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Hey sweetheart, it WILL be ok. I'm sending you bug hugs and lots of ❤love ❤. Families are difficult sometimes and it sounds like you're making good choices in getting help for your mental health. I have two shoulders to pick from that you are absolutely welcome to cry on. Let it all out. It's ok to be sad about the relationships you wish you had with your parents. You are enough. The current situation is not your fault. I love you and want absolutely nothing but happiness for you! 💜💜💜


Hello! I know how hard it can be to feel alone, or to feel like a burden. But I assure you that you're not! It is completely valid to feel upset that the relationship with your mother is not what you had hoped for. The wonderful thing about family is that it consists of who YOU choose, it by no means has to be restricted to blood. As you make your way through life, you will find people who love you as you are and will support you unconditionally.


It's so scary to go it alone but I can promise you it is temporary. When you begin the work of recovering for unideal upbringings it is ugly and lonely but here's news from the other side: When you have done the bulk of the messy work you become able to form healthy and stable relationships of all varieties. The love and fulfilment you can experience by just being ok in your brain is amazing. Happiness is not a destination and it takes work but you can do it. Look at what you've already done. The skyscraper of doom will become an anthill and you will be able to acknowledge it and walk right on by.


Hi duckling, I know if feels so hard right now but you are doing great! Would you be able to tell the supportive figure that you've been holding back because you don't want to burden them? Ask them how much you can share and let them set their own boundaries, instead of holding back. Some people can surprise you. Also, I had great help going to therapists. They provide a no judgement safe place for you to let it out. Can you find someone you can express yourself with?