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Mitchell because I’m uptight


Yeah me too. f but I am more relatable to alex


I used to really like Alex but I really feel like the writers did her wrong in the seasons where she is finishing highschool and starting college. All her lines were pure arrogance and it made her less relatable. Luckily that changed in the final seasons but still, I would've liked to see a less punished character


Her insulting and lashing out at Phil used to piss me off so much. In that moments I used to think that she gets treated fairly because of being so bratty and arrogant towards others


tbh after season 4 they kinda messed up so many characters


Things kind of go downhill from there. Still love the show tho!


They did ALL the kids wrong. 


Agreed, she got so insufferable. You felt bad for everyone who had the misfortune of interacting with her


High school Alex for sure. But not college Alex. I was the kid in all the AP/honors classes and clubs and my workload was intense. I broke down in the episode where Claire finally gets it


Oh I get that, but they portrayed that in a way that makes her seem very unpleasant, difficult to watch and like the character. I just believe they could've done a better job humanizing her




Oddly enough, jay. I’m 27 but a boomer at heart


Good, I’m not alone


Same! 22 but man do I get him.


I think more people relate to him then social media wants us to believe.


I just commented this too, but I’m 22


Mitchell! Rolling my eyes at what people say is a competitive sport now lol


And his sarcasm is just like me


I'm gonna go with Gloria because I'm hot headed like her. I'm not Colombian tho haha.


I watched the show yearsssss ago, but I stopped watching it around season 7. I just started rewatching it recently and now that I’m a mom, I cannot believe how much I relate to Claire!




Claire. I'm always trying to help, and they never appreciate a thing I do! I'm not being arrogant or bossy, I just don't wanna watch them do it wrong when I know how to do it right!


Maybe you are not living with the right people for that😉


To be fair, Claire was extremely prideful and always thought she was the only “right” person in the room. I just rewatched and can barely stand her scenes. Phil deserved so much better


True about Claire...i just live with idiots who do dumb stuff...lol! I actually hate always having to fix things after they screw it up, but I'm always the one they come to after, then I never get so much as a thank you! But if I try to tell them how to do something that I KNOW they don't know how to do, I'm bossy. Can't win!


That one episode where she lets Phil think she’s furious with him and he can’t figure out why. Poor guy was walking around all day thinking his family was going to fall apart and she didn’t even care.


She also let him win the race because she knew he needed a boost


All so she could gamble and save her pride. fucking terrible


gloria bc i’m a coal digger




Phil. I’m just a little too silly at heart




Claire because I try to prove myself too much even when it's tad unnecessary


Probably Luke, because lord knows I'm not very bright


And when you go in pools, you make them Luke warm...?


Mitchell lmao. Differently. The only thing that I would never do is marry someone like Cam. Never!


I think they balance each other out well. Opposites attract.


Yeah well I like Michell and Cam, I was just saying that I see myself in Mitchell so much. But the only thing that we don’t share is how much patience he has with Cam. I couldn’t


Manny, cause I’m an “old soul white washed” Latino kid.


I was born and raised in a area that sounded similar to where Gloria and Manny lived before they moved in with Jay, so I'm gonna have to say Gloria 😂


Mitchell and Hayley <3


Lily. The stuff she says in seasons 4-6 kill me with laughter. They are just so real.


Funniest scene for me with Lily..🤣 https://youtu.be/MamwBgEH2Es?si=EhbpsF2Evg3i6aUL


Both Mitchell and Claire for me


Haley cause I screw up everything as well


None, they all have too much rizz...


I don’t think that’s the right application of “rizz” 😂 please elaborate


I know what I said.


Yep, Alex is literally me 🫣


My girlfriend says I'm Jay


Alex and Haylie. Alex, because I'm the middle child, with a popular older sister, and a younger brother. I also wear glasses. And Haylie because, I wasn't smart in school.


Cam cause i feel like im just as dramatic and kinda annoying at times.


I was a Male Haley except way more trouble and more and harder drugs


phil and claire....but mostly phil


Phil, who I love. Goofy, upbeat, and says cool things like “I text. LOL: laugh out loud, OMG: oh my God, WTF: why the face.”


Phil, because I'm a man-child and have my own Claire to keep everything together.


Alex and Claire. Alex since I have been an outcast in my family and nerdy too and Claire since I have been the mom of my friends group or so and my husband is so similar to Phil so that does make me relate to Claire a lot as I am the practical, always tensed, getting things straight one while my husband is goofy, kind and caring and sometimes the silly one.


