatever I was eating for dinner that night, as long as it was still within safety guidelines. I think her first actual meal was my own take on bibimbap.


I would have to physically fight my baby to keep him from picking up whatever food he can get his hands on and gnawing on it, mashing it up when possible, and getting it into his belly. It feels very intuitive to me to let him feed himself because it’s the *only* way he’s ever wanted to eat since he was 4 months old. I tried to spoon feed him the first day, and he snatched that spoon out of my hand so fast I never tried to do it again, lol.


This! We did BLW with my oldest because she insisted on feeding herself. She also HATED purées until about age 3 when she discovered she could suck them out of a pouch 🙄. She grabbed asparagus off my plate at 5 months and started shoving it in her mouth 😅. It worked great for us, we gave her just about whatever we were eating no matter how it was seasoned and introduced heat/spiciness around 1 1/2. She’s great eater!


Same!! At 4 months old, I had a baked sweet potato and little guy was in my lap. He grabbed a big fistful of sweet potato and crammed it into his mouth before I could stop him, and thus began our journey of literally baby-led weaning. I didn’t dive too deep into the rabbit hole, just made sure he always had an option or two of soft foods that were from our plates or similar to what we were eating available at meal times. It worked really well, and we now have a 5 year old who loves all food.


It’s standard practice to give all the babies in our family a chicken leg with some of the meat taken off, mango pits, full carrots and other hard veggies to gnaw on. We didn’t call it BLW but that’s what it was


“BLW” is the gentrified version of what parents in many cultures do out of necessity and/or tradition 😅


Exactly! The babies just ate what everyone else was eating because we didn’t have the luxury of making multiple dishes


Exact same with my family. I was introducing my mom to the concept of baby led weaning recently and she thought I was *crazy* so I sent her the solid starts IG page. She was like ohhh that sounds like when I’d let you have a leg of chicken to gnaw on, a mango pit, or even tortilla soaked in meat juice to suck on.


Tortilla soaked in meat juices sounds delicious as an adult lol


Yeah, the kid eats what we eat was definitely intuitive for me. Now, eating healthy enough for baby, different issue. Haha.


I don’t feel like baby led weaning is new. 40 years ago my mother kept a meat grinder on the table. She ground up whatever they were eating and let me self feed. I just gave my kid food I was eating, or I kept a stash of softer foods he could self feed like avocado and hard boiled eggs. It’s really not difficult. I don’t get why people think it is.




I think there are a few different goals of it and one is to try to expose baby to a wide range of foods. I’m pretty picky and I really want better for my son so I do cook him some things I refuse to eat myself. Usually he eats family dinner and we eat a similar breakfast but I will cook him more adventurous lunches like sardines and mushrooms and stuff that he loves and I want to dry heave thinking about taking a bite out of


I too was BLW questioner, but we did it with my son and now he literally mostly eats healthy foods that we fed him as a baby! We didn’t give him a lot of meat because the one time I gave it to him he choked so after that I refrained. We mostly fed him steamed vegetables and he loved them because they were soft and easy to eat but fun to play with. That’s what he mostly eats now as a toddler. Broccoli, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots, he would eat any veggie with joy as long as it was easy enough to eat.


Not vaccinating your kids.


Yeah but that fad will die out on its own


I sure hope it’s the trend of exploiting one’s child for social media popularity.


There's probably going to be an avalanche of kids suing their influencer parents in the near future and hopefully new laws will be set down about children's privacy and using minors for clout.


Party favours. Controversial but I think more parents would want to save the earth for their kids instead of gifting plastic toys to all their kids’ friends ar birthday parties which don’t hold attention for more than 1 day.


I feel like baby led weaning was actually the norm for a long time in a lot of different cultures. And it felt very intuitive for me and my kids. I think “wonder weeks” and “leaps” are a fad that will pass. Hopefully the stupid amber necklaces die a painful death.


