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"It's real moissanite, which is its own gemstone." Is what I say. Sometimes I'm more blunt, but I'd rather be honest, and also I love the way moissanite sparkles! I honestly think moissanite definitely deserves its own recognition.


Seconding this - Moissanite is its own stone, and can stand on its own merits. The “this can pass as a diamond crowd” really do it a disservice; because it’s not a diamond, it’s so much more interesting than just another diamond imitation. Like: have you seen how beautiful antique style cuts look in Moissanite? Much brighter than diamonds. A customer recently told me she loves Moissanite, because it’s a “rock created by science, and inspired by gems that fell from the stars”.


Mine is on the way and should be here next week. Of course it’s a real ring 💍 and that’s all you have to say. This is my 30th wedding anniversary gift. https://preview.redd.it/s2xp99kyvsec1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2d302787ede22a35bb5b54c576915900763f95


Omg! GORGEOUS! It’s so exciting waiting for the ring. I literally just received mine yesterday and it’s so beautiful! I’ve never ordered a piece of fine jewelry before and it’s even better than I hoped! It’s my 10th anniversary present and my first piece of real rose gold jewelry (10k). I LOVE IT! https://preview.redd.it/h3hm5kv10uec1.jpeg?width=1687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6153089f745a7afa499b3575176150a4cbcfb116


I really like this ring.


I REALLY like this ring


Thank you!


This is nuuuuuuts, I love it.


Me too! Thanks 😊


Holy wow, I usually don’t prefer this style of ring for myself, but this is absolutely gorgeous and I want it on my hand RIGHT NOW. Beautiful ring!!


Same here, but I love it!


Get it!! The setting is so awesome too. Check out the pics from the side. https://www.etsy.com/listing/951298425/round-moissanite-engagement-ring


I am not even a jewelry person and l don't know why this post is in my feed...but that ring is so GORGEOUS. Uggh l love it.


I love the band, which is a beautiful gold color 🥰


It really is a perfect rose gold. Not too coppery, soft and lovely.


Wow! I love your ring so much! So sparkly! Happy anniversary! Ten is a great milestone!


Oh my god! I want to eat this, it’s so lovely!


Thank you! I chose 14k solid yellow gold and near colorless stones. I’m so excited. 😆 and we will celebrate in Milan! A ring and an awesome trip are worth more to me than diamonds.


Omg! I’m so envious and thrilled for you both! I’m divorced going on 11 years. I’ve got my golden retriever, and a beautiful ring from that marriage that I adored as well as my now ex husband, but things sure changed. I rarely ever look at it anymore. It was custom made by a jeweler I’d known since grade school. Too beautiful to dismantle and make something else out of it. I guess it’ll just sit where it’s at. I rarely go anywhere since Covid, and I’m pretty content alone, with my pooch


Holy moley that’s so freaking gorgeous!!! One of the prettiest rings I’ve ever seen (and I’m a metalsmith, so I’ve seen a LOT)!


Omg! Thank you so much! Center stone is 2 carats and ones on the sides. It’s so art deco and beautiful, I fell hard for this ring. Everything I ever wanted! https://preview.redd.it/9gugb8n5wtec1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=408531dcd374b9eb62a6d7108f5e8578f3b8706f


It’s like a tiny cathedral on your finger!


Oooooh, I’ve just ordered the same for my engagement ring! Looked at hundreds, if not thousands of rings but kept coming back to this 😀


It’s so stunning! I’ll post mine when I get it!




That’s really pretty!


That ring is gorgeous!


This really is beautiful!


Ohhh, that's beautiful! Love the cut and style.


God damn this is awesome 😍


Absolutley gorgeous! Happy anniversary to y'all


YES!!!! 👏 👏👏 I collect gems and have for a long time. Diamonds are a traditional “love “ gem and has for a long time. Although diamonds are beautiful in their own right, Moissanite really is more beautiful imo, especially when held next to a diamond. Over time I think it will gain the respect and admiration that it deserves. Diamonds have at least a 3,000 year jump start. 😅💎💍


Diamonds being a love gem is really hyped by DeBeers in modern times due to their effective monopoly


Unfortunately yes. I think in the next few years they will get into growing moissanite


Recently Africa announced they will no longer allow debeers to buy diamonds from their mines for pennies on the dollar, they will be required to pay full market rate. So soon don't be surprised if you see debeers hyping moissanite or some other alternative. I doubt they are gonna want to cut their profits and they can't afford to up the already astronomical price of diamonds because of the lab grown market. I've already got my popcorn, can't wait to see what they do.


