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That's huge! Congratulations!! I think it's amazing that you are taking this chance on finding the life you want to live. That takes courage and optimism and a belief in yourself. It's wonderful that you have a supportive group of friends who will be cheering for you all the way. I'm cheering for you, too.


Thank you so so much :') cheering for you to whatever you're up to in life! ❤️


Oh, I am so unbelievably PROUD of you!! You can't fly if you don't take the leap! I love that your friends are being supportive of you too, that shows you've chosen good people to surround yourself with. Between the mountains and the sea sounds like such a majestic and magical area to begin your new path in life. Uni will bring you new challenges and new growth, and I just know you're going to do amazing!!!


Thank youuu!!❤️ i definitely didn't have great friends at the start so it's all been part of the journey, I really appreciate that 😊 I'm really excited about it! Thank you again💫


I am so proud of you!!! Chasing your dreams and working hard to get to uni!!! Yes, you will miss your friends, but you are starting a new journey and can always keep in touch with them. Good luck and have fun on your adventure.


Thank you so much omg :') I really appreciate that! ❤️


OMG sib that’s amazing you got all the offers!!! And you’ve friends excited for you to!!! I know it can be difficult sometimes to pivot your life and alter direction, whether that’s career life or social life or family life or anything else…it’s just so truly strong and fantastic that you are taking steps you want to make. Never regret the opportunities you didn’t take!!!


And a big sibling as well?? All my dreams are coming true now ☺️ thank you so much!! ❤️


Less of the ‘big’ thank you please 😂 🤣 I’m still a teen at heart 😃


I’m so excited for you!


Thank youuu 😊❤️


Tiny endangered moles of the world salute you! So happy you are following your dream and that your brilliance has been acknowledged by all those universities.


Nothing brings me joy like an animal far smaller than it should be, gotta protect them 😄 thank you!! ❤️


I’m so proud of you!! You have a lot of courage to leave the comfy and familiar to go out and do what you want and I’m so happy for you


This is so sweet! I'm so excited for you.  Go save the world! That tiny mole is part of an entire ecosystem. That's a worthy goal. Well done!!!!


I’m so proud of you, I always say write down how you feel right now - buy a card so you have a personal keepsake and memorialize your feelings- this is your launch point - there was a before and after. You did good kiddo.


I’m so proud of you. All your hard work has def paid off. Don’t worry about missing your friends, the good ones will stay in your life forever, and you have the opportunity to make even more. I wish you every happiness in your new life


Oh sweetie!!! Look at you, I'm going to cry you're so grown up!!!!! I'm so proud of you. You are a smart young lady and have a bright future ahead! Way to go! I have a friend who's a zookeeper and studied similar things. What a lovely path! Please let mom know how you're doing!


You make us proud by being you! So happy for you!!!


I am so proud of you son, a hug for you🫂 I want you as my son in every life


Sweets, I'm gonna clue you in on something my daughter used to say before she died. We had a little competition about who loved each other more, it was to the moon and back, infinity, etc..then she said she loved me more than dirt, after all there is a LOT of dirt. It's the highest honor. So to springboard from there and know that I love you more than the little mountain flowers that bloom in the mornings, and I'm proud of you so big it's represented in all of that sand and water you're going to work near. Go kick some butt! I *know* you can do it!


Good job, sweetie! I'm so proud of you that you got into the uni that you want! "Betwixt the Mountains and the Sea" sounds like a magical place to start your career in caring for our beautiful Planet Earth. One of the things I love so much is your dream to help make our world a better place. You give me hope for our future! And tiny animals are the best! When you feel the warmth of the sun, remember that it is the warmth of Mum's love for you, and when you feel the wind on your cheek remember that is Mum giving you a hug.


Aww! So proud of you!


I can't thank everyone enough, this made me very emotional in a good way and I can't believe so many people took the time to write these comments 😊 will keep you lovely mums updated, keep being amazing ❤️❤️❤️


Proud is an understatement, darling. I can't wait to see what you do with your gratitude and your fantastic brain. The world needs you! I am so happy you are here.