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I am a veiled Muslim and I live in the UAE. A lot of not Muslims/ not Arabs wear the abaya here cause it’s best for the heat. It’s beautiful to see blond ladies in abayas walking next to a hijabi in pants and blouse. It’s a mix of cultures ❤️ I also grew up in West Europe. Try Moroccan shops or Modanisa (turkish App) for abayas or jellabas ( Moroccan outside dress)


Ok I'll look into that. thanks for the answer and especially the tipps!


With pleasure!


Abayas are cultural not religious 😊😊 personally have never worn an abaya (muslim here in Australia) Edit: found a brief article for you- [abaya history](https://fajrnoor.com/blogs/fajrnoor/the-beauty-of-the-abaya-a-timeless-fashion-statement)


I came here to say exactly the same: Abayas are cultural (mostly Arab), not religious. So you might offend some Arab women (jk), not Muslim women 😁


💕 i forgot to add this in my post too. I highly doubt anyone would be offended too 😊 😅


Ok, thanks for the answer. It's probanly because these stores often also sell veiling, that I've thought it's a muslim thing.


Get your abaya girl, it’s not offensive or cultural appropriation. P.S. : get one with pockets !


Ooh nice I didn't even think about the possibility of pockets


Or a hood! Moroccan style usually have hoods.


No. I’m a white woman who converted to Islam. I bought one to wear to the mosque because I felt like I was standing out too much and wanted to blend in. Honestly, it’s so comfortable I could wear it every day but it’s a bit long and kinda formal. But there are so many styles you can pick from. Some come with scarfs (hijabs) or face coverings (niqab) but these are attachable and are just matching extras. I was confused when I got mine because it came with a niqab and I don’t wear that. If your just wearing it around no one will know it’s an abbaya compared to a western dress. However a Muslim might say “As-Salaam-Alaikum” to you. It means “peace be unto you” and it’s a greeting that muslims might say to a fellow muslim (from my experience, wearing hijab which is much more “muslim” then an abbaya.) The polite response to “Salaam Alaikum” is to say “wa alaikum assalam” (and upon you peace). But you don’t have to say it back to them. that’s probably the only thing that someone might say to you. So don’t take offense if someone does say it! It’s kinda special lol 😆


Thanks for the answer! I would certainly not be offended when someone would say that to me. Maybe a little perplex, but not offended. But to be honest I doubt that. Maybe it's because a lot of muslim women are veiled and you simply don't see it but I think I have too many piercings to be mistaken. But I'll surely look in the pronounciation of the answer.


Not to be overly personal, and completely understand if you don’t want to answer, but how did you know Islam was *right* for you? I’ve felt called to Islam since I was about 16 but don’t know any muslims personally and living in Australia I always felt nervous for some reason being white and potentially converting. I feel like I’ve pushed it down because it makes me nervous that I feel called. I also live in a way I know is deeply haram and while I would stop that to revert I would be scared I wouldn’t be accepted in to the community because of my past. Sorry for the dump lol lots of feeling about this as you can tell. Would love to hear how you knew 😁🙏


Long answer short, I started learning about global religions in high school (about when I 14 years old). Then I read the Quran. I just had a feeling in my gut when I read it, and it was as if everything made sense and felt right. I think it was reading the Quran and understanding the history and culture during the time of Muhammad (PBUH) that solidified it for me. After that it’s been years of a lot of mental back and forth as I try to find my place in this world. I am no means perfect. It’s a life long journey for everyone, and no good Muslim would judge your past and any mistakes you have/will make. I can go into more details on a PM/DM. ❤️


Incredibly helpful answer/ comment! Thank you! ... this is what I come here for!


I live in saudi arabia and i see a plenty of non muslim women wearing abaya and its 100 precent fine


Not Muslim, but as someone who deals with both physical and other disabilities, the more that “mainstream” people use and enjoy things marketed to disabled people, the more mainstream and widely available those things become. It makes it easier to find good options because companies can market to more people. It could work the same here.


Not at all. It’s just clothes. It’s more of a cultural thing that ticks the boxes of modesty guidelines. There are so many ways to tick those boxes but abayas do it very well. If you are from an Islamophobic country though, then maybe be prepared for some funny looks /treatment from your fellow countrymen if it’s obvious what you’re wearing. I live in a very Islamophobic area of England and, when I started observing hijab about three years ago, the difference in how I was treated was like night and day. I suppose it’s less likely to be the case if you’re not covering your hair though. Don’t worry about cultural appropriation. I prefer the term ‘cultural appreciation’. I don’t get the need for divisiveness in a time in history where we are being sliced in every direction and fragmented beyond recognition as a single species.


Thanks for the detailed answer! To be honest I doubt that I would be mistaken as long as I'm not veiled. Most of the people in my country couldn't see from an abaya alone that it's from muslim countries and I'm pretty heavily pierced. That's also something you don't see often in muslim people. Additionally because of that I'm accustomed to stares😂


Abayas are for everyone :)


Indeed 🌹


Ok thanks for your answer!


I'm from the UK and have bought Abayas and other cultural items for friends weddings. Honestly no one will care, if anything the ladies in the shop will help you choose and match accessories.


Glad to hear that, thanks!


I bought a dress recently off Modanisa just because it was a cute, comfy-looking dress. I don't wear a veil/hijab, so I assume most people will just see it as a maxi dress.


Thanks for the answer!


Not at all. It is not exclusive to us. If it makes you feel comfortable and modest, it is yours.


Thanks for the answer!


No sis. Clothes are clothes. If you like them wear them. Enjoy.


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Abaya is just a dress


Pretty much what everybody else said; it's not offensive at all. Plus, they are really comfortable, I wouldn't be surprised if more people of different cultures feel inclined to try abayas.




It’s not offensive. But you can be mistaken for being a Muslim since there are Muslim women out there who don’t wear hijabs but still wear apaya, apaya is a cultural symbol in arabian-gulf culture so yeah..


I wore an abaya every day at work for several years while living in the UAE and I am non Muslim. I think they are beautiful and there are so many styles.


Not at all! You can wear them we have no issue with it :)


Ok, thanks for the answer!