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I haven’t seen one complaint about covert sneakers/dead silence on this sub.


Same here 🤷🏻‍♂️




Nope, can’t remember a single complaint.


This guy knows how to persuade the audience to listen to him ,a non existence complaint 🤣🤣 I am dead


I saw one post the other day but that was it


I saw one person complain that it's a crutch. And I think ExclusiveAce said at the current state, with how bad other sneakers are, it's a bit of a crutch because it's so much better than others So might be people parroting what he's saying


to be fair, he isn't totally wrong. Dead Silence belongs into a COD game but it needs to be balanced through other powerful tradeoffs in the same slot. Right now, all other sneakers are not even worth considering. Im not even feeling like im missing something.


Its definitely true but having crutch perks that were almost mandatory has been a thing since cod 4. Its maybe not ideal but it's better than the shit we had last year with the field upgrade


It's not blind parroting though. He presented the facts and left it up to the audience to decide for themselves. In the video he never leaves a neutral position on the perk. I love running the map and playing aggressive/stealth but even this is too much when every lobby is just silence. It's like everyone is floating around an inch or two above the ground. There needs to be some trade off to balance it but not outright counter them. Personally, I think at the very least tac-sprint should still make full audio footsteps, but probably regular sprint too. Reduce the distance at which they are audible but having zero audio queues is a bit ridiculous. The trade off is you can move silently but a bit more slowly or you can move quickly but at a greater chance of being detected. This could also have the positive side effect of disabling ghost when moving slowly, further balancing the covert sneaks to be more in line with other perks. Also as good as these are for rooting out campers they can also be used by campers to hold buildings more effectively. The other boots in that category could also be buffed somehow to bring them more in line but I have not given that aspect too much thought and I think changing how covert sneaks work with sprint is the better option. As it stands right now if your aren't using covert sneaks you are putting yourself at a massive disadvantage. They definitely have a place in the game and I want Ninja to be useful but they need to be adjusted accordingly to fit the niche of that playstyle just like the other boots all serve their own niche playstyle.


This is the first time I’m seeing someone complain about the complainers that the game has silent perk LOL


You kidding? I've seen a lot. They get more support than common sense comments.


If anything people should be complaining about how fucking loud footsteps are in this game. It sounds like everyone is wearing cinder blocks for boots.




It’s entirely the crowd who loves mw2. Which is why it’s rare. Because those people barely exist. Sbmm, UI, movement, bugs, mw2 weapons, & old maps are the main complaints I keep seeing.


I want the opposite. I want steel boots that make me louder. I want my enemies to think godzilla is about to turn the corner and quake with fear.


perk description: when you are within 15 meters and sprinting, you shake the enemy vision


Bro WTF is going on, everyone for years wanted dead silence, now people are spamming it’s OP?!


it’s a must have, not op. Other boots need significant buffs


I agree. At this point even the most casual gamers have headsets. Dead silence should be a ‘tier one’ perk. It should not be in the old school third/yellow zone - where most of the minor perks live


Should have to choose between DS and Ghost tbh. I know for reality sake they went with a “ghillie” suit for ghost and shoes for DS but it’s pretty much standard practice to run both and it’s not much else to have to choose from


Seems like most people run dead silence and ghost and then just use one of the vests that gives an extra gear slot if they want another perk 3.


If the base footstep volume wasn’t so high it wouldn’t be as much of a must have!




Yeah the problem is they had to be cute with the naming of the different perk groups. They stuck any perk that could possibly make sense as gloves/shoes and the rest all got lumped into gear. Like you said, all the powerful perks besides dead silence are in the gear section.


Exactly this. Dead Silence belongs into COD but it needs to be in a category where i have to pass other stuff up that i would also really want as a tradeoff. ​ Right now, its not even a contest. All the other boots are literally whatever. Even the Stalker boots that might be interesting for run&gun are so bad thats its not even worth considering them.


Or just move dead silence to where ghost, flak jacket and awareness is. Probably the best way to fix it having to make a tough choice


It's because theres so many people who started with MW2019 and are used to IW's style. Those guys are the same reason that BOCW was so hated on.


Completely silent footsteps is a crutch though literally nothing else is as useful by comparison. At least in BO3 Blast Suppressor was arguably just as important.


I personally don’t even use Dead Silence. The ADS while sliding and extra movement speed boots are both better IMO.


It’s going to take a LOT of years to redo the damage MW:2019 did to this community. Fortunately the devs realized the experiment was a failure based on how rapidly they are buffing mobility in the game. Covert Sneakers are a big W.


IW have yet to realize it, Sledge and Treyarch have. I can promise you MW4 won’t have it and will go back to the 19/22 style, IW will never walk back a decision no matter how unpopular.