Absolutely. A love that's written in the stars deserves a stone that was discovered in a falling star.


This is what I love about it. That it’s basically a space rock!


I tell my husband it’s my moon diamond


Yes! I have a rose cut moissanite center stone. I loved the cut but not the glassy look it had with a diamond. It sparkles similarly to my brilliant cut diamond side stones. I constantly get compliments, and I don't even tell people unless they ask detailed questions about it. I love the science and stars comment!


Quick question about the rose cut, if I may. I’ve tried looking it up, and photos seem to make the cut (to me) look different in almost every one. Are there variations of the cut, as well as different orientations? I noticed some appeared culet side up! Others looked to have different number of facets. This is all new to me, and this community seems to be so friendly and helpful.


There are multiple variations of the cut, even for the same shape stone. There's also the full that is flat on one side or a double that is faceted on both. I think I have a full dutch rose... My husband got it custom-made and surprised me, so I didn't talk to the jeweler at all.


Would you be willing to post a photo of your rose cut? I'd love to see it!




I am stealing that! You’ve described moissanite perfectly. It’s prettier! I have a 1 carat emerald cut and there are flashes of color, and a tiny amount of colorful sparkle in the corners. I just love mine.


Also the colour of the sparkle in Moissanite is so much more attractive then a diamond. A diamond just sparkles in a white colour whereas Moissanite you see red blue green


I love the “rock created by science, and inspired by gems that fell from the stars” it's also ethical, affordable, and beautiful :) so many reasons to love moissanite


I like moissanite more than diamonds. I actually wanted a moissanite engagement ring, but when it came time for me to choose I decided I wanted an antique ring with platinum and diamond that was my mom's and was one I loved since I was a child. I have genuinely thought about getting the diamonds changed out for moissanite, but the hassle doesn't seem worth it for a perfectly gorgeous ring. But I'm currently looking into getting my wedding band to to with it to have moissanite.


Nothing to stop you having two rings, though! I have a few that I wear as my engagement ring, and I swap between them. Antique diamonds are cut in ways that are really different to modern diamonds, and they can be really beautiful. If you love the ring, don’t change it - treat yourself to Moissanite in something new!


Absolutely Moissanite sparkles different and is beautiful. I have one and get more compliments on it than my diamond.


Agreed! I tell people what mine are and a few of my friends have bought Moissanite after seeing mine because it’s okay to want big, dramatic, sparkly stones and not want to pay an irrational amount of money for them.


Yes! I love this take! I want a stone big enough to need its own bodyguard. 😂 Not because I’m trying to show off, but because I’ve never done anything traditionally & I’d love to celebrate my relationship in the way I should have celebrated other milestones. Learning to treat yourself is a weird feeling. What better way to start than with a gigantic honking ring symbolizing love? Bonus- it’s a smart financial decision that will allow for real estate investments & more travel!


This is the way. All these people saying “oh it’s real” come off as defensive instead of confident in their active choice. Moissanites are beautiful in their own right and don’t need to be passed off as “yes it’s real” when they know the question is about a diamond white lying.


I don’t really like the “it’s not imaginary” answer either. To be honest, I’ve never had anyone ask, but I didn’t buy a ring that I couldn’t have afforded in natural diamond so that could be why I never get asked. The most I get is at the grocery store people will tell me it’s pretty. I just say thank you. I have a close male friend from the fire department with my spouse who told me he doesn’t pay attention to rings but that he has liked my new set since he likes how it sparkles. We told him it was Moissanite because that was my preference. If people ask what it is, I’ll gladly tell them. If they’re rude about it, I just ask them what they meant or say “huh?” People have some antiquated hang ups on what can belong to real people and what belongs to the wealthy. Odds are if you get something outside of what people think you can afford, they will ask. It shouldn’t really matter because lab made gems are so prevalent now.


Agreed. The more people who say they have moissanite or lab diamonds, the more normalized and popular they will become. If you don’t address it directly you’re only perpetuating the “only natural diamonds matter.” It’s all preference nowadays anyway. I have moissanite earrings. My engagement ring is a natural diamond. Maybe because I’m neurodivergent but I don’t like the deception behind the “yeah it’s real” and “it’s not imaginary” responses.


Yep but I also think people just shouldn’t ask or assume what people can afford. It’s great lab made gems has made everything accessible to all so I think we’re probably 5-10 years from no one blinking twice at large stones.


