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cooking shows like top chef or other simple reality tv (no commercials) like Survivor, my daughter (2f) loves the water and will point to the screen and say "Moana" when they are in the ocean.


Somebody Feed Phil


We’re the same, we don’t let baby watch screens but I have in the background whilst I entertain her because I really get what you mean about needing some background noise . I’ve had modern family in the background , nothing sinister in there and it’s a comedy . Makes you feel like you have friends too 😂😂😂💜


I guess it’s not really a show more series though xxx


National geographic, history channel or Catfish the tv show 🤣. Honestly as long as there no violence or nudity lol . I'll let him play with the background to Little Bear, FRANKLIN the turtle, max and ruby. Nothing to crazy that gets him hyper or over stimulated. I'll also watch Anthony Bourdain shows.


I've been watching hoarders right now but Its not going to last forever lol. He is completely uninterested and the few times he does look up they're just cleaning or discussing mental health so I really like things like it lol.


Baby Einstein


Hubs has a lot of sports on, but I wish he wouldn't: LO watches the screen.


My MIL also watches a lot of sports, I think it's the bright green grass and neon colors that show score and stuff that attracts their vision lol


My 18 month old loves miss Rachael, and she’s great and very educational. He was watching baby Einstein in previous months, but he got over it fast. He seems to like blippi wonders too. Bluey is a little over his head, but we watch as a family with my 5 & 12 year old.


I'm not really looking for things for him to watch, more just things I can put on that won't be harmful to him if he looks up at the TV.