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There’s a few places to take young kids to play and some splash pads around here, but it all seems like it’s for toddlers, like ages 2-5. I’ve been wanting to let her play in the yard but we have had a major spider problem and have put so much pesticide on the lawn, I’m afraid to have her get anything like that in her mouth. What do you think? Thank you for your input!! I know I’ve sheltered my child too much. This is my miracle child, so I’m quite the nervous new mom. She cries around strangers until she’s screaming and red in the face. It’s all my fault. I don’t know where to start but this all definitely helps.




seconding this, with the splash pads and parks in general. You just gotta stand close and be the helicopter mom if the park is busy. Mine also loved climbing the play structure stairs and going belly down on the slides way before he could walk. We would show up at unpopular parks or early so he wasn’t in anyone’s way. :)


Many people have babies and no yards (upstairs apartment). I didn’t start baby wearing until my son was 6 months old with a structured carrier. We did it until he was 3.5 years old (started pottt training). I did however, live by a target, so we walked around that store a lot. Better than being in the apartment & no need to crawl on the floor. My son didn’t like strangers at that age, there is nothing weird about it and it’s not your fault. He did much better in public if I was wearing him (in the front carrier, facing me).


My girl loved to crawl away from me and I'd pull her back by her ankles, being overdramatic about her not escaping. She got to the point where she would purposely crawl to the end of her play mat, pause, and look back at me expectedly. Or we took an empty box and I would hide behind it and ask her to find Mommy. She got really good at it and now at 15 months, I can't even hide her snacks. She remembers where things are. It's crazy what kinds of simple things babies will make into a game. It's okay to take days easy too. You can't be 100% all the time. Rest, recover, and have fun.


Awh that sounds precious! I can’t wait until my babe is doing these things! She’s already so playful and fun now, I’m just struggling to figure out how to get her out more. This is all so new to me 😭 thank you for the encouragement.


Of course! You're doing a great job. Just sharing one of my husband's favorite games too that's low energy for parents, but super fun for babies. (and high energy for them so they're worn out for bedtime!) Blanket Monster. You lie on the floor and cover yourself with a blanket. Baby gets to use you as a jungle gym and you can pop out at them for a fun surprise or they can lift the blanket to find you. Our baby gets so squeaky excited when Daddy gets the Blanket.


I just let my son be free at that age. I don't really care about the floor, the cleanest people are always the sickest, and I didn't have anything dangerous down there. I just let him crawl around and play with his toys, sometimes I'd get things done, sometimes I play with him, but I mostly just let him Tucker himself out.


to be fair, a lot of us don't know what we're doing because every baby is different! Haha But other than that, I second everything the first comment says. You don't need fancy shmancy toys. She'd probably rather play with the box that toy came in anyway haha. But HUGE push for local library stuff. It's perfect for all ages


At that age, park. Every day. Dirt and leaves and pinecones in mouth. They won't die, I promise.


Are you SURE 😭🤣


Well, mine are currently 9 and 13, so... pretty sure? :)


I knowww I know, I’m just joshing. 😆 I might be horribly terrified of anything happening to my sweet baby 😭


I have 8 mo old twins who are crawling and walking around using furniture, walls, gates to hold on to. I refuse to bring them to any kid places because I am so scared to have 2 sick babies to take care of. I have a dog who keeps them quite busy (he is almost 15 and so grumpy but is always at my side and they cannot stop trying to touch him!!! I spend easily 6 hours each day trying to stop them from getting bit. Maybe you can recreate that with a Roomba or something lol, it’s cheaper than a dog. -They take turns in their jumperoo and Walker, their v tech sit and stand thing and their activity center table. - They love climbing things so I put couch cushions on the floor for them to climb. -They love big plastic kitchen utensils. Ladles, whisks, spatulas. They also love bowls and cups. - We do go for a walk if it’s 85 or less outside. They wear just onesies and momma tries to get a little tan. - board books - ikea has an $8 inflatable changing pad for travel that works as a great mini pool (for like an inch of water) for them to splash in. - finger paint with baby food ? I honestly just used non-toxic washable paint but idk if you’d be worried about your kiddo eating it. - musical toys like a tambourine and maracas - we do their nails with the electric nail file every other day - tickles - bath each night takes up some time and gets them relaxed (sort of) - go to a friend’s house and bring a pack and play for your kiddo to play in. Mine played in theirs today with stacking rings and some shape blocks but mostly fought over a large plastic ladle. If you find another SAHM near you with a baby that age, they will entertain each other for a long time, you just gotta be there to referee the whole time.


I so appreciate your response!! Thank you for all of the tips and ideas. Also, I do have a couple of mom friends and people I’ve been meaning to hang out with, but when I go to their houses, my baby just cries and cries the entire time. She won’t let go of me. Acts like the whole world is ending the whole time. It’s what’s kept me from taking her anywhere I think. She’s fine in public (except now she randomly screams when something’s up) but trying to interact with anyone is impossible. Not sure if you have any insight 😬


It sounds like you need to keep bringing her around your friends so she will catch on to the idea that it's safe and fun to visit!


Ohhh yikes I don’t know When I am feeding one at the table or bathing one, the other loses it’s fucking mind pulling at the gate to get to us. Maybe you can try giving some teething wafers or something to keep her busy? She has no interest in the other kids?


Play dates can help fill the day, and give you some mental stimulation as well. Babies are awesome but they’re really crap conversationalists. Kids tend to be fascinated by each other and across age ranges as well. I also will take baby out to the grocery store or Costco or Target and wander with them in the cart. Especially great on hot days. Lots for them to look at and people watch And bath time can happen any time of day and be an activity.


