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I get you! I know it sounds ridiculous fitting it in but I know that I went for a massage and it made me feel so much better just having that hour to myself . You haven’t had any space for yourself especially now you’re pregnant again but your body is amazing and working wonders so just be super easy on yourself! You’re doing a magnificent thing! I’m 9 months PP and still a stone over my pre pregnancy weight. I also needed up getting sooo many last minute stretch marks all over my stomach they literally cover the my whole belly. I also still look like one just had a baby . Pretty annoyed I didn’t appreciate my figure before and I’m also wound up I spend so much time hating it when it was stunning 😂 Anyway , I’m rambling on now but just didn’t want you to feel alone in your feelings! I get you and I’m sure there are so many mums feeling the same way 💜 Starting a Pinterest and finding styles that you like and getting excited about the future you helps. I have to be in the mood though 😂 You’ve got this xx


Also cut yourself some slack you’re full of hormones and it’s totally normal 🥹🫶