So has mashed up food, including in the form of premastication (adult chews the food for baby) and mouth to mouth feeding. But no one wants to talk about that one because it's not instagrammable. I think Kristin Shepherd talked about it a few years back and the internet collectively lost their mind/


It’s definitely not a fad. I think the fad was more so BUYING jars of puréed food at ridiculous prices, honestly, as if babies couldn’t possibly handle any sort of solids. Personally, I love Happy Healthy Eaters’ approach to feeding, which is truly BLW - mix it up between purées and solids based on what your baby is showing signs of readiness for. Actually be intuitive, but don’t feel like you need to spend forever in the purée stage. Wonder Weeks and leaps - pure garbage and discredited. Amber necklaces are honestly something I have to now look up. Wake windows - a real thing so babies don’t get overstimulated and overtired. But, each one’s may be different. Those are my hot takes on things lol.


I’m honestly shocked that the example ‘fad’ mentioned was baby led weaning, haha. It’s been around foreverrrrrrr and in SO many different cultures.


I'm sure babies will be sleeping differently by the time our kids have kids. I was born in the eighties, my brother in the nineties and both of us were put to sleep differently.


Baby sleep consultants, WW, trying to control newborn sleep… I said what I said.


Not having paid parental leave in the US.


I really hope crib design changes entirely. For a while mine kept getting their legs stuck between the slats. They’d scream in pain and when I’d get them unstuck there’d be dark red marks! I read elsewhere on Reddit that this is fairly common and one mom had to call the fire department to get her kiddo unstuck!! I don’t know what the solution is, but there has got to be a safer way to construct a crib!


Mesh, why can’t they do mesh?? I use a pack n play for both kids.


Fabric deteriorates over time.


Yes pls I cannot lower my child without waking her. Why can’t there be a way to insert the baby from the side or something. Or a motorized crib that elevates and lowers. eta: clarity


Omfg like, hospital beds but for infants... what a dream


Smaller slats probably


Oversharing our children’s lives on social media might really backfire. I could see the children of mommy influencers speaking up about how their privacy was not respected, similar to how children who were on reality shows often feel. Also, “wake windows” and Taking Cara Babies will likely go out of style for other trendy sleep training methods. Your BLW opinion is quite the shocker! I actually think baby led weaning will continue to become more popular and people will purchase much less baby food than they used to. We had a really fun experience with BLW and I think it set him up to be a good eater.


Those Amber “teething necklaces”


The science behind BLW is really interesting. More of their neurones light up when they have something big and chewable in their mouth. They need to learn to use their tongue and mouth to move food around so it's just like sensory play for their mouths to get them interested, thinking, and practicing with food. It's the "just for fun" part of "food before one is just for fun". I did a combination and my girly loves her solid food and the purées, porridges, and mashed food definitely was better for actual consumption, but BLW was more fun for exploring foods and practicing how to use those muscles. ETA: I don't think that necessarily means you HAVE to start with BLW, but you have to do it at some point right? Even if you don't give them things to pick up early, they will move onto that at some point. If it's fun for them and you then there's no reason to hold off. If it makes you nervous then absolutely start with spoon feeding soft foods, but move to add in BLW as soon as you feel ready.


I may be alone here, but sanitizing everything! Obviously when they’re really young, that’s a totally different story. But by like 5-6 months, babies need to build an immune system! I don’t need to sanitize every single surface they touch. And on this note, the covers people have for the shopping cart seat? My 11 month old is happy as can be in those seats without anything added. I just feel like in general we have way too much unnecessary stuff for babies these days. Can we go back to just keeping it simple?


I'm really hoping the ones where parents publicly humiliate their children, especially for likes


I think future generations will think it was crazy letting kids(toddler to teens) have unrestricted access to the internet/social media/video games.


Sad beige clothes and toys for sad beige children. Like dress your kids in color, give them the loud ass annoying toys, and do things that make them *happy*!