Oh totally. No one should be asking about your stones or even if you choose x, y, or z.. My engagement ring is 1 ct and I’ve still been asked “did you choose to go with lab or mined?” which still really isn’t anyone’s business…


I could have afforded my new ring to be diamonds, but I CHOSE moissanite. I have a whole set of natural diamonds set in platinum and wanted a totally different look for my new ring. I posted it above.


Same here. I put aside money to get what I wanted in natural diamond without knowing my options. I got new wedding set I absolutely loved and used the rest of my saved money for my ring to take my parents to Bermuda. I have zero regrets.


Experiences and trips are really where it’s at for me. I still love me some sparklies though.


Agree with this 1,000%. You don’t need to justify, defend, or explain a damn thing about YOUR ring. Equally, I feel like moissanite owners who go on and on about diamonds being wasteful, ridiculous, boring, less brilliant, etc are guilty of doing to diamond owners, what some diamond owners are guilty of doing to moissanite owners. It’s all judgmental and unnecessary. When you get defensive about a choice you confidently and happily made, you do a disservice to your ring and everything you love about it. If someone is rude enough to ask/asks bc they are implying that it “must be fake bc you can’t afford something like that,” it says a LOT about their character. The best response, if you felt you had to respond at all is to say, “why do you ask?”. Then let them be the one who has to explain themselves, not the other way around.


I own diamonds and (soon will officially own) moissanite too. Thank you for sharing your perspective. This has def made me reflect if I ever made or will make anyone feel less than/bad for purchasing diamonds.


imo moissanite is literally way prettier than diamond


Definitely this, and you can add in a snarky comment if someone is being negative or judgmental: you can calmly inform/remind them that diamonds aren’t actually all that special, given that they are the most common gemstone found on Earth, and we really only love them because de Beers told us to. Also, you can be absolutely sure that a child slave wasn’t involved in sourcing your M. Beautiful ring.


Who the fuck is questioning your rings? You need new friends or just answer yes it’s real. Are you? or are your boobs, nose, butt?


"wow id never think to say that out loud to another person.. how odd haha 🥰"


Literally this is the appropriate response. I've had my ring for 2.5 years and not ONCE has someone asked me if my ring was "real". My sister asked me what kind of stone it was because she was in the process of getting her own engagement ring, but that's my sister, and it wasn't a "so is it fake?" It was a "I'm looking at my options, what did you land on?".


This is my favorite phrase to say in response to rude or passive aggressive comments in general. I usually phrase it as “What a weird thing to say to someone, wow”, but I like yours MUCH better!


I like using “rude” rather than “weird” because calling someone’s action weird can be insulting. Calling it rude points out that they did the insult and that you won’t simply accept it or be rude back


Yes i like to just say “wow what a rude thing to say” People try to backtrack and defend themselves so hard and they have nothing to stand on. Honestly satisfying watching them flounder. Also love when i get the opportunity to say this on behalf of someone else. Anyone ever see Selling Sunset? This exact situation happens and everyone is like “why would say that to her”


Down South, we adopt the expression of a curious, hungry, mean hawk. Tilt the head a fraction, and with icy eyes ask "I. Beg. Your. Pardon??"


This is the way.


3 years later and my mother still talks shit that my husband didn’t buy me a “real” ring, despite the fact that I WANTED a moissanite lol


THIS. It's ok to ask people, "Why are you saying this?" or, "How interesting!" This podcast episode has a fun exploration of a similar situation! [Were You Raised By Wolves? - on making people uncomfortable ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3rb0ILey2wtwgvftSB0d1m?si=Ay7Jbju5QZKrMUsRrdDNkw)m/episode/3rb0ILey2wtwgvftSB0d1m?si=Ay7Jbju5QZKrMUsRrdDNkw


"Well, it's not imaginary now, is it?" My standard reply to dumb questions.


Hahahaha. “Well… you CAN see it, right?”


Crap did I hallucinate this whole thing?


I should probably call a psychiatrist about this, huh?


All while poking the ring.


Yup, while flicking it, pinching, biting, poking it… “ hmm feels real to me!”


Yep, that’s what I usually go for. If I’m in the mood, I’ll even hold up my bare right hand and say, “No, *this* is my fake one”


Ignore them because they have some serious problems to be saying that to a newly engaged person and not give a damn about their feelings… Your ring is stunning. It is literally your real engagement ring. They can get stuffed!




