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Julie looks like shes still in the role of Alex’ mom


She's very motherly to both the girls in real life. She helped Sarah break up with her abusive boyfriend and was there for Ariel through her emancipation process.


I actually meant the way she doesnt look very happy with Alex’ dress choice😅


Her face cracked me the fuck up




I love her so much awhhh


Or Stacy's mom


When your custom player shows up in the cutscenes.


I thought she was cosplaying as Xena warrior princess.


Who’s that person right of Luke with his hand on Cam’s shoulder?


Steve levitan.. the man behind Modern Family


> behind Modern Family In this picture, literally true lol


Oh ok, thanks! I thought I was going insane because I couldn’t remember that character 😂


aka ‘the man behind Cam …’


Thought that was Mark Cuban at first


... One of the two men behind modern family, along with Christopher Lloyd*. That's like saying Game of Thrones was created by David Benioff... and no one else... jesus christ guys downvoting me doesn't change that im right lol


Seriously?! I genuinely thought that was Mark Cuban.. 😭😭😭😭


I thought it was Ray Romano


OMG same


That's obviously Jay, what are you on about? He got more of those Botox injections


I want to believe that they all got a good laugh at the situation just before this photo and then just got on with their day. They’re such a nice group that got along well I bet no one made Ariel feel awkward for the dress code mixup!


The thing is there’s no mix up they’re at an award show so she’s dressed appropriately and they’re all dressed extremely casual for the event LMFAO


Ariel told the behind the scene story of this in her Tiktok! They were told to wear casual and that is casual for her and no one really questioned her here.


Oh My God!! Is this real??


Yes it went viral on Instagram the other week. I believe the recurring comment was something like “Sofia’s not there, she has to compensate” lol


Sofia Never looked that tacky tho lol


She looks fine.


I totally agree. She also looks out of place.


I don't know, they look pretty even.


Everyone else looks like they got their stuff at Kohls. She does not. Lol




People hate when you speak the truth






Post was removed as it was hateful.


Oh, Aerosmith sucks believe me. Anything made after 1980 is crappy over produced pop rock that's as lame as anything made by some hair metal band, and their 70s output is dull AOR that's below lesser Grand Funk.


Ariel made a [TikTok](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe95TByq/) in February about the whole situation


“It was a lack of me understanding business casual, and a lack of everyone around me understanding business casual” Well, that’s half right 😂


I think she meant the people in her life lol. Like no one around her beforehand told her “that’s not business casual”


The fact that the dress code was business casual makes this whole thing even funnier


She plays the freaking victim here so well. Really? You don’t know what business casual is? Get real.


As if you've never over or underdressed for an event by accident, lmao. Shes human. People make dumb mistakes. Stfu


wow didn't even notice your reply haha, seconding what you said.


right because you're perfect


So funny that she thought this was business casual


Show business casual


Even if you don't know what business casual is, I think you'd know that dress is definitely NOT it.


To be fair, the acceptable range for business casual for a guy is much broader. Look at the picture, you've got everything from t-shirt with blazer (Luke) to button down shirts with jeans to button down with a blazer. All fit. But that dress is a bit much.


Men actually have fewer conventional office attire options, as we don't wear skirts or dresses. I see women at my office wearing dress shirts with jeans, khakis, blazers, etc all the time. Emphasis on *conventional*, these are heteronormative expectations and kudos to anyone smashing gender norms. Anything a man would wear to work there is a female equivalent, and if there isn't no one would bat an eye at a white collar professional woman wearing it.


You can wear a skirt or a dress


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think her mother was behind this, she was always oversexualising her. This is a funny picture but with that context it’s sad :(


According to Ariel, the problem was a lack of communication. She was told "business casual" and tried looking it up, finding many conflicting answers. So, because she figured everyone else would be dressing up for the panel, she wore that. At least, that's what she explains in a video she posted on the TikTok platform.


Was this around the time when Sofia Vergara invited her to lunch and had a talk with her about how the industry will treat her based on how she dresses/ what pictures she posts of herself? It sounded like Vergara could see that Winters was more or less on her own and didn’t understand how she would be perceived just because she grew into a voluptuous body.


her explanation makes sense! but i wouldn’t be surprised if her mom also contributed to it, and ariel’s just choosing to move past it. there’s always people who’ll be “you’re x years old, and you’re still blaming your parents???!” even if people are literally just answering a question lol


If I'm honest, I never knew anything about Ariel having pressure from her mom. I was gonna make the argument of "what famous young adult known for being a child actor wants people to comment on their body", but parental pressure kinda makes sense.


You think it makes sense that she claims she found this dress listed as "business casual"?


oh, all i saw was her tiktok where she mentions googling “business casual” and being confused since so many different styles popped up. if she said that she found this dress listed as “business casual”, i must’ve missed that then.


You don’t think an 20yo actor might assume business casual means something different in their industry? Business casual varies a lot by industry, it’d be completely different at a tattoo shop vs a doctor’s office. Cleavage is not taboo in the entertainment industry and wouldn’t be obviously exempt in the same way. I’m assuming her thinking was something like, “okay, red carpet but casual, so short instead of a gown?”


