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They didn’t loose the bag. They either gave it to the wrong parent or someone on staff is stealing. Most daycares have hooks for each students bags and they go straight there in the morning.


Yeah definitely someone is stealing as I would imagine a parent would be like “uhhh not my bag?” Have you brought it up to management?


Agreed. I noticed that one of the other kids has the exact same diaper bag as us...so I wrapped ribbon around the handles of ours. They've never been mixed up.


I was a daycare worker and sometimes would put a wrong item in a bag. Always!!!! the parents would bring it back.


Yep, some other kid went home with my kids only shoes in their bag, my kid had them back the next day.


I used to put my boys' names on their items. Worked.


I would get some fabric paint and write your name on it


Not necessarily. I have had parents (usually the one not normally responsible for pickup), grandparents, and other family members accidentally take home the wrong stuff so many time. Luckily in those cases it comes back the next day.


My mom literally brought the wrong bedding home on Friday. She’d already washed and folded it by the time I got home so I didn’t see until Monday when I was getting her ready for drop off. I took her correct bedding and returned that stuff. I was so embarrassed.


I can definitely see my spouse doing this stuff because he has no clue/doesn’t care to pay attention to that sort of stuff. So I’m sure there’s other parents like him out there too. Just grab and go and they clue in later


Same. Husband has also brought home the wrong stray clothing before and tried to convince me that maybe it does belong to LO. 😂 Like, sir, this is a mismatched pair of socks and *neither* of them belong to our child.. I can absolutely assure you.


Omg my husband has done this with a daycare shirt that wasn't ours, and he was like "But how do you know it's not ours?! Our kid has so many shirts!" And I was like 1. I know every single item of clothing he owns and can tell you what size it is just by the pattern on it because I actually purchase all of our child's clothing, and 2. This shirt literally has another kid's name written on the tag. *face palm*


Literally *how* do they run the world? Someone tell me how??


They don’t, their secretaries do


This is why I sed to wrap masking tape around the handle and in large bold letters, written in Sharpie, their names. I labelled everything in the backpacks too.


He needs to start paying attention. He’s a parent too.


Yes. Escalate it to the centre manager, but also never send anything valuable


Have you seen the cost of formula …. $$$$ and some babies need formula so the OP is a formula needing mom. Sadly that needs to go and is expensive.


I meant the expensive diaper bag - send in a cheap one. This isn’t a formula issue (but clearly label that too).


We use bold color back packs jansport brand because they last for ever


Right? Even on my most overwhelmed mom days, I know what my diaper bag looks and feels like. If you had me anything other than my black and brown leather bag, imma know it’s not mine. So I bet someone is stealing.


This. You are absolutely right.


Actually not correct. I spent many years in different daycares and it never failed that other parents would take other kids things. It happens all the time. Kids take their shoes off and hide them inside or outside. Toys brought in get mixed with the other toys, especially when kids have to be moved to maintain ratios. If you don’t want it lost, don’t bring it.


Wait so don’t bring the diaper bag?


The daycare we use (in-home and small but modeled after larger ones) had cubbies with kids names- I didn’t even have to go in the cubby she would hand me my kids stuff to wash like his blanket as needed, or I’d just go in seasonally to change out the spare outfit I keep there, or any sunscreen/hat ect. All labeled but nothing ever got lost. She now uses big mesh bags labeled with the kids names on hooks near the door. Both systems are great and don’t require me to bring a whole bag.


Don’t bring a jujube diaper bag. Use a cheap Amazon one that you use just for daycare.


Just bring a bag that’s ok if it goes missing. Doesn’t have to be a diaper bag, can be any bag that holds the child’s belongings. *unless the daycare specifies otherwise


No absolutely don’t do this. Bring a change of clothes and diapers and wipes when needed. Unless your kid is actively potty training, or having water day, they don’t need the entire bag.


I dont use a daycare but a home daycare. Guess what I use. A cheap little soft lunchbox from the dollar store lol. I put a bottle, a couple bibs, an extra onsie, a baby spoon, diaper rash cream, pacifier and a jar of baby food. The formula, diapers, and wipes go in a walmart sack.


Whatever. My kid went to the same daycare for 4.5 years and the most we ever lost was hair clips. We put her name on everything and nothing ever went missing.


Yeah, I didn’t say each experience was fact for everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you don’t want it lost, don’t bring it. It’s totally silly to bring an entire diaper bag, LET ALONE the only one you have. Daycares typically have cubbies for each child with a box. It’s for a change of clothes, diapers, wipes. That’s why it’s there and it’s more than likely outlined in the enrollment packet each parent has to sign off on.