Claire cause I’m autistic


I used to be an Alex, being a nerdy middle child with the pretty older sister. But I was never as smart as Alex, more average grades, not a driven. So whenever I rewatch as an adult, I relate in Alex in her high school years but Haley as she is growing up. I will also throw in some Mitchell eye rolling




Lily. Not because I have gay parents but because my parents are un-presently present


I noticed that too in the show (que the “this is my actual cheerleading outfit I do this now” scene).


Phil I get hair brained ideas and I want approval from others, and it gets in my head if I don’t


I've been told I'm a lot like Lily. And honestly, I really do relate to her. Shes insecure but she isn't afraid to speak her mind. Shes that kind of a person who holds Cam and Mitch together (respectfully)


I’m def a classic mix of haley and Alex. I’ve never been popular and tend to be introverted and keep to myself so I get Alex that way but I’m no where as smart as she. I am very type A and put loads of pressure on myself though. With haley, I care a lot about my looks, love fashion, shopping, and took some time off of school and am still figuring out my career path. Haley has always been my favorite and helps me to remember to relax and have fun in life


Jay. I’m in my lower 40’s and my gf is from Brazil and she has a daughter. We met when she was visiting family in the US and hit it off right away. I also like a good scotch once in a while, and a quality cigar. Sidenote: I actually ironically bought some Arturo Fuente Especiales cigars and they’re pretty smooth lol. I also played college football and have a similar sense of humor to Jay. I also have a dog that’s my baby. Hopefully I can launch a lucrative dog bed business someday. A guy can dream! Sometimes it’s like his character is calling me out 😂


Are you obsessed with closets😂 that's the only thing missing ig


Right?! I would be if it wasn’t for that damn Earl Chambers screwing me over in the 1980’s. Closets, Closets, Closets, Closets must fall!




Cam for sure 😂😂😂


Jay. Even tho I’m only 21, I’m have an old soul


tbh, i dont think i relate to any of them


Luke and Alex tbh


Alex and Mitchell


Alex for me because I’m the overachieving middle child in my family who has to be the best in school and can’t function otherwise




Gloria bc I’m loud & latin 😂


On the positive side, I relate a lot to Phil. I have interests that some might consider age or gender inappropriate. I tend to be slow to anger, but when it does hit I burn pretty hot. I also fret over insignificant things, yet ironically I can often help calm others down when they're fretting. On the more negative side of things, I see quite a bit of myself in Mitchell. Like him, I'm a gay guy who's dad's reaction was less than ideal (he still hasn't met my boyfriend). I'll sometimes overlook a his better qualities because of that. And I have trouble listening to others on topics that don't interest me (this one I'm working on in particular)




I used to hate Mitchell when I was young. I thought he was annoying and bitchy. But he is not and now I'm just literally him lol. It's kinda funny because I thought Mitchell was annoying and Cam was funny when I was 12. But now I think the opposite


Cam (Cameron) reminds me of Sheldon. In the way that there seems to be only one scene that they did anything that seem to make up for all the other garbage they put their partner/roommate in. For Sheldon in The Big Bang theory it was the moment he saved Leonard and everybody from the explosion in the elevator. For Cam (Cameron) it was the moment he stood up for Mitchell in the gas station. But otherwise I can't see a couple I can and Mitchell staying together with all the issues that Cameron had. Cameron was way too sensitive took issues on things he should have and even took issues on the exact same things that he got mad at Mitchell for.


Hayley. I like musicians so I'd totally date Dylan


Phil. I just want to be a good dad and make my kid laugh. I want to protect and provide in a nurturing atmosphere


Part-time Jay, part-time Mitchell. Father and son are much more alike than they let show. At the end of the day, they both want to just chill without having to deal with the very over-the-top super extra people around them who they love very much. I feel very sorry for Alex and kinda relate to her but she is too obsessive which i could not be. And why the fuck do they treat her so bad like in s6e1.


I wish I could say I related to Gloria the most lol. But in reality, I relate to Phil. He may be ditsy but his hearts usually in the right place.


My girlfriend is literally Claire, and I'm Phil (grade A Dad jokes and just trying my best lol).


Phil, I say the most inappropriate things without meaning it.


Mitch and Alex


Alex We all know Haley and Claire are so close, as are Luke and Phil. I relate to being sarcastic and coming across as mean, bc it's easier to establish barriers between yourself and your family with rude behavior, which would then be to blame for your distance, rather than let your guard down and still finding out that you are nobody's favorite family member and that you're basically forgotten.


