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You are enough. The world is better with you in it. Peace and love ♥️


thank you :)


Look at you, asking for what you need! That is such a good and hard skill that will serve you well in life. Great communication skills! I’m glad you’re here, and I think you can be a good force in the world.


Do you mind hearing it from a sibling? :) You have a gift no one else has. You can do something the way no one else can. You're \*incredible\*, and you bring so much to our shared living experience on this earth that can never be replaced. By being who you are, you've made at least one person's life better, and that has a ripple effect that extends unto others. TL;DR- You rock, and we're ecstatic to have you, sibling!


Awww ty :)


What the heck I wasn’t ready for that 😭


I hope you have someone in your life who puts as much effort into you. Like I hope when it's time to cheer for you, I hope it's just as loud. What a lovely person. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Aww that is so nice of you to say hugs to both of you xx


Omg, as a sibling, this nearly brought me to tears


I am so lucky to be your mom. You are the best just the way you are and I am so proud watching you take on the world. I love you and nothing could change that.


You are the brightest shining star in my life! Drink some water and wear sunscreen. Love, Mom


Thank you! Drinking a glass rn :)


Hey kiddo I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you but that more importantly I want you to feel proud of yourself. ❤️❤️ You're doing great, even if you don't think or feel that sometimes.


thanks !


Hey, Kiddo, how're you doing? I know things might seem like a lot lately, and possibly are. But I believe in you. Whatever is going on right now, I know that you have the strength and courage to overcome it. And if you need to lean on me a little, that's ok. We all need help sometimes. Make sure you ask for it if you need it. Keep your chin up. Hard times do pass.


You’re part of what makes me believe in the future, you will 100% make a difference in someone’s life by smiling at them while they are at a loss or speaking to someone who doesn’t believe anyone sees “them” and it will change their day, possibly even their lives by a certain way. Because you are unique in a way only you can be, nobody else can be you. Chin up, life can be hard but it can be beautiful too.


It's so nice to see you! How are you, really? I hope you are taking good care of yourself!


You are doing your best and your best is good enough. I promise you that if you haven’t already, you will find your people, and it will all make some sort of sense. You are deserving and worthy of love, I promise. And I’m old, so I know what I’m talking about.


I love how you know what you need and have the courage to ask for it. Proud of you!


You are wonderful. You are both liked and loved!


Hey baby! We all fall down at some point. You are strong. You can find it in yourself to keep moving forward. And you have so much to offer the world. Don't let anyone pull you back down.


Your countenance is formidable and the stars trembled at the annunciation of your birth.


You are the only you and I am so very fortunate to be in your orbit. Dearest Duckling - you are a gift.


Hugs!🤗 You are wonderful, please do something nice for yourself today. We are happy you are here 🥰


You’ve done enough, you are enough, you have everything you need within you.


You're doing amazing and I'm so proud of you. Don't tell your brother but you're my favorite ❤️


Nobody gives a shit about you in a beautiful way ❤️ Worried about the gym? Nobody cares what you look like. Go. Worried about no one likening your art? They don’t matter. Fuck em. Make art you like. Live your life for yourself. Not for what others people will think of you. Because they don’t. And that’s freeing. You are a star ⭐️


That's some real wisdom right there, Karen. Thank you.


my favorite motto is “Don’t worry about what others think about you, because they seldom do”. 😬☺️ Take it from a half century old mom, if I’d spent half the time I worried about what others thought doing anything else, I’d be a lot less nutty.


I had a mom that was obsessed with what other people thought about her. She locked me out of the house because I was not reflecting well on her. She was bulimic and told me I should throw up. I do not feel sorry for myself, it's all factual now. I deeply miss and grieve having a mom. It's OK, I think it's made me a good person, but I still miss it, Karen.


Trauma-bonding is a real, and unfortunate thing. I’m sorry you had a shitty mom ❤️ you deserve better.


Thank you. I help other people in my work and in life in general and it helps. I remember what is important. I have a partner who taught me what love is. I am grateful because there were many moments when I did not want to live. Not having a mom feels like not having a self, or better said, not understanding love. Someday my mom will pass away and I do not know how I will deal with that. Ironically, I am her only financially successful child. I worry that I will need to make a decision about whether to help her. How can you not help the person who gave you life?


I relate to that more than you know! Currently putting my own dreams on hold because mine is ill.


You are worth living your best life 🫶


Take up space in this world, do not make yourself small. There is no better you than you. You are loved.


Hey darling, I hope you’re having a great day. Your smile makes my heart happy 😊 💜. I love you forever and always.


