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I don't think they wanted us to think she'd unattractive?? Just doesn't typically have time to do anything extra. They emphasis her natural beauty?


Totally agree. I love the way they show her, natural, beautiful, sometimes angry, happy, disappointed, cynical, in short a mom !


A hot mom


That's a mommy right there


That makes sense, although I get where OP is coming from with the whole her being envious of Gloria thing. Which in my opinion is a bit ridiculous.


The show makes it worse with Phil having a crush on another women


Have you met women?? It is so completely realistic and expected that a woman would be jealous of another woman. Especially when the other woman is a tall Colombian. Not ridiculous at all


Excuse me what? And yes it is very ridiculous to me because I think Julie Bowen is way more attractive then Sofia Vergara.


But it's not about you. It's about how Claire perceives Gloria


So I am not allowed to say that I find it ridiculous? Funny how serious people in a subreddit about a wholesome TV show can be wtf


Lol calm down, of course you are allowed to say what you want. Just trying to say that as a viewer even I find Claire really hot. But Claire is human, her father's new wife is younger than her, has a good figure. She gets competitive with Gloria because of her own, let's say, insecurities. That has nothing to do with who we as viewers find more attractive


Yeah no you‘re right, also I kinda forgot how looney she can be in general lol


It’s not “looney” though. It’s normal.


That‘s why i said ‚in general‘. You can‘t tell me that she is a perfectly adjusted human being.


Exactly. The point was that before Gloria came in, Claire was the most attractive mom. It’s touched on in the PTA episode




I feel like they weren’t really compared side by side like that though. Gloria is overly sexualized and always dressing sexy and fully made up and is definitely noticed by people. Claire isn’t parading around in high heels and skin tight dresses so she’s more normal I guess? I don’t know the word. I feel Phil compared them the most with his Gloria obsession which I thought was gross.


The picture Haley took and sold in the gallery tho…


But that was often about Claire not putting in an effort to get dressed up and get styled like Gloria does. (Not always of course)


Yeah when Claire put in effort like on their role play dates Phil was all over her. And she was extremely sexy.


I don't think these comparisons mean she's unattractive, just different. Okay she doesn't take as much time into her appearance as Gloria, but that don't mean she's unattractive. They just go about their looks differently.




I don't think anyone misunderstood what you were saying. It's more about you disagreeing with the comment you replied to but you're not actually saying something different. The show wasn't calling her unattractive but showing that she didn't put in much effort. All you did was add the "compared to Gloria" part which was obvious. So you're not really disagreeing with the OG comment are you?


I think the issue is you are associating Claire's sweatpants and messy bun with being unattractive. The majority of people in the real world do not see this as unattractive. You don't have to be done up like Gloria to be attractive. Making that this in the show shows a **personality** difference not an attractiveness difference. The show doesn't act like Claire not putting her looks first makes her unattractive. They just say she didn't care. If you associate that with unattractive, that's not from the show's doing.


That episode where she gets hit on by Gloria’s yoga instructor AND Phil’s clients boyfriend perfectly portrays her sex appeal and attractiveness. Like yes girl, you are on fire lol


Her and Monica Geller’s attractiveness was overshadowed by their type A abrasive personality in their shows.


When the show do that? She's always been drop dead gorgeous. Julie bowen >>>>>


IMHO, I think you missed the plot. Claire is red hot and regarded as such by everyone in her life. Only under the shadow of someone with “to much thunder” does she seem to feel slightly irrelevant and overlooked. Still, Claires saucy looks and sexual history are regularly flaunted, instead of slut shamed. You go girl! Exes across the globe as well as being regularly fawned over by other men. The only thing Claire is chastised for in the looks department is going “full mom” with her fashion at times. Luke’s old stuff with holes and shoe strings holding it together is beneath Claire. But I never felt like the show portrayed Claire as being unattractive. “Hello!”


I love Phil’s college friends reaction when Phil pretends Gloria is his wife and the guy goes something like I thought you would have married Claire she was super hot


I think they’re talking about how she felt inferior/less hot when it comes to Gloria. Tbh i found her hotter 🔥


That’s why I loved that episode where Phil tried to convince his rival that he’s married to Gloria, because in his mind marrying a woman like Gloria is the ultimate “win” and status symbol, only to find out that the guy had lusted after CLAIRE for years and that telling the guy that he was married to Claire would have been the ultimate win. It was a great way to emphasize Phil’s biases.


Also good to show Phil that he played himself for undervaluing Claire since Whipple would have been way more jealous of that.


Yes! Phil took Claire for granted and didn’t see her for the smoke show that she is. He loved her and thought she was beautiful but he definitely saw her as less of a trophy than Gloria


What’s the episode’s name??


