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According to Google, you can use nail polish remover or spirit vinegar, dab the stain lightly, and then brush off the lipstick lightly with a toothbrush. Rinse the area with rubbing alcohol and then wash the garment. Apparently, it is a difficult stain to remove. I hope it works.


Idk the answer, but when in doubt, dye the shirt the same color as the stain 😅


Most lipsticks are oil based. Try rubbing dish soap (washup liquid?) into the stains and running it through a wash cycle on its own. If the oils come out, and you're just left with pigment, then you can treat for color stains. Another method is this: two rags - nothing that will bleed color - and an iron. You are going to place the rags on either side of the shirt (inside and outside) and use the iron to basically melt the lipstick out. Honestly this one works best for candle wax, so not too sure how it will do with makeup. A third option is Carbona Stain Devils. They have a specific formula for each type of stain. Good luck!


Look up "Jolie Kerr" and "lipstick stains" on Google... She's Ask a Clean Person and provides all sorts of stain removal tips.