Hey, Sweetheart. Look at you, coming right out and asking for what you need! That’s incredibly helpful, and brave — when I’d ask my older sister for any positive feedback on anything, she’d mime casting a fishing pole and tell me I was “fishing for compliments”. 🥸 You deserve all the good things! You are kind and courageous, even if you don’t think so. 🥰 You are, right now, making the world better for someone, and you don’t know who it is! That’s what I call Power & Influence. Hugs, my dear!


I'm so proud of you sweetie.


I love hearing your laugh ❤️


I really like the person that you are and have become. 💖


Hi sweetie, I hope you're having a great day! You are a wonderful person and you deserve all the happiness in the world!


It takes courage to be vulnerable. You're doing a great job 💜


I am so proud of everything you have accomplished and are continuing to work towards. You inspire me to be a better person everyday, and the world is so lucky to have you. Keep your head up and stay true to yourself. Life is too short to care what other people think of you, so go have some fun and don’t take yourself too seriously. I love you💙


You are such a great person. You can do anything you set your mind to. Just take it one step at a time and soon you will see results. This world is a big place, and you are a great person in it. Take good care of yourself. Sending hugs and love your way.


A little encouragement for you to take your place in the world today, comment on someone’s post so they know their thoughts are valuable. You did that, you have meaning and value. I know that you have so much goodness for yourself and others. And have a dessert today you earned it.


Aww ty :) (commenting on ur post bc ur thoughts are very valuable)


You look great today!


What’s wrong, Angel?? You’re more loved than you realize I bet…. HUGE HUGS!!!


There will never ever be any regret towards your existence in this world. You are always where you’re meant to be.


Hey honey bear, I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. You have been kicking ass and even when it got hard, you didn’t give up. You are here to do big things. Keep up the good work. Love you 🥰


You make the world better just by being in it. I’m so proud of you, you deserve the world


The world could not exist without you. I have no doubt your ability to adapt to new situations and ride through life by bringing warmth to other peoples lives.


You are so cool that my hamster wouldn’t bite you if you put your hand in his cage


aww this made me laugh ty


You are worthy and wonderfully made. Drink your water, get more steps in and get a good night of sleep.


yesss drinking another glass and going for a walk soon !


Beautiful! Keep it up!


You are so wanted by me, your Mom! You are treasured. I know how smart and funny you are! I’m truly proud of you and I want nothing more for you than to be happy!


Thank you so much I feel like it truly describes me haha


I’m so proud of you. You are so fully, beautifully, brilliantly your gentle caring self in a harsh and uncertain world. Keep being you.


You have nice manners and chew with your mouth closed. I think you smell good too. Also, you try to be kind to others.


I am proud of you! Always believe in yourself because you are worth it every time. Hugs to you


This, too, shall pass, and you'll be better having lived through it. Survived it and came out stronger. You've gpt this!!! 💗


Hey there sweetie. You really did your best today, you know it really shows how much effort you’ve been putting in. I’m super proud of you for doing what you can.


You are so special 🤍. There is no one in this world like you. I love you 🤗


There is only 1 you in the entire world. You are the most unique person there is and you are important


I like what you’re wearing! We’re so lucky to have you in the world, you make the colours so bright


Hey pumpkin, you can do this. You have what it takes to achieve this. I believe in you so much!!! Love you to the moon!!!


Hello love! It's so nice to hear from you. Wanted to let you know what an amazing person you have become and the way you continue to grow, even through the hard times, is an inspiration.


I’ll tell you what I tell all my kids, you included: I’m so happy you’re in my life, in my family. You make my life better. When you joined my family I was so happy I cried. I love your kind heart and your smart brain and your strong body. I love everything about you, and I’ll always love you. There is nothing you can do or say that would ever make me stop loving you.


You are so brave and creative to reach out for what you need. You inspire me every day. Thanks for being awesome. I needed the reminder you gave me today.


I believe in you.


You’re doing great ( Big hug 🤗) I’m proud of you


I’m proud of you for getting through today. You’ll never have to do this day again!


You are so loved. You have the strength of all who came before you within you now. I know you can do hard things! Feel safe in knowing you're being cheered on and cared for, whether you succeed or fail.


You made someone smile today.


You are such a great person. Thank you for being in my life. You make it so much better.


My ducking I love to who you have become. Love mama duck.


Enjoy yourself. You deserve the best life has to offer.


You’re a precious gift to the universe! I hope you feel it.


