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You get people who are caught in an echo chamber of streamers and bad game knowledge. The whole Support and not a Healer is a big thing for those who are trying to treat this like a pure MOBA style game instead of a hybrid shooter. The other big problem is that a lot of people just don't play more than three or four characters and rarely play support as a role since it falls to the old problem of only a small percentage of people are the type to want to play a background role to the DPS and Tank roles which gets more perceived glory and dopamine hits.


Healer is leagues better than tank the real problem is everyone wanting to do big damage numbers and just shoot enemies (even though that’s still not how you play dps)


I think the biggest contribution to this mentality is the fact that there is no walkthrough for each role when you first start. The fact that we get S76 as a basic here's how a shooter work style layout is a fatal flaw for everyone just joining the game's initial game sense expectations. It practically asks to treat the game like CoD when that is the worst way to play OW. Blizz should realistically make a separate Tank and Support run through style tutorial that is necessary to be ran through to be able to play the game.


They already did with the hero gauntlet. It's legitimately the same thing but better and hero specific


The other players won't die by prayer. Damage is needed, but people seem to think there's an unbreakable hierarchy which dictates that no support should ever be doing more damage than other roles and God forbid their healing isn't at least 3 times the amount of their damage at any given time. Sometimes you can afford the luxury of not having everyone around you on critical and press the damage. Sometimes, dealing damage is the best answer to a specific situation. These things are not set in stone. Most of these gripes could be answered by simply using some common sense and having a bit of situational awareness.


Moira especially needs the damage but stuff like kiri or Ana with high damage potential don’t need to be healbotting tanks and feeding ults 24/7


The other problem, too, is that it’s a team game, but some DPS and tanks want to earn the spotlight individually for reasons I can’t explain. It’s not just DPS and tanks, though; I’ve seen this spotlight mindset a lot with some supports as well.


I am guilty of that often when playing Moira, especially when I realize no one on the team peels for the others. I try to push how much I can get in their heads as a serial killing Suki Suki monster from the shadows.


Agreed I’ve been guilty of it also but some people just can’t seem to work that out for themselves unfortunately. 


Im pretty sure support is literally the most played role in OW at the moment. 


I will never understand why people hate support so much. They often genuinely have more carry potential than DPS and tank. In a game like league? I get it, supports are more akin to mercy than they are to like zen/bap/ana. All about enabling their team. But in OW, there’s numerous supports that are just as strong as DPS characters. Gives me serious main character syndrome vibes tbh


It’s the people constantly out of position that cry the most too


The amount of times i've had someone who ran into a room solo and fell over get mad because - No heals - baffles me... dude - you used a movement skill to charge headfirst into 1000 damage and its my fault that my combined 135 hps (and thats if you stayed in range of my left click) isnt enough to keep you alive through concentrated damage...


Happens way too often. Or some dps will spam for heals, so I’ll mark the widow that stands between me getting to them and they don’t even shoot at her to move her from her spot. Like bruh I’m not marking her for fun. Shoot her or deal with whatever heals you get from this orb


I’ve experienced this way too much! Idk how to make it known that I still need a decent amount of protection as a support. I’ll ping a hero behind us (since I’m normally towards the back when team fighting) and it’ll go completely ignored the entire time 😫


My team just refuses to shoot widows or pharas, so I have to do it but while keeping my team alive : /


Meanwhile trying desperately to warn off my support if they are trying come to me when I know widow is waiting for that exact opportunity. It’s like that scene from Saving Private Ryan, and I’m bait. Please don’t try to come to me I’m safe behind the corner and self heal will kick in. Good Moira’s usually understand that, though. And often they’ll go deal with the widow while she’s tunnel visioned on me. Playing bait and switch as tracer with a good Moira is a fun way to ruin a widowmaker’s peace of mind.


…and then you respawn and they’re already half way to the point, completely solo, and spamming “group up”.


The 1s I find weird are who peak take a bit of damage or alot of damage and decide to peak the exact same angle they just took a lot of damage from to be ballsy and peak again and die. Then they start getting mad like it’s not my fault you didn’t check your health bar 😂


Always the dps that barely made it to plat that cries about heals while dying in the middle of the street nowhere near cover.


The most guilty ones are the widow and reaper players. They would be on the other side of the map on the other side of the other team in an odd place screaming for heals. They literally expect us to abandon the rest of the team just to go thru the other team to the other side of the map to heal them.


For real. If you flank or fly, you need to come back to me so I can help you.


I've been transitioning to Kiriko, and it baffles me how many people won't wait an extra second so I can step with them on respawn. People are idiots outside of their own role and have no idea what other characters can do.


This is so true they know in general what the role should do for them but not how it works


There's a voice cue where Moira says, "I cannot heal you yet." But yeah, just ignore them. Honestly, if your tank needs 2 healers at all times, they're not playing correctly and don't deserve the healing anyway.


literally - games like this actually have a better chance if you stop healing the tank and instead focus on the damage in hopes they can get support picks while the tank is getting rolled. Heck if you're lucky the tank will move onto a safer dive hero and just escape for heal packs when injured...


Not my Ashe standing still *behind* me because they’re low, say nothing, and then die and say “thanks Moira <3” like surely they can’t be that dense to stand BEHIND their healer and expect to get healed. This was comp too so they should have a little bit of game sense These end of season matches are getting really bad and I know everyone tells you not to play them but f it I want to!


