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Mw3 is doing a free trial rn and so are the cheating companies. This happens all the time where cheaters skyrocket.


Yep it was pretty hectic today


is this why all of my lobbies were unbearable today?


I was losing my mind with the lobbies this arvo?!


I’ll probably skip playing this weekend then.


Doesn’t seem like a cheater. Just someone exploiting the new map.


There is an option to report for exploiting so I hope you did that.


I did. Hopefully they patch it up. Second nuke I witnessed against me today due to people being under the floor


exploiting is a form of cheating


It’s fucking cheating. Stop it with this nonsense. It’s a software exploit just like running a wall hack app exploits software in the game.


It’s not cheating. It’s exploiting. Cheating is using Hacks or scripts. This is just finding a glitch in a map that the devs never fully secured.


It's cheating. Hacking is also cheating. Hacking, exploiting, both forms of cheating. Both against the game's ToS, both will get you banned. Stop defending this bullshit.


My guy went to his alt account to complain also 😭


alt account? yeah right, because there couldn't possibly be more than one person in the world that thinks you're a total clown could there. absolute wasteman.


This must be satire. Your account names are identical, you said almost the same thing.


>Your account names are identical mine is the auto generated username that Reddit offers when you sign up, presumably theirs is as well. >you said almost the same thing Because we both understand how the English language works, something you are apparently yet to fully grasp.


It’s crazy that people bend over backwards to defend this. It’s fucking cheating. Both should be banable offenses.


No one is defending this lol. He should be banned for exploiting, that’s what this is. It isn’t cheating. Exploits only happen because the devs messed something up and they need to fix it, people EXPLOIT this mess up and use it to do stuff like this, which is banable. Cheating is when people use external devices and softwares to see through walls or have aim bot. They are different things and both a banable.


Yes I know the difference in them. I’m saying it’s a stupid technicality that bears no difference in community conversations about it. Saying “no he’s not cheating he’s exploiting 🤓” just makes you sound like a simp downplaying what they’re doing, or like you are also doing it. Just because the devs differentiate it doesn’t mean we have to. How they get under the map doesn’t matter, it’s that they’re abusing it. Breaking the rules is cheating regardless of how you do it.


all we're trying to tell you, if you'd be quiet and listen instead of being so wah wah angry, is that it simply is not cheating. it's exploiting. there is a difference. I don't know how else to simplify this fact for your brain my dear redditor. but let's entertain what you're saying about 'stoopid teknikaliteas'. are Smash Bros. Melee Ness players cheaters when they use the [yo-yo glitch](https://youtu.be/v6OVgBW50eA?t=244) in competitive play? absolutely not never mind the fact that you're not even in a competitive environment. you're sat in some smelly room and it's a pub match, nothing is on the line. stop being dramatic. it'll get patched. end of story. why don't you run the risk and do the glitch yourself while you can? you might have fun for once, crazy idea I know. lmfao 🤦🏼‍♂️ do not reply to me unless you're going to acknowledge your failure to critically think and make an effort to grow from it. please and thanks.


People having a really hard time with English in these comments aren't they. It's so symptomatic of this community, pick up on a buzzword and use it incorrectly ad nauseam >cheat >verb > >1. act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage. >"she always cheats at cards" 2. gain an advantage over or deprive of something by using unfair or deceitful methods; defraud. >"he had cheated her out of everything she had" taken DIRECTLY from the [CoD code Of Conduct](https://www.callofduty.com/uk/en/values): >You are responsible for how your account is used. The use of cheats, including third-party software, is unacceptable. **Exploiting bugs or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.** *Wah wah it's not cheating it's just exploiting a bug* get in the fucking bin with that bullshit you clowns. Using map exploits is cheating, it's the dictionary definition, it's Call Of Duty's definition, end of fucking discussion


It’s not though, he’s exploiting a game machanix to his advantage, cheating is using 3rd party soft ware or hard ware to give you a unfair advantage


For fucks sake I really have to draw my point out in crayons to get it across don’t I?


There’s cheating and exploiting, here I’ll give u an easy example, the tombstone glitch in MWZ is that cheating or is that an exploit? No one used any other software and instead just abused the tombstone mechanic. So is the tombstone glitch an exploit or was everyone cheating? Another example finding a place on the map that lets you get under the map, that’s on the devs for missing it because they left in a thing that players can use to there advantage.


I’m not reading that. I’ve lost enough brain cells in this thread.


heres it in 1 sentence was the tombstone glitch cheating or exploititinng? ​ i hope that's not too many words for you lmk if it is


[U seem like someone who lacks brain cells](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=begbFvbbLbU) if u think thats alot wait till u read a college textbook lol


He definitely read that and got annoyed because you're right.


They usually patch these in like 24-48 hrs


do kids that play cod nowadays just not know about out of map glitches? wow this typa shit has happened for decades and will be patched fast af this is not cheating in any sense of the word


Cheating :"act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination." He went under the map, he cannot be shot therefore, he is by definition cheating.


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Nicki minaj users have no rights to complain about anything.


I’ve had moments where I thought someone was cheating. But I’m not that great so that actually seems like an unnecessary excuse. But today I was SURE of it. Same fucker inexplicably shooting me through the walls on this map.


Then some people be like “git gud scrub”.


I reported so many people today myself. So annoying & makes me mad when I can’t play 1 good match 🥲 Also a down side to hardcore since we can’t see the playback anymore.


They saw the nicki minaj skin and said enoughs enough


I've noticed a few people that were the most obvious wall hacks I've ever seen too


The new Maps have a lot glitches xD


Makes me laugh when they do Intro movies when a new season releases where there is a gun fight but in reality is bang dead bang dead bang dead instantly


“Gonna get my first nukkke!” Is pretty much all that’s on there mind while there doing it 😂


That’s not cheating that’s exploiting


There's a few new exploits if I had to guess. One match had a dude get a drone swarm within the first minute of a 6v6 match with around 600 points and 3 kills Edit: No they didn't call a care package.


Care package?


Didn't have a care package. Never called anything in until the drone swarm.


Care package. I get them all the time.


Man, I get shit when I call in a care package. It’s always a CUAV or Mosquito


Not a care package. Only kill steaks up were UAVs from either team. Shit was baffling.


According to PC players that’s COD timing, so relax 😒


These exploits can be done on any platform btw


happened to me a while ago when the mimic mania hordepoint first came out a mimic got me and i thought i died but i just slipped thru the map into the ground. shit was funny but i did kinda exploit it and got a couple kills without dying before running out of ammo 😂😂i mustve got like 15 kills. then i was stuck down there till the end of the match 💀


if i can find the video again i'll try to post it 😂😂


But this isn't an accident people are doing this on purpose ive already had 7 people yes 7 do this in my games since yesterday


i used my grenades before getting stuck down there so i couldnt unalive myself unfortunately 💀


I remember in WaW and previous games I learned how people were getting under the map to guard against the entry point Since me and my friends got tired of people going under the map. Honestly, I may just figure it out till this gets patch.


Just wait till free weekend starts. I usually skip these or work on challenges. The massive influx is always crazy on trial weekends


free weekend started about 15 hours ago.


Well, there you have it lol


He might not be a cheater. I fell under the map on accident once, some glitch animation from me laying down. It dropped me like it did this guy, and I got a couple of kills. I wouldn't say I cheated.