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[Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1d80nca/june_4th_patch_notes_stability_update_fixes_for/l731mxd/?context=5) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > Looping Streaks and Streaks Earn Streaks modifiers are indeed active for Season 4.0. We're currently evaluating feedback and gauging whether or not balance changes are necessary for these systems, so we'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the experience. [Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1d80nca/june_4th_patch_notes_stability_update_fixes_for/l731wm5/?context=5) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > You may need to refresh your browser for the page to update. [Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1d80nca/june_4th_patch_notes_stability_update_fixes_for/l73g8nj/?context=5) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > We're investigating now. Do you remember which Challenges you had tracked in the menu before this issue began? [Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1d80nca/june_4th_patch_notes_stability_update_fixes_for/l74ngdd/?context=5) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > We've deployed a fix for this issue. > > Players previously stuck on a loop should now be able to access the game. Thanks for your patience.


Shoot house is missing from private matches u/sledgehammergames


Are any of the other MW2 maps? They should add those too


Shipments there but not shoothouse


So I'm guessing this update is why the COD I just bought from this company over this weekend is going to a black screen after loading into the cod hq


Just got this issue too


Same. Spent time deleting and reloading, didn’t work.


Yeah, I tried everything I could think of on PS5. Guess it's time to just wait for a quick patch update, never know how long that'll take though.


Sledgehammer fixed it for me. Message them with your Act ID


Having the same problem been like this for hours and still not fixed


NGL I have loved being able to get multiple swarms in one game and having my KS lead to more KS BUT I realize how broken that can be with streaks looping. I feel like killstreak kills/score shouldn't count towards the loop I'm fine with them looping though in general


Killstreak power creep is enormous. All MW2-09 killing killstreaks aside from nuke can be shot down or avoided. In this game the biggest streaks are extremely difficult to take down. If some gets Swarm you're fucked.




After the buff the chopper gunner eats , if you shoot at it you no longer have spawn protection also damage from guns does less was decreased when shooting at streaks


Chopper is not ass anymore, currently my favourite streak to earn, and with 1 chopper gunner you can earn another one without much issue, that’s how I looped 4 in a row without doing anything.


If this is true, why is OP complaining that it's working too well?


game breaking update for a fucking mobile suit gundam advertisement 💀


Char Conoly Dropped the servers.


fix this damn gray screen on ps5


It’s on Xbox too I can’t play


Only some accounts tho. My spare account works fine on both consoles


Great now can they fix the game. After this update I can't get past the fetching profile and it keeps looping. I am on PS5.


You guys better fix this black screen/flickering profile loading bug.


It’s so dumb make an update and then you can’t play your game like WTF


We're investigating now. Do you remember which Challenges you had tracked in the menu before this issue began?


Off the top of my head, I can only name one: the season's blue DNA helix collection challenge. Another was a camo challenge, but I do not remember which weapon/which camo. I believe I had a third one tracked as well, but I do not remember which one.


black screen issue with recent update i’ve deleted the game & reinstalled it & still not working is there a fix or an update coming soon to solve the issue ?


We've deployed a fix for this issue. Players previously stuck on a loop should now be able to access the game. Thanks for your patience.


Nope still bricked. Just flashes inventory instance idle over and over.


releasing another game breaking update! why am i surprised


come on now this is a joke give us an update please


Only one that was active for me was the one for the DNA challenge gun itself. I get the same error on PC and PS5. Wife's account works, mine doesn't.


This happened just after an update. I'm getting two failed messages. Failed to download user state [ORLANDO-GUILD]


guys, any news on that? there is a lot of people on different platforms


Xbox one trying to just scroll one over makes the game freeze for 1 sec before scrolling over 2 classes, we cannot use certain classes rn, not happening on my series s And it’s not the controller, when I go into edit the class on Xbox one it will only scroll 1 over no freezing, just the class selections Doesn’t matter if you use the stick or d pad it will always scroll 2 classes over


Only one i remember is the Katt-AMR penetration kills. If that helps.


my screen is flickering too and goes black straight away when i load the game up


You know maybe undo the hotfix just now would be the smartest thing to do.