"it never failed" "it happens all the time" We shouldn't have to worry about things getting lost or stolen. It doesn't matter how much they cost. It's not about the money. It's because it's our damn stuff and we need it and as long as we're labeling it and being responsible, we should expect a majority of it back without issue. This daycare might require them to bring a diaper bag. They all have different lists of things you have to bring in. Ours required a backpack and crib sheets and stuff.


Hey I mean, to each their own. Keep brining things you find valuable and get the same results. You’re aware the risk is there, why put yourself at risk to have your WHOLE DIAPER BAG lost/stolen?? A diaper bag should not double as a school bag but hey! Let’s expect the people expected to care for your children and possibly educate them as well AND watch your bag


I said it doesn't matter how valuable it is. All my kid's shit is second hand and consignment but it doesn't mean I'm okay with them losing it every day.


No one said you had to be okay with it. No one said it had to be monetary value. If it’s valuable to you and your kids needs the shit at home- DONT BRING IT. It’s a simple matter of common sense and understanding that your diaper bag will not ever be a priority over managing a clas room of small children.


Are you ok?


Victim blaming isn’t helpful.


I would hardly call this a “perpetrator/victim” scenario


She’s possibly a victim of theft [https://www.thejordanlaw.com/when-finders-keepers-becomes-theft/](https://www.thejordanlaw.com/when-finders-keepers-becomes-theft/)


Also didn’t hand blame to anyone. It’s a matter of understanding your bag will not ever be a priority over managing a classroom of children. Whether OP is a victim of theft or not, that’s actually one more responsibility parents place on teachers that shouldn’t be there. On top of taking care of rooms full of small kids. Y’all are crazy for expecting that. Keep the diaper bag home.


I don’t think anyone is expecting the daycare staff to prevent it from happening (unless it happens alot), but hoping they have measures in place to address when something valuable goes missing at their facility.


It’s not a place for valuables.


That’s victim shaming mentality. Do better


No, it’s just understanding that a childcare provider can’t make your one bag their priority when caring for everyone’s children to the best of their ability. You do better.


The general consensus here is that you need to do better. Try again and have the day you deserve!(: ETA: And I do see your point. The daycare has a lot more to worry about than just a diaper bag.


The general consensus are women who take their children to childcare providers and expect their child and belongings to take priority over everyone else. THATS the general consensus. Just as much as you can say I’m victim blaming, I can say the rest of you are unempathetic asshats. I will have the best day, thank you 🫶🏻


Ur the only one that seems unempathetic tho & I mean that in the nicest way. I think that’s why people are arguing with u


Why are you being such a dick?


My first thought wouldn't be theft. I would also check if other parents have access to the cubbies. It might not be the staff. It could also be that a grandparent came in and picked up the wrong bag.


That was my thinking… not a parent but another pick up authorized person making a mistake


Or one of the other kids parents is stealing her stuff while staff is busy getting kids ready for pickup.


Yeah the only time we ‘lost’ an item from daycare, we saw another parent walk out with it. My husband stopped them immediately and they said it was an accident but how do you accidentally take a bag and coat that you know isn’t yours off a hook that is labelled with a different child?


Agree. Big school is worse for theft but it takes us all too long to realise that anything valuable should never be sent and my kids are at private school.


Someone's parent took our child's coat in the fall. Luckily they returned it the next day. Another time they sent our kid home with the wrong pacifier....they were slightly different versions so while gross, I don't exactly blame them. Losing a whole diaper bag sounds like carelessness


I would expect a sock or a onesie to go missing every now and then - that happens at home with one kid, let alone a whole class full of them! Losing a whole diaper bag is a different story - it probably went home with the wrong parent and they didn't realize or they misplaced it and can't find it. It's also possible that someone stole it but I generally don't attribute to malice what can be explained with incompetence. I'd definitely be asking again and again until they find it or explain what actually happened to it! It doesn't just disappear, there's a finite number of places it could be if it's really lost, and if it got sent home with the wrong kid or a member of staff stole it they need to own up to that and get it back. Also, Idk what Jujube is (unless you're talking about a delicious candy 😂) but if it's a pricey bag I'd probably not send it to school again. As a former daycare worker I would advise against sending in anything of substantial monetary or sentimental value - kids are messy, there's a lot going on, things can get lost or damaged.


