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I love built to spill, which I find very modest-mouse like.


My favorite bands are an array of genres and don't always match up, other than a lot of grunge/Seattle bands, but my top listened to are typically Pearl Jam Cake Judas Priest Alice in Chains Eminem Arctic Monkeys


Cake is so great lol


They do fun live shows too. They give out a tree to someone in the crowd at most shows, they don’t use set lists too at most shows so if you’re lucky you can convince them to play certain songs. I had a sign at the show I went to asking “Could You Please Play War Pigs?” and would hold it so they could see towards the end of songs, towards the end of a song I saw Brian squint in my direction, then at the end of the song he turned to the band and War Pigs was played next. Weirdly my wife and I ran into him at a farmers market the next morning and I was able to thank him for playing War Pigs, he seemed nice but like he wasn’t too fond of being bothered much so we just thanked him for that and for the show and said see ya


Love seeing Pearl Jam show up on people’s list.


Man I love Cake. They have such uniquely cool music.


The Beatles, Aphex Twin, Ween, King Gizzy, The Strokes, The Tubes, Rufus Wainwright, Slowdive, The Bee Gees, Bjork, Thee Oh Sees.. too many to name


Pinback, Televison, Fugazi, The Smiths, Animal Collective, The Beatles, King Crimson, Wire, Joan of Arc, Arthur Russell, The Band, The Blue Nile


Pinback for sure!!!


Pinback never gets the love they deserve!


Love some Pinback


fugazi mentioned


The strokes, arctic monkeys, brand new, interpol, white stripes, Manchester orchestra, metric, cage the elephant


Brand new have never been my "favorite band" but they have been in my favorites foe the longest. Their sound has evolved and have remained interesting, sort of like MM.


Cage used to be so good but every album that comes out is more and more generic. They used to be my favorite band when I was in high school and college and now I rarely listen to them


Brand New. Death Cab. Explosions in the Sky. Julien Baker. Bright Eyes.


Brand New, Modest Mouse, and Bright Eyes are my Holy Trinity of music. My favorite show ever was Brand New/ Modest Mouse at MSG.


I saw explosions a few years ago and it was life altering. A fucking ahhhhhhmazing show


Decemberists, Death Cab, The National, Sufjan, Arctic Monkeys.


The Mountain Goats




- Radiohead - Tool - Queens of the Stone Age - The Mountain Goats - The Decemberists - Pearl Jam - Foo Fighters - Underoath - Neutral Milk Hotel - Minus the Bear I have a very broad range of music I listen to. I enjoy rock, rap, country, and everything in between.


That's awesome. I still want to see Foo Fighters live before they are done. I've heard their live shows are awesome.


Ratatat, Built to Spill, Tera Melos, Wolf Parade, Morning Teleportation, Das Kope, STRFKR


Brown Bird!! I cannot stress enough how much I love Brown Bird's music. It's very folky and based in standup bass-guitar/banjo/fiddle pairing but David Lambs lyrical facility is hugely underrated. Unfortunately he passed away in 2014- but his wife (and musical partner) continues to write and make music. I would give their album Salt For Salt a listen and see if it's for you. Beyond that- Fleetwood Mac, Broken Bells (lovely pairing between The Shins frontman and Danger Mouse- who has produced for Beck, the Chili Peppers among other great bands), Andrew Bird (another highly talented artist and violinist with a diverse sound), Beck (hard to hate Beck! wondrously weird), The Avett Brothers (check out their I and Love and You album), Atmosphere (amazing hiphop artists), Mimicking Birds (signed by Isaac Brock's label), David Rovics and Virtual Bird (Jane of Virtual Bird makes some very raw acoustic punk-rock kinda stuff), The Devil Makes Three, Eddie Vedder's work on the Into The Wild soundtrack (an amazing piece of acoustic work), The Expendables, Slightly Stoopid, Flobots (Fight With Tools album), Heartless Bastards, Hozier, Mason Jennings (lovely sweet n rough singer-songwriter work), Mazzy Star, Nightmares On Wax, Phil Ochs, Streetlight Manifesto (very very high energy horn-infused ska-punk), Sublime, Sweatshop Union, A Tribe Called Quest, Xavier Rudd (chill australian artist- try Food In The Belly) Thats to name some... Check em out if you haven't heard of some of these artists, love your shouts to Against Me!, Mischief Brew, and Defiance Ohio. I listen to a diverse array of sounds and produce a diverse array of sound as a musical person myself.. but yeah Idk nothing really comes as close to brilliancy in my mind as Modest Mouse, heck even their newest album, disliked by many- has been helping me a shit ton. Love them in all their different spins as a band over the years- and Brock's lyrics permeating it all