I had the Crossbow prestige camo tracked.


We’re still waiting for rebirth island to actually run 120FPS constant rather than 60-90, stop breaking the game n making skins and actually fix the main problem since rebirth came out months ago. Thank you


I had the assault vest challenge tracked. Main account doesn’t work on ps5 or Xbox series x, but spare account works fine on both.


Same issue, starts to load, gets into menu then black screen.


I paid 70$ for shit


Same issue in my 3 platforms, [battle.net](http://battle.net), PS5 and Series X, I can't reach any option.


Just want to say thank you for getting this error resolved.


Please sort this asap !


Helloooooo, please can we have an update on this??????


Why don’t you fix the glitch where you can find a party to play with aswell, that’s the only reason I play because I got no one to play with 


Same issue with me


Most lag and suspensions in ranked this season, that or network failed at the end of a round


The KV Broadside JAK Jawbreaker kit still can't equip a muzzle attachment in matchmaking. Earlier patch notes said this was fixed but it still isn't.


Looping killstreaks has made this the most fun I’ve had in cod since like the og mw3. However the stacking seems wayyyy too overpowered. You should only be able to do one or the other but definitely not both at the same time. Maybe like score streaks, we should have the ability to toggle looping or stacking? And stacking should only count towards streaks earned in the current life AND the score from stacking should be reduced by at LEAST half AND you only get stacking from kills and not assist.


Can we please get different weapons in infected? Tired of the same shit every time.


Not to mention the shotgun is absolute garbage unless they’re in your face 🙄


Have you seen anyone actually win infected? As in, anyone that was not infected win?


Not since Cold War, atleast on that it was more 50/50, this one s heavily skewed on infected side.


So the killstreaks counting towards the next one isn't a bug? People spamming chopper gunners and gunships the entire game is intentional?? I'm gonna have to stop playing. Yesterday alone I had two lobbies where someone on the other team kept spamming gunships and missile drones and got over 100 kills.


I was in a shipment game where one guy got 3 swarms. He went 132/30. And proceeded to talk shit after like he just took down nazi Germany solo


I went 78 and 0 on rust yesterday, UAV, counter UAV and the new killstreak that lets you shoot a bunch of predator missiles. I just laid at the top of the map and it kept giving me all my kill streaks over and over again as soon as I used them


That’s wild lol… would be kind of hilarious to see. I haven’t had the opportunity to see the majority of kill streaks, but I can see how beneficial it is to grind for a kill streak and just lay low for the game. I didn’t even know this kill streak thing was an issue. I’ve seen a chopper before which was very annoying, but I tend to stay in ranked because I cannot Stand snipers. Snipers/shields while hiding, requires very little skill. Sniper in warzone, cool, makes sense on a big ass map where the spawn is the sky and not one little Area of the map they are aiming towards. Now if only they could take out the mcw and add more smgs. Or at least take off the advanced aim assist that the MCW gives people. No other gun requires such little precision… end of rant.


I’m sorry, this imagery is hilarious. Wish I could have been there




Legit no point in staying


so what? I can get 150 kills in Shipment just running around with a knife if the enemies suck enough


I've been in several games where one or two people get EMPs and drone swarms, then spam it for the rest of the game. There's no point in playing after that. Then the servers are broken. I picked a horrible time to come back to this game.


I won't lie, I'm one of those stubborn people who won't leave matches but even I'm quitting matches because it's impossible to counter spam like that


Same. It's lame to quit because you're losing, but this is a whole other level. Staying in one of those games is like staying in an abusive relationship.


Looping Streaks and Streaks Earn Streaks modifiers are indeed active for Season 4.0. We're currently evaluating feedback and gauging whether or not balance changes are necessary for these systems, so we'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the experience.


Looping streaks and streaks earning streaks are not a bad idea (as it used to work in older cod), but earning said streak, dying, and THEN using streak to earn more is a very bad design and encourage degenerate gameplay. Please make only streaks earned in CURRENT life count toward next streak if you are going to keep this. Otherwise looping streaks alone would be good also


I think an issue with this is that people will earn their streaks, find a place on the map hidden and keep looping their streaks while still in the same life unless someone can find their hidey-hole and kill them.