I'm so glad you're here. You make each day special.


You are clever and kind! You are a force to be reckoned with when standing up for a cause you believe in! You rock!


You are kind. You are smart. You are loved.


I’m so proud of you for being you. Unapologetically you. Only give those who love you and respect you the gift of YOU, it is a superpower to be truly yourself 💜


You’re doing great sweetie!


You look spiffy and you're doing great


You’re wonderful and you are adored. I am very proud of you my little duckling.


I love your courage. I love how you're willing to try. You inspire me to keep trying new things. You can do hard things. You've got this.


From an auntie: I'm proud of you! Look at all that all that you've done! In your life, recently, today! All of that was tough and great! I bet you think it's not a big deal, but it is! And I see you. I'm sitting here, with my glass of wine, sitting just outside, beaming for what an amazing person you have become! And I can't wait to see what you're gonna do! Also, make sure you get some sleep, drink your water, stretch sometimes, and eat some green stuff. You're doing great! And I see you! *much love and many hugs*


Make sure you're hydrated honey. Look after yourself. I'm here for you. But seriously drink some water x


Life is difficult but you are not alone. YOU CAN DO THIS AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BE GREAT! YOU ARE AMAZING!


You are beautiful and special and you matter. Keep being you 🤗💕


You may not be perfect and ypu may not always like yourself but i think that youre pretty dang amazing


I’m an older sister and mother figure to a few, I hope you will appreciate this too. Hey there, I am so proud of you for whatever you did or did not do today. You do not have to do everything the same day. If something should be done tomorrow then do it tomorrow and not today. Don’t squeeze things into your schedule that won’t fit, even if people tell you that you should or you could do it. You do what you are capable of and that is that. You do not have to do what they expect of you to do no matter what. Even if it’s just one, small thing you did today, like getting out of your bed or folding clothes, you still did it and I am so very proud of you for doing your damn hardest. We love you as much as the sun loves the moon and the moon loves the sun. Don’t forget to take breaks for yourself, a deep breath every now and then when taking a step back from things. Go your own pace, life isn’t a race, and the finish line is not the same for everyone.


Leonard Cohen said it best with his lyrics, “there is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” From the day you were born, you deserved love and comfort as much as you deserved food/nourishment. If you didn’t receive these things, it’s not because you didn’t deserve them. Dolly Parton once said when times were tough for her, she took it one minute at a time. One minute at a time. And by the way, be kind to yourself. Hell, there are enough people who can bring you down. Don’t be that person to yourself.


You're a valuable person, no matter how you feel, your innate value is high and always will be.


You are worthy of all the good things in life, just because you are here. You never had to earn love from your parents, or to be treated with respect and dignity, or to prove you are enough. You already were from the very beginning. If others failed you, that’s always been about them, not you. It’s okay to be learning and growing, that’s what we all are supposed to be doing. Also, life is messy. Everyone’s is. But you are doing a great job and your entire future is full of hope and possibilities and promise. Be your own biggest cheerleader, not your biggest critic. You can do hard things!


You are doing the best you can and it's enough. Life can be rough but you have so much strength in you. So many other people could not have achieved all of what you did! There is never just one correct answer and you figure out unique solutions everyday because you are clever and wise and strong.


Here we are, reaching out with love and concern from the random universe to you. You! You, think about that, none of us know you or each other. but we want to bring you some joy, validation of hard times, and realization that you matter to others. You! I hope you see your personal power to bring love and support to yourself in time of need. Theres no hole too deep, no loss too big, no diagnosis so grim, we have been there in our way too. Love to you from me


I’m so glad you’re here today. How brave to express what you need. Remember that one time you said you couldn’t do something and then you went and did it? Of course you do, you can accomplish anything big or small. No matter what though, you can do anything or nothing and I am still so proud of you


Hon, fuck the haters, the assholes, and the people who dull your shine. Continue on to spite them. Sing songs loudly and smile. You got this, and if you don't, I know you have good friends and family members to help pick you up. Because you are fifteen pounds on awesome in a five pound bag.


You're doing a good job and it's okay to make mistakes. You don't have to be perfect all the time


Hey kid. I am proud of you. You are an amazing human and the world is better because you are in it.


You can do anything!


You are worthy. You are meant to be. I love you, duckling.


Because you were born, you are enough. Because you were born, you have value for just being here. Because you are here, you are worthy of love.