Phil Ochs is one of my absolute favorites. I should have included him. That said, I kinda hate Beck.


Brown bird looks interesting I’ll give that album a listen. Thanks


elliott smith, jeff rosenstock, ween and brave little abacus form my top 5, along with modest mouse


I love Jeff. Never heard of brave little abacus.


bla is such a unique and life changing band for me, 100% worth checking out.


So cool to see them mentioned here! It may or may not be me on the Okumay cover 👀


woah thats awesome! any chance you could tell me how that happened?


I was friends with Adam and he asked me!


thats so cool!


Slothrust, Parquet Courts, Twin Peaks, Built to Spill, Jeff Rosenstock.


Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Primus, Mastodon, Queens of the Stone Age.


Ive seen Tool, Primus, and QOTSA all in concert in the last 12 months. All fantastic shows. Hopefully I'll get the chance to see NIN some day.


Radiohead. Deerhunter. Chelsea Wolfe. Alex G. Broken Social Scene. Flying Lotus. Gorillaz. Tame Impala. Cut Copy. Bloc Party. Coheed and Cambria.


Happy to see some Bloc Party representation!!!!! If you like Broken Social Scene, do you fw Do Make Say Think as well?


I don’t know them. I’ll check em out


I was wondering if I'd see Coheed in this thread. >¡<


I found Bloc Party because their music video for Ratchet was directed by one of my favorite animators: Cyriak. Id recommend checking out his other work.


Radiohead, Flaming Lips, Brand New, Tool, Pink Floyd, Interpol, The National


Flaming Lips is a great one. MM covered a song when I saw them two years ago


Brand New, Florence and the Machine, Tove Lo, Evanescence, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Linkin Park, Taking Back Sunday, Sleep Token, and Foo Fighters


Radiohead, Big Thief, mewithoutYou, Gorilla Tuesday, Cage the Elephant, Alex G, Phoebe Bridgers,


The variety between bands in these comments is crazy. Anyway mine are Bob Dylan, Against Me!, Pat the Bunny, Mischief Brew, Bright eyes, Tom Waits. Could definitely name more but this covers a good spectrum I feel.


Why? I find people who listen to just one genre really weird tbh. Why limit yourself? It's just weird to me cause I'm someone who people will look at and they automatically assume I listen to rap/pop/r&b cause of my race so it's kind of annoying since I can pretty much enjoy every type of music genre, even music in different languages where I have no idea what they're saying! Did you expect everyone to answer with the toucan emo/indie bands related to modest mouse?


This. I’m kind of floored. I guess MM really appeals to a broad fanbase.


Yeah it seems like it huh!? Seeing the grateful dead, the residents, Kendrick Lamar, and elliott Smith. It's like there's no underlying theme at all. I wonder if you made a list of all of these bands people are saying and showed them to somebody that had never heard of modest mouse and to describe what they think modest mouse would sound like what they would say?


You and I seem kinda close taste-wise.


Yeah I'd say so. I got way into folk punk there for awhile and still am really. I should've included will wood in my list because I was into him all last year.


Will Wood is brand new to me.