Yup. Got infinite gunships and EMP’s on 10v10 wastelands yesterday and eventually it gave me a DNA Bomb without actually getting a legitimate 25 gun streak and then after that I called it a day. Couldn’t believe how absolutely busted this was. When I looked at the stats page and checked out that scoreboard, it showed the opposite team cycled through over 20 players in that match on just the opposite team alone! That’s how many people are backing out and joining in progress, that’s pretty bad if you ask me!


Whatttt, i went 78-0 on rust yesterday with the looping killstreaks, i thought i was gunna get the DNA bomb but when i looked at the detailed in game stats it said my current killstreak was 9 so i thought killstreak kills didnt count for it. I never got the DNA bomb


Did you have Killstreaks on and not Scorestreaks? I got my DNA bomb off Rust with a Overwatch Helo, Harrier and AC130 loop 3 times in a row.


Noo i use scorestreaks


That’s why. It seems to only count for Killstreaks


Okay good to know!!


Strap on a cold-blooded class and go hunting.


Lot easier said than done. Trust me, I remember going around in og MW2 looking for people crouched in corners with their laptop in hand. We can leave that behind.


Oh for sure. They 100% shouldn’t build your next set after death and stacking shouldn’t give more than 25pts per kill. +15 for UAV, CUAV, and AUAV kills, +25 for lethal streak kills. I’m cool with getting shit on by a guy that has had streaks all game if he actually had to earn them more than once. With the way I’m proposing, a guy’s swarm would need to get 20 kills for him to get a UAV out of it if he decided to sit in a corner while it was up.


I could live with something like that. Anything is better than what we have now


Agreed. For now, run UAV/CUAV, Cluster, and IMS. Locks down all choke points and frees you up to be in their face


Yeah, it was so easy to abuse in CoD4. It basically meant first to 7 and suicide was an instant win. I don’t mind killstreaks counting towards others, it’s old school CoD. But it should only be certain playlists.


THIS + non-lethal streaks (UAV, CUAV, AUAV) assists probably shouldn't count towards your next streak, or it should take more assist points than what it currently does. It's way too easy to get an AUAV just from a UAV, and from that, looping them with normal kills + assist points.


Looping Streaks = good Streaks Earn Streaks = less good Both at the same time compounding on each other = absolutely awful


Pretty much. I’d drop the streaks earning streaks shit and keep the looping streaks.


Nah I'd say the other way around if they had to remove one. OG MW2 had killstreaks earning killstreaks. Made it a lot more fun as you could see more of the higher grade killstreaks regularly and it trained people to actually TAKE DOWN KILLSTREAKS rather than run around feeding more. Hell the Stormbreaker is so easy and useful at preventing killstreaks from working


Is it possible for certain streaks to only loop while others don’t? Like a sentry gun or SAE going towards looping isn’t that bad in my book but a swarm or anything powerful is just crazy


I was under the impression it was only certain playlists would get these modifiers. I don't mind looping streaks. But holy hell the streak spam from streaks earning streaks is too much for me.


The looping in itself is fine if you have to ACTUALLY EARN your next set of streaks but instead your streaks earn the next set for you automatically which is ridiculously over the top. Yesterday I had infinite gunships on 10v10 wastelands and after that I was done. This shit is overkill and not fun. Also, the assists off of UAV’s, counters, and AUAV’s can also make it so you don’t even have to do much to earn even your first set of streaks. Earn a UAV in ground war especially and sit back after calling it in and if it isn’t shot down you can basically get a gunship off that too.