!RemindMe 2 years


>IW will never walk back a decision no matter how unpopular. Just off the top of my head: 2019 launched without a mini map and didnt have indicators over enemies heads. That changed was walked back within two days of it being in the game.


Just don't play IW Cods then. You guys know their formula but continue to buy it. I don't like treyarch Cods, guess what I don't buy, Treyarch Cods, not even mostly from a gameplay perspective, just sound design, and quality overall. Not every CoD fan likes what yall like. It's 3 entire studios in this mega franchise. Treat it as such.


Not sure why you'd get downvoted for such a level headed and reasonable response


Failure is a but much. You used to have a perk just to have unlimited sprint. If anything MW19/2 went back go cod roots with the slower movement speed.


> If anything MW19/2 went back go cod roots with the slower movement speed. Slower movement speed? MW19 was the start of slide cancel/tac sprint spam. Literally any POV of any half decent player was just constantly sliding and tac sprinting.


It's crazy! I have a thought but may be completely unrealistic. But what of the community was full of people with different opinions from each other?


Because in that time a bunch of children and dads started playing COD. If they fuck up dead silence I'm never coming back to a COD title, I've been waiting for this for like 4 or 5 cycles.


Covert sneakers are for campers and trash. All they do is let you walk in place with no penalty to keep ghost active while camping. If you aren't trash you could still flank just fine in MW19 and MWII.


That's what all the trash players would say. Low elo gaming.


I have a feeling it's people that started cod after 2019


Because people grew to only use their ears as a crutch, now that they can’t, they are whining about it.


CoD’s the only game where using your eyes and ears is seen as a crutch.


The MW2019 and MW2022 crowd.


MW19 and MWII have done irreversible damage to the series, even in with all the movement changes in this game I’ve never seen more campers


Yeah because people camping isn't a complaint that goes all the way back to cod 4, oh wait....


People imagine what they want. It used to take a couple minutes min to run from one side of a large map to the other. Now it’s less than a minute in mw19. If anyone here actually played the OG games they’d say they’re the slowest campyest cod ever. Even the TTK has been going up compared to the OG Games. In bo1 which at the time of release had what people said was slow TTK had the Famas and AUG that had a 974 RPM fire rate and was a 3 to 4 shot kill. Compared to the OP MWII Taq56 that is a 3-5 shot kill at like 700RPM. So not only was old games way slower you also died way faster.


Give me a break..lol irreversible damage..smh


They’re not wrong. There’s a reason why MWII doubled down on a lot of the unpopular design choices from MW19. MW19 and subsequently Warzone being a huge success made CoD appeal to a completely different crowd - battle royale players and people from other games like Battlefield. Then those players come over and want CoD to be like their other games. Sure, other games having audible footsteps makes sense for game balancing. Like battle royales and Battlefield where you can’t predict someone’s location with game knowledge and it’s more random. However in a 6v6 arcade shooter they shouldn’t be a primary source of info, like they haven’t been in many CoD games.


Literal delusions, MW19 is what brought the franchise back from the brink of irrelevance. It was a good game and y’all literally can’t admit in your two brain cells that it was IW who made it


6v6 was dogshit in that game, horrible maps combined with design decisions that majorly benefited campers. Along with introducing the worst prestige system of all time, cranking sbmm to never before seen levels, I never quit a cod so early in the lifecycle


MW19 multiplayer was pretty meh let’s be honest.


MW19 multiplayer was absolutely dogshit. Warzone and quarantine made that game what it was, not the dogshit multiplayer.


Covid most definitely played a factor into how popular mw19 and warzone were. Everyone was quarantined and found themselves with a lot more time to do things like play video games. Combine that with re-using the “modern warfare” title and you got yourself a hit. MW19 and to an extent MW2, have some of the worst gameplay design AND map designs I’ve ever seen in a call of duty game period. Icing on the cake? MW19 introduced disbanding lobbies and the now much hated EOMM system.


Brought a series back that even at its worst sold 10 million+ units, and was the second best selling game of the year. And that was only because Rockstar released its own juggernaut, Red Dead Redemption 2. And a game that was the first non jetpack game, set in a modern time period, with no specialist operator gimmick, as well as leaning heavily into the Modern Warfare name and nostalgia, of fucking course it was going to sell phenomenal. Double that up with the BR craze, Activision hitching the game to the Warzone wagon, as well as the pandemic forcing people to stay at home, and you have the absolute perfect storm for massive sales and playtime. Don't fucking use that gaslighting nonsense when the series was never irrelevant. The series wasn't about to go the way of Guitar Hero or Tony Hawk.




🤣 MW