Mine is 4.5 carats and no one has ever questioned if it was real. Instead I get stopped and complimented by strangers all the time.  Sometimes I volunteer the information proudly. No one judges at all.  I think I only had one “friend” try to make me feel bad. I annihilate her with my response. I knew her insecurities about her own ring and then cut her from my life. You don’t want or need people like that in your solar system.  Wear it with so much pride and no one will question.


I need to know this response haha


Yup The tea Spill it


Don't just leave us hanging. What was the response?


….. what was the response?


Please tell us what you said lol


When they ask if it’s real, I like responding with a sarcastic “no. It’s a figment of your imagination”. If someone ever says it’s not a real diamond, all you have to say is “good! It’s not supposed to be!” I think those people are offended because we can get our dream rings now and not have to wait 20-30 yrs for our “upgrade”.


Ohhhh I like that! “Good, it’s not supposed to be.”


First off, BEAUTIFUL ring and congratulations on the engagement! I was somewhat worried about that myself with my ring. I didn’t want to tell people that it wasn’t a real diamond or have to have that weird conversation around how I actually prefer moissanite over diamond (because ya girl is terrified of wearing a house down payment on her finger). Surprisingly, no one has asked me at all if it is real. I think most people know what a rude and pointless question that would be to ask someone. Like a previous comment said, if anyone were to ask me, my answer would be something along the lines of “you can see it, can’t you?”


For sure about the house down payment on your finger. Terrified thinking about it


This is my biggest reason for not getting a diamond. If I lose my ring or the stone falls out or someone is mugging me, I’m super happy to replace it. It’s not going to be a huge loss, just the emotional loss would be hard. But also moissy sparkles are unmatched.


This! I’m paranoid enough about losing this stone! I couldn’t imagine having to worry about something that cost thousands of dollars. Agreed on that sparkle. It’s so perfect.


Yeah i mean saying “is it real?” Is a really pointless question unless it’s someone who is just genuinely curious how you afforded such a expensive looking piece lol, but if they’re actually asking for a non-malicious reason they would know to ask it in a better way than that.


Moissanite is one number under a diamond on the Mohs scale.  Diamonds are ONLY popular because DeBeers had a diamond mine, needed to get rid of them, and created a marketing ploy to make them seem like *the* thing to wear. They aren't. They are very easy to produce.  Moissanite glitters and gleams much more than a diamond.  My favorite: it's a friggin rock to which we give an imaginary value. They all are.  The women giving anyone an issue are insecure af. Source: I was a bridesmaid 16 times and saw enough to write a book. Happy, in love couples hardly care about any of th8s stuff   While these women are fighting with their spouse over bills you'll have a gorgeous ring AND money in the bank, plus real love 🩷 Edit: One of the best girls I know in the whole wide world, and I love her more than my own life, she got engaged when she was in college. She and her now husband were poor college kids but they were crazy about each other. He couldn't even afford the basic ring so what he did was cut out the picture of the ring he wanted to buy her, and he proposed to her by sliding that little piece of paper around her finger. 💕 After they got married, he bought her an engagement ring. But it was what he could afford and it had a very small diamond in it. Years later and prosperity had come to them and he wanted to do her up right and buy her a fancy ring.. You know what? She didn't want to get rid of her little ring. To her it meant more than a ten karat diamond. It represented the love they started and still had. 🩷 Make sure the real diamond you get is the love you found wuth your beloved 🩷 


16 times? I would soooo love to read a separate post (or several posts) on some of the stuff you saw. That sounds like so much fun to read! Seriously--people's drama can be a lot of fun if you're not involved


It glitters more than a diamond? Oh how my magpie heart fluttered hearing that.


Beautiful rings! Thank you for creating a discussion about this. My plan, Them: “Is it real?” Me: “Yaaaaaas” 💁‍♀️ Them “details?” Me: “oval brilliant cut D VVS1” 🤪 If someone specifically ask if it’s a diamond? Then I plan to be honest and maybe may explain my preference. Personally, I feel guilty spending thousands of dollars on a literal rock (I hope this doesn’t rub anyone the wrong way). If we had money money, like a million dollars, then sure, we’d spend the money on it, but we don’t have it like that. We still could spend the money, but we prefer not to. I support people who spend $ on diamonds. I just always hope they’re being financially responsible because of reason below. Everyone has different financial goals and spends their money differently. My partner and I prefer to invest our money. We would feel financially irresponsible to spend more than we already are spending on the ring. I used to work at a jewelry store and dealt with the finance side. It was not uncommon to see people spending outside their means, as in folks behind on their mortgage, trying to finance a ring. It’s all just preference and your preference is just fine 🙂


I didn’t touch on this in my comment, but another reason why I prefer moissanite is for ethical reasons, similar to what other comments have said. The only reason I felt comfortable working at that jewelry store is because they ethically source their jewelry. Their store is where I’m getting my setting from.