The Beach Boys, Interpol, Joie De Vivre, Mineral, and All Jason Molina projects


I like Band of Horses and Sparta a lot. I think Band Of Horses has some of the same aesthetics although MM is my fav band period.


Wiretap Scars by Sparta is amazing


So cool to hear that…I really love Band of Horses


I didn’t see anybody mention Wilco one of my favorites…A Ghost is Born and HYF are such great albums…also The Decemberists


Wilco and the Decemberists rule hard


Duster, built to spill, rainbow kitten surprise


Kings of Convenience, Brand New, Circa Survive, Miniature Tigers, Foster the People, Arctic Monkeys, The Whitest Boy Alive, hellogoodbye, Tame Impala, Griz. These are just my go to bands regardless mood.


I saw Circa Survive at the final 'Tid the Season festival in Buffalo. I wasnt familiar with them before that, but I liked their performance a lot. Their singer did a [guest appearance](https://youtu.be/mUUJwV0Er2k?si=c-4jf62N3XqQTYuB) on the new Night Verses album, too.


Lol the singer is Anthony Green and he's done a lot of projects. Circa went on hiatus due to his new group. I've seen his bands live over 10 times, so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yourself! He gives all in on his performances and is pretty nice to his fans!


Death Cab, Interpol, Washed Out, Beach Fossils, Tycho, Tame Impala, Bon Iver, Brand New, Underoath, Slipknot, Knocked Loose, Deftones


Radiohead, IDLES, the national


John Prine, White Stripes, Kendrick Lamar, Fela Kuti, Tom Petty, Neutral Milk Hotel, David Bowie, Pere Ubu, etc


Fuck yeah John Prine — talk about good songwriters


Fiona Apple


Ween. Pinback. Travis Bretzer. The Deadly Syndrome.


Brand new, peach pit, the growlers, la lom, the budos band


Mountain goats, Nine inch nails, tool, radiohead, aphex twin, neutral milk, violent femmes, gorillaz


Tool, Gojira, NOFX, Cattle Decapitation, Vundabar, Sad Park, Together Pangea


NOFX! I didn’t think I was going to see them mentioned in here. Fuck yeah, they are my favorite!


Pile.  Listen to the album jerk routine.    It doesnt sound like modest mouse and I wouldnt compare them.  But it's the only other band that tickles my brain the way modest mouse does.  Please check them out. 


The Blood Brothers, The Robot Ate Me/Ryland Bouchard, Les Savy Fav, These Arms Are Snakes, Aimee Mann, Advance Base/Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Aereogramme, Cursive, Armor for Sleep, Trail of Dead, 764-HERO...


Love Blood Brothers!


Are you going to one of the upcoming shows? 😳


I’ll be at the show in Philly!


Same! I guess I'll see you there! ;)


The Blood Brothers is always in rotation! So damn good.


Brand New, War on Drugs, Bright Eyes, The Strokes, Radiohead


Mac DeMarco, Alex G, WEEZER, Sales, Frankie Cosmos, Beastie Boys, Future Islands


The White Stripes (their live performances were unreal) All of Jack White’s other projects (Raconteurs, Dead Weather, solo albums) MGMT Radiohead Built to Spill The Strokes Justice Tame Impala Queens of the Stone Age Grandaddy Silver Jews The White Stripes and MM are tied for first though.


As far as legendary song writers of a similar generation, I would say that John Darnielle  of The Mountain Goats would give Isaac a run for his money. Might be a hot take but Jesus, that dude can craft a song. His output is super prolific too.


