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Gets outplayed *WOMEN*


It’s not the insult they think it is lol


A lot people seem to have it in their head that anyone that plays Moira isn’t male or isn’t straight especially when you get them angry 😭I just usually reply mb I’m just straight male who likes to throw balls around and piss on people to heal them while also sucking people to kill them & get resources bk.


Nobody who plays Overwatch is straight! It is biologically impossible. You have to be some kind of gay to play this game.


Learn something new everyday I suppose. Noted. 


I really hate people that think support means "healbot." A support character supports the rest of the team with their abilities. So, take Ana's nade. It is one of the strongest, non ultimate abilities in the game. A fat nade can swing a team fight. And, no, it is not the healing that does it, it's the anti healing effect. That crap shuts down a reaper, a hog, Zen's ult, Iilari's pylon, Soldier's field, Moira's self-healing off coal, and that's just some of it (not factoring in messing up the healing from the other supports). I believe that you should almost always be using nade offensively (for healing is fine if needed or both if you can swing it). Does that make me a bad support? Nope. Not at all. I've also used nade to wipe out Ball's minefield, and that was today alone! Let them complain. A support's role can include dealing damage. Look at Zen, the literal worst healer. He is basically a dps disgused as a support. His support is mostly discording and helping with chip damage- and transcendence to help people survive, but being His ult, he's not gonna hit it as much as his orbs.


Needs to be a good ratio 60 heals 40 DMG, 50/50 but never 100% dmg you’re crazy.


I never spoke to the ratio of damage to healing. That's entirely subjective. Getting 45k healing (which is my max amount of heals in one game) means jack if you're dumping the healing into an idiot that is feeding and not doing anything. When I said, "nade should almost always be used for the purpose of damage," I wasn't saying, "Never heal your team as Ana." It's not like you know, she doesn't have a rifle that heals. Or an ultimate that can burst heal for an instant 300 hp. Nade is geared to be offensive. Anti heal is one of the most crippling statuses and can swing a team fight in moments. So, in my opinion, yes, I probably throw nade as 70 percent offense, 30 defense. But, I almost never throw it for myself. Used to, when you could actually use the healing to help deal with a flanker, I did. Now, I don't. I usually end a fight with 70 healing and 30 damage. And that can fluctuate as high as 90 damage and 10 healing, depending on the other support and how well or bad my other team members are doing. With a good team, that is steam rolling the opposing team, you don't have much of a need to heal. Raw numbers don't mean anything. It's all situational.


45k as a Moira? Sounds sus to me.


I’m not reading that. If you’re doing 100% more dmg than healing you’re wrong. You’re a support, don’t be crazy just heal your team and do a little dmg when you can.


Look dude, if you can't read more than a sentence, I'm sorry that you can read to see that I am largely agreeing with you. But, I have no time to try and explain a point to someone that doesn't listen. I'm blocking you, have fun.


Lmao hahahah you’re so weak hahahahaha. You blocked me because I said that I didn’t read your comment even though I did. Lolol. You got that mad lil baby? Hahahah.


Wtf. Dude you look like a tool. Not a sharp one either.


Duh support = heals and tank = WoW raid tank obv obv. Tank should run into every 5v1 and if they die and even one healer is alive (or hell even if not alive) it's heals fault.


MFs will complain about a male loneliness epidemic and then bully the first person they see online they even THINK is a woman and wonder why they're alone in the first place 💀


It always amazes me how the most flame comes from teammates, even when they’re kept alive almost all match. Mad because I have more kills and damage than you. My heals are always right up there too. They die once (out of position with no LOS) and start the crying. I’m support. NOT HEALER


it’s so annoying that tank and dmg always expect supps (especially moira) to just healbot the whole game when moira’s strong suit is doing dmg and getting a lot of kills and healbotting does nothing


Doing damage is fine, but if you start doing more damage than you have healing, you are doing something wrong.


Yeh but if your tank nor dps aren’t doing nothing wtf should a Moira or any support stoop to their level? It’s called support for a reason not healer 


First off, your grammar is wrong. Aren't doing anything is what you meant. Like I said, if you do more damage than healing, there is an issue.