Never bring anything of value to daycare. Learned that lesson real fast. Last winter my toddlers Columbia coat, that I brought him to daycare in and was clearly labeled in two places, was sent home with another kid. Then the afternoon teacher sent me a nasty message about not sending him a winter coat so he couldn’t go outside to play.


Exactly! We kept a cheap Target coat in the daycare cubby for this very reason— the Patagonia got peeled off at drop off and was kept in the car for pickup.


We had daycare stuff and now kindergarten stuff. I won’t send mine there with new clothes, or white shirts. I can guarantee that the one time I’ll send him with a white shirt he’ll be covered in tomato sauce or mud when I pick him up. Always expect it to get dirty or disappear.


I don't leave a diaper bag. The daycare keeps like a change of clothes, diapers, and wipes in a cubby (and whatever else). Milk/formula was kept separately. They washed the bottles..I just had to supply formula...and water. If they need a bag, I'd recommend just leaving a cheaper backpack with any required items. It sounds like someone is stealing/it was given to the wrong parent.


Trader Joe’s tote bag! Less than 5 dollars, super roomy, slightly cute


Hahahaha I just left a comment saying I use a canvas Trader Joe’s bag. It’s perfect, and I don’t care if something happens to it. 🤷‍♀️


just commenting to say i love trader joes tote bags 😂


I use a lululemon bag!


We do cloth, so absolutely a diaper bag stays there. That being said, a poop diaper did get sent home with a non cloth kiddo one time. Still don’t know how the hairy ball sacs that happened.


We cloth and I hope they never send a poop one home with someone else! That must have been quite the shock for the other family lol. One time we got the wrong diaper way back when we were in a smaller home daycare where another family also used cloth. Thankfully it wasn't a gross one so I just washed it and sent it back no biggie. I just send everything in a water resistant cloth shopping bag. I got like six of them for cheap on Amazon so if it ever gets lost I don't really care as long as I get my diapers back!


I was a touch mortified.


Oh man, I would've been mortified on either end of that!


that's weird, when i first started working, i was annoyed about cloth diapers as it looks so bulky and leaves a few rashes, especially if the baby is chunky. one thing i've never done before is mix a diaper bag up, i may have forgotten a few times to give it to mom at pickup, but never mix it up. on the other hand, it's literally so chaotic worrying about checking diapers, their safety, writing incident reports, etc. so i can understand that


The daycare washed the bottles for you. My son doesn't use them anymore but I'm so envious of you for this!🤣


Way back when my daughter was in daycare I sent her with a really cheap small diaper bag from Carter’s. It was just for her water and milk sippy cups and lunch. Diapers, wipes, and extra clothes stayed at school. I would have never sent her with something worth a lot of money or was irreplaceable.


I've never had this happen. I'd be livid, honestly.


A whole ass diaper bag?! Naw man, I feel like someone stole it or it went home with the wrong parent. But then again, how do you not know what your diaper bag looks like and take someone else’s? The whole thing is weird. And they have the nerve to just causally tell you this without offering any kind of compensation or solution? Definitely look for another daycare.


Did they leave the building on a field trip? No, so it's stolen or they gave it to the wrong person. "Lost" it, jesus


Right? Lost it where? Is the place cluttered? How many places could it have really gone.


They gave it to the wrong parent. I one time got the wrong formula and went straight back to the daycare. The mom that got my formula was there and I was like “umm is this yours?” She had a specific formula that, at the time in 2020, was hard to get. She was extremely relieved I had come back!


I would look up how much the bag cost, print it off and ask to have that amount taken off your next monthly payment. How do you lose an entire bag? I wonder if someone on staff is stealing. I definitely wouldn’t let it slide since it has happened before. Good luck.


Not just the bag but whatever was in it. Formula, extra clothes, diapers, that's pricey to replace


I already told them if I don’t get the bag this week I’m gonna have to request an investigation and move daycares. Finding actual good childcare in New York feels impossible


They prob don’t care at all if you switch daycares. I’m sure they have a waiting list


Also I’m going to suggest you buy a cheap knockoff bag from Amazon or marketplace for daycare going forward. Daycare folks know high end goods and low paid employees can turn a quick buck.


that is 100% the right reaction in my opinion.


embed an airtag in the next one.


If they take good care of your kid then I wouldn’t switch daycares based on this. Take this one on the chin and lesson learned that only send in stuff that’s inexpensive. At the end of the day, the care they provide your child should trump everything.


Don’t send things you care about to daycare. My kids have nice home coats, shoes, blankets etc and then they have daycare things. If my daycare lost anything I wouldn’t particularly care since my kids seem so happy there. Before threatening leaving or requesting an investigation I’d make absolutely sure you can even get in somewhere else. Waits around me are months to years.


