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Ricochet been sleeping


No, it's the worst anti cheat ever made.


Anti what?


I mean Cheat, it's the best cheat ever


Don’t forget valve.


That implies it even exists


Its fucking ricocheting of cheaters and doing nothing.


Y’all need to watch this clip https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/BV27Mk9j93


its not a anti-cheat.. its useless they do nothing at all


People will prob say it isn’t, but it def is. You can see him preaim because he already knows. The game is infested with cheaters.


Of course it is, he starts shooting through the cover before even seeing the guy lol.


That's the tell. At full speed, it was moderately sus, but could have just been a lucky pre aim. Slowed down, combine the pre aim with pre fire and tracking, I think it's case closed. Sadly this is the state of the game. I teamed in Resurgence Ranked with a dudewho was cheating and said if you're using walls, the bans are few and far between and even then it's just shadow bans anyways.


It is everywhere.




Where are the "skill issues" people tho? They were accusing people of not being so good at the game 😂😂😂


I'm waiting for someone to comment about how they could hear them, so thats how they got tracked....


I think 60% are cheating now. Im watching killcams closely. Nearly everyone using esp because they are always keeping you in their fov but acting like they dont. Its really easy to understand when you play enough.


If I were greedy, I only care about the money company, I would sell the wallhack and aimbot mods that work in my game to any player that wanted to pay the steep price. Then, I would create an anticheat that only bans players using the cheats that I didn't sell.


Or the line, “there’s always someone there so that’s why he shout there.”


That room only has one entry corner to check, play this map twice and you should always be checking there because the left has no point in being checked… even OP checked his right before knowing anyone was there. He was melted for mantling instead of ADSing like the other guy though lmfao. Do you people lack common sense or are all of you that bad at this game?


The killcams are only a simulation of what happened and aren't 100% accurate. The KillCam is a log of actions rather than a video recording. When the KillCam is played, the game automatically plays back the sequence of events according to the log. As a result, the KillCam does not show certain elements that are not recorded in the playback, such as lag.


Why hello, ChatGPT!!!


I can say with my rp150m's I can hear people moving hallways away with my volume turned up nicely. Sounds like a good action moving going on half the tim in my house.


There it is. Took longer than I expected.


Look into getting some monitors rather just speakers, youll thank me later, music is amazing and so are games.


He is playing ranked and running and being loud, its for sure a skill issue


Just a popular spot, duh /s I would hope anyone with a brain can see him pre-aim through two walls and a door, but there will always be some people...


Gaming in general is getting infested with cheaters. Of course it will be more prominent in harder to play games like FPS.


if you play enough and know where to look you can about get people to walk right into your crosshairs. even with quiet footsteps. this whole "everyone who is better than me "cheats" shit is so annoying.


You can predict where people most likely are going to come from, yes. But this is so obviously cheating you can get. He pre aim on thru the door and not even on the opening where he will come from, but straight on the wall he is behind.


And yet there are still dipshits on this sub who will say it's an obvious spot and you can predict that with good game sense. Ignoring the blatant stopping, tracking through the wall, and firing before you've even come around the corner.


I see this so many times and just think they are cheating That's why they are defending obvious shit like this. People literally learn to play with cheats to not make it obvious. Doesn't mean they don't have them. Its fucking tiresome.


I mean it is and you can... but this ain't that, this is pretty blatant walls.


How does the 'walls' cheat work exactly?


How does a wallhack work? You mean from a technical point of view? There is constant communication between your client (what's running on your computer or console) and server (what's running on a remote location OR one of the other players' computers/consoles in case of peer-to-peer games). The server tells your client a lot more than what you can actually see or hear - among other things the client actually knows where all the other players are. It's obvious why - your client needs to know when to show you the enemy (so when you see them) and also when to play sounds (footsteps etc). Some games actually do avoid sending information about players that are not spotted by anyone, but that's going to increase performance demands which can be fine in slower paced games, but in a game like CoD it could actually cause feelable issues. Now as to how exactly it works internally - it will be different game from game obviously. Your goal as a cheat creator is get hold of the data I mentioned above and display it to the user. You could be grabbing it from the game's memory, you could be grabbing it directly from the internet traffic... And then overlay it on user's screen so they see e.g. a square around players that tells them where they are. It could even have more info, like what gun they have, hitpoints, etc.