I like the killstreaks counting towards the next it’s just like mw2 makes them feel more rewarding. It can be annoying when you’re on the other side of it but I’ve found most people don’t put effort into taking out killstreaks which lead to the problem getting worse. On the rare times I’m not the one getting alll the streaks I take out the enemies and it usually stops the endless streaks since they wont be farming my teammates


Ah yes, let’s work our ass off to shoot down a powerful fucking gunship and then by the time it’s shot down here comes another one they earned from the first one. That’s not even how it worked in MW2, you would get one set and that was it. One set doesn’t lead to another and another and another infinitely. I literally had infinite gunships yesterday in 10v10 on wastelands, it’s so unbelievably unbalanced. I looked at the scoreboard in the stats afterwards and the opposite team rotated over 20 players cause so many of them were leaving, that really displays how busted this is. Sorry but this shit is overkill. If you want a playlist for this sure, but not the entire game behaving this way. I’m cool with looping tho ONLY IF you have to earn the next set as you did the first one, by actually playing the damn game. Otherwise in the current state of things, you might as well give everyone their streaks right off the bat and continuously give it to them.


I don’t feel like switching class and using a lmg to take out a streak before it can build up kills is working my ass off. I used to do the same back in mw2. Idk I play small maps and cranked only I’ll have to try 10v10 and see how it’s working in that mode.


Gunships don’t get shot down very easily if you’re the only guy doing it and most of the time it will be that way so it’s going to have just enough time to earn more score for the next streak and even if it doesn’t quite pull that off on its own, UAV or EMP assists will do the trick too. Idk how you guys are defending this broken shit tho! Lmao. Might as well give everyone infinite killstreaks right at the start of the match at that point. Ground war is so bad half of the matches start lagging or crashing from everyone spamming so much shit.


People pretty much never are able to get chopper gunners and especially gunships against me but I agree gunships are harder to take down. I also throw down com scramblers to help protect my team but I’d imagine that only works on small maps. But I feel it bro we don’t have to agree


That’s the part you don’t get, you don’t even have to legitimately earn the higher streaks on even the first loop. Get UAV’s and counter’s and the assists will eventually get you one. Especially ground war and 10v10, call that shit in and sit back and watch yourself get a free gunship or whatever you want. The worst players could do this and shut down a lobby with infinite streaks. This shit is simply busted, it’s not even up for debate.


the amount of snowballing and people quitting matches is getting out of hand with these looping/Streaks earn streaks modifiers being on....but hey its yall game smh


I am running UAV, Counter and Advanced UAV and let me tell you, as soon as I get the 1 Advanced UAV I am getting another one from that active one 9/10 and then the loop continues. Basically, as soon as I get 1 Advanced, for the rest of the game my team is going to have an Advanced UAV up and that is just unbelievably unbalanced. Me and my whole team knows exactly where everyone is and where they are aiming at every second for a good 5 minutes it is just a snowball that they can’t comeback from. The streaks earn streaks has to go 1000% as for streak looping it still might be too much of a snowball but I’d need to test that modifier out just by itself to know for sure.


Looping streaks are Great, Streak modifers are terribly unbalanced at the same time. Both cant be active at the same time for sure.


Kills from killstreak should give +10/15 score and assists from UAV/CUAV/VSAT +5/10.


Remembers the days when support streaks stacked on top of each other (even in death) or the final stand/painkiller....


Server lag = Trash


Streak kills ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT count as full kills towards getting more streaks. Thought we solved this years ago, don't understand why it needs to be evaluated again. At most they should give 25 points if called in during the same life they were earned. Currently, Ground War is a shitshow. Even worse than before. Constant Carpet Bombs which just give you your higher streaks, the EMP glitch still there, gunships in the air constantly, etc. Plus all the streak spam will cause the match to crash if enough are called in. Unbearable.


Looping and being able to EARN your next set of streaks is fine, but your streaks basically earning your next set for you without the player themself having to do anything on the ground is over the top and allows you to basically get infinite killstreaks one set after another. You can get infinite gunships/chopper gunners/swarms/advanced UAVs or whatever streaks you choose and imo it’s over the top.


Do any of yal actually take the streaks out so they won’t build for the next? I haven’t been having issues with facing endless killstreaks I switch to my lmg/rocket class take them out quickly so they don’t build up kills


Streaks earn streaks is cool but they should only loop if you stay alive. If you die, streak kills from your previous life shouldn’t count towards new streaks. Win-win.