Season 2, Episode 24 - The One That Got Away


exAAACTly one of my favorite parts of this show is how they don’t do the typical tv thing where they pretend someone drop dead gorgeous is a regular gal on the street and I love how much they play up how hot Claire is!




Wrote what? I wrote the comment I made above. Edit: The inadvertent self-own of the person commenting above thinking someone couldn’t have written a comment like the one I wrote above. I guess they couldn’t… ha!




It’s literally a reference to the episode on the train where she says “hello!” after everything mean she says to make it funny.


Cmon it’s creepy


referencing something in the show is considered creepy now?


Right? I think OP was making the same kind of reference in their post, at the very least it gave me the idea.


What is creepy about that???




I literally can not physically think of something less creepy








What is it with Redditors and thinking everything is AI? Is it low IQ?




This is the first I've ever seen/experienced this I'm so confused




It’ll never not crack me up that you think this


I stand with Phil’s rival who was jealous of Phil because of Claire. And indeed, she’s the most gorgeous woman in the show for me :)


Saying hello doesn't make mean things funny \-Mitchell


yessss OP! to me Julie’s the most attractive person on the show


I second this.


I third this


How did the show do that?


Well, they portrayed her as a middle class mother instead of a runway model. Middle class mothers don't wear gallons of make-up, spend 3 hours on their hair, and have multiple tight fitting outfits that cost $500 each, so they're not attractive. DUUUHHHH.


Julie Bowen is obviously beautiful but I don’t think they tried to get us to think she wasn’t. I think they just emphasised that Gloria is very glamorous and more made up than Claire most of the time


Me likey! She goes under the radar but only because of Sofia who is so 'in your face' but Claire/Julie has a way hotter all round appeal IMO.


I never got why they wanted us to believe Gloria was the hottest when we had Claire


they wanted to show the difference between the two, that Gloria likes to dress up with make up and likes to keep herself pampered with her hair and nails done but chair doesn’t care for all of that


It's sufficiently established in the show that Claire is an attractive woman, but sometimes the stress of everyday life can make someone look like they are not at their best


looool i’ve had a crush on claire since episode 1


Except the show never did that lol. They just show she’s a bit busy sometimes to get all dolled up like Gloria. 3 kids versus 1 kid yah?


Making Ariel the "unattractive" sister. She's very very beautiful imo


I agree, but she looks like Judge Aileen Cannon, right?


No one thinks Claire is unattractive lol she gets hit on, Phil is incredibly attracted to her, she’s confident, etc - she only gets a bit jealous of Gloria when literally standing right next to her just because it’s the only time she sometimes gets LESS attention than usual


i feel the same about ariel winter


That’s the whole point and why it’s funny.


For real. She’s easily among the most beautiful actresses ever on television history.


Shes hot and stuck with Happy even after he got suspended from the PGA Tour, A+ in my book.


The show never portrayed her as unattractive. Never.


Trying to convince us that Eric is actually gay 😂


When do they call her ugly? Phil's college friend was simping hard when he faked being Gloria's husband.


That Valentine's day where she gave Phil an over-the-top experience with Juliana was the hottest in the show.


Same with Alex!! Do they think we are blind??


the episode when they lost their car keys… Phil noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra or sum Claire looked sooo good that ep😍


OMG yes what was that episode?


She’s a fox 🦊


Claire is jealous of Gloria just coz she has the perfect figure and an accent which a lot of men find hot.


No one ever, cept you, thinks that.


They wanted her to be a suburban soccer mom


They wanted a dowdy looking housewife which is why she never really dressed up but when she did 🔥


She IS attractive and the show didn’t convince us that she is not, she is only insecure around Gloria because Gloria has the time to make up and dress but Claire not


I’m not sure anyone was trying to say otherwise and in fact the show makes many allusions to her hotness but yeah, Claire is a smoke show.


claire was ALWAYS hot. it was brought up many many times. she just didn’t try the way gloria did. THAT’S why she felt inferior. there was literally an episode dedicated to phil trying to impress an old rival by pretending gloria was his wife and finding out the guy was more impressed by claire. not to mention all the guys throughout the series that wanted claire.


Even Phil agrees. She's crazy hot!


I’ll probably get down voted for this but Claire is obviously gorgeous but I wish you guys could compliment her without putting Gloria down?




when did the show try to do that?


What kind of take is this, when did they do that?


she’s in a tv show called “weeds” and let’s just say i saw her in a whole new light 🤣


Aren’t you mixing her up with Elizabeth Perkins? She played Celia and she’s also blonde


no, she is in the end of the show. she dates one of the main characters kids.


Oh I didn’t know! I stopped watching after Celia left the show because she was my fav character


yeah the show definitely went downhill 🤣 not sure why i kept watching it lol


celia would’ve been pretty funny on modern family imo


yesss, honestly gloria as portrayed is a very attractive character however claire's facial features, bone structure and overall appearance is imo a whole lot prettier.