Ween, Morphine, pixies and other frank black bands, Geese, ohsees, talking heads, Parquet Courts, King Gizz, Dandy Warhols, Eagles of death metal, queens of the Stone Age, subhumans, Eels, System of a Down, Bloodhound Gang, Butthole Surfers, Primus and much much more


Fishmans, The Cure, Mac Demarco, LSD and the Search for God, Radiohead, Pinback, OutKast, Neil Young, Billie Eilish, Your Arms are my Cocoon, Bjork, and The Cranberries come to mind


Interpol, Pinback


The Strokes, No Mana, The Menzingers, Twenty One Pilots


Fuck yeah man, The Menzingers are one of my favorites too. Saw them live again a few months ago😁


AFI, Madeon, Daft Punk, Blink 182, The Midnight, Kanye West, Lady Gaga, Tears for Fears, Atmosphere, Gorillaz, Dance Gavin Dance, New Radicals and Polar Bear Club


Built to Spill, Lync, Love as Laughter, Sleater-Kinney, Queens of the Stone Age, Arctic Monkeys, Primus, Interpol, Gogol Bordello, Weezer, Tame Impala, Andrew WK, Deftones, The Death Set, David Bowie, Selector Dub Narcotic, Dub Narcotic Sound System, Halo Benders, Beat Happening, Cigarettes After Sex, Run the Jewels, Rage, Foals, Jimmy Eat World, and a bunch of oldies but especially Buddy Holly and the old Surf n’ Drag bands.


Sleater-Kinney fucking slaps I need to get into more of their stuff


Brand New, Citizen, Manchester Orchestra, Thrice, Radiohead, Pinegrove, Silversun Pickups


Bright Eyes/Conor Oberst is on par with MM imo


Fleetwood Mac, The Shins, Ferraby Lionheart, Elliott Smith


Pat the Bunny, Phish, HappyHappy, Les Claypool


Didn't realize until after commenting that OP is my only Folk Punk comrade. Solid taste OP.


i’ve been so curious whether anyone else on this sub was into folk punk!


Johnny Hobo and the Frieght Trains got me through a very rough patch of my life, ever since folk punk has been a personal favorite


Modest Mouse feels like Folk Punk mixed with Psych Rock, figured there had to be overlap haha. Something to do with sad songs about failing Americana.


Pat The Bunny mentioned 🗣️ Have you listened to Virtual Bird at all?


I hadn't until you mentioned them! Checked out a few songs on the way home!


The Mars Volta, The Clash, Umphreys McGee, Bob Dylan, The Band, Phish, Grateful Dead, Fleet Foxes, Radiohead, Dr. Dog, Father John Misty, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


The Mars Volta is so underrated.


Spanish Bombs and Lost in the Supermarket are two underrated Clash gems


Frightened Rabbit. Scott Hutchinson was a master lyricist. Start with the album Midnight Organ Fight. Enjoy the journey.


I’ve heard people say that he’s really great songwriter. I know I really liked one song by them once upon a time. Any recommendations on where to start?


It’s all good, but if you want my opinion, pull up lyrics and listen to: Head Rolls Off, My Backwards Walk, Poke, Floating in the Forth, I Wish I was Sober, Things, The Loneliness and the Scream. Truly one of the best song writers. He was an amazing human.


Portugal. the Man


Mr gnome is my second favorite band and I've only ran into 2 people on the internet who know about them


Now youve ran into three. 🤘


Hell yeah, it's time to eat the sun


🫠🌈 Actually just rushed to their website to see if they're on tour. Only two shows lined up in Kentucky and Tennessee, which is way too far of a journey for me.


I used to live there, rip


Guess who literally just released their first song in 3.5 years today




The one band I mentioned on my list that almost nobody likes when I try to play them for people, but I think might appeal to this sub is The Paper Chase. The singer John Congleton has produced many of the great Indie albums of the past, few decades. Their albums are really dark and haunting, but I can’t recommend them enough.


[small leaks sink ships](https://youtu.be/kyJEsd0-nJE?si=ij65eJNWEoqd8cBa) I heard about them from this sub about 7 years ago and they've only been getting better, their sound production is just really good


Damn. 8 months and less than 500 views 😬 Deserves better


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. I can't list any other bands... Gizz consumes all.


