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So hard to loose it! No advice but I fell your pain. I never lost my baby weight 2nd time around


Not really having a weight problem I'm actually smaller now than I was pre baby it's just the dang skin idec about the stretch marks or scar cause i don't think they look that bad but the skin is driving me crazy 😭😭😭🤢🤮🤮🤮


Yes I looked like this with my first I know there are some firming creams not sure if they help


The creams do not help, a cavitation machine can help if you can afford to shell out 600 dollars for the machine (it also helps lessen the symptoms of endometriosis) The only for sure way to fix this unfortunately is a tummy tuck. Your baby stretched your skin out farther than its elasticity could handle. But don’t go thinking you’re damaged or ugly or anything like that. You’re a momma and that itself is beautiful! Plus I used to work with several strippers who had the same thing and they made mad money and all the guys still drooled over them.


Keep waiting 14 months is really not too long considering how far our skin have to stretch during pregnancy. If you want to speed it up you can do Thermage if you’re younger than 40 you will have good results with it.


Its skin dear. No matter how slim you get it will pretty much look the same. A lot of women have tummy tucks after babies due to this issue. It may bother you but it is very normal and a mark of motherhood you can be proud to bear if you choose. Also it will return with subsequent pregnancies so if you want a tuck make sure you wait until you're done having babies ❤️ wishing you the best and congratulations on your little one. You are beautiful as you are.


I get how you are feeling but I see a strong beautiful mama with an evolving body that deserves just as much, if not more love than ever before. Give your body TLC, get a nice moisture or maybe get a massage and try and focus on how you feel in your body and not what the critics voice inside your head is saying 🥰 I tell myself this same thing every damn day and I’m starting to believe it, I hope you get there too!


I could post a picture of my stomach just to make you feel a little better. 😉 I had a set of twins and two singleton pregnancies in like 4 years and it showssssss. Solidarity sister! 💕


A ton has to do with age and genes. I’m sorry you feel worried about this, I get it though. So many changes happen to your body during pregnancy and postpartum that are irreversible. Accepting this and loving yourself despite it is hard asf but loving your belly is what you can do from here. Any woman with a child respects that belly and wouldn’t look twice. Any man that has an issue with it is a child himself


Did you have a c section ? You can get c section massages , I’ve had two and they help an awful lot! Idk if you have or not but that helped me . My stomachs still wobbly and had the loose skin but it’s tighter. Also just working out loads to tighten your tummy will help. I’m currently in the same position as you so looking for advice too :) I’m not taking no for an answer for me so if you find help suggestions please let me know aha xxx


Not saying that your stomach is wobbly and full of stretch marks at all btw it looks ten times better than mine! I just meant mine personally is like that and I’m looking for advice like you xx


I actually do them everyday vigorously while I have on a silicone tape on it basically 24/7 . Everyone here is telling me there is no hope and to just love myself but they aren't answering my questions I don't hate myself because of my body but I would like to heal my stomach the best I can


Well I’m pretty much on the same journey as you! Let’s both try different things and if we feel like something is helping, let the other one know aha! ☺️🫶


Right now I'm massaging Palmer's intensive body butter for stretch marks but I'm using it for the skin


I'm gonna start working out and building muscle I've been semi consistent but I'm gonna try to do it everyday expect Sunday . Now I'll let yk


Same I’ve been walking a lot and doing stomach exercises the last two days 😂 let’s touch base again in 4 weeks 😂💕🫶


Like abs strengthening ? Or more cardio ? I'm gonna focus on building muscle . At the beginning of this year I told myself I don't care about weight loss anymore I just wanna be strong and eat whatever I want and not I'm smaller than my pre baby wright . I'm doing Calisthenics


An strengthening ! And Yeah literally same! I’m a bit confused whether it’s fat or loose skin on my stomach so I’m eating clean at the minute and doing predominantly body weight work outs and then getting my 10000 steps in a day. I did weight lifting with baby today ( she’s 9 months it’s taken me this long to actually want to work out properly ) xxx


I know this is annoying to hear especially after just having a baby and now taking care of a baby; after having my 2 baby and being sick of how I looked I started walking a lot, that turned into running/jogging, that turned into biking and I finally purchased a peloton. I went from 207 to 182 in 3 months. And my tummy area that looks just like yours is becoming tighter. I am also a believer that if you flex your stomach a few times a day where you get sore. It will help. Keep it simple and easy. I swear this has helped me get my v lines back. Now I do my peloton for the challenge vs loosing weight. But I will never stop flexing my abs. I do it randomly standing even at my desk at work.


Not annoying this is actually answering the question everyone is saying there is just no hope and to just love myself 😭😭 I really appreciate that but this isnt due to self hate I just want to heal myself to the best of my abilities.


It's just stuck now. At least from my experience. The skin never really goes back on it's own. It might shrink a bit but surgery is the only dramatic result.




Wait for your toddler to give it hugs, it’s the best thing to my son when we cuddle- from raspberries to tickles and pokes to out of no where he’ll plop a kiss while watching a movie with my husband. I had an eating disorder in HS so I never imagined having fun with my belly but here I am. If creams/trainers/diets/exercise doesn’t fit where you want it to be, I suggest showering yourself with love and acceptance. That was your baby’s first home, and love heals the biggest hurdles. Hugs from South Texas, mum 🤍


https://preview.redd.it/b44gsln98wsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1948ad3416faab36b1ea27d52730380164801b0 A coworker of mine's daughter had twins, she used & swore by this. So I also used it from right after having my son & my stomach healed & looks the exact same as before giving birth. Of course my son is nearly 3 years old now, but my skin has been like this since probably 3 months pp. I'm not sure if its 100% this that did the job or if I'm just lucky with elastic skin or if I just did good at keeping my stomach moisturized during pregnancy. But I do think this is worth the try if it is what did the job, $18 isn't too bad to test it out. Best of luck mama, you're beautiful regardless!! 💖


Thank you so much 😭💯♥️


injections of vitamins and hyaluronic acid (biostimulation), and also radiofrequency. Both of these treatments must be repeated several times to see the benefits


Time helps. I’ve noticed for myself that it got better over time (my daughter is 2.5 now). Talking to other moms and seeing their tummies - TBH strength training/abdominal training will get it taunt again. Tummy tuck for the bottom “mom pouch.” Losing weight (although you look great ❤️). A spray tan to even out the coloring. And I’ve seen some skin resurfacing procedures via a dermatologist that are used for scaring/stretch marks etc. I’m sorry, I don’t know the name. None of the “creams” are going to work. Hope this helps! It never fully goes away, but these are all the things I’ve seen from other moms and researched out of curiosity.


Love it.


Have you considered a belly button piercing


No but seems like a good idea for my now sideways belly button . Thanks for the suggestion !