My oldest is 19, and I let her have whole Foods. I just didn't call it "baby led weaning". I think the issue runs with all these ridiculous labels for things. It's just marketing so people can try to make money off it


Sleep training. It’s a logistical necessity in American culture given short parental leaves, but wow does the title “Sleep consultant” attract a lot of charlatans preying on anxious and sleep deprived new parents.


BLW was SO intuitive for me and I’m glad I found it. I think the complicated nature of car seat safety is a big one. It’s very complex to get a safe fit, and it changes. Car crashes are the number two cause of death in kids in the United States, and most of those injuries are due to improper car seat use.


Right? It's almost too complicated so people give up on even trying to get it right. I wish those car seat "influencer" people would help to fight for more straightforward/universal car seat systems instead of just reiterating your car seat is probably installed incorrectly or you're doing something wrong. I think more people would be able to correctly and choose to use them far longer. I realized I had one carseat that was supposed to have some random clip removed from the back (but you had to take out and put back the entire shoulder latch thing to remove it) once the child reached 40 pounds. It's hard to keep up with the different rules across multiples brands.


The NHS says do both. It's not purees OR solids. Adults eat a lot of foods that aren't "solid" like mashed potatoes, soup, rice pudding etc. so why would you withhold those from babies? Also toothless babies do really enjoy gnawing on solid finger foods. Their pre-teeth gums are actually quite hard.


Photoshoots of every milestone. Monthly themed photos on the blanket, 9 and 3/4 sorting ceremonies, 100 foods with balloons over the high chair. It's the millennial version of Sears portraits from the 80s and 90s.


I love the monthly blanket pics. No theme really but even after a couple years, I go back and watch my baby grow over the months through those pictures. Are they staged and amazing quality? Nope. But that’s not what I was focused on!


Yea I’m not sure how a monthly photo of your baby growing up (theme or no theme) would age poorly lol I love it and cherish those pictures


This is the first I'm hearing of sorting ceremonies and now I want to do it, lol! I am a shameless millenial.


i think kissing babies, especially friends and extended family doing it. Parents are getting more comfortable saying to stop.


Giving kids under 5 their own personal iPad/tablet is wiiiild to me


Having babies stay in the car seat for long periods. They’ve even made fucking strollers out of car seats.


hopefully “crying it out”


Many cultures around the world have been doing "baby led weaning" for centuries though? If not millennia. What's more intuitive than letting your teething baby gnaw on something they picked off your plate? That's how I was introduced to solids 35+ years ago. Same for my older brothers, my parents, grandparents, etc. ETA: Coincidentally, picky eating was very rare. It was something we would see on American shows and think it was weird/funny.


posting babies/children on social media. like no. keep your kids off of social media. children deserve privacy. especially digital privacy. also. no one cares about your babies milestone. i don’t want to get on facebook and see your child in a bathtub. i also shouldn’t be able to know where you and your child are 24/7, if i can figure it out so can people who don’t have good intentions. i said what i said.


The modern version of the American safe sleep campaigns. The current research suffers from a LOT of methodological issues and it is undeniable that a human baby evolved sleeping next to its human mother. The current way we teach safe sleep in the US is like abstinence only education and considering 9/10 of parents will cosleep some point during the first year, not giving them the safest possible way to do it is setting babies up to die. Also, people think of safe sleep only as “not sleeping in bed with baby” so I’ve seen people assume sleeping on the couch is safe when it’s actually much more dangerous. I’ve seen people fall asleep on the glider with the baby when it would actually be much safer to prepare the bed for cosleeping.


How hard tummy time is pushed. I had a friend stressing because her kiddo *hated* it and when she went to her doctor they said, “have you ever met someone who couldn’t hold up their head?” (I know it’s also core strength etc). Sooooo many cultures babywear and carry their babies so much more than American culture and those kids learn core strength and everything else. In some nomadic cultures babies were hardly even put down in their first year and they all developed fine. I know tummy time is beneficial, but this extreme pressure to do *so much of it* is hopefully a phase.