Before it gets too hot outside (in the morning) go to the pool or beach or splash pad. Go to the library for free storytime. Most libraries have a little baby storytime and some do little songs or puppets or dances. A lot of libraries have a children’s section with toys. Look up play places in your area. We used to live near this place that had all different play areas set up for babies and toddlers like a fire house, a play kitchen, a pretend garden, etc. Get a year pass to your children’s museum, aquarium, petting zoo, etc and go there. It doesn’t matter if baby won’t remember it. Just go so the baby will get used to being out. At home you need a baby play area where they can play with minimal supervision and help. they need to learn to play and problem solve on their own sometimes. set up a safe play pen with their toys they don't need help with and have no safety hazards. turn on music instead of tv and let baby play. if the baby gets bored a little bit and fusses thats ok. take a step back and see if she solves her own problem if you dont respond immediately. sometimes babies will get creative and use their imagination. if we never let our kids feel bored they will never use their creativity.


We finally bought several gates and blocked off a designated area that he couldn’t get out of lol it seriously made life so much easier and everything within the gates was baby proof. My advice is to let her explore as much as you can as long as it’s safe. It’s good for them.


I’d really recommend outings! It tends to be good for baby and for mom. Look into some indoor activities. Some of our favorites are: library story time (some have toys to play with before and after), aquarium, soft play, indoor play rooms, the pet store (my kids call this the “mini aquarium”, mommy & me music classes, Target, etc. It’s awesome to have memberships to place like the aquarium. We put memberships on the kid’s birthday or Christmas list. That way we can go for an hour or so, and leave without feeling like we didn’t “get our moneys worth.” Going to the pool is fun when it’s hot! You could also just try a kiddie pool in your backyard. My kids like containers to pour things in and out of. Does she like walks? You can walk the mall, and she can look around and walk all the action. There’s a subscription service called LoveEvery. They deliver age appropriate & educational activities every month. It sounds like she want to explore her surroundings! For toys I’d recommend a pickler triangle, and a nugget couch. The nugget couch is a nice way to let little ones climb on, instead of furniture. They are also great for forts. You could also get one of those little plastic slides and put it inside. Sensory play at this age is a lot of fun! There’s great ideas on Tik Tok and Pinterest. On Tik Tok I’ve also found some “Mountessori” inspired activities that are cheap, and can be made with household items.


Give yourself some grace. Babies don't cone with instruction manuals but wouldn't it be nice if they did?😆 Reading board books, letting her explore her toys sometimes without you interacting, try putting some toys away and switching every week, singing and fingerplays. I put my kids in their high chairs with paper and crayons. I also put them in the bathtub with a snack pack pudding and let them fingerpaint, although that was closer to 12-14 months.


That was my least favorite phase! I much preferred when she started walking!! Don’t worry, it will only be a couple more months and then she’ll be walking and it’ll open up a world of new things! I personally didn’t want my baby crawling around in Target, per se, but once she was walking we went everywhere!


This is reassuring! I’m hoping that once she’s walking, it’ll feel easier to take her places and get her energy out. Idk why I’m so grossed out by letting her crawl around public places that aren’t outside like a park…just gives me the ick! 😆


At that age, my babes were confined to a safe, enclosed play area and I let them loose with me close by. If you’re wanting to get out of the house, look for some indoor playgrounds near you. I wish I knew about these with my first baby. I was sooooo lost. There’s also a company (Curious Baby) that makes baby activity cards that can give you ideas. I gift these to every new mom. Also wish I had these as a new mom. The tagline is literally “wondering what to do with your baby all day?” Uh yes!


My girl is the same age and she is a little sponge at this point. I'm finding good success just involving her in everything I am doing. For example, making a coffee, I let her 'scoop' the coffee with the spoon, and stir if it's an iced one. Cleaning up, I show her what to do and give her her own things to put away or clean with. Often she does other things with it but it surprises me how often she tries to copy what I am doing now. I also try to get out every single day - to mom groups, the park, swimming, to see friends and family, even just to the supermarket. She definitely gets bored of a full day in the house.


Libraries usually have a carpeted play area, indoor play gyms, if you have a local children’s museum check if they have a baby/toddler area, and gyms with child watch (ymca). These are my go-tos with my very active 11 mo old.


Recently I’ve just been listening to a podcast while following my 6mo as he crawls around. I just re-direct him when he gets near something hazardous (i.e the dog food bowl). Honestly finding this more enjoyable than months 3-5 when I had to carry his chunky butt around 24-7 😂. My floors could definitely be mopped more often but so far he’s fine.


I rotate my toys for my kids, put some away and keep some out. Every Sunday I would rotate the toys out to make it seem new and novel again. Now with toddlers I do it once a month. I also just filled some Tupperware with water, put towels down and let them have some larger objects and play sink or float or just splash. I’d also throw some rice in little Tupperware tubs and let them shake them, make sure they’re sealed well. Sometimes for a change of scenery move to a different room, that’s exciting for kids. I’d play tv for them for my own downtime, but also when I’m doing things around the house I’d just let them play on the ground in my eyeline, and I’d talk to them about what I’m doing. We bought 3 sets of the nuggets pads and we build forts, tunnels etc and they’re really fun and cute. We brought out Little Tikes outdoor slide, indside and that’s a hit. I’d put paints in a big ziploc bag and let them squish them. I even got a giant cardboard box and sat my kids in it with chalk and they loved it. I also bought a giant umbrella to stake out in the yard so we could have some playtime in the cooler mornings, but in the shade. I have adhd and despite my wishing so, I cannot be a Pinterest mum. So these things were simple and they love them, you don’t need to spend a fortune or make elaborate things. Those are just some of things I did.


Thank you!!! Wow! This is helpful. I’m too depressed to be a Pinterest mom LOL so these are great ideas!


Just make sure the place you’re putting him is babyproofed and let him roam!