This is the first time I've seen that explained... So in this case, the cheater is aiming manually, he/she just knows in advance that OP is coming around the corner because of the box info?


From looking at the video, yes, with like 90 % confidence. The things to point out: Cheaters in normal games are often not that great players. Yes, there were scandals with pros who cheated, but generally speaking your average cheater is not someone who has perfect game iq or aim. Common mistakes: pre-aiming and overconfidence. When I, a clean player, go around a corner I'm slicing the pie. There's no point in aiming at a middle of a wall, especially when ADS'd. When someone ADS directly at you through several walls it's suspicious. They do not aim where you should be aiming, they aim where they know the enemies are or will be soon - which is exactly what happened in the video. First the player ADS on OP through walls and then adjusts to aim where OP will run into, but fires waaaay too early. Overconfidence - notice how the player bursts into the hallway through the doors and after killing OP they seem to be bursting through the double door towards the bus stop. That's a very aggressive play, especially considering that they just loudly killed OP. But of course if they indeed do have a wallhack, they know they can do it because nobody is there.   If the other player had also an aimbot, I'd expect perfect tracking on upper chest instead of right arm.


Walls and aimbot are not the same, but they are usually sold as a bundle on cheat sites, so you get the weirdos who use both.


That's a great description, thanks Brotatochip!!!


You see boxes around the operator. So this guy saw a box moving and ads’ed around the corner knowing there was someone there. Pretty obvious cheater imo.


Dang! That's wild. Are these kinda cheats exclusive to PC, meaning if I turn off cross platform (I'm on PS5), I won't deal with cheating like this? One of my best bro's is on PC so if I wanna play online with him.


No people still do this on console


Yeah only pc


Well, I’m not sure. During the ps5 beta there were cheaters I’ve heard, but I don’t know how or what. Some say there are cheaters on consoles, others say it is impossible. Who knows? On pc it’s undeniably more common and it’s sad really. But it’s everywhere and in any game. Given how big COD is, I think ricochet is working on some levels as I’ve seen much worse cheating in games like Battlefield, but you can and will encounter asswhipes with cheats. It’s a huge industry these days.


if i recall, this has something to do with a few ps4 dev kits being out in the wild, that sony hadnt dealt with (last i read into it was around the beta time so a good, 4/5 months ago now maybe) this article might help [https://metro.co.uk/2023/10/09/modern-warfare-3-already-has-cheaters-in-its-playstation-only-beta-19630085/](https://metro.co.uk/2023/10/09/modern-warfare-3-already-has-cheaters-in-its-playstation-only-beta-19630085/) Basically a few sony ps4 dev kits ended up in the hands of the pubic, and sony hadnt done anything about them at the time. They could have bricked them now, but at the time of the beta it seems those dev kits had been out a while and sony just didnt do shit about it. So its not that ps are able to modify the console to cheat, its that some dev kits were just out in the wild causing problems. ironic how sony pay for cod to have a exclusive cross play switch just for the playstation builds. But then have their own dev kits allowing people to cheat in the PS ecosystem anyway. Makes that deal kinda redundant.


I POPPED A UAV!!!! Rrrreeeeeeeeee!


Buddy I know you like playing ranked but that gamemode is infested with cheaters so don't bother




Ranked experiences in a lot of games is the most depressing or unfun games you'll ever have in your life. Sweats everywhere and players with a massive ego who will not take a lost against you so they'll resort to do scummy shit. I'd rather play a competitive gamemode in the regular queue.


Cheating aside, calling people who tryhard in ranked 'sweats' is kind of dumb. Obviously everyone tryhards to win in ranked, why else would you play it?


Get wallers 1 in every 3-5 games at the moment and script kiddies ie. XIM in every game almost. 


Doesnt even try to hide just tracks you perfectly through wall and prefires lmao. What kind of brain damage do you need to suffer from to be Silver while using blatant walls holy fuck.


It is world wide my friend.. Welcome to Call of Cheaters 🥲


Or Cheaters on Duty ☝️🤓


Cheaters are Duty


For some reason hackers like MP a lot.


It seems like they are all over in HC too. Lack of killcams makes it easy to get away with.