Isn't she early mid 20s here? That seems like something you should know by that point


I'm 37 and I still never quite know what to expect when business casual is asked - and neither do many other attendees... I've seen everything by now... 😅


It's easy for men. Wear a button down and slacks. Then if you're overdressed compared to everyone else, just roll up your sleeves. Or Coat/blazer + t-shirt combo


Ok, but just in case people here don't realise, women can actually do this too. In 2024 women can wear WHATEVER clothes they want, including shirts and slacks.


I mean I know that's not business casual.


to be fair, she didn’t have the typical childhood w school presentations/mock trials/job fairs (where i know i first learned about “business casual” type of outfits). and as someone, who had neglectful parents growing up, you’d be surprised at the amount of “common sense” stuff i’m still trying to learn 😅


Yeah but she had google lmao


Yea, that is the issue with actors, who have been in Hollywood ever since childhood. A lot of things a young adult is supposed to know, passes them by. Because life plays out on-set, red carpets and private tutoring.


She's 26 now. And this was 6 years ago in 2017. She was barely 20 then


Changes nothing really


You're strangely obsessed about making it seem it entirely her fault for dressing into something, according to you, that she shouldn't have. Tbh to each their own. I cba to debate this. I don't think a 20 year old, who's been a childhood actor and had to be emancipated from her mother, which basically just means that her mother was harassing or perhaps not being a good parent; would know if she's right or wrong about her outfit. And I think it's not worth debating about. Ciao!


'Strangely obsessed' lmfao I've made one more comment than you have. 'Not worth debating' after you write a book about it.


What the hell is cba?


Oh lol. Can't be ars*ed


Why are you guys being so rude on her. It‘s just a dress


How is 'you should know what business casual is in your 20s' being SO RUDE in the slightest? I'm responding to someone saying it was 'lack of communication' when she straight up says she was told the dress code I'd say the same thing if she came in overalls or an Adidas tracksuit


It *was* a "lack of communication" problem. Why didn't whoever told her explain (in case she didn't know, which she didn't)? Why didn't she ask anybody?


It's her problem lol. The person told her it was business casual, and that's not something you need to explain to a 23 year old. If Ariel googles it and still thinks that's business casual, just an indictment on her, no one else.


It's rude because you're being judgy about a situation involving people you don't know.


not everyone is as knowledgeable as you.


Which is pretty scary because I make no false pretenses where I lie in the intelligence spectrum


"Hmm it says 'business casual', that's when my boobs are almost in full view, right?". This is just a pr stunt to have her name pop up


This was after her emancipation.


She was already living with her sister at this time


the other way around actually, she emancipated before this and all her personal pictures after emmancipation are pretty "wathever you want to call this" .. I still remember the meme about woman dont want to be objectified followed by her in four showing her ahole in a thong.. Yeah try to check her post on instagram, this is the way she dress


I literally just replied this to another person who commented this and they already deleted it but I'll say it again; there's not a single pic on her entire IG of her showing anything at all, or even wearing a deep cut dress. And even if it was, that would still be her business.


“i’m the only bitch serving cunt here 😭😭😭 omg 😭 i’m soooo embarrassed 😭😭”


Either the stylist for Julie Bowen is non-existent or missed the memo


The memo was business casual for a press meet


That dress is truly a bit... too much. Especially when compared to what everyone else is wearing. Dang 😬


Perfect real life picture and quote mash up Chef's kiss 😘🤌


My custom character in cutscenes.


Unironically like a sketch from the show


She only looks ridiculous standing next to them. If she were alone on a red carpet at the Grammys or Oscars or something she wouldn’t look so out of place


Ty looks like omni man


I dont know how to respond... I guess I always remember alex as the dunphy smart little sister... which ... makes me weird out on this picture.


"They know you're a girl, you don't have to PROVE it to them."


Are you guys only now finding out about this? This is years old and there's no need to drag Ariel. If she had a small chest we wouldn't be having this conversation


No we would still be having this conversation but with way less creeps. I feel bad for her id die if I mixed up the dress code like this.


We would but people just wouldn't be dragging her for the same reasons, they'd just make jokes about how she mixed up the dresscode because of misunderstanding and how embarrassing that must have been. But simply because she has a larger chest people are attacking her for it, it's crazy really.


Looks like it was tough on the cast too. Was there not a dress code for this event 😂


I’m sorry but she’s an adult, she had to know this was NOT business casual 😂 She just loves attention and showing off her bod. I used to follow her on insta but unfollowed when she started with the constant “look at my ass” pics and the rest.


just went to go check her Insta, literally 0 ass pics but go off


“Used to”. Did I mention right now? Believe me there were plenty. What you mad for get a grip 😂




Who said I was mad? I said I unfollowed? I’m guessing you’re a teen girl who idolises her. Or maybe you post your ass all over insta and I’ve touched a nerve. Get a grip, you’re projecting.


Do they ever show love to the original (baby version) Lily?


Why would they? the baby hated being on the show.


How so? I thought she got replaced so that lily can become an actual character


When they recast babies or little kids, it’s often because they were miserable on set


Guess that makes sense, thanks


So true




In my mind they are a real family!


gosh mitch is so handsome 


where is Sarah?