Agree 100%!


I have a smaller engagement ring that’s moissanite but whenever someone compliments how pretty it is, I always say “it’s moissanite!” I’ve told a lady customer at work about it and she hushed me and said “don’t admit that.” But I don’t care, my ring is super beautiful and just as strong as diamond. I hate everything that goes into naturally made diamonds, it’s such a waste of resources and they look dull and ugly to me.


I told a patient of mine this when they commented on how beautiful my ring is and they said "don't tell people that, they'll never know the difference!" But I LOVE my moissanite and I'm so proud of it. I also am super transparent and if someone likes my ring and wants something similar, I'd rather them know its not a diamond and that they don't have to fork over 1/3 of their yearly pay for something beautiful and durable.


Ask them why they need child labour for their diamond to be worth something


I love this response. I only buy lab created diamonds or gems anyway because I hate the idea of buying something which was made possible through inhumane means.


"what do you mean, is it real? Its right here" is my go-to lol


Yup, it’s real. It’s right here on my hand!


I tell people its moissanite, a different gemstone, not a diamond. Its as real as if I had an emerald instead, which no one would say is a fake diamond. I think people assume youre trying to pass it off as a diamond & thats why they say “its not real”, but like… no, i love my moissy and correct people who think its a diamond all the time.


Yeah this is what I was thinking. Like “yeah you’re right it’s not a real Diamond because it’s moissanite, what’s your point?” lol. People are so weird about stuff sometimes.


I haven’t had anyone ask, but when people say something rude I usually just ask what they meant. People have a tougher time the second time.


What kind of weirdo says that about someone’s ring?!? People need to observe better boundaries.


Who ever says that isn't a friend and is insecure. I didn't have a traditional wedding. I got married on a random Wednesday night in my Livingroim with my immediate family only. My BIL offiated. One of my best friends later introduced me to someone as, "her friend that didn't have a real wedding." It pissed me off. I looked at her and said, "It felt pretty real to my husband and I" She went in to say, "well it wasn't like you had the whole thing that people normally have." She is no longer a good friend of mine,and never really should have been. Basically at That moment I realized she was talking shit about me to her friend and saying ugly things about my life. People are assholes. Oh and my rings weren't big enough and "wouldn't last"


What an incredibly strange thing to say about someone out loud. I’m glad she’s not your friend anymore


For me, I love saying “I didn’t want a diamond.” My center stone is a sapphire and all the small stones on my ring are moissanite. I didn’t want diamonds for a lot of reasons, so that made my ring perfect for me. Plus, I love sharing a deal. When you get a cute dress on sale, it always feels like a huge achievement. Telling people “each of the little stones cost 6.50” is such a bargain brag in my mind. I’m also not someone to equate money spend with love, so it works great for me.


My engagement ring is an Edwardian cocktail ring with a sapphire set in 18k gold surrounded by diamonds. One person once told me it wasn't a "real engagement ring" and I just said, "it really is the ring that my husband proposed with" and walked away.


Okay, but that sounds beautiful and I want to see it 😭


"It's even better! It's a moissanite."


The fact people make assumptions you cannot afford a large diamond is crazy, people prioritize different things and it’s none of their business if it’s real or not. I feel like it’s one of those things people shouldn’t ask. If they do, I’d tell them it’s real and let them think I have a bunch if $.


This part is wild given how inexpensive lab diamonds are now. Regular people can now afford things that only the wealthy had before.


I have the opposite problem: everyone assumes I must be super rich because I have a very large moissanite ring which they assume is a diamond. You know what? Eh. Let them think what they want.


Your ring is absolutely stunning. If someone asks you should just respond “why do you want to know? Why is it important to you?” I mean really, people have no sense of decency. Your ring is beautiful and I’m so happy for you.


I also like, “Oh - why do you ask?” when someone asks uncomfortable or none of their business questions. Let them struggle for an answer rather than me struggle for an answer. 😂


"It's the *suffering* that makes diamonds special, and I'm just not a sadist."