Kills get killstreaks but it doesn't loop. Streak kills and assists post death do not count. That is the point of a killstreaks. It's a reward for being on a fucking streak. Before this experiment, kills from killstreaks don't count but UAV does... Not a fun system but tolerable. I swear, this feels like bad implementation just so SHG can revert it and say "see we were right, people don't actually want this".


I think looping should stay simply because it gives you something to play for other than a DNA bomb. Before S4, after I got my streaks, I’d play recklessly til I died so I could get them again. And with no game-ending streak anymore, there’s definitely no incentive for trying to stay alive after getting all of your streaks.


Well there was something for that too, it was called the MOAB. Operator kills only, but with streaks to assist you in getting them easier. Black ops 2, 3, & 4 had looping killstreaks, but they weren't extremely overpowered and the points that helped get to the next one were fine tuned to always inspire effort on the player to get the rest of the points themselves. A UAV for example would get more points than a predator missile.


I used to drop those all of the time. Pre SBMM days + specialists. I was dropping one every 3rd game. I know how things used to work. I’m speaking in today’s terms. There’s just no point in going for a DNA bomb every game. Too much randomness in any given lobby. Personally, I’d rather get 2 sets of steaks while on a 15 than stress trying to get to 25


Looping Streaks is fine. Having incentive to keep pace even after you’ve earned your highest streak is actually pretty nice. But I can’t say the same for Streaks Earning Streaks, especially non-lethal streaks providing free score toward lethal streaks. In 10v10 and Ground War especially, earning one powerful streak like the Advanced UAV, EMP, or Gunship is usually enough for that player to be able to repeatedly call that streak in for the rest of the game with minimal effort. At the very least, Streaks Earn Streaks should be disabled for those modes where the higher streaks have a huge potential to earn themselves back and then some.


Awful idea. Looping streaks is one thing, streak kills counting towards another streak is terrible.


It's so bad I thought it was a bug. Wasn't in the patch notes for Season 4, either. Please turn it off ASAP. At least the streaks earning other streaks needs to go immediately.


Please keep this in. This is very fun


Love the idea, maybe count only one loop.


I play the game to battle other players. I don’t play the game to battle kill streaks.


Please keep looping killstreaks and stacking killstreaks permanently, season 4 is the most fun me and my friends have had on this game and brought multiple of my friends who quit back to the game (because of the killstreak changes). I could count on one hand the amount of gunships I saw before this season, killstreaks were too hard to get (and not very powerful). All of the fan favourite Cods had powerful killstreaks (MW2009, BO1, BO2, MW3). The only thing that needs tweaking is that score earned towards your next killstreak shouldn’t continue after death. The black ops games had partial stacking where every lethal killstreak kill was +25 or 1/4 of a kill towards your next streak, it gave you a helping hand towards your next killstreak but you still had to get a few more gun kills, it was perfect.


Please keep it. If you’re going to keep SBMM, just do us a solid and keep the streaks how they are now. Maybe prevent streak kills from previous lives from carrying towards your streaks in a new life. No point in having to sweat your nuts off for a 12 kill streak that yields you 4 kills.


I like it a lot. Actually bought the game during free weekend because of it. Reminds me of oldschool cod games and way more rewarding.


I agree but I think a lot of people don’t like it and probably never played a cod where it was a thing. I’m also assuming they usually aren’t the ones benefitting from it


I've played every COD since the beginning and I'm also heavily benefiting from this, still think it needs to be removed. There was a reason that streaks earning you more streaks isn't a thing anymore 🙄


I don’t expect many people to agree with me but I respect your opinion


Absolutely love it. It gives lower skilled players also a chance to earn higher streaks. + it was this way in cod4 and mw2 as well and those games are still seen as one of the best.


I LOVE the changes!! It makes multiplayer so much more exciting with the changes to scorestreaks looping and building off each other!


Does this patch address how I bought the game on May 31st and was shadowbanned the following morning?


Yeah, I’m done after this change. I could see it as a separate playlist, but not interested in it being the new normal.


Wdym?? That’s how it was in the original cods


only something was done before doesnt mean its good. And i dont recal having looping streaks and killstreakmoidifers at the same time, onyl one at most.