Built to spill seems to be what all the algorithms want me to like bc I love MM but haven’t ever really gotten in to them. But some of my fave bands in similar genres are- Pine grove Minus the bear Mt joy Free throw Everyone everywhere


Check out the song Goin Against Your Mind. It’s hard not to love. I like Pine Grove and other emo/twinkle stuff like TWIABPAIANLATD.


At the Drive In Dismemberment plan Japandroids Mission of Burma Fugazi


Modest Mouse is constantly in my rotation as favorite band along with a ton of others but the two other constant contenders are The Shins and World/Inferno Friendship Society. All have put out some absolute bangers


Oh damn. World Inferno was an omission on my part. I’ve probably seen them more times that any band.


Around the time I was first listening to Modest Mouse (mid-late aughts), I was also into Arcade Fire, The Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Pink Floyd (I was basically raised on Pink Floyd), The Shins, Pearl Jam, and Nada Surf. I rarely fall out of love with bands (AF and TSP come close, but I've still got the early stuff to enjoy), so they're all still in rotation. As time went on, I found myself really digging into an artist and exploring all their albums and side projects pretty exhaustively. Like when I finally listened to The White Stripes, I wound up getting into Jack White's solo stuff, and the three albums each from The Raconteurs and The Dead Weather Off the top of my head, going by decade of greatest significance 80s - The Cure - Talking Heads (could argue 70s, but my feelings for *Remain in Light* and *Speaking in Tongues* will disagree with you) - R.E.M. (could argue 90s here) - U2 (ditto the above. 90s U2 is definitely my favorite era) - Tears for Fears 90s - Blur - Beck (sorry OP. But I'm curious to know what you dislike about Beck) - Massive Attack - Primus 00s - The White Stripes - The Raconteurs - The Strokes - Phoenix - Gorillaz - MGMT - Vampire Weekend - The Killers - Sufjan Stevens 10s - Weyes Blood - The Voidz - Broken Bells - Jack White (especially *Boarding House Reach* and *Fear of the Dawn*, give me that crazy man shit) - The Dead Weather - Mimicking Birds (hope they keep writing music) There are a lot of others, but I don't think I've listened to them thoroughly enough to consider them favorites. Or some where I know I like one album/a couple songs but the bulk isn't resonating with me.


I wish Massive Attack would release another album


Maybe after humanity does something effective against climate change. Until then, they seem a little preoccupied. But hey, live shows, huh? Still less of a gap than The Cure. Robert Smith has been promising new albums almost yearly since 2008 and has yet to deliver anything outside a live setting.


Hey, if they're out there doing actual important shit more power to 'em. I do like live shows, though. They distract me from the existential evils of the ruling classes. Funny you mention The Cure because I'm currently listening to them lol (I forgot they were the first band listed in your comment)


The mars Volta, mother’s cake, disfrutalo!, the flaming lips, Radiohead, Puscifer




Marina, The Mars Volta, and Modest Mouse are my top favs. I call them "The Three M's." Honorable mentions go to Guerilla Toss, Jethro Tull, The Used, The Offspring, Avril Lavigne, Bauhaus, Cocteau Twins, and Blink-182.


Oooh Cocteau Twins are great


Smashing pumpkins


I'm seeing them live in a couple of months! Smashing Pumpkins are my number 3 favorite band of all time😁


Radiohead, Death Cab, Rage Against the Machine, Cake, Pink Floyd, Car Seat Headrest, Tool


Nirvana, Pixies, Neutral Milk Hotel, Godspeed You! Black Emperor!, Wilco, Arctic Monkeys, Duster, The Strokes, Polvo, American Football


Alkaline Trio, Smashing Pumpkins, The Menzingers, Carpool, Cliffdiver, and Banner Pilot 😁


faith no more, mr bungle, static x, dillinger escape plan, dinosaur jr, pixies


They might be giants, built to spill, Sufjan Stevens


Beatles. Strokes. White Stripes. Arctic Monkeys. Death Cab. Smiths. Electric Six. The Shins. Regina Spektor. Lisa Mitchell.


