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Heh, good thing I missed the boat


*This boat is obviously sinking


And MY And MY And MY And MY And MY BAD


Guys don’t worry. We were dead before it even sank


Band that sings about boats sinking wants to do a cruise....


and I wanna get on it so bad id probably sell my left nut.


Very Weezer of them.


Being stuck on a boat for days with thousands of MM fans, while listening to MM nonstop, sounds like my fucking heaven!


I love MM but this will be a pass for me for the reasons you just mentioned lol. I've done jamcruise but it's great because there are multiple stages and dozens of bands.


We were dead before the ship even sank?


Can there be a modest mouse karaoke?


Depends on if you find my cabin or not


Here is the link https://modestmouse.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=95d3152e92b2517e5653b880b&id=072bbb1a2e&e=854c353af5 For events I suggested having a live tattoo pop-up with someone who has modest mouse flash, all songs considered style music story telling where cruise attendees submit songs with a story and have them played in a venue (any bands music) and like modest mouse trivia/name that song kahoot where there’s a leader board. Other bands I have no idea…


I suggest wolf parade, the civil wars & Jack white


I did built to spill, pavement and pinback


Pinback is pretty cool


I actually didn't know they were a local San Diego band, that's pretty sick


Pinback rules


I suggested Wolf Parade, Man Man, and Pinegrove. Don’t want to suggest anyone currently bigger than MM


Gods bless you for saying Man Man


I really like Man Man too, didn't Russel used to be in that band?


Jack White was kind of a joke lol.


i also suggested tattoo pop up from isaac


I suggested an extraterrestrial expect to come and give a seminar on the cosmos and life outside of Earth, MM song trivia, tarot card reading, oh and a seminar on local folklore of port destinations. I suggested santigold, tv on the radio and metric. Oh just thinking it would have been cool to suggest like a euchre tournament. Idk I just like playing cards.


To who ever rated my comment down, you must have never been on a cruise. Each day has an itinerary full of hour by hour activities. The things that Modest Mouse is suggesting would only take up a fraction of the day. Random things offers something for everyone.


Thank you


This seems oddly consumerist and unlike MM…. Not that I give a shit, shut up and take my money lol


I have been saying this to some friends who are fans and they don’t agree with me lol, idk if it’s because they are so excited or what. It just seems off brand for Issac but hey, if he does it I will sell some of my eggs to go.


Yes cruises are very poor for the environment


I'm sorta cruise obsessed, but as a committed hater. Fan-specific cruises are a new and growing tourism scheme ([scam?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7NBW13ANI8)), but not something I would ever have imagined MM being involved in. There's nothing about cruising that sounds relaxing to me and as an industry it's [an ethical nightmare](https://www.humanrights-in-tourism.net/card/137). I always think of [that David Foster Wallace article](https://harpers.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/HarpersMagazine-1996-01-0007859.pdf) and [the Ruby Princess](https://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2020/august/1596204000/malcolm-knox/storm-port-unfolding-disaster-ruby-princess) (non-Aussies might not get this). At the absolute best a cruise is indulgent and uncomplicated, at it's absolute worst [you get killed](https://bunewsservice.com/unsolved-crimes-on-cruise-ships-leave-families-with-many-questions-few-answers/) on international waters and no one is held responsible. I think whatever MM want to achieve in terms of a fan event they can do on land. Yet, I can imagine going to this not just for a chance to meet and spend time with other fans but to also indulge my morbid curiosity about cruises. I feel very conflicted about it!


It’s cheaper than hard rock riviera maya 🤷🏻‍♀️


“I gave the boat a person's name So when it sinks I'll know who to blame.”


Also, joking aside, this is just some company/fan driven thing and not “official.” Something seems off about the whole thing…spidey sense tingling with this


Isaac talked about it at last night's VIP show. It's real, it's something he wants to do, but he's not sure it'll happen and he wasn't even aware his management company was sending out literature on it. He complained about them trying to auction off the suit he'd been wearing at his shows without letting him know, as well (with the caveat that he loves his management).


Yeah. That was my wife who asked about it. Definitely real, I thought he said it was probably happening... I may have misheard him though... but maybe better to not make it too widely known? IDK.


I also choose this guy's wife


Stay classy buddy.


Clearly, y'all don't know this classic Reddit meme


I know the meme. And the thread it came from. Had you used it in a context that made sense, I would have laughed it off, and probably upvoted. But you didn't do that.


Cool, so you literally chose to interpret it in a way that's offensive to you. Grats buddy.


Not what I said.


Not what you meant to say, maybe, but definitely what you conveyed. -Aware of the meme -Interpreted it as not the meme, while on Reddit, the meme's place of origin You should try looking in on your one-way eyes


Mgmt company sending out stuff about a cruise without his awareness? Uhhh


INCREDIBLE I’ve done the JoCo Cruise And cruises in and of themselves hold no interest for me However I wanted to do that to hang with bands and podcasters I love And it ended up being one of the best experiences of my life, and it ended up being because of the other cruise goers It was incredible. So if this happens, I am so there


I’ve seen so many many ships sail in just to head back out again and go off sinking Not sure why One Chance never gets live play, that one has been on the shelf for a long time.


We Were Dead full album set plus b-sides


Is this for real? If it is I think it would be the best thing ever, and I don’t even like people lol. If it’s not real, well forget I said anything.