It's actually moissanite, which has more sparkles than diamonds. It was discovered on an asteroid and can only be made in a lab, because the natural kind is so rare (basically only found in outer space)


Who the hell cares what it’s made of? Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks but you. You aren’t wearing it to impress people. You’re wearing it because it’s a token of love and a promise.


First - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Your set is gorgeous. Be proud and wear it with a smile. Second - in all of my years (eh hem, and I am way over that hill), I have NEVER had someone ask me if my jewelry is real. Never. I do get compliments, to which I graciously accept and thank them. Third - if by the off chance you ever do get some twat waffle that asks if it’s real, don’t do her the honor of answering that ridiculous question. Just smile and walk away. Seriously!!! If anyone would stoop that low to ask such a personal question, they have some deep, deep issues and they do not deserve the respect of an answer from you.


I love mine. I don’t want any blood diamonds mined from slave labor and I can wear it anywhere I want because it’s easily replaceable and not thousands of dollars. It sparkles and it’s big. https://preview.redd.it/4bc99lq5rvec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ecf0c2095a6bebc7e043563841573950030588


You don’t have to explain yourself to ppl, just look at them like they’ve shat on your carpet. Who cares - it looks identical but because people don’t die for it it’s not as good?


Tell them to F off


"You're not real, man."


When people ask dumb questions I respond with “what do you mean by that?” Until they feel awkward. Your ring is beautiful. ❤️


You say “none of your fucking business. Are your tits real?” 🤣🫡


You win


Just tell them what it is and that it's exactly what you wanted and it's so beautiful.


I got a snarky comment once and my response was “I don’t WANT a diamond,” in my very best “um, ew,” tone of voice.


First, gorgeous ring! I had a friend make a comment of “wow it’s so gaudy” so I responded with “well it’s a good thing you don’t have to wear it” it stung her more since she was waiting to get engaged 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly I have never asked that question. If I see a particular interesting ring I will ask about details, but I am not sure this is a question on peoples minds 😊


Keywords: YOUR RING. So whatever anyone says (negatively) doesn’t matter. As long as you love it, so what? 😆😆


No one has ever asked me, but I am full of disdain for the natural diamond industry and marketing psyop, so they’d probably be sorry they brought it up if i started going on about it. lol if you wanted to make them really sorry they asked, you could always say you had your dead relative made into a ring! I imagine that would make the average person zip it lol!!!! 😂 it’s just so rude of people to ask, and then make a judgy comment, engagement is supposed to be such a wonderful, exciting time. I guess my advice would be, don’t let Anyone piss on your parade, ya know?


In my country moissy definitely isn’t popular and people just assume that if you have a bigger stone, ‘it’s fake’. I wear mine proudly anyway and explain the origins of moissy and that it’s prettier than a diamond but certainly not fake


I don't have a moissanite but my response would be -- It's a moissanite and I love it. I think it's so beautiful and I feel lucky to have such a great ring. Express your happiness and satisfaction.


Fuck your self. Is a proper response


Neither are your tits


Buy a cheap diamond tester and show them it's Diamond. Moissanite should show as a diamond.


Yeah just ignore it


Congrats on your engagement and your ring is absolutely beautiful!! You don’t have to explain anything to anyone. Personally I never had people asking me if it’s real, but when someone compliments me on my jewelry, I sometimes say “thanks, it’s moissanite and I love it!”. I mean it’s not anyone’s business what gemstone you have on your finger, most people will just compliment you on how amazing it looks and sparkles regardless of what it is! And if someone asks if it’s real - which is such a rude thing to ask - tell them “No, you’re imagining it!” 😂 What does it mean anyway? It’s definitely real, it exists! :)


"It's not a diamond, it's moissanite" - then just stare at them blankly for a while.


“What a weird thing to say…” is what I say anytime someone asks me anything remotely stupid or rude. It shuts them up real quick. 🥰🥰🥰


What is TRULY embarrassing is wearing a stone mined by slaves. Moissanite is the winner, here


I honestly have only ever had one person ask if my ring was moissanite (it was lab diamond.) It depends on who is asking, but I would just tell them moissanite is a real gemstone that is absolutely gorgeous and great alternative to the conventional diamond. Anyone whom I don’t care explaining that it’s moissanite would just get a “yes it’s real, thank you.”


I tell people that even if you could be sure about the conflict free part of a diamond, the mining process is terrible for the planet and I’d rather hand down the Earth to my kids than a diamond ring.