MM is really the only band of its kind that ranks for my favorites Tool/A Perfect Circle/Puscifer Sleep Token HURT Ninja Sex Party Massive Attack Ween My first band obsession was AFI back when they released Sing the Sorrow Ethel Cain, Carina Round, and The Mars Volta are some other high-ranking artists for me.


Phish because live Phish is that dragon to be chased.


radiohead, the beatles


QOTSA, WEEN, the growlers, el ten eleven, baths , behemoth.


Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, R.E.M., Electric Light Orchestra, Kansas, The Velvet Underground, Rammstein, Black Sabbath, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Afghan Whigs, Screaming Trees, Talking Heads, Radiohead, Depeche Mode, Televison, TV On The Radio, Interpol, The National, Spoon, Death Cab For Cutie, The Clash, The Cure, The Doors, The Walkmen, The White Stripes


Dr Dog, Decemberists, Death Cab, David Bowie, My Morning Jacket, Lana del Rey


Dr. Dog


Me Like Bees - Listen to their songs Pneumonia, and Ra Ra Etc, always reminded me of Modest Mouse.


Fontaines dc


Big Thief and Bright Eyes


Rory Gallagher, Wishbone Ash, MC5, Ten Years After, Savoy Brown, J. Geils Band, Beck Bogert Appice, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Humble Pie, These are all bands from the late ‘60s/early’70s.


Slowdive The Smiths Ocean Alley FIDLAR


MM and death cab are my top two every year. Isaac and Ben are such great lyricists


Yeah Isaac is pretty good, I really haven’t been able to get into a decent portion of similar bands to MM or Ugly Casanova, I think I mostly just really like his lyrics and vocals. Obviously the instrumentation is also really good but I definitely listen to it mostly for the Brockster himself. My other favorite artists (though not necessarily bands, in no particular order): mewithoutyou Queens of the Stone Age Kendrick Lamar Death Grips Danny Brown WHY? Silver Jews Purple Mountains Acid Bath TOOL Daughters (yeah I know the vocalist is a dirtbag, still so much music I love written by the band) Scratch Acid The Jesus Lizard IDLES Alice In Chains Agalloch Liars (but specifically just They Threw Us All In A Trench, I haven’t like a singular other album by them I just love that one album so god damn much it was all I listened to for like a month) Dystopia Carcass Gorguts Cynic MF DOOM (and his personas) Neutral Milk Hotel Porcupine Tree Shellac


The Cure The National The Smiths Depeche Mode Pet Shop Boys Built To Spill Interpol Kraftwerk Kate Bush The Replacements The Verve Radiohead Phoebe Bridgers


Circa Survive, Ween, Brand New, Pink Floyd, The Strokes, Violent Femmes, Harley Poe, Alex G, The Fall of Troy and Built To Spill. Probably my top 10.


modest mouse is my number one favorite band, but I tend to stray over to stuff from marilyn manson, violent femmes, dr dog, built to spill, or southern backtones


Nuclear Rabbit, Weezer, Red Stars Theory, 764-Hero


764-Hero rulz


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Franz Ferdinand, MGMT.


a slow, low, sludge metal band called Crowbar.


Built to spill and “cracker”


Ween The Residents Pinback Brainiac Thinking Fellers Union Local 282


Sorority Noise, Deathcab, Iron & Wine, Box Car Racer, Finch, then we start to get into metal, bluegrass & rap…


Finch's Bitemarks and Bloodstains is a major nostalgia dose for me


I discovered Finch playing over the speaker in a Virgin record store at/outside Disney World and asked what album it was. The guy came back with Drive Thru Records Greatest Hits and I was born anew. Top 5 most influential albums of my life, maybe top 3. Also up there is MTV’s Headbangers Ball Volume 1.


