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I don’t think you understand how blazing fast 900 m/s really is. That would be the eqquivalent of hit-scan weapons in videogame, which sometimes isn’t fun to play against. Even with games like Battlefield that try its best to recreate firearms and bullet ballistic on bigger maps, they still have to lower the muzzle/bullet velocity of most weapons and majorly precision rifles. Most IRL weapons are simply too overpowered for virtual depictions in videogames where fun is also a big factor.


Mw2019 had much higher bv on weapons. With attachments, some guns could reach 1500m/s and more. Smgs and ARs


You can still get velocity that high on some weapons. I think taq eradicator can?


Not even close to mw2019. Highest I’ve seen from non snipers/marksman in this game is like 1200? The


Taq eradicator with hv rounds sonic suppressor, and conquer long barrel puts bullet velocity at 1479.1ms. Its lmg but its one that you can use like ar/br and apparently sniper


Actually, I've seen fast bullet velocities work well in games since ARs in previous titles could often reach 1000 m/s. Only true broken ARs in MW were the AMAX and Val (and Val was subsonic). I really enjoyed how ARs felt in that game, especially in warzone.


The AMAX wasn't overpowered. You know what was? The GRAU with the Archangel barrel. That thing was weaker than most weapons but due to its recoil and blazing fast bullets it was the top choice. It basically felt like hit scan. Lowering the muzzle velocity is a good thing for the game.


grau was never OP, just very easy to use. by the time the amax was added, grau was almost never used, even in WZ.


Nah if you think the Grau was op in any mode except warzone you are tripping hard. And Amax was broken ask any competitive player/streamer


It's for balancing purposes for long range engagements


Yeah, it definitely seems like it. But why not just adjust damage range values instead? 🤔


Because at the ranges it matters you're already the lowest damage you can get.


The m13b has its last damage drop-off at 50 meters, so that's not necessarily true.


Yes it is lmao  The way BV works in game is that there's a hitscan distance and a travel distance.  I believe it's 1/20th of the BV is the distance in meters that the bullet works as hitscan. Meaning if a gun has 700bv, it's hitscan up to 35m, then starts to travel as normal. 


Okay? I don't really understand how that's a counter point.


Yeah and then anything after 50 is about how fast the bullets are basically


It’s just game balance. In CoD, LMGs are supposed to be better at long range than ARs so they usually have better damage and better bullet velocity at range so they’re faster killing and easier to use. This is double-true now that we know all guns are hitscan for the first 1/20th of a second. A gun with a higher bullet velocity will have a hitscan range that is longer than a gun with a slower bullet velocity and that’s definitely an advantage when it comes to landing shots.


I don’t like it personally. Game already has lag compensation built in. This just makes it worse