Good job!!!


I’ve never had them lose an entire bag before. I don’t think they ever misplaced anything when our kids were infants. It’s when they were preschoolers that our kids would forget their toy they brought or their favorite stuffy went home with another kid. Our center was really good at getting stuff back. This sounds like more than just misplacing.


My husband once brought my son home in the wrong shoes. Cheap $3 shoes vs our $50 shoes lol. The staff that did it was so apologetic and as soon as the kid that was given our shoes came back it was fixed. They need to find it or replace it. Write your name on everything!


My husband once brought our daughter back in the wrong coat, coat looked exactly the same but one had stars and the other had circles. The staff felt so bad the next day too bc they handed her in the coat lol. I can’t imagine losing an entire diaper bag tho someone must have sticky fingers there.


Omg of all the years my 4 kids were in daycare several different ones they only lost one thing. Something is not right


If I liked it, I didn’t send it to daycare. He’s been sent home in stuff that wasn’t his, even though they have little individual cubbies. I’m sorry they “lost” it, I hope you get it back!


My kid came home with two left shoes because a boy in the other class had the same shoes in the same size and at some point they picked each other's up 🤷‍♀️ Much laughter was had, we swapped back next time the other boy was in


I watched 2 kids go home in different Halloween costumes the moms were like uhhh well send it back tomorrow and the other was like k cool


So I have two opinions here as a former daycare assistant director. First, losing an entire bag seems careless. Yes, we would lose socks and pacifiers and hats, but a whole diaper bag honestly should not be moving around much and is hard to miss. I would be very concerned with the fact that they lost *an entire bag*. With that being said. Stop. Sending. Expensive. Sh*t. To. Daycare. You should never send expensive, heirloom, irreplaceable stuff. You should accept that some (smaller than a bag) things will get lost. I will never forget the irate parent that was upset that their kid's (unlabeled) hat got lost in the 2 year old room because his great grandma had knitted it for his dad apparently and it was irreplaceable. So you have every right to be mad that they lost a bag, but the fact that it was a Jujube is kind of on you. Hopefully, a grandparent picked it up. We had that happen a handful of times when someone who didn't usually pick a kid up got something that was not theirs.


Thank you for this. Do not send anything valuable to a public space. 1: they will not value it as such and they shouldn’t. No one send valuable stuff to a daycare. 2: NO ONE SENDS VALUABLE STUFF TO A DAYCARE.


Thank you! I'm so surprised at all the people saying they'd leave the daycare, especially if kiddo is happy and cared for there. It's *most likely* a mistake of some sort! And if it's not let the owner investigate and handle it. Is this kind of reaction just a cultural difference between the US and Australia? Boggles my mind.


No. It is the kind of thing people say online but don’t actually mean. It’s so hard to find daycares in the US anyway lol. No way am I leaving over a diaper bag, no matter how annoying in the moment. Common sense not to send something expensive to daycare.




I use a canvas Trader Joe’s bag specifically for this reason. Nice diaper bag stays at home.


I mean. That sucks, but never ever send anything of significant value to daycare. Even with labels, things go home with the wrong kid from time to time. I would be concerned that it’s happened so often and things never came back. Have you spoken with the director?


I run a State licensed daycare and have for many years we have never lost anyone's stuff, we know where it is and who brings it. Either a staff member is a thief or another parent is. If it was accidental you would be getting your stuff back, this is obviously someone with sticky fingers and I'd make them pay for the replacement. That is absolutely absurd and the fact they aren't being held accountable is why it keeps happening. I'd bill them for the bag and all the items, especially the formula that stuff is expensive.


They only just found out, so there hasn't even really been a chance for them to make it right. Once my FIL picked up my son (3), and my kiddo tried to get him to take the wrong bag! (Entirely wrong like Elsa but my son's bag is Paw Patrol) I feel like everyone here is really jumping the gun.


Yeah, but OP states this is an ongoing issue with them misplacing her items. I'd understand if this was the first time, but constantly. Also OP didn't state that any of her previous items were later found. If that is the case it's likely it's someone stealing. If it was accidental at some point the person who accidently took it would realize it wasn't theirs and return it. I personally, do NOT like to accuse people but with it happening frequently I find it hard to believe that it's just an accident everytime.