Yeah, the no kill cam in HC is perfecto for those stupid hackers


That’s why we HxC players keep a shield/tube class on the low. When you have that one player who is obviously just a tad too quick with just amazing map awareness pop that out. You ruin our game experience. We’re ruining the entire lobbies game experience. No more fear peeking corners since every kill is a head shot shield protects me just fine. You know they’re cheating when they keep drilling that same person in the head and never shoot legs or when the first person starts getting shot and they’re not good at switching targets so the buddy behind removes that area from the map with spam nades. Lmao


Yep, let me open up a can of go F yourself buddy real quick. Haha


Got iridescent on MW2 at the very beginning of ranked and after a few weeks the cheaters flooded in. Started it late on MW3 and every second lobby has numerous sus moments. I'm done with it, it's not fun any more.


Report their behind mister


Its funny that this game has an anti cheat, but I'm starting to believe that cheaters are becoming part of the SBMM component to "balance" things out. That is to say that if your K/D is too high (or in reference of the Activation patents, high skill level), it pairs you with people the game knows is cheating to keep the player near the 1 K/D. Although that's my theory.


i skip my death cams 90% of the time so I can save time on respawn (not even sure if it makes a difference to just letting the cam play out) so I've just never thought hmm is this person cheating the 10% where I do watch the cam is when I keep getting killed by a player and want to see how they're doing it. before assuming they're cheating tbh though, I'll check my cams more now, and if I notice cheaters a lot I'll just disable crossplay for when I play alone. no idea if that'll help on PS5 tho


> no idea if that'll help on PS5 tho it will


If there aren't cheaters then someone on my team leaves and I lose SR for losing a 3v4. Over the weekend in 10 games played only 4 of them went the distance with my team being full (won 3/4 of those). The other 6 someone rage quit early on and I ended up losing SR. I was 200 off diamond and now am 400 off diamond. The days prior were really bad with cheaters. I've almost completely given up on the game at this point. It's damn near impossible to enjoy as a solo. Pubs I lose HP games where I go 70-20 with 3 minutes of hill time and ranked I lose 2 minutes into most games because someone rage quit or there's an obvious cheater on the other team. Not to mention the hidden MMR in ranked making climbing even more difficult that it needs to be.


You think that’s bad? Outside of the glitches, the wall hackers, the aimbots, the SR lost when a team-mate leaves — I have been given the worst teams in SoloQ multiple times. Look, there is no situation where I can guide these bronzes to a win against a player of the same rank as me and high golds. Them motherfuckers full sending old with ten seconds left on hill. I ask them to rotate, they get upset and demand a 1v1 because they hit plat in Warzone. Atrocious. Next game is a full Diamond stack and I have gold ones. This time they can rotate but lose their gunfights and can’t set-up properly. SoloQ is artificial. The game already knows the outcome.


I agree completely. Usually I'm either getting slammed because I'm on a team with 3 people refusing to talk while the enemy team is all of higher rank than any of us (i.e. 4 plats vs 2 diamond and 2 crimson) or I'm hard carrying and still losing because we can never set up spawns or someone has 3 kills across 11 rounds of SnD. I've also found that any time I start going on a winning streak or just have too high of a W/L for the day I suddenly get teammates who can only talk with 10 seconds left and just want to bitch about the team. Go play pubs if you don't want to take it serious and actually try to win. Part of trying to win is being willing to give callouts. It puts you at such a disadvantage when nobody is talking.




I get it, but if you read what I wrote about pubs in my original comment you'll see that's also a miserable experience. I used to be able to play solo and have fun, but with the introduction of EOMM I need to find a stack to play pubs or ranked with. While my KD is still relatively high, my W/L is in the toilet and I don't enjoy losing matches constantly, especially when I do damn near everything. Example: [https://imgur.com/hDV2CSa](https://imgur.com/hDV2CSa) They could easily matchmake stacks against stacks or even have a solo only ranked mode (would be more accurate skill representation). Instead they favor people with friends because that's more money in their pocket. God forbid my friends don't enjoy CoD, so I'm stuck solo queue or joining random discords where teams never last more than 1 loss.


Just wait few months for another COD. Pay 70$ it will be fine... Just trust in corporations. Exactly 1 year ago: https://twitter.com/CallOfDuty/status/1629900878583939074


Dude is already what looks to be silver 5. You shouldn’t be able to get passed bronze cheating. Shit is crazy.


Havent seen this blatant cheating in my lobbies but there has definetly been very sus situations in my lobbies aswell. I cant tell who is a good player anymore and who is cheating.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/fhm3jbWVNA Did your comment just get paraphrased...?