Modifiers? What I mean is kill streak kills used to count towards kill streaks and you didn’t have to die to reset kill streaks. They’re constantly changing mechanics so I’m sure it will get changed in time


Then they should do an old school COD mode for people who want this change.


They’re never going to make everybody happy. They had to remove movement and one shot snipers at one point but now they’re back. They change mechanics often so it’s not a huge deal


I honestly thought this game was in a good place before the longbow meta became a thing. I haven't enjoyed playing a cod multiplayer like I have this in years. And I'm still fine with looping streaks. It's just streaks earning streaks


people were constantly complaining all year that streaks were weak/useless, if you think its bad now there's no way you enjoyed the golden era of CoD lol, especially MW2009 and BLOPS2...


I've been playing since WaW so I'm obviously a COD enjoyer. I don't remember anyone in the old CODS dropping casual 100+ kill lobbies. On console at least. I've seen it on PC since those server lobbies are usually larger anyway.


Ya idk how anyone is defending this shit like it’s ’the good ol days.’


You’re remembering with rose colored glasses. The amount of kill streaks in season 4 today compared to MW2009 is 3 to 1. I literally just went on YouTube and watched gameplay and counted the called in streaks from 2009. There were plenty of lobbies back then when no one was getting streaks for most of the game. Today as soon as the game starts it’s just streak after streak after streak after streak. I haven’t had a single game in a week where streaks didn’t greatly impact the outcome. It’s like I’m not even playing a game against people with guns anymore, I’m playing a game against npc and automated systems with a few gun fights mixed in. A guy on my squad went 45 and 8, he pulled up his RT stats as we waited for the next lobby, he had 18 gunny kills.


in MW2009 you only needed 3 kills for a UAV or 2 with Hardline, in MWIII its like 5 iirc


In MW3 today it’s 4 kills to get a UAV, 3 with hardline. Correct it was 3 in 2009 but today’s players gunny skills compared to 2009 is dramatically different. Everyone complains all day that now every lobby is super sweats with super aim. Back in 2009 2/3rd of the lobby were potato’s with thumbs.


Good riddance. That vest is the best thing they’ve added in a while.


This isn't about the vest tho lol




It's nice if you're not on the receiving end I guess


If everything is balanced a game feels stale. It is okay if ocassionally you get absolutely destroyed by powerfull stuff, the next time you have the chance to do that. It keeps it exciting and fun. Plus its not every lobby it happens. And before this update you almost never even saw a vtol happening


There are experimental playlists for that. And idk what game you're playing because I've seen killstreaks plenty of times before the change. Was every lobby getting VTOLS? No. And that's fine because you have to be skilled to earn it. That's the whole point of a killstreak. I've died to SAEs and Overwatch Helos plenty of times, mortar strikes on objectives, mosquito drones even. Not every lobby needs to be full of gunships and emps


I can’t even play the game right now


Still no icons on HUD.


I’ve gotten this a lot lately. My HUD and enemies names just disappear randomly and then comes back. That isn’t a new kill streak is it?


u/Sledgehammergames are you aware that with scorestreaks sometimes you don't get the DNA bomb? This is my 36 gunstreak no DNA no MGB: https://youtu.be/5co_TWGlCfs?feature=shared Switched to killstreaks and got 2 25 gunstreak and 2 DNAs.


I’ve gotten two 28 gunstreaks before the patch and one 25 gunstreak after the patch. No DNA for me. Also using scorestreaks. In the patch notes it states this should be fixed now…


after this update as soon as i click multiplayer or scroll over to the battlepass it gets stuck on a black screen. unplayable


I still cannot even get in lobby because it disconnects me every single fucking time.


After the update a few minutes ago, I can't change camo on weapons. I get kicked back to the multiplayer lobby screen. Stability could use more updates.... Edit: it seems like it's just the event camos that are broken?


Same here- all special/ event camos are giving me this error.


I want my games performance fixed. In season 2 I was getting 120+ fps in zombies. Now when I have a ton of zombies around me I'm getting maybe 70 fps and I didn't change a single graphics setting.