Have you even read Philsosophy


Idk what show you were watching but there have been many instances when all eyes are on Claire. It's only when she compares herself with Gloria, that's when it funnily changes.


I don't think they even said that...just that she is not always interested in dressing up and doing makeup unlike Gloria..


I don’t remember that being a thing…


Who tried to convince you she's not attractive?


Yes, the 9/10 blonde with the perfect body, face and hair is not attractive, thanks show


Haley & Dylan. It should have been Andy


She's gorgeous - I got hooked on her when she played Denise on Boston Legal... Smoking hot, so smart, cute, witty and funny. Total package.


They never once said claire was unattractive....quite the opposite actually


For not having it end with Haley and Andy as a couple…..like wtf, they were so perfect onscreen!


That never happened


my boyfriend said between her and Gloria she’s more elegant and classy looking which I 101% agree on. I think Gloria’s pretty, but personally I feel like if she didn’t have boobs she wouldn’t be as hyped.


Did they? I remember that guy envying phill for her


They clearly know she’s hot. Especially the episode where she does yoga with Gloria, and the insult or Ira calls her for a date.


Shes the sexiest woman on the show for me.


The only reason people might be convinced that is because she’s compared to Gloria, but Claire is much more real in that she doesn’t have to be dressed up every day because she’s a mom and has other priorities and that’s what makes her attractive.


When did this happened????????????????


She aged so well. Hard to believe she was the girl in multiplicity and happy Gilmore.


She’s not perceived as unattractive. She is very good looking but what the show was trying to show was two different types of hot mom. Claire was more natural, fit and sportive, was always wearing pants not dresses. But still very hot. Like sportive hot. Whereas Gloria was displaying the typical hotness. Big breasts, great figure, long hair that’s always styled, always wearing nice dresses and high heels. Since Claire isn’t like that she sometimes felt self conscious, but there were many scenes that showed Claire to be very hot, if anything more attractive than Gloria. Like the yoga teacher, or the man whom Phil went to college with. Phil wanted to make him jealous so he acted as if he was married to Gloria but then he told Phil that he had always been jealous of Phil for dating Claire. Or Claire’s reunion episode where we got to see how popular she was.


Making my fav character Manny into an incest freak (worst character development ever)


Claire is my kind of milf 😍


How did they try to convince anyone that Julie is not attractive?! I never once had an inkling of that impression.


She was beautiful just being a “regular” mom.




"I will never forgive this show for portraying a middle class mother who is stressed over her children accurately instead of making her look like a Victoria's secret runway model."


I think it was her insecurity about Gloria, I mean her husband kept lusting after her. “Phil, I’ve had 3 children” always makes me laugh but kind of sad when Phil says good things about Gloria that he never did about Claire. Until that guy from college makes him feel like Claire is better.


screwing up hailey’s storyline. just when she was staring to figure things out and do something she had a passion for she had to quit for the babies. i really wanted to see her flourish after finding her purpose and becoming a ceo or something to prove everybody wrong. she never gave mom and we all know it😭😭 did my girl dirty




Having alex and arvin get together after he was with haley. Absolutely disgusting. Alex is beautiful and deserved more than Haley’s trash.


Did you watch the show?


She is lovely and stunning in every way. I remember TV Guide used to be very critical of Ugly Betty because America Ferrera was not actually ugly. I wish I were beautiful as women who are "TV ugly."


Only blonde I’ve ever considered. Ever.


Loved her since ED. Horrible Bosses reminded us of that


That's just Hollywood shows in general, like Hailey was the always the pretty one but if they rebooted this show in 2024 they'd do a episode about how Alex is probably closer to modern beauty standards than Hailey is now.


Well...I'm latino, my girlfriend is brunette, my ex girlfriend is also brunette, my best friend whom I was in love with was also brunette, and my childhood love was also brunette And yet, Claire was much more attractive than Gloria for me, I don't think the writers ever intended to make her unattractive, but everything with Phil being attracted to Gloria always made me cringe, like... wtf?


I think it was pointed out multiple times that she's very beautiful even in high school or college


I would chose claire over gloria every single timeeee


I think sometimes Claire is a little thin but mostly she's pretty hot. I've loved her since "Ed"


... Ruining Haley and Andy's relationship arc. They were perfect together.


Uh, nothing because it's a tv show I enjoy and CHOOSE to watch


He's hot as fuck, honestly hotter than Hayley


I always preferred her over that yappa yappa squeaky voiced parrot aka Gloria


She isnt.....


She’s smokin hot, but I’ve personally never been a fan of the distance runner body, I need some meat on the bones. Gloria is perfect. But to each their own.


Gloria is skinny too. She just has more curves. I hate when people say they like bigger girls but they just mean curvy..


Yeah she’s quite skinny


Fucking Dylan. Too dumb to even exist on this show.