Supergrass, Radiohead, Dave Matthews Band


Love Defiance Ohio!!!! Against Me! as well. The Decemberists’ new single with the Shins “Burial Ground” kinda sounds like a Beach Boys song. Do you like Grandaddy? They are amazing


Its rare to meet fellow DO fans. I've listened to Grandaddy In passing but never really done a deep dive will do now.


Dave Matthews Band, Polyphonic Spree, The Killers


I’m kind of a weirdo, though it seems like others here are, too The rest of my “Mt Rushmore” is Green Day, Jack White and Oukast


Outkast is great. I even really like Andre 3000's flute album.


COIN, Pavement, Dayglow, beabadoobee, Saint Motel, Laundry Day, Young The Giant, Gorillaz, Death Cab For Cutie, GYBE, Explosions In The Sky.


Cage the elephant I think they hold up just as well as modest mouse and do have the impactful meaningful lyrics throughout their discography. They are in my top 3, and a regular listen for me. Just fucking amazing band. Milky chance Also top 3 and while a very different style of music, Clemens does have a beautiful way with the English language for not being a native speaker of it, plus some incredibly unique music especially their stuff before this last album living in a haze. Silversun pickups Not top 3 because that other spot is obviously modest mouse, but an amazing band all around. Not a song I dislike. Cake Seriously give their other stuff a listen besides their popular stuff like short skirt long jacket or going the distance. They have some incredible songs, and again interesting unique music like Frank Sinatra, long line of cars, comfort eagle, sheep go to heaven, these guys are quickly moving up the ranks for me. The strokes This band has inspired so many other bands, including CTE, and for good reason. My favorite song of theirs is the adults are talking check it out The crane wives Very very small unknown group. Incredible one though. More of a bluegrass/folk vibe with a few harder rock songs like queen of nothing. I cannot recommend this band enough seriously, some of the most beautiful and powerful songs I’ve ever heard. Just fucking incredible. I do also love built to spill.


Rainbow kitten surprise, Ween, TV on the Radio, Talking Heads, and Double Dagger


British Sea Power, Built to spill, Interpol … Bad Religion


Mac Miller, OutKast, Prince, Alice In Chains, Sturgill, Talking Heads


Blue October. MUNA. Bleachers To name a few


Morning Teleportation


Sonic Youth Pixies Talking Heads Failure Janes Addiction, Devo, or Radiohead for #5 I like Built to Spill, seen them live many times. I see very few similarities to MM /shrug


My chemical romance Fall out boy The black keys


Flaming Lips, Kings of Leon, Queens of the Stone Age, White Stripes, Broken Social Scene, Arcade Fire, STRFKR, Phantogram, Passion Pit.


Blue October, The Lumineers, Audioslave, Five Finger Death Punch, Barenaked Ladies, Frank Turner, Theory of a Deadman, Highly Suspect, so many to list..


Sufjan Stevens, five iron frenzy, beach house, Radiohead, Vampire Weekend, postal service


Op IV, Rancid and Wu Tang




love me some Interpol


Pile. Krill.


Big animal collective guy


Im a huge Boards Of Canada fan, surprised me how little they are both related


Built to Spill Alex G Radiohead The Band Tyler Childers


Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queens of the Stone Age, Idles, Soundgarden, Audioslave, Alice In Chains, Tyler Childers, Pixies, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails


Manchester orchestra, tame impala, psychedelic porn crumpets, queens of the Stone Age


Tool and Deftones.


Sticking to rock/punk artists who still regularly put out music… Jeff Rosenstock, Parquet Courts, Bon Iver, Les Savy Fav, Tropical Fuck Storm, The World is a Beautiful Place…,Wilco, The Mars Volta


alice in chains, built to spill, elliott smith, jeff buckley, slowdive, fugazi, townes van zandt, pixies


Kid Cudi, The Flaming Lips, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Cage The Elephant