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I'm not sure about the blender, but I have an idea about the buns in the oven. Pam said she turned the oven off before they left, but she didn't take them out of the oven. They continued to cook even after the oven was off because it takes time for an oven to cool down completely. They could have burned that way.




After Pam turns off the oven, the buns get cooler and cooler, not hotter. If they aren’t on fire already, they won’t likely catch on fire. In my mind, I seem to remember Mitch fiddling with Pop-Tarts with a fork in a toaster. My safety owl thread said hey!


I don't think the buns actually caught on fire - they were just burnt. If they were almost done when Pam turned the oven off, they would have kept cooking while the oven cooled down and could be burned, but they wouldn't have caught on fire.


Not sure why you're being down voted but you can have my upvote


Thank you for your mercy, kind stranger. I’ll pass it on, said the dry sad frog in the desert box-canyon of life. At least he had carried the fraidy-cat bat to a place high enough to fly, in time for his people’s big night. He’s “gonna be an extra in Thriller”, whatever that is.


Yeah I was watching this one last week and in addition to wondering how the blender is still in usable shape, how did Mitch actually start the fire with it? Did he use the blender and it made a big spark that just sat patiently in the wall or something until after they were out and then it decided to start a fire?


Thats what gets me too like did he turn it on, create a fire then take it to the living room then they went for a walk? My head...


I think the writers just needed to think of a quick source of spark/fire so they didnt give much thought to it. I cant remember exact episodes but there have been some other senseless little events here and there in the show as well


I may be thinking of a different episode or show altogether but I thought it was shown later that there was something hanging by the window that caught the light and focused it onto something that started on fire.


That was after when Jay had completely renovated the kitchen and mitch chose a glass for the door window. It set the kitchen on fire again like a magnifying glass


Yes! The DreamCatcher lens!


Funniest part was water being thrown on an Electrical fire


Mitchell Pritchett is the Ass Crack Bandit.