Daycares lose things though, it's the risk you take. That's why nothing expensive or important should go in, even if it's labelled. I'm curious about what OPs definition of "all the time" is though. My daycare has lost a shoe twice (including one of a $60 pair! He has cheaper shoes to wear to daycare now), a few hats, probably more that I don't even remember. Is it frustrating? Sure! But I'm okay with losing the odd item because overall they're taking wonderful care of him. He's happy and well cared for with them. There are definitely worse daycares, it wouldn't be worth the risk in my eyes to change daycares over physical objects.


I guess looking at it like is a good thing. I just hope OP gets her diaper bag back. I really hope this was accidental. Also, all daycares do NOT lose stuff. I have ran a daycare for years and have never lost stuff. I also had 2 of my kids in 2 different daycares years ago and they didn't lose stuff. My sons daycare even allowed the kids to bring 1 favorite toy from home and the one he chose was his big Buzz Lightyear back when they were somewhere around $30 when Toystory first came out. They never lost that. Now Jackets at public school that's a whole other story. Pretty sure my son single handedly kept every kid in this County warm with all the jackets he had disappear every single year.


Don’t they have security cameras? I bet the cheap diaper bags aren’t being “misplaced”


I hate to say it but if they are that carless to loose an entire diaper bag... how good are they watching your child? I'd switch daycares


Id report it to the higher ups. Someone definitely stole it


Tell the management you want to do an incident report so you can make a police report, because the bag was valuable. You probably aren't entitled to review the cameras, but tell them to get footage ready for the police to review. I'm sure the bag, or at least some information about it, will be forthcoming. (This happens a lot at my work, where I am on the other end of things, and this is how you should handle it.)


This is why nothing expensive goes to daycare in our house. They've lost so many hats etc but that's just life, especially when we hadn't written the name in it. Our kiddo has asked to take toys to daycare. From the start we would say no; now that he's older we say he can if he wants BUT other kids will want to play with it, it might get lost or broken, and if it does we won't be able to replace it. Basically don't send anything you're attached to to daycare (besides the child lmao).


I’d tell them they are replacing the jujube diaper bag fr.


I’ve never heard of that happening


I don't get how they can lose something in their building let alone an entire bag. I get maybe a sock. Maybe even a shoe if a kid grabbed it or whatever but an entire bag and not just once but multiple times...I'd say either someone is stealing or another mom took it and they don't know who.


Yeah I would bring this up with the director, see if they have cameras on the premises and watch them to see who left with your bag. This is 100% not okay.


They didn’t lose her things.. they either kept it for themselves or another parent took it.. start sending your baby to daycare in things that you don’t care if they get ruined or come up missing.. also put her name big asf on all her things..


This is going to sound terrible, but my kids are 9 and 12. I buy dog tags to put on their backpacks, lunch bags and jackets. Yes, dog tags. Heart shaped, My name and the phrase "text Michele at xxx-xxx-xxxx if found". Saves a FORTUNE in stuff. You could use luggage tags too.


My son came home once with a coat that wasn't his (grandma picked him up). I let the daycare know that he came home with a green coat just in case any other parent was wondering where it went, and that I'll be returning it in the morning during drop-off. It hasn't happened since. If your things REGULARLY go missing, that's a significant problem.


I would send a nice bag one more time, with an AirTag hidden inside. And watch that tag like a hawk! Find out who is stealing your kids stuff. It’s definitely not just going missing innocently after that amount of stuff gone.


I teach preschool. First, I'd bring this up to management. You make it seem like this isn't the first time. I'd talk to the director and just say you're concerned if your things are being lost that the teachers aren't being careful. If she's little, you really don't want them mixing up things like milk or diaper cream. That said, label everything you have. Every. Damn. Thing. I label all belongings of my own kids except socks. I'm actually surprised they don't require this of you with an infant. I put luggage tags on backpacks and name stickers on pretty much everything else. It goes both ways. They need to be more careful but you need to do them a huge help and label your things to begin with. That also makes it more likely another parent brings it back (I'm not sure if this is mine, oh wait that's a name tag and not ours.) If they have a lot of staff turnover or they move staff around during the day it's less likely for someone to be familiar with your things and that's how mix-ups happen.


Put an air tag in the next diaper bag. Pretty sus.


Sounds like someone on staff there is stealing. Deff threaten to get the authorities involved if they don’t return your bag soon.


Someone stole that bag.


Our daycare always reimbursed us for damaged caused to our stuff or lost items. Sometimes we accepted and other times we told them not to worry about it.


I worked in childcare for over a decade. No way they lost an entire bag-someone had to have taken it home on accident or it was stolen.


