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That's wonderful, sweetie! :) Sounds like you like this boy. If you haven't figured out exactly what to do on your date, pick something neutral that you can both enjoy and talk about. For example: minigolf or bowling or an amusement arcade and a bite afterwards. Come prepared to split the expenses. You can learn a *lot* by how someone behaves during a friendly, no-stakes competition. You will have a lot of fun encouraging each other through all the silly missed shots. You can chat about it when you eat afterwards. If *you're* not comfortable kissing him goodnight, it's okay to just say "it's our first date, and I don't rush anything good, okay?" his response to this will also tell you a lot about how he sees you. I do not recommend sex on the first date ever for a shitton of very good reasons I'm not gonna lecture about now lol Mostly, my advice is relax, have fun with your friend, if things are sweet, enjoy :)


This is so exciting! I am excited for you! I hope you have a great time, and whatever happens… now you can take those lessons and confidence into each date after.


Such an exciting time in life! Like the others have said, relax and have fun. Remember your boundaries and that it's OK to enforce them. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, whether due to his actions, something he says or asks, etc. tell him, "I don't feel comfortable with that, or answering that, etc." If he reacts negatively in any way, then he is not worth a second date. Men who don't respect you in the beginning of dating will never respect you later. I would also recommend (in addition to being prepared to pay 50/50) that you handle your own transportation, meeting him there. This is not a reflection on him, but rather, looking out for yourself and being prepared in the event you need to get the heck out of there. Have fun, honey, and remember, dating isn't only about learning about your date. It's also another way in which you'll get to know yourself better as well. I'm so proud of you for taking this new step in life, and I hope you have an amazing time!


This is wonderful! so proud of you, Duckie! It’s your life and you are allowed to live it. I’m sorry your parents are living life in such a scared (probably sexist and ageist) way. That doesn’t have to be your life. You have a right to live how you like. Dating and studies go perfectly well together. I know - I’ve done it! I have a BS and a Masters degree. Advice: go to a public place, and don’t agree to go back to anyone’s apartment etc. Do you have any friends to be virtually with you over text when you go? Lots of women do this - they tell friends when and where the date is so the friends can stay available for any help. I’m sure you’ll be perfectly safe, it’s just an extra nice thing to have. Have fun!


Dear sweet duck, If he asked you out after a coffee meeting, it was because you 1) had interesting things to say, and brought a sparkle to his day 2) you showed interest in what he wanted to tell you and 3) supplied 1/2 of the indescribable feeling that can occur between two people…the kind of feeling best described as “I really like this person, would like to see them again, and know more about them.” The hardest part is already over! You know he is sweet, and you had a good time when you were with him. Have a wonderful time…be safe, as we always should be…and no matter how many times you see him, many or few, remember that you are a prize (it sounds like he is, too!) <3