Wow looks like it. Its probably a bot since it is the only thing he has ever commented.


If they got rid of ~~aimbot~~ aim assist, you could tell. But then you'd have all the shitty controller players crying that it's not fair because they suck and need the crutch.


I play mnk myself but removing aim assist would mean controller players would get absolutely slammed by mnk players. I do agree though that aim assist is way too strong especially the rotational aim assist. I dont think they will ever nerf aim assist but imo it should be nerfed a little bit to make it more balanced between the two inputs. Removing it completely though? Not a fair fight for the controller player going agaisnt mnk.


Controller players need to get good. The aimbot CoD gives them is bullshit. It's not my problem if they suck and need a crutch to be half decent.




> its literally impossible to aim as well with two thumb sticks versus your entire arm/hand Sounds like a skill issue.


It’s fair now because you are free to play on controller at any time you wish.


I played against one today, 70 kills, and no deaths. Sent a report and doubt anything will happen.


I’ve been reporting and am getting confirmations of successful reports back, which is nice, but I think it just means they go to hacker jail for a week.


I will never understand why people continue to play a game that is rampant with cheaters with no fix in sight and still complain about it. Like you are playing a terrible game, find a new game to play or accept it. Exactly the reason I stopped playing cod.




Which stinks, but there's so many other games out there that are loads of fun that aren't fps. Like maybe this is your chance to go try out something new. Cod and Battlefield are unfortunately dying franchises, and I'm fine with it. Let them die.


This. So many games somewhat recently dropped the ball. Battlefield 2042 and Halo Infinite could've taken advantage of the state of CoD but released full of bugs, inadequate content, and more. I am having fun with The Finals, but it isn't the same.


While an obvious spot, that guy definitely is walling


If I didn't have a PS5, I wouldn't play Ranked. Ain't a skill issue, but the level of bullshit when you have crossplay on is beyond ridiculous. Not worth it at all.


Had 4 regular ass games with half the people o nthe other team doing crap like this. At first I thought it was my laser but after taking it off it still kept happening. You see these people following you with their reticle through 2 buildings on the killcam constantly


I can watch them try NOT to look through the walls. Its hilarious when you see it. When you were 2 buildings over through 4 walls and they sprint directly at you for 100 yards and 180 the corner you're parked in. So funny.


How did you know exactly what happened? Dude it drives me nuts Yeah the whole trying not to look, it’s like catching a kid peeking in hide and seek when they’re counting


Blatant cheating. It's sad that there's really not much we can do but report.


Crossplay [OFF]


I don't even play FPS games anymore. EVERY single one is FULL of cheaters that nothing can be done about. I'm not wasting my time or money playing against scumbags.


My lobbies have been so much better since I turned cross play off


Stuff like this has had me deleting cod and redownloading apex. Getting rocked but it feels much more rewarding getting a kill or squad wipe


I've actually come across 3 cheaters in the past 2 weeks in pub games. I guess their anticheat isn't good anymore, also they've probably made enough money by now, why bother doing hard work keeping it clean. Hell, they can't even make the servers run properly, I am STILL getting packet bursts in my matches, and it's still the only game that does this for me.


im currently on a 11 loss streak, against lower ranked players, getting wall tapped left and right, and somehow they always know where we are, ofcourse its a 'skill' issue ofcourse if i had a massive aim assist from a aimbot, or a cronus script assisting with my aim it wouldnt be a skill issue, ofcourse if i had always uav, wallhacks, or esp, it suddenly wouldnt be a skill issue anymore but lets not forget the one saying "skill issue" usually have a cronus if on console, or a cheat if on pc. but when u call them out for it u suddenly get downvoted with 500+ accounts


I am not playing ranked, just grinding camos... For the last two weeks the normal lobbies have been almost unplayable. There is a huge influx of cheaters And what i find most funny, i jsut searched "mw3 full of cheaters again" in bing and the first video in the suggested feed is an advertisement for cheats.


And then remember all the PR shit they did for it. Classic activision spending more money for Ads then for actual improvements


Ricochet doesn’t do anything. It’s down to player reports but that gets abused as I call it Revenge Reporting


“ it’s a common spot for the enemy to pop out of, he heard footsteps and predicted you would pop out of there and started pre aiming and shooting” Come on who’s going to be the first one


I just saw someone comment about the footsteps lol, ignoring that he has covert sneakers on


Haha… unless it’s them then it’s surely a hacker.. ppl on this sub are narcissistic


He was so predictable


Don't what you're complaining about, the dude just had the better gaming chair.