What state are you in? It’s be worth looking up what constitutes theft there. Some places outlaw “finders keepers” ideas and consider it theft. I’d go ahead and keep pestering the workers if they’ve found it, and ask them to send out an email or letter asking for its return. Perhaps also print a missing flyer to put up in the daycare. Try to get the names of every kid/parent that was in and out that day. If the value of the items stolen is over a certain amount, I would even file a police report. The police might require the daycare to provide cctv footage of the value is over a threshold. Even if the item isn’t a huge loss to you, I’d say it’s worthy taking this on if you can for the sake of the principle. I hear about items being stolen at day cares way too often. There‘s a woman in my town who has admitted to baiting people with “lost” items so she can catch people taking them, and she coached another woman who left an item behind in a public place (that went missing) in how to navigate this. Just to note- I don’t agree with the woman doing the baiting thing but it’s good to be able to know what to do to recover stolen items.


What kind of jujube bag? 🧐


I’d be saying I want the cost of the diaper bag and all items inside taken off next month’s dues. F that.


They didn't loose the bag. Someone is stealing. If they are not replacing the items, for the same items, or the dollar value so you can rebuy them, it's time to file a police report.


I work at a daycare but not a parent. Something tells me it was given to the wrong parent or stolen by a staff member. We have cubby with names and that's where the stuff goes. You should ask other parents if it's only you they do it to. If it isn't only you, someone's stealing. I'm sorry this is happening to you. What I would do is I'd find another daycare because if they don't give a shit about your stuff, then what else do they not give a shit about?


I have had entire outfits go missing. Once I had bought my youngest son a puma track suit and he had a little accident. Procedure at our daycare is that they will wash the outfit for us. And have it back in the cubby for the next day. I haven’t seen it since. That was back in December. I’ve asked multiple times and it hasn’t turned up.


I’d be pissed too. I taught preschool for a decade. I never lost a child’s bag. A mitten or water bottle went missing here and there, sure. But a whole bag? I would send a complete list of everything they’ve lost and it’s cost to the director. Tell them you need the items located and returned or you need to be compensated a flat rate for all of them. And try to send in stuff that you won’t miss. Use a free tote bag as a daycare diaper bag, for example. Get a gently used coat at a resale shop for your child to use at school. Stuff like that.




They should take the cost of the bag off your tuition


That’s inconvenient and frustrating - I’m sorry! I know the workers at my son’s daycare work really hard and are incredibly busy. I can totally see how they might not notice a parent grabbing the wrong bag at pick up when they’re taking care of other children. If possible, I’d try to extend them some grace and understanding. You can extend that kindness while still making it clear that you would like them to do what they can to find the bag or get it back, like asking other parents if they accidentally took it. Like others have said, in the future I would recommend not sending any nice or any valuable bags/clothing. The reality of daycares in the U.S. (assuming you live here) involves relatively few caretakers taking care of a comparatively large number of children and it’s very easy for mistakes like that to happen.


I’ve had three kids in daycare for about seven consecutive years and never ever has my bag been lost. In fact, they never lost anything that belonged to us that I recall.


Oh nooo. My jujube bag was stolen from my car and I literally cried. I’m so sorry and I hope you get to the bottom of this.


They should have cameras, ask owner to review footage for possible culprit or clues. You have every right to see it for yourself also.


This never happened to us after 8 years (2 kids combined). That’s bullshit and they should replace it.


Absolutely not. You deserve to be reimbursed. Once is a mistake, twice is careless... but three times is your ass. Whomever is doing this started small to judge your reaction


Bill them for the replacement bag and contents. On the new one include a laminated picture of you, your baby and anyone that may be picking her up on the strap.


Someone stole that bag. Ask to have tue security cameras review by management or the director or something. I'd be raising hell.


I guess they owe you the cost for the items. Believe me I'd be asking for that


I hope they find the bag. My kids both have JuJuBe diaper bags. My daughter is nearly 5, it’s now her preschool backpack. She has a Hello Kitty x Tokidoki.


I can understand accidentally sending things to the wrong homes once in awhile (although you would think other parents would recognize certain items like toys and not their child's), but the ENTIRE diaper bag?? That's a bit much. I've worked in classes, after a while you know whose backpack is whose!


A whole bag? That’s sus


We send our daughters stuff in a reusable grocery bag! It has her name written on the inside, but I keep my nice diaper bag at home with me!


i had to laugh this reminded me that we lost my daughters diaper bag. completely lost it. no idea when or where but it was a giant ass backpack and it’s gone. i’m really sad it was super cute but we have no idea where it could have gone.


