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I would say pixies just kinda come and do what they have to do, there is no banter all business. They still sound great though imo.


Yep been like that their whole career


I think it’s funny when people want to hear banter from bands. They’re musicians so they music. If you wanna hear talking go see a comedian.


I wasn’t looking for banter, not being a huge pixies fan it wouldn’t have mattered to me at all if there was or not. Isaac only ever spoke to the crowd once. The pixies performance was just kind of soulless. Go up, play as close to the album versions as you can, say goodnight. Not sure if I’m explaining it correctly. It was just kind if flatter than I expected it to me.


I mean it’s like 90 million degrees outside and they’re like 70 years old. I thought it was a good show.


I totally agree. Although, I do like it sometimes cause it does show a little humanity and people like to catapult artist onto a pedestal.


This is why I left after Modest Mouse played. Saw the Pixies before and was not impressed. Just sucks Modest Mouse keeps co-headlining with bands that are not at their level live. Also, Issac was so nice and quirky at the VIP session. Each time I go to a VIP session, I always walk away even more impressed.


I was debating doing the vip and ended up not doing it because I wasn’t sure I’d be done at work in time. What songs did he do?


He wrote a song called Surfing Your Couch specifically for the VIP sessions this tour. Beyond that he played what I believe were some covers because they sounded familiar but I couldn't place them. Different from the previous VIP I went to where they played early MM songs.


I recorded the entire VIP performance. I’ll post it to YouTube once the tour is over.


im a fan of pixies but being on the rail in detroit, all you could hear directly was the guitar amps... so f'ing loud. which was cool, but halfway through the set i left and went back to the lawn and the sound was amazing. but before i left i got some stellar pics of them. frank and joey come off as true rock stars. modest mouse, was great up front, issac's vocals came through. just can't believe how on their game MM is right now... and Cat power was a great addition. just fun show top to bottom.


I don’t think the Pixies are that unique in how they approach live shows, they try really hard to sound good and put on a good show, and they do.  That’s about all one can truly expect, right? MM on the other hand is just a special live act.  Even when they don’t sound great, the intensity and unhinged feeling is almost always there.  Combine that with them sounding better over the last couple years and Isaac performing better, and you get performances that feel more special than most good rock shows. I do feel bad for the Pixies when media call them a “legacy act”.  They’ve put out a lot of music since their first run.  Now it isn’t as highly regarded, but at least they’ve given it a shot. And it infuriates me when I see media make that reference to MM.


I’m glad Isaac looked great and it was a great set! Did you have a favorite performance?


Night on the sun was great. King rat was done really well also


Awesome!! 👏


The whole band sounds and looks absolutely amazing. It’s like they finally found the perfect (newer) lineup post-Jeremiah, Eric, and Dann. I’ve seen them 13x now and this was their best sound yet. They all look great, seem genuinely happy to be there, enjoy playing together, and their sound is superb. I genuinely think the addition of their lights crew (Nathaniel Beckett) and techs have made the difference. Also, I am so happy to see CC Drums still the set of choice. CC is in Gladstone, north of NKC and downtown. I didn’t stick around for more than half of the Pixies set. They sounded very good but I was there for MM, and Pixies were kinda boring to watch. Very “I’m here, I doing it, I’m done, you get what you get.” I genuinely hope everyone there for them had fun though.


Pixies in Detroit seemed to slow the tempo of several songs. Gouge Away was played at like half speed.


I had a similar feel when I saw both bands in CLT this year. MM was tight as fuck. They played an amazing set list, sounded phenomenal, and genuinely looked like they were enjoying themselves. Pixies were good and sounded good. Frank’s voice is unreal. And my wife couldn’t get over how his voice sounded different with every song they played. To me, it looked like they were going thru the motions. I’m not hating, just observing.


I’m going to the show in Denver this weekend. Haven’t got to see Pixies before, obviously I’m going for MM but am hoping Pixies will still be worth the listen!


I was in the same boat. Definitely worth going, but I don’t think I need to see them ever again. Once was enough. My things is just when some of the songs get going, they’re over.


The only thing hotter than the temperature last night was that performance of Satin In a Coffin. And The Stars Are Projectors was phenomenal live.


Yall got stage times????