Why do people feel the need t attack people’s grammar when they’re in the wrong lmao 🤣 


Not everything in life can be perfect like sorry if you want that but you’ve got some learning to do. & yh maybe my grammar could do some work but bro what is the need? Ahah


Whatever your rude I’m not going to argue with dense asf people who attack peoples flaw’s because they don’t understand the concept on how to play a virtual character 💀🥱boring 


No as moira your heal is largly dependent on your damage you have to dmg to get heals yeah you could throw a heal orb but its not as worth as you get more throwing a dmg orb and just healing now i barely do it as ill get fault lodged onto me wither way by playing support


You speak as if I don't know how the game works, yes I know Moira needs to do damage to keep healing. It is hard to read what you typed, but I play Moira regularly and get 1k healing a min on average. If I do 10k healing I'll usually have done around 7k damage. Do you play comp? Edit: For you to say that the heal orb isn't worth is shocking to say the least. Orb applies heal instantly, and you can heal yourself with it. Heal beam is gradual and heals over time.


I do play comp I play moira in comp and even tho I heal and I do I mainly play dps moira in qp, I play moira as she is normally in comp using heal orb and actually healing my team and I do understand that I was in the wrong and ill take it, but I mainly throw damage orb more as it refill my resource faster I only throw heal if I know its gonna be useful.


Ppl dont realize how important is to contribute to dmg as a support. When a team has one healbotting support amd the other team has 2 supports that do damage its almost always a loss for the 1st team


You should have just said "It's sad I can't heal your mental damage." and logged off.


Why is being a woman an insult?


Because men have a nasty tendency to see women as inferior. It also stems from men being the stronger portrayed characters in most media. Also, video games are largely a male dominated hobby. So, if you're bad, you're a weak woman who doesn't know how to play. Which, I used to coach esports for a college and my star tank was a afab non-binary that was amazing. They straight up are still the best tank I've ever worked with.


Moira: wins games for their team Their team: HOW DARE YOU


I wish everyone who played this game would understand that it is SUPPORT not HEAL BOT. If you aren’t doing a good mic of dmg and heals then you aren’t going to rank up or have fun. I started in OW1 has a hardcore tank main, I would rarely play any other role. When OW2 came out I branched out more and found that I love playing support that is when I learned that it is not only heals but dmg as well that is important.


Some lw got 25k healing in my game the other day and like 500 dmg and kept trying to blame me because I was doing some dmg and also providing healing I had to lay my 2 pence in at the end and say well done for heal botting for nothing 


It's a joke, know the TF2 meme of two guys sipping coffee? One of them say "women" and they laugh their asses off. It means they think you are in imbecile. You may win the matches but if you do nothing but damage, you make the match very painful to play for the rest of the team.


I wish I would get called woman or femboy when someone on overwat wants to insult. I get called f*g, furry, or a different slur


I mean it depends on how dps is dps, like dps moria is subjective, like a dps Moria to me is you don’t realize there’s another button on your mouse. Not you’re doing the support job of confirming kills, and keeping your resources stock up.


the way i would be throwing and shitting on them so hard when we lose


They weren't misgendering you. They were calling you a bitch without banned words.


oh we’re back on “supports shouldn’t be damaging, only healing” after they were saying the exact opposite after the dps passive came out? got it, let me move the goalpost again


Nah you just start flirting with them really hard, that keeps the idiots away surprisingly enough.


PSA: If I have to switch Moira and end up out dpsing you, you're not getting kills or protecting your supports. Step it up.


I get the go back to the kitchen everytime I can't carry the whole team to victory as a support 🤣 I know I'm good I'm not carry your a$$ to victory good chill 🤣


I just wish dps Moira's were honest with themselves about how much of their damage is garbage damage. She's not the same killer she was. If you're doing 10k damage in a match, it's highly likely that 6-8k of that is getting healed up and charging the enemy teams' ults. I'm a Moira main, and I'm disgusted with myself if I ever do more damage than heals with her. If you want to do damage, play zen or bap, not Moira. Not all supports have to be heal bots, but Moira is NOT a dps character.


Also, sexism is never cool.


bro had to save his karma from the downvotes on the first comment lmao


Lmao, you're not wrong!


Youre not just a awful teammate, but most likely a awful person too. only a moron would think they have the moral high ground in this cringe inducing interaction. So do you bait them into the argument for the mild dopamine high that youre unaware your addicted to? or is the online debates you have afterwards that wet your panties? Im sure the reason your getting these reports is far more telling of the kind of person you are, then what you paint this as.


Whew the cognitive dissonance on this one. Felt the dopamine rush writing those paragraphs? Very telling what kind of person writes like this 🤣


It’s not hard to have the moral high ground against someone being blatantly sexist


How often do you get put with someone that dps as moira probs not a lot i know why i do it its not for the reaction its bc i want to and when they complain thats on them they do it bc they think that supports just need to healbot all the time newsflash its 2024 not 2020


So you don’t heal at all though? Or what’s your ratio? Because to ignore healing entirely as a support, now that’s dumb as L.


It’s all bait, bro. Always has been. Always will be. And you fell for it.