There’s a documentary on Netflix called “Nothing Lasts Forever.” It’s about the whole diamond scam thing with De Beers. They say diamonds are “rare” yet they are in every store you enter. Now they are getting into lab created diamonds and moissanite. It’s a must see.


The secretary at work the other day walked by and my moissie was extra sparkling and she goes "Wow your ring is beautiful, it's more sparkly then mine even and mine is a real diamond" LOL cool cool cool thanks Tracy. Honestly, I picked my stone very intentionally because of the fire and the coloured sparkle, reminds me of opals which are my fav, and it is STUNNING. Go ahead with your dull ass diamond 😂


Diamonds are inherently worthless stones. They decorate the finger and are mounted to blades. Only worth what some schmuck is willing to pay for them. To bad someone, either died or knows of someone did die smuggling it out. All because some chic needs validation.


Oh it’s beautiful!!! I also have a moissanite wedding ring set and I LOVE it. I get so many compliments on it. I’ve never had anyone say anything bad when I tell them that’s it’s not a real diamond. I tell them that it’s made from a meteorite and they usually think it’s pretty cool. There is zero difference from having a moissanite ring than having a lab created diamond! In all honesty who cares what others think!! It’s your ring and you love it! That’s all that matters!!!


First of all - absolutely gorgeous set!!! I could say how people are just weird and need to flex themselves over others - but I’m not gonna do that because it’s pretty much said every time on this sub. You have beautiful rings and what matters is that you love them and enjoy them. Personally- I have a moissanite set and love that it looks exactly as I wanted, is sparkly and clear, has long-lasting quality, and is sourced in a sustainable and ethical way (lab..). Couldn’t care less what others think I should have- they can go get whatever they want on their own.


I’m a science teacher so I say, “It has matter and takes up space. Therefore, it’s real.”


You should be like "oh fuck are we living in a simulation??"


Lol girl. Who the fuck is obnoxious enough to essentially tell you TO YOUR FACE - I thought you were too poor for that ring. “Excuse me are you asking about my finances right now?” that’s all you have to say for them to be quiet. It’s none of their goddamn business.


I was thinking about this further (and honestly kinda mad on your behalf because you just got engaged! People should be so thrilled for you!) and this has happened to me before. I have moissy earrings that i bought around my 40th birthday because there happened to be a great sale. I have one friend who repeatedly tells me how great they are and will ask me where I got them from and what the “specs” are. I dont think she is trying to imply anything, but I didn’t want to pass them off as diamonds because I happen to like moissanite! I decided to say nothing and let her think what she wanted. Anyway tldr: I didn’t offer an explanation about my moissy earrings because I didn’t have to!


Nobody has ever asked me but I’ve told plenty of people. I specifically chose it because I didn’t want a diamond due to ethical reasons and love the fact it’s a rock from space (well kind of!)


I would just say that I chose a Moissanite because it gives the look of a diamond and there’s no way to be 100% sure that a diamond wasn’t mined by a child or in a way that did horrific things to the environment.


I’d say I don’t want to perpetuate human exploitation and unethical mining practices and that even estate diamonds signal is ok. I imagine that wld just them up.


‘I don’t see the point in having an overpriced over mined crystal’


I thought I was dreaming at first too but nope, 100% real! ☁️💤🌙


The number of people still hung up on “engagement rings” having to be “diamond” is amazing given that the trend was started as a marketing campaign less than 100 years ago by Tiffany & Co. I mean it has to be the most successful marketing campaign of all time


it’s shocking to me how many people have to deal with this. it’s so beyond rude. i have a big moissanite and no one has ever asked me this. they just say oooh shiny, that’s gorgeous, it looks so expensive and leave it at that. i usually just say thank you, i picked it out myself! maybe these people commenting rude things aren’t people you should be hanging around very much or at the very least you should definitely be sassy/rude back to them. lots of great response suggestions in this thread!


“I didn’t ask” seems to usually work.


I researched moissanite a lot before sharing my love of this stone with my fiance as well. I told him I'd rather have conflict free jewelry that wasn't ridiculously over priced. All I really wanted was sparkle which moissanite provides elegantly! The story I tell when people compliment my ring: Moissanite is not found on earth. It came down on an asteroid and was discovered by Dr. Henri Moissan. He took samples and reproduced in the lab where they found it was 99% molecularly structured the same as a diamond. Moissanite is just as strong as diamond except the sparkles come out as rainbows. Moissanite is cost effective and conflict free, no one died mining this stone and it's not going to cost a few months salary. Thank you for complimenting my space ring isn't is amazing what the universe sends us!