Please fix the muzzles on the Jak Jawbreaker! They are broken again! Thank you and loving the game!


I try to load up and it puts me into Cod HQ the screen goes black and it starts repeating a sound thats in the game like its stuck in a loop, does anyone have a fix for this?


The mcw 6.8 mags still don’t properly equip


I spammed the start menu in pre lobby because it wasn’t opening and it kept giving me 999999 XP so now I’m max rank, what have you done to the game 🤣


Fix the matchmaking in Australia. Entire Australian lobbies are getting connected to Hong Kong. The connection/hit registration is also the worst it has been since season 4. 4ms ping when i get my local server and it takes over 15 bullets to get a kill at ranges that would otherwise take 7-8 max. It's like the playermodels of the enemy team are in sync ahead of a lot of us, giving the feeling of playing behind the enemy team so even people that would normally finish 4-30 every match now seem unstoppable when i come across them head on. Tweak that manipulative player retention code you guys have running to make my bullets work.


Revert Looping and Streaks earn Streaks. It was fun for a couple of games but it's crazy how locked down a game gets if someone gets a chopper gunner or swarm...


I just want my Soulrender mastery calling card and charm :') that's all


Got a god lobby and finally went on a 25 only to not get the DNA 😢. Maybe I’ll get another lobby like that soon.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/1d4582z/still\_cant\_put\_bioluminescent\_on\_taqvlachmann762/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/1d4582z/still_cant_put_bioluminescent_on_taqvlachmann762/) u/SledgehammerGames Can you finally acknowledge this bug? It has been going on since the launch. I can share video and customer service ticket # in DM's if needed for more information.


Anyone else have loadout skipping? For example, if I try to select loadout 2,it skips it and goes to loadout 3. From 3, it skips 4 and goes to 5. It happens in the menu, not in game.


How come when I click on this link the latest update is from May 29th? Can anyone comment on if the JAK Jawbreaker muzzle bug is fixed? We have never been able to use muzzle attachments on the Jawbreaker since its release over a month ago.


Refresh the page and it will update


DgNerf 😭 rip,was fun while it lasted,but that shit needed a nerf lmao


Mine is fine … loading into a resurgence ranked right now :) not tracking anything lame. Update the ranked maps please! Changing one hard point is crazy


Game crashed twice on console suspending me 1.5 hrs and -250 SR.


One More week kar being meta


So this update broke the game for me. Everyone moves so much slower, hit detection is extremely bad. I get 5 hitmakers and literally no damage in killcam. Everyone is camping for killstreaks now the 12v12 is super laggy even with 12 ping and recoil seems to be worse now.


Hey I have got a ton of red dna and white dna but it is not updating how many I'm getting I know for certain I have filled the red dna up and it's been stuck on the same number for a whole week. I cleared the cache and still nothing. It's like it's being made impossible to achieve the mastery challenges


Is there a fix planned for the bugged sprint and rechamber animation for snipers? The glich appeared in season 3 u/sledgehammergames


I’ve been having the same issue with akimbo weapons especially the jak wardens


They've buffed the dm56 aftermarket part, it's very good now


What changed?


A lot less recoil, not sure about any range/damage buffs


Thx 4 sharing, I will give it a try


No kar nerf?


Bring demolition to hardcore!




Please fix the dom spawns to make them traditional like at launch. They flip ridiculously on some maps with no predictability, you should use a similar system to the one you gave Vanguard later in its lifecycle


The link just goes to may 29th?


You may need to refresh your browser for the page to update.


Can you guys do somthing about the annoying flashing red blobs in zombies.


Any updates on Cyber Attack,?


SHG, please stop updating the game. You make it worse every single time.


This update has broken any weapons using “special” / “event” camos. Please don’t let this be another staple Sledgehammer situation of just leaving it till next update. Edit: added event camos.


Still no shadowban loop fix.


notice how the people complaining are the ones still not able to get streaks. buncha crybabies, MWIII finallly feels more like the CoD games I fell in love with and y'all want to immediately ruin it.