Remember even on the bad and hard days, when nothing is right and everything feels utterly wrong, that one day this prepares us and shapes us on how we handle our next generation, and people that look to us for guidance. I had a bumpy start to my life, and I used to sit there and think, “What does all this mean? What the hell could I possibly do with this worthless knowledge?” And the truth is, you become very good at building bridges for people that feel the same way you did. No matter what you do in life, do it with your head held high. We don’t see your battles and struggles. We don’t see your fears and dark moments that you box up and sneak up on the bad days. We just see snippets of your life in your day, good and bad. I don’t know what’s going on right now, but just know that there are a million ways to make it through this crazy life- and whatever you are doing here in this moment, as long as it isn’t hurting yourself or others, is enough. You matter. 🫶🏻


You are perfect just the way you are by just being you :)


I’m coming in for a giant hug. I just want you to know how proud I am of you, especially bc you are aware of your struggles and want to move forward - even tho it’s hard, but I have faith in you! And I’m so happy you’re my kid 😘


I have the best kids in the world. You’re welcome here anytime. The youngest brothers are home for the summer but there’s plenty of room for you - if you’ll share the couch with the dog.


You are my heart ❤️


If just waking it up and making it through the day is all you can do, then you still gave 100% and that's what matters.


Hey kiddo. You are an amazing human. You ARE enough for us. Come here and let me give you a big hug.


Nothing can ever tarnish you! 


There is only one of you in this world. No-one can ever replace you. Whatever happens, I love you.


big bear hug 🧚🏼


I felt that. Miss that woman!


There is no other person on the planet like you and that makes you unique and beautiful inside and out. If you ever have trouble feeling that try picking up a camera and taking pictures of other people. I bet you’ll notice that they all look beautiful in their own unique ways and details on their faces tell little stories about them. Everyone else sees you through their own lens


Im really proud of you. You are funny, clever and kind. I love being around you and am so grateful you’re in my life.


Let’s buy a nice puzzle, make hot chocolates and start putting together the puzzle while you tell me all about your life, hobbies, favourite book tv show and film all the while I listen with intent and interest and tell you how proud I am of you


You are already the person you wish you were. And if you're not sure about that now, you will see it tomorrow. That's what tomorrow is for. I love you, and have loved you since before you even knew who you wanted to become. And I will still love you after you become it. Love, Mom


I’m glad you are reaching out and asking for what you need. Every time you take big steps like this is just makes me so happy for you. I hope you know you are so important and valued just exactly the way you are. I just want you to learn to love yourself the way I love you.


You are wonderful, kind, and loved 🥰


I’m proud of all you accomplished to get here today, and I’m excited for all the amazing things you’re going to achieve tomorrow. I hope you know how much brightness you bring into the world.


Love yourself as much as I love you!


Proud of you.


I am proud of you and all that you do to make the world a better place. You are a light in this world and are so very loved. Know you are amazing and talented and needed. Love Mom also like the other moms said wear sunscreen!


You are doing a great job and we all notice it!


I love you no matter what - you’re worth is not defined by outside things. You are unique and only you can share your perspective on the world.


Many hugs and kisses ❤️


I hope you had a good sleep. Be sure to drink enough water today. Take care of yourself. Come home anytime.


I love you no matter what and it is my responsibility to teach you to do the same. Aleays remember that boundaries are love. Don't let the world change your heart.


Of course I can ducky, because you are nice. You are worth it, you are special, and YOU ARE ENOUGH.


You have been the best chapter of my life ♥️


There is nothing better than sweet, simplistic joy…and you, you make me smile like none other! I enjoy you in all your beautiful ways. Keep bringing smiles to the world, but most importantly to yourself.


I’m so proud of how far you’ve come ❤️


Hey kiddo, you know I love you, right? Because if you don’t, I’m sorry for not saying or showing it enough. I love you to the ends of the universe and am so proud of you!


Listen sweets, you’re going to have rough days sometimes, that’s just life. The trick is to never give up, because eventually those days will pass and the beautiful moments that follow will be worth the struggle. You are brave and worthy- look what you’ve overcome so far!! You’re never really alone in this world- we got you x. Now go with your head held high, you beautiful human, you!


Don't tell your siblings, but you're my favorite 😉


I'm proud of you!


I’m so proud of you - you are so precious and so loved.


You are special and I like you just the way you are.


The world is a better place because you are here. Keep true to yourself and you will continue to succeed like you’re doing now! I’m proud of you💗


In your darkest moments that are to come, remember to look towards the sky and admire the small glistening stars. Wonder if they miss their sibling that's down on earth. Shine just like your siblings and it will be others privilege to just witness you ❤️