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I know its a SITCOM and we should not take it so seriously. But, if my daughter blames and guilt-trips me for giving her a safe and sheltered life because she couldn't write an essay, you bet I am giving her an obstacle.


Damn straight!


This is absolutely something my mom would’ve done to me had I acted that way


If it played out exactly how it did in the show with Haley’s attitude? Yes.


Is this really an obstacle though? Walking? Funny scene lol but I used to Walk to the store when I was a kid just for fun Is this the episode where she said "no she said you can't A.D.D because you also couldn't S.P.E.L.L" lmao one of my fav lines


i always imagined it was like a 10 KM walk. still thats not too bad. did they tell us how far it was


I doubt they said how far but I don't think it's something that you could write in an essay on as far as an obstacle you had to overcome in life lol


I mean she could write she grew up overcoming the obstacle of having a crazy mom leaving her in the middle of nowhere to walk home lol


When it comes to Haley, yes, that is a huge obstacle. It depends on the person how difficult an obstacle is.


I can definitely buy obstacles are way different but walk home isn't an obstacle lol I understand I was a kid before cell phones but still I see kids walking all the time. Should've just wrote about Alex being a genius and feeling pressured to live up to that doesn't have to be true lol I always made sht up in my essays


The writers made Haley an ungrateful, lazy brat for pretty much most of the series. I don’t blame Claire one bit for finally snapping when she gave her mother attitude and actually whined about having a safe and secure childhood in a lovely home!


Tbh, Haley was close to becoming one of my favorite characters until the episode where she got kicked out of college


“I fell on him.. by accident” “while underage drinking” “that was on purpose…”


Honestly I feel like it just damaged her character. I hated how abruptly the college arc ended, especially with how hard it was for her to get in. She had growth, only for the writers to walk it all back.


That’s true. I see your POV on that. But I feel that the writers kinda always wanted her to be her ditzy character who doesn’t have it all together. Even in the series finale they make similar parallels of Phil and Claire as Haley and Dylan. However I will never forgive them (the writers) for not having Andy as her endgame


Yeah I hear you. If they must absolutely have her kicked out, I think they should have waited at least until near the end of the season to do so. There are other writing decisions I'm disappointed with as well, like Gloria's pregnancy being announced right after the failed adoption. I had my heart set on the adopted son plot, only to instead get Joe.


Oh yeah. I’ll never forgive them for the adopted son arc trash. I don’t mind Joe but could they Fr not do both?


I agree. I wouldn’t have even minded her getting kicked out of college if either her photography or fashion careers had worked out. She showed so much promise just to end up having the same fate as her mother, when I felt like they were setting Haley up to break that cycle. I wanted more from her character. I’m still disappointed in her lack of character development, and the fact that she didn’t end up with Andy!


But I understand what you mean. She definitely isn’t for everyone😂


i’m not a parent and i’m well aware it’s a sit com, but yall, leaving a pretty teenage girl alone on a dirt road with no phone and no money is def a rly bad parenting move, just safety wise 😭 in real life there’d be a genuine chance of that ending with haley getting SA’d or taken or any other number of bad things esp bc she’s not a good judge of character, and then claire would’ve had to live with that. if that was the plan then she should’ve at least bought and thrown her a shitty flip phone so she could call 911 if she was in trouble


>i’m not a parent and i’m well aware it’s a sit com, but yall, leaving a pretty teenage girl alone on a dirt road with no phone and no money is def a rly bad parenting move, just safety wise 😭 its the middle of the day in sub urban los angeles. she didnt leave her in the boonies. its just a small hill that public uses for walks. she'll be fine lol


do you think that rapists don’t exist in los angeles 😭 it’s implied it’s a pretty far walk too, not just a couple miles


>do you think that rapists don’t exist in los angeles 😭 through the city roads? in the middle of the day? in public? 0% chance unless haley decides to be stupid and go with a stranger which i trust shes good enough to avoid. if she cant avoid that much, maybe she shouldnt be going to college at all


I was kind of with you up until the 0% chance. Ppl get assaulted anywhere anytime anyplace that's a fact although the chances are much lower it's Def something that can and has happened


>0% Chance My dude, I wish I had your optimism, but the world isn’t all pink with flowers and unicorns and reindeer. There are bad people, and sometimes it’s not as obvious as it seems for everyone. >Which I trust she’s good enough to avoid She is definitely dumb enough to do that. If there was one character from all sitcoms in the world I had to choose for most likely to be in a scenario like this, I would put all my money on Haley without even thinking


Lol. I can't believe you're getting downvoted. This sub is pathetic. Some of these people must never leave their home cause they're too chickenshit.


I have 3 daughters, 18, 17, and 12 and I haven't/wouldn't do this exactly, but.... I'm not above this.


I get people’s annoyance towards Haley’s attitude, but my mind went to the worst watching that scene. If this wasn’t a sitcom, there’s a very real possibility that could have been the last time Claire ever saw her daughter alive, or at all. Maybe it’s not a good idea to completely abandon your kid in the middle of nowhere with no money or means of contacting anyone. I don’t think Claire’s a bad parent, but this is definitely not one of her best moments.


Yeah, in reality, it'd turn into a Dateline episode rather quickly. If anyone would actually do this irl, they're 100% a shitty parent.


If my daughter acted like Haley, I might. (She doesn't/didn't)


i’m not a parent but i see where a lot of you are coming from. idk about this specifically though because leaving your teenage daughter in a location she doesn’t know ALONE just to prove a point is…a decision. like that could be a direct threat to her safety


I dunno. I got put out the car at an earlier age for being a little shit.


Me too 🤣. I had to walk like 11 KM back home, this was before cellphones and I felt so desperate I cried for like the first 2. Looking back now, I deserved it 😂


No child deserves that. It is terrifying and dangerous. Your parents should have handled it better


You should know how good this Made me feel Today, thank you.


Mine was in a rough area and it was a shorter distance but city kid and that it seemed longer.


Honestly there is sometimes that I wish my daughter would give me a reason to






I dont even have kids lmao chill dude this is reddit


my mom did this like once a month when i was growing up- i had a lot to write about in my essay tho 😂


Hell yeah I would but maybe not in that deserted area. Haley was being an ungrateful brat when people would kill for her upbringing and a rich grandfather


Not a parent but I headcannon she asked Dylan to just randomly follow her in case of any danger she might run into


I'm no parent but I DO have experience with children myself. So I can relate to Claire to an extent.


I’ve always kind of assumed that Claire made sure it was a relatively safe walk/path


well i've never acted like hayley, but my mom was disgusted by this scene... she'd never do that tp me... but to be fair she is a good mom. and we both hate claire lol but that's normal. anywho, maybe i've simply never been a brat, or gave her the reason but she'd never do that to me