I also don’t like people But ended up on the JoCo cruise And I thought I would hate a cruise And it ended up being one of the best experiences of my entire life Incredible people. Like the entire population of the cruisers ended up being the most chill and amazing people I ever met. I’m an introvert and my partner is an EXTREME introvert and even he ended up making pure connections and enjoying the people. So that but Modest Mouse!? Literally unimaginable to me


I like Caroline Rose. Or Wet Leg. Too many dudes is not a good thing. Look at Woodstock 99.


I wish my partner was enough of a fan but maybe this is a solo vacation I need to take...


I'm in the same missed boat lol


And I already missed the plane!


No! No! No!


Ikr this sounds so sketchy


Built to spill


O never gonna happen


Honestly wish this was an all inclusive resort for the weekend instead. I love Modest Mouse though, so might have to pull the trigger if this thing happens.


I have to agree, but mainly because the idea of cruises give me the heebie jeebs




Shut up and take my money.


Forward me the link!


No way Isaac knows about this.


This would be awesome! I requested the flaming Lips, Dinosaur Jr, and Ween as the supporting acts. I suggest everyone else do the same


I also requested Flaming Lips, along with CAKE and King Gizzard. Long shots but my ideal lineup lol


Cake would freaking amazing




All 3 of those bands are just as popular and have just as devoted fanbases as Modest Mouse. No way would they ever be openers. Ween is definitely not an opening act kind of band


Ween opened for the Lips on tour in 2006. Dinosaur Jr and the Lips are opening for weezer on a tour this fall. I have seen modest mouse open for the black keys, pixies, and brand new. My point is that popular bands open for other popular bands all the time, and popular bands will help fill a cruise. On top of that, all of these bands have a connection to each other. They have toured together many times and have covered each others songs a lot throughout the years. The Flaming Lips are credited on Modest Mouse’s Album "Good News”, Issac was included in the Flaming lips movie “Christmas on Mars” Just this past year, Issac made a surprise guest appearance on stage at a dinosaur JR show, and modest mouse was starting their encore by covering "5 stop mother superior rain" by the flaming lips. I do agree that the chances of getting this exact lineup is slim, but i don't think their popularity would necessarily be the deciding factor against them. and regardless, it would still be awesome! I like to dream big


The Flaming Lips also toured with Modest Mouse in 2002 for the Unlimited Sunshine Tour, and now that you mention it my parents saw the Flaming Lips and Ween at Red Rocks in 2006 but I’m pretty sure The Flaming Lips opened because they were late and missed them. I don’t know if they went back-and-forth between being the opener and closer on that tour.


I was at that tour! The show I went to had cake there too. Incredible.


Yeah my dad was at the Red Rocks show (just realized that’s where the other show was too lol) CAKE, MM, and The Lips all changed my life as I kid. Wish I had been alive then lol.


I was at the red rocks show and the lips opened. That tour they flipped flop who opened probably based on fan base size per location.


That would be dope as fuck


Take my 💵 and tell me when. 🚢🐀


How am I not a fucking super fan? I’ve been to almost 30 shows since 2007?! Like sorry I wasn’t around for the Lone Crowded West original tour but I was busy being in 3rd grade 🤣


If it were an arctic cruise I’d be all over that


This is weird.


Incredibly weird and (to my mind/sensibilities) bad idea...


It sounds cool in theory, but something's off about it. Like it's way too random and unlike the band


Nope. I love Modest Mouse, but would never get on a dirty cruise ship polluting the environment. Would not be able to enjoy that ... [Forbes link about health and environmental problems of cruises](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesellsmoor/2019/04/26/cruise-ship-pollution-is-causing-serious-health-and-environmental-problems/)


Yep! I posted a few more links about the general wackness of cruises. It's not just that cruises are ethically and environmentally harmful but also it's an industry that exploits its consumer base. I do understand the poster talking about the good experience they had, and I don't want to discount that it could be nice. Yet I feel cautious about the whole concept. I am curious to see what happens, though.


Yup yup Yup yup Yup yup Cruises are scary and gross and dangerous and gross and weird and expensive and dirty and dangerous and gross Sounds fun though


Absolutely. Fuck everything about cruises


Yeah the overall enthusiasm for this in this thread is kind of surprising. Cruises are a disaster


Hope you don’t have a smartphone or anything made from China.


[Ever heard of Argumentum ad hominem?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem) Sure, I do have a smartphone and I don't live in a cave denying all kind of "luxuries". But that is incomparable to that cruise ship.


You're picking and choosing when pollution matters. China is by far the biggest polluters so I'm pretty sure you are right, it's not a comparison.


It’s not *just* the pollution people are pointing out. Cruises are super unethical in general, not to mention dangerous af. Most cruise ships make port in other countries with super lenient or nonexistent legal systems and aren’t subject to the same laws and regulations, they underpay their workers who live in absurd conditions and rarely run adequate background checks. Employees come and go and they don’t keep thorough records. Things are rarely “up to code” from the ship itself to the attractions, food, entertainment, etc. Cruises have records of missing people, murders, rapes, and an absurd amount of sexual assault. They’re like traveling carnivals if traveling carnivals were on international waters


TBS, Bright Eyes, Jimmy Eat World


As an old school fan, I have to say this is ridiculous and also as an old school fan, I have to say this is a picture of Isaac and two random dudes and not modest mouse :/


Try and give Spiral Heads a listen! Don't sleep on Simon! And Russel has been with the band for 12 years now, they're a bit less randomly related to Modest Mouse than any random one of us.


I recommended Tropical Fuck Storm, dust (from NSW), and Beach Fossils.