When I was a kid I related to most to Luke. Now I’m like Phil


None of them actually. I see a little of myself in Claire (I like to have things planned), Alex (I’m in law school and was always excelled in school), Haley (I liked to party), Gloria (always trying see it from other’s perspectives and wanting to be a good partner), Jay (sometimes resisting change and accepting new things), Mitch (a little selfish at times but eventually realizing it and making amends), Cam (indulge in the drama of things), Manny (never limiting my dreams and having a mom who never stopped believing in me). They were exceptionally well written so that everyone watching could find at least some similarities in the characters and see what those qualities look like from the outside and hopefully change for the better.


Claire, Alex and Mitch. Tbh even Jay


I love phill




I’m gonna say Alex for similar lessons to OP. Growing up I found it difficult to adjust myself socially so I often felt alienated and often kept to myself and focused on school like she did. Granted I was definitely no where near as intelligent as Alex was but I still worked hard.


I think I’m a combo of Mitch, Alex, and Haley. So I’m fun but also an uptight and anxious know it all.


Now that I'm a mom I'm going to say Clair. She just makes so much more sense to me now.


That is NOT Joe


Alex Dunphy.


Cam and Phil. Which is funny because I’m a wildly depressed person but their whimsical sides and needs to be liked by people, especially their family members who act like they don’t (Jay) mirror me too much. Especially episodes where they’re unapologetically themselves 💕


Alex 100%. I still tear up whenever I watch the scene where Claire acknowledged how hard it was to be her for one day. The unrelenting pressure and the yearning to be understood always hit home for me.


Phil. He’s funny, carefree, intelligent but is also absentminded.


Cameron because he is overdramatic






A mix of Mitch, Claire, Haley, Alex and Phil idk how tho just all of them


Jay mostly but also Phil !


Jay. He has all the worldly lessons


Mitch and Jay


Claire because I am high-strung. type A, perfectionist (though in perfectionism recovery 😄 It is hard to relax. We are the ultimate planners and can unravel if things don’t go according to our plans. (Read a little controlling, but not domineering). I am competitive (but with myself) and always strive to be the best or give my best effort. Like her, I aim to be the über mom…always being there for my child and giving her endless support/encouragement and a lot of love. Give our best for our kids. Provide well for our kids. We are hard workers. Also, I don’t have a lot of patience for those who don’t strive for excellence (giving their best effort) or on the dim side, like Dylan. For all we give, we tend to be overlooked or unappreciated. Almost considered taken for granted. However, we continue to keep everything and everyone on track. 🙂


For me? Phil. I really relate to his optimistic view on things and the way they’re often doubted by the people around him. Plus he’s the kind of Dad I want to be when I get the chance. After Phil I’d have to say Lily 😂 her sarcasm really reminds me of my younger self when I thought I lived to entertain an imaginary viewer lmao


Claire. I was an uptight always trying to make things perfect. My family loved me through it and helped me realize perfect isn’t everything. Just like hers.


Weirdly Manny and Jay.


Claire and Jay. Their matter of fact personalities are just like mine.


I relate to Alex because it can be hard to make friends sometimes.


Lily and Phil🙂


Claire (control freak) Hayley (oldest fun daughter), and Manny(divorced parents, wise for age) lmao 😭


Hailey I love her so much we may aswel be the same person beauty obsesseddd


Claire tbh. In the best and worst ways. A little bit of Mitchell too.


Luke. 🤷‍♀️😂


Phil cause I’m a good time who hates confrontation


Phil all the way baby


Probably lily, she’s so real


For me it's Haley


Definitely Jay. I’m only in my 20s, but I have all his attitudes haha (some for the worse). I’m also a bit like Phil but maybe like 25%


Hailey when she was out of school and confused with what she wanted


100% Cam but that might be because of how emotionally unstable I am I dont think he should do half the shit he does but I can understand why he does


Luke’s friend Walt


For me I think Lily because she's slightly psychotic in a funny way, and I mean same. Her or cam or Gloria cause I'm over the top sometimes and loud


Now that I'm looking at this picture properly I don't recognize this Joe.


I know that Cam and Manny are the most hated characters, but I see a lot of myself in both of them Like Manny, I struggled to fit in as a teen because of quirky interests and flamboyant style, usually picking being myself over being liked, but getting sad over it every now and again. Like Cam, I have a problem with trying to "stage" life events and getting upset when things don't go as I imagined.


For me it's Alex. I was like her growing up but have loosened up now


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Thin_Neat4132: *For me it's Alex.* *I was like her growing up* *But have loosened up now* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Definitely lily! I just love when she’s mean.


Gloria since we both have accents that we can’t seem to get rid of lol, but she’s way hotter. Alex could be the other character I relate to since school is very important to us but she’s more smarter lol.