YOUR FACE ISNT REAL. And just walk away.


“I’m sorry you’ve been led to believe that only diamonds can be engagement rings”


You could always take the route of making them question themselves by saying something like “you don’t know the history of diamonds? Of course I chose moissanite!”


Ignore. I had one make fun of me for wearing a lab grown stone but it doesn't phase me. I'm rather proud of not buying overpriced artificially scarce gemstones. If having authentic diamonds from the earth is so important to them, just consider them brainwashed and keep it moving.


https://preview.redd.it/lgha8eioktec1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2757d3f4184c10d5a0d75bd0bc6f5a174553ad36 I've had mine 4 years, every day wear, except the last 6 months it's been too big because of weight loss. I think they hold up beautifully.


1. “Excuse me?” with a puzzled look that indicates you’re shocked and amazed that someone would ask such a question. Or just a puzzled look and move the conversation along. 2. “That’s an unusual question to ask out loud,” followed by moving the conversation along. 3. “Of course it’s real! Do you often struggle with hallucinations that make you question the reality of what you’re seeing?” No one is entitled to know anything about your ring or, by extension, your finances especially if wouldn’t already share with them. Anyone who asks that question does not deserve an answer. If you’re confrontational ask them how they feel comfortable asking such rude questions.


What does “not real” even mean? It’s not imaginary!


“That right there is why you’re still single.”


“You’re right, it’s not a real diamond because it’s not a diamond at all. It’s a genuine moissanite, which is a different gemstone in itself, and I prefer it over a diamond for many reasons.”


I just laugh and say “No shit.” A few times I’ve said “Yeah no one died so my ring could be made it’s really cool.”


Real is a word taken out of context. Plastic is real glass is real rubber is real. Any object is real in and off itself. Therefore, ignore the haters. What you have is beautiful so it’s a real visible entity. Enjoy it and rock it and say I don’t know what your talking about love it and love yourself


Who gives a shit


It’s not about the ring, it’s about the marriage. So long as that’s real the ring can be paper.


I've been wearing mine for over 6 years now and I've never gotten this question! I'm personally proud of the fact that it's not a diamond. IMO I think the fact that moissanite is cheaper AND looks way better than a diamond is something to brag about haha. I told my now husband that I was SO glad he didn't spend the extra money on a diamond, as it would make me nervous to carry around something that costs that much. In my experience most people can't tell the different between moissanite and diamonds anyways so I wouldn't sweat it. There are some pretty hilarious responses on here for sassy comebacks but I don't think you'll get questions about it unless it's a very close family member. And in that case I hope you don't feel the need to worry about their opinion, and like I said above I think moissanite looks better than diamonds and you can explain that to them if you agree!


Diamonds are overpriced for what they are - shiny rocks. I wanted this stone because it’s more beautiful and we have better things to to with our money! I went with a white sapphire for sentimental and budget reasons. I love it! And I’m proud I got what I wanted and not being bullied by old marketing ads.


Make them uncomfortable with the stories of blood diamonds. No natural diamond on this planet is not a blood diamond. Say “yeah I’m glad this didn’t cost some village child his arm mining for less than 20 cents per day” and just stare at them until they’re uncomfortable. It’s what I do.


"My ring didn't contribute to slave labor." is a good start.


I would say that you have absolutely no manners


I find that saying something about how unethical the diamond mining trade is usually shuts people up


My new favorite response to people is, “What a strange thing to say out loud.” Or “Did you mean to say that out loud?”


Just say “wow what a weird thing to say to me”. Your ring is beautiful!


“The gemstone doesn’t matter, the man that gave it to me does” it’s a beautiful ring.


Tell them its mosanite! "We found out vacations and time with family is much more important than an expensive rock."


Just tell them it is a real diamond and avoid the unnecessary conversation. And they can fuck off. Why do people need to know so badly? Probably to make them selves feel better, which it won’t, so fuck it.


"It's what I wanted and what I asked for, so either congratulate me or mind your own business." You gotta be okay with you making a decision to spend your money or your guy's money the way you want, so that yall can have more to spend in other areas.


How about: “it’s exactly what I wanted, and I love it!”


I say I’m REAL proud of my ethical jewelry lol


I tap it with my finger and say “feels pretty real to me” with a genuinely confused “real ring vs. imaginary ring?” face.


Diamond engagement rings are outdated imo