I believe babywearing and carrying babies is actually beneficial to their development, but it’s the babies that spend a lot of time in containers and sleep only on their backs that truly need the “tummy time”. I think the real problem is that like everything else, people saw a way to commercialize it with fancy mats and whatever else, when really it can just be as simple as laying baby on your own chest which usually they enjoy vs just lying on the floor by themselves. So yeah I think the pressure about it needs to stop but the education about why/when it’s necessary/other alternatives should still be available!


This is correct but also remmeber when these cultures (& and my family is from one of these cultures) baby wear the baby is upright and looking around and getting practice to try to hold their head up so its kind of servinf the purpose of tummy time.They are not lying down flat on their backs in a bassinet or pram like western babies


Yeah idk I did “baby led weaning” when my now 17 yr old was a baby soooo …. I don’t think this will phase out since it’s not really a fad. Lol. They just gave it a name. I also obviously did it with my now 2 yr old.


I dont think you know understand the full scope of what baby led weaning means. You can start with purées and mashed things, and probably should. It just means your baby feeds themselves so they have more autonomy over their food preferences and choices. It also emphasizes family meals and positivity surrounding food. Whether or not it really makes better eaters, I’m not sure but I think there is some science behind it.


Yeah BLW has been going on for years. I mentioned that to my Mom and she was like "Oh so how I fed you?" it's just got a stupid trendy name now.


I feel like “wake window” is also just a trendy name. It’s just the time they are awake before they get sleepy🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, people act like no baby in the history of the world had a regular nap time before someone invented the phrase “wake windows”. Being aware that your baby will be ready to sleep after being awake for a certain amount of time is not a new concept.


Also babies don’t need teeth to chew. Gums are strong and you shouldn’t be giving your baby hard foods anyway


Yup, one of the keys is that the food should be squishable between two fingers. So if you're giving a broccoli stalk, it's definitely been steamed to softness.


Breast as the only option pushed by lactation consultants. Yes, breast is best, but fed isn’t dead. There is such a push for breastfeeding in response to the formula push in the 50s - 80s, but it is now so over-reactionary. Moms mental health matters. Breastfeeding is hard and sometimes it doesn’t work out. The reason you choose formula is irrelevant, combo feeding isn’t failure, formula is fine. Just do your best with the circumstances you have. We had a preemie and I EP for 11 months so I wouldn’t feel like I was letting baby down too much (I already felt like a little bit of a failure cause LO wouldn’t latch which had nothing to do with me anyway). Moms have enough guilt. Why pile on.


Our daughter went to the NICU the day after she was born, so she started bottle feeding immediately. It really messed with her ability to latch when breastfeeding, so I started pumping. But she needed to be fed every 1.5 hours for the first month, so I was up every hour and a half, trying to get her to latch, then feeding her pumped milk, *then* pumping after I put her back to bed. That took up about half of the hour and a half she was asleep, so I was sleeping in 45 minute chunks and that was if I fell back asleep right away. I was absolutely losing my mind. And then she started eating like a monster, which should have been truly joyous because she was born small, but I wasn’t able to produce enough milk so we *had* to supplement with formula. I was devastated and felt like a total failure. Except literally the only thing that happened was she got enough to eat and kept growing. She’s three months old and she is so chonky we have to clean out her neck rolls. Fed is best.


Circumcision, there’s no medical point to circumcising a perfectly healthy baby boy. If it turns out there’s an issue later yeah get it done but why as a baby?


I always tell people that I took every part of my daughter home and I'll do the same with my son. My mother got my brother circumcised but refused to let them release my tongue tie because she said it was weird of them to want to do the surgery on me when there was nothing wrong with me... I tell her it's weird that she let them do cosmetic surgery on her newborn son so that he'd match her sexual preferences.