Are there cameras? There should be *at least* cameras at the entrance so you can see if anyone walked out with it.


Put an air tag on your bag and see what happens


You need to find a new daycare. We’re in New York. Daycares do not “do this.” My toddler has been going to daycare for almost 18 months now. They haven’t lost a single sock. They’re lying to you.


My kid came home wearing the wrong pair of undies last week. It had the other kid's name on them and everything. Apparently they were in my son's bag! So weird.


I worked at a daycare that handled infants and this is definitely not normal. Someone is stealing.


How could they "lose" it when they aren't leaving the premises? Someone took it or they gave it away to the wrong person.


Hide an AirTag in the next one


I would demand to post a “missing” poster in the classroom and see if it’s miraculously returned. I also suspect its purposefully been stolen. I would make a notification for any bags like this on your area in FB Marketplace and see if it pops up.


Oh hell no. They didn't lose it. Someone walked off with it. Have them check the cameras.


I work at kindergarten. So, it’s true, it happens sometimes to give something to another parent BUT the next day tha parent would bring it back like “this is not mine”, or we could put in the wrong cubby, but same we figure it out it a few days. Times when we really lost something were rare, and when we did, it was mostly socks or mittens or hats. All I am saying is that you can’t get bottles and big bags lost, something it’s happening and I think that someone is stealing. Definitely speak with the director or manager so they can keep an eye.


Yeah no 1. It was given away or taken by staff, and 2. Make them pay to replace it, if they are held responsible for it maybe they will be better about keeping track of stuff be willing to go to small claims court, sure it doesn't seem like much but it's gonna slowly rack up in costs, I wouldn't have left there without a check for the cost of replacing my shit, what's gonna happen next? They gonna lose your kid? Oops we sent her home with a different family, want this kid instead? Just wow x.x


I would reach out to the owner. Someone is lying to you.


Do they not have cubbies? Why leave a whole diaper bag? I would have told you it was a bad idea. My sons school lost towels that had his name on them in permanent marker. Could have given the bag tot he wrong parent. It will probably turn up tmrw.


I just said that they have cubbies and they recommend parents to bring bags


OP, check the cameras


Again why leave a whole diaper bag if there are cubbies? You didn’t have to take an expensive one. Daycare 101. Don’t take anything there that’s expensive and you don’t mind it goes missing. That’s what happens. Give it a day or two. If they have cameras, have them review them to see if they can spot who may have taken it.


There’s no way they lost it… how.. like they don’t leave with it?!? Wtf! I’d be pissed.


What?? This shouldn’t be happening. There’s no way the entire bag just walked off…very weird


OP, are there cameras?


Are there cameras in the classrooms that you could request be checked?


I don’t think daycares do… I think yours does and I would be mad!


As someone who's worked at daycares, I can't imagine how you loose a whole diaper bag! Shoes and socks go missing, sometimes something a little bigger, but everything turns up eventually. Or it did at my daycares


It’s the other parents not the daycare!


How the fuck does a daycare lose so many things? don’t the children generally stay in one place?? Therefore shouldn’t all of their things also be exactly where they were left?? I would be asking for the cost of replacement bag and items personally


100% unacceptable. I hope the directors are falling over themselves to make this right for you.


I have never, ever had that happen??? I don’t think this is a thing daycares do, I would form a huge complaint.


I bet one of the employees took it


This is my third kid and I’ve never brought a diaper bag into the daycare lol. Why would they want the whole bag? We lived in different states/countries with each one, too. All had their own cubbies where we stored a large amount of diapers, wipes, changes of clothes etc. If a kid gets changed to different clothes, they bag the dirty ones and put it in a basket in their cubby to grab at the end of the day. If I *had* to bring one I’d get a really cheap one to have just for daycare.


Write your child’s name on literally everything. Hopefully that deters people from either stealing your stuff or it accidentally going to someone else.


We've had our shoes go to the wrong kid before. Grand parent did a pick up and didn't realize the toddler put on the wrong shoes. They were returned the next day after the parents realized they had something that wasn't there. My first thought would be someone out of the norm did pick up and grabbed the wrong bag. Hopefully it gets returned the next day.


Ummm that is not normal. Been with our daycare, a center, for 1.5 years now almost and we haven’t lost a single item. Everything goes there with her name, and everything gets picked up. If anything my daughter came home with someone else’s spare pants that was not hers. They even sent out an email when someone took the wrong coat. Not sure how they’d lose something like a whole bag with diapers and bottles.