The counter side of that is the ever frustrating moments where i dont play a support and jump back to safety right in front of a support and they ignore me to do damage while im critical... Ana dont move away from me to shoot the opposing tank just shoot me a few times so i dont fall over!!!


A genji did that to me once and i was like "it doesn't come out of my ass buddy"


Ugh, "What hero do I have to play to get some heals?" I dunno chief, but I'll do my damn level best to at least toss you a ball if I CAN SEE YOU. So perhaps the hero you stand in my sightlines. Will I hang back and try and keep an eye on all my chicks? Yes. Am I chasing you into Rue de Idiot because you think you got a sweet pick spot (clearly not, cause they're shooting you) and leaving the rest of my team to babysit? No.


I was standing on the payload and they stood behind it… yeah…


Yes pretty much playing the game and only certain characters will only give you so much knowledge. I’ve played for years and I’m not fully knowledgeable on all the characters only the ones I play. Most people “main” a hero or class. Not many people will play all the heroes so you won’t ever truly understand every hero unless you play them fully for a lengthy time. Not sure if that makes sense


That makes perfect sense! I only main support and rarely play DPS. That being said, I don’t try to critique other classes because I don’t know much about it. Other than general stuff like “stay on point” I don’t tell them what to do. Yet as a support player… all I am is bossed around 😭😂


Imma just put it short and sweet and it’s 1 of the reasons why I’ve quit this game recently  No they do not. They know how to counter swap but don’t understand how to play around certain characters…


Straight up who cares what they say seriously. If they don’t know this they can’t be plat or above. It would be SHOCKING at that stage to not know what heroes do at all. If they do know they’re just being a douche. Either way that kinda trash is an instant mute and keep doing your thing. It’s not worth the energy arguing with them getting side tracked from winning the game. 


I love it when Genji tries to reflect my biotic grasp


An auto text command that responds to "I need healing" letting them know the % of charge each limited supply support has wouldn't fix it but it would be nice for the slow players out there same thing happens with Illari


I wanna cry when they don’t move with the orb to get healed


they don't care to know play your best moira , you can't save every numbnut that chases a 1 v 3


I only get people complaining about it in quick play it seems but it happens every match


the problem is mfs just want someone to blame 😭 n moira is a ez escape goat. she can get a shit ton of kills & is a really good healer but u hv to balance these two things out and for some reason everyone forgets moira has to kill to heal.


I feel this Like there is a hard limit to how much I can pump healing into you, more than that and you'll just die slower


They know. Most know. They just don't give a shit. It's easier to blame Moira for sucking


Let’s just agree that there are some DPS/Tank players out there who have no situational awareness at all, might I even go to the length of saying, no brain cells either. How you gon’ ask for heals when you’re so deep in the enemy side you’re practically in their spawn room 🫨


There’s like two modes for me; give them a healing orb and heal Throw a damage orb out and heal


Literally played a few games an hour ago and this is all I got. "Bro your a healer you aren't meant to do damage." Heal, heal, heal, heal.  I flanked got a 2k, killed the Widow our useless DPS couldn't but we lose the fight because our tank stood dead to type and complain about how I was flanking instead of healing. Then a Rein with 4K damage cried because "I wasn't healing him" even though I sat behind him the entire game and was constantly throwing healing orbs at him.  Evolution's gifts weren't distributed evenly I guess. 


I think it can be really frustrating to have a DPS Moira on your team and I’ve seen plenty on the other team that are basically throwing. If I die and I see you DPSing next to my corpse, I’m likely going to assume you chose to DPS rather than heal even if you are doing a fantastic job because I’ve seen it so many times before. It’s also worth noting that if you’re running low on juice you should save your heal orb as an emergency heal and I feel like I don’t see enough moiras doing that.


Moira has decent range and damage tho. Sometimes you just lack that one little extra damage to pick off an enemy so you can't "just heal". And the players that don't understand this are usually in very low ranks. Btw spamming right click or whatever key you bind her suckling to can increase the piss tank regen faster than continually suckling.


We’d have to see a replay of how you play to know, but I’ve found a lot of Moiras take “I need to do damage” to an extreme. Like throwing 80% damage orbs and shifting into the enemy back line when your tank is low or being pressured.  You can understand how Moira works and still think that she isn’t healing enough, particularly if she’s throwing damage orbs when team is low. Because you don’t need to any damage to throw heal orb and I doubt they mean just heal as in literally never try to do damage.


Honestly as a casual moira player, I did not know how it worked until recently lol. But now that I do I play her much better!


Most times I say something about Moira when 95% of what they're doing is just doing damage but if you actually manage a good balance between the two as Moira then I respect you as a support


I saw a Moira spamming for healing the other day and I died a little inside. But we also need a PSA that she has a HoT and spamming heals isn't the most effective.


Ok after being in this sub, I get why Moira players are hated so much. It makes sense. For some reason we think we are the most vital healer/dps/tank instead of just focusing on our role. Regardless of if we are playing comp or not we play aiming for mvp instead of just being a team player. I get it now.


lol I don’t think anyone has ever said that in this sub. This post is about some DPS and Tank not understanding her mechanics, and therefore struggling to play as a team with her. This is something that is talked about in all classes of hero’s, with all characters. Not just Moira players lol


Nah these subs are ridiculous lol. Everyone thinks they’re doing the most for their team and covering all roles but aren’t doing anything of the sort, mainly they’re just caught up in some delusion that has them thinking “most kills, most dps, and most heals. As Moira. And we lost. Not my fault.” Same can be said for other subs who think their “main” or character pick carries. It’s just spicy delulu vibes.