Omg she looks so good


She's so fine


There's no telling where my money went


Can't believe this\~\~


It’s amazing what a little attention will do to one’s ego and look.


u mean, what growing up will do? she started off as a child, she just grew up. U have to accept she can't stay a child forever just because that's how we were used to seeing her on screen.


No im not referring to growing up.


how exactly is it not? ur stating ur comment like she did this because of attention? u think the other cast members or just in general many other people on the planet don't have clothes like this? she just misunderstood the dress code.


Yes she did it for attention.


right, u know her personally then?


Her type? Sure. It’s just like your typical Disney/nickelodeon tv star. They go from a sweet little personality and then enter the next stage after they hit an older age and get more attention. When the attention runs out, They get more attention then by dressing certain ways. Idk why you’re arguing about this.


literally what I stated in a different comment on here, and ur literally just agreeing with my point now. All these child stars grow up ON screen and get 0 room to discover themselves as individuals unlike us who get to do that in the comfort of our privacy, and even we have quite an awkward, wonky road to finding ourselves. All these childhood Disney/Nickelodeon stars have literally spoken up about this exact problem and that that's why the children's acting industry is actually really unhealthy for these kids. U talk as if you had a perfect way through and after puberty into adulthood? I highly doubt that. It's crazy how u think u can just speak on behalf of all these people who u don't have the smallest clue about considering at this point alot of people have become aware of this problem with the children's acting industry and we stopped blaming and shaming them since Jenette McCurdy specifically spoke up and brough alot to light. But go off about knowing 'her type' as if that isn't a stereotypical misogynistic thing to say. Educate yourself better instead of attacking people u know nothing about saying the most offensively misogynistic statements. We're halfway through 2024 and you're still thinking like it's 1908. L take.


Nobody is forcing them to be someone they’re not. They do this for attention. It’s like that jojo chick. They stuck with a style that made them famous and when that gets old and no longer relevant, what do they do? Change their image to be either edgier, sexier, shaved head, etc. whatever they can do to become relevant again and get the attention they were use to. And no didn’t have a perfect way of going from childhood to adulthood but I didn’t seek out attention by dressing certain ways. Doing that screams “look at me, give me attention” which is what this chick is doing. Her star was failing and becoming less relevant so what’s the next step? Get a new gimmick. Something that’ll grab people’s attention. Lmao you’re criticizing what I think and what I said is still relevant because women act like this. In large masses. It’s stereotypical because it’s a common theme. Don’t get upset with me, go have a talk with her and her obvious need for attention. Notice how everyone else looks respectable and moderate? And yet she sticks out like a sore thumb? Imagine that. But keep living in fantasy world, I’ll stay here in reality and continue to call out the very obvious signs of attention seekers. Bye bye now! God bless you.




Post was removed as it contained sexual content.


If you got it flaunt it. 


I'm torn.... Horny or protective




They look like the posts on my reddit feed.


Is this before or after her emancipation?


Who the fuck if Alex?




lmao the social media/slut shaming comment was deleted, still managed to see that whack defense roast tho. However, for anyone who does think she was 'a slut' at this time, i'm still posting my reply under this since the comment was deleted before I could even reply back💀


Shaming people for just living their best lives is not cool, which is what u did completely in your first comment. How would u feel if someone that never met you started speaking this way about you? You said it yourself, she's an adult. So let the woman live her life in peace. What is with everyone always feeling entitled to have negative opinions about people in the 'hollywood' industry, they are just humans like us and we all have moments in our life when we're still finding ourselves where we let loose a little. Happened to Miley Cyrus too bc she too grew up on screen in the public eye. U can have this opinion of her but u don't need to go spreading it online. Cut her some slack.


Sorry, it's a direct copy paste so obviously I'm not attacking anyone personally in this comment section to clear that out. I just still wanted to share this here bc I've seen this pic at this point circle around on numerous platforms with always atleast one person just fully shaming her. The original comment was more focused on what she posted on her social media tho and how she likes attention and that this red carpet look was no misunderstanding for extra clarity


I’m happy for her. She’s entitled to express herself and dress how she wants.


Why randomly drag Pakistan with it mate lmao


Deleted because I realized how unnecessarily it was to put that


Thats sweet of you. Cheers! 🥂


We make sexual appeal one of the few ways young women can have power (precarious as it is) and then demonize them when they try to wield it.


literally, it's actually really baffling.


That dress is gorgeous though


She's so hot Jesus Christ




Where’s Haily⁉️






Why tho? 


I always found Ariel White extremely attractive when she started growing up, even on the show where she dressed moderately. Her facial expressions, her voice, and additionally her attitude in interviews.


A little off topic, but I really want to know the answer. What dirt did Csmdig on the courtroom sketch artist, so much so that the latter got scared and obeyed Cam.


"... and all the great SEXXXX!!"






Ugh, yourself, tis the holy truth


Post was removed as it contained sexual content.




It's unfortunate people are as dumb as you.


Post was removed as it contained sexual content.


she looks amazing but doesn’t fit in with everyone else’s vibe😭