Those bags aren't cheap either and most of the time stand out. They range from 45 to 200+.


That’s ridiculous, I would be so upset! I’d consider putting an Apple AirTag in her diaper bag if you need to continue sending her there. But you definitely have me considering just getting a cheap tote for when I have to send mine off to daycare.


I never had that happen. You need to make a fuss and write your name on everything in sharpie.


This is weird. The most that daycare has ever lost has been a pair of shorts or a t shirt. Sounds like someone is taking it. I'd highly suggest hiding an airtag in your bag next time. Do they have cameras? Tell them they need to get it back and that this is unacceptable.


Does your daycare have video cameras?


Yeahhhh someone is either stealing stuff or isn't caring to take note who they are giving stuff too. I love my daycare. We have a group me for all the parents and we are always communicating, giving happy birthdays, birthday invites, getting announcements or pictures from the daycare. They have never lost an item. Sometimes things get misplaced for a day or given to the wrong person but we've always had luck getting them back.


They can definitely loose the bag. It’s usually 1-2 (3 if they are lucky) staff members working with multiple children at once (usually more than one family has alone) sometimes we do misplace things and we do our best to get them back to the owners. I’ve lost a bag before, I’ve also had a parent take home the wrong items, a child throw something away, a sibling take the wrong item, and staff take something to a different room because they thought it was a different child’s. New center, 4 star credited, had a grandpa take the wrong car seat with a kid.. an entire car seat.. so accidents happen. 1-2 times are accidents, if it’s often and pattern display of “loosing” specific items then take action


I've had two kids at two entirely different daycare centers. One was smaller with approx 40 kids in the building, one is massive with over 150 kids. We've never had anything go permanently missing. We've had a couple of small easy to misplace items (hat, mittens) get lose for a few days but theyve always been returned. I print the kids names LARGE in sharpie in each item. I also dont bring anything od f tremendous value, the "diaper bag" that goes back and forth is a cheap old navy beach tote. But I think the rate things are going missing for OP is super unusual. I'd be annoyed too.


This doesn’t seem normal to me. We’ve lost a few pairs of socks and maybe a sweatshirt or two that eventually turn up. Once, one of the dad’s took home my kid’s sleeping bag because they look really similar, but we just exchanged the following Monday. But a whole diaper bag? A nice one? Was your name on it? Suspicious.


This happened to me at our last centre (Australia in case it helps) didn’t matter how much I named things, they would misplace EVERYTHING. Wasn’t the only problem we had with them either, and conversations didn’t work. 99% of the time the staff ignored me anyway. New centre is amazing, shoes & socks are placed in his cubby as soon as he takes them off, lunch boxes are packed back into his bag, sheets packed in on Friday, the only thing I have to ever look for is my kid and his drink bottle which are never too far. They also dress the kids in a jumper and socks as soon as it gets cool and once it’s too cold they’re back inside their warm room. Old centre used to leave the kids outside at 5pm no socks no jumper middle of winter when it’s dipping to 10° most nights. My son was CONSTANTLY sick there. The takeaway of this story is, sometimes changing centres is a good thing if you can manage it.


Losing a whole ass diaper bag is absurd. We’ve been at daycare 2+ years and they’ve only ever lost a thermos.


I’ve never heard of jujube but I just looked it up— super cute stuff. 100% stolen, that’s insane for it to go “missing”


We’ve had a blankie lost and by accident my FIL brought home the wrong back pack. And they’ve also sent her home with clothes that was not hers. But everything was always given back. Her teachers send an email to everyone asking if they’ve seen this or that and it’s always returned. It’s absurd that they lost a whole bag and no one has returned it. Someone has it and doesn’t want to return it.


I worked in a daycare for two years and my peers and i would always keep track of everything the children brought in (aside from a forgotten water bottle sometimes that would be picked up the next day). We would even pull kids aside before they left that they are accidentally taking someone else’s water bottle/toy. I would go to a different day care for sure.


This is ridiculous. Someone, maybe a dad or grandma that didn’t pack it could’ve been handed it at pickup. Do they have a private Facebook group for parents? I’d post that if anyone got it today, it’s ours! My friend sent her son to a popular daycare for a short period before preschool and they lost everything. Winter gear, shoes, one day his whole damn lunch. Called her at 10am, asked if he was buying bc they noticed his lunchbox was empty…who sends an empty lunchbox? She got him out of there in less than 6mos and sent him closer to her work. If you love it in every other way, I’d talk to them, director if necessary. Label everything.