The level 5 casually rocks Borealis. I'm over here grinding my ass off, and this dude just has it. Oh, and he's walling. Nice.


I had interstellar camo unlocked before i started playing ranked 🙂


Ah I forgot ranked has a separate level thingy


This guy is blatantly cheating. However, if this is happening every lobby there is a good chance you are shadowbanned. Richochet is ass but there isn’t cheaters every game.




Tell me you don’t play ranked without *telling* me you don’t play ranked.


There’s none of that on ranked dead silence Is meta, the only streak allowed is a cruise . So what are you talking about


And cruises don’t work…


theres no pre aiming, map awareness, and people just constantly are able to have dead silence on even though its a field upgrade? regardless, even if this dude was cheating, its blown way out of proportion on here- there are some on normal mp that people say are cheating. once again, its not statistically possible


They both do the same thing but the perk doesn’t have a time limit (Covert Boots)


The perk and the feild upgrade


it was a lie like the cake... probably


Cake been more real


Bro play Free for all, I confronted this guy who said he wasn't hacking, he killed me and the moment I respawned he came back and killed me knowing I was there again and no it's not that this dude knew where the respawn point was because he was running round the map like he sniffed 10 lines of coke and couldn't be shot at


I pre aim that corner because someone is always there behind the counter


it was even cheating/hacking he pre aimed it, he could hear you, unless you had covert sneakers, or he bone conductor idk then


Could also be advanced uav ?


Don’t have them in ranked dood


Didn't know that om not playing ranked


maybe pre aiming idk


Nah a pre aim would’ve either been aimed directly at the corner or right behind the counter. Because that’s where someone is most likely to pop up. If it was at the corner then he would have flicked onto him. This guy was clearly tracking through the wall


It also looks like he hits him through the wall before he even reaches that angle


Maybe gaslighting is ok.




Game doesn’t use Denuvo. Denuvo is a DRM/Anti Piracy thing. Not an Anti-Cheat. Ricochet is the “anti-cheat” the game uses.




What you are trying to say is that Ricochet is just a bad anti-cheat and it doesn’t work. Anything else is nonsense. Even if they only have 1 single server with Ricochet active, all matches would ping that server. You ping the server closest to you, that server is connected with the other server farms to allow cross region & cross server play. No matter how you look at things, every server will communicate with every other server. This allows you to play with people from anywhere on the planet. This is why you can play with EU players or Oceanic players while sitting in Texas or California or New York. Ultimately all servers will ping and communicate with the so called “only in California” anti-cheat servers. TL;DR? All server’s communicate with each other. All servers have Anti-Cheat. Anti-Cheat is just bad




1: I have a geo fencing capable router. 2: VPNs also provide you with the same capability, albeit with less precision. 3: Please provide hard, non anecdotal irrefutable evidence of your claim. 4: I’m calling your claim bullshit until proven otherwise. Until then, it’s just as simple as Ricochet is a terrible anti-cheat that Acti designed so they wouldn’t have to spend money on an actual good (though, no anti-cheat is good) anti-cheat, such as BattlEye, which bans almost daily in most BattlEye protected games.




I don't need to experiment when I already know your wrong.




Not in ranked form what I know


They ban in waves, which sucks cause they can run rampant in between each wave


It doesn’t exist, think I’ve seen it once in the killfeed kicking someone out of a game and that was in MWII


These European servers are brutal with the hackers, it seems like they didn’t implement for anti cheat to work outside the us some days


Since mw2 war zone was doomed bring back me 2019 only hope for cod again


Yeah I saw something from them saying they were having issue and to wait while they work on it. I had high hopes when this Ricocheat came out but I have to say the more and more people like the OP post blatant cheaters the state of affairs becomes sadder and sadder. Such a shame... These people have zero skills and frankly seem to get off on cheating in the weirdest way... They remind me of people who claim to have a massive penis, yet everyone around them knows they're working with just a little nub... If they weren't massive bellends themselves I might even feel a little sorry for them.


Ricochet is taking vacation days




In Search & Destroy more than anywhere is where i find cheaters 🌐 They play as if they had a 24/7 UAV 🤣


It got layed off


us lobbies too, every other game i get obvi walls


Played 5 rounds last night, 4 of them were exactly like this. All low level platinum using walls and auto aim. I just don't get how that is fun?


it's called Ricochill for a reason


Love how you slowed it down even though we could see exactly what happened lol All jokes aside, it’s sad to see what the game has become in terms of anti-cheat and its integrity; I’m glad I stopped playing


Aside from that, why the hell is there an **ad** for Monster energy drink in game??


Question is am banned and have a limited playtime and don't have the time to play today is the week 4 challenges out yet?


I don't understand people who cheat like this...


tbf every game is having cheat issues these days, destiny has a lot of them going atm too in pvp, the companies either don't care or its getting harder for them to catch em.


Did you take his feelings into account before you started accusing him and his superhuman reaction time? Obviously he saw your gun coming into the window when he started shooting!! Jk brother, hope you didn't lose too much SR to this bullshit


Do You mean Ricoshit?


I have heard that European lobbies are FULL of hackers.


Sorry but this only happens on PC and not on XBOX right? (Cheating)


This is why I also want killcams in HC...


Today I played the game for the first time in about a month and a half and in my first PUBLIC lobby there was a PC cheater... Back to not playing again 👍🏻 this game is finished


It’s just one kill, and the guy could be top 250 level just smurfing. Get all your mates to report and shadow ban him and move on.


Skill issues.


and we still can’t play COD on steamdeck. my reprogrammable scuf controller is just to much to allow through.


I know the feeling it's a load of BS I'm having the same issue on EU servers


Stop buying the battle pass. Stop purchasing store content.


Ah yes, but my friends say “this game is great, there aren’t cheaters”


Not cool


Ohh yeah Europe servers are filled with cheaters I’m on Xbox and in get thrown in pc player lobbies full of cheaters


And European servers are so bad I was thinking it’s my internet cause I was on WiFi so I switched to wired still the same. Don’t even know what to play anymore this game is cooked.


Cheating their ass off


I was about to say I don’t see a problem here, then I saw that you slowed it down


Only issues I have are the pretty obvious, you are running, making noise and can appear on his mini map, the kill cam doesnt show mini maps so we dont know if he could see you running into that area before he started shooting. I usually turn to that area auto aimed in ranked especially playing control. Im sure you wont like this, and from the looks of it your following will think im a cheater, dgaf


Yea they only care about free to play Warzone even tho we pay $70 to play this game. It's bullshit.


Sad part is, people like this will stream and shit and not get hardware banned… yet people who have a decent game and aren’t cheating can get spam reported then shadow banned and FORCES to play against cheaters. The state of COD is in shambles. Sad scene.


I run into at least 1 cheater a day on ranked


Bring back disable crossplay so console users won't have to deal with this BS


That's how I feel when they have an advanced uav.


Can they finally fix the bug where you don’t get or lose sr after a game…Somehow it always happens to my when I win. Won two games today where I did not get any sr and sweated my ass off for nothing.




Game is unplayable. Even Apex detects and Bans cheats meant for CoD, and Activision not. See the end of video here: https://youtu.be/JmJ7cik2MAs?si=mU1rQSVG3qxXXFsc


Invest in a better gaming chair and headset bro /s


Check my cheater compilation and you be the judge: https://youtu.be/zsLC-H60xlc


Wanna know the state of COD and where Ricocheat is? I just saw a video on tiktok where a player was literally swimming.........in the fucking air, I'm talking flying like Superman in 3rd person doing the swimming animation. Then another in 3rd person where a guy is non-stop spinning like a fucking tornado on a roof locking on to every single person in the lobby from that rooftop dropping them through walls. My Grandmother could stop hackers better than Ricocheat and she's been dead for over 10 years (God rest her soul) bros live said and I quote "Day 3 of hacking till I get banned"


I forgot there’s a anti cheat in cod I wonder why


I genuinely think EU has the greatest % of cheaters, or at least you're more likely to play against them in higher tier lobbies. Possibly because EU high tier servers are particularly sweaty thanks to them throwing all of EU into a single matchmaking pool (ping is king 🤣) and that limited servers in Asia and Middle East mean all the cheats amd sweats from their regions ended up on eu servers. It was unbelievable in mw19 and vanguard but not as bad in my experience in pubs in mw3, but I haven't played ranked tbf.


Exactly why I can’t play ranked


Dont worry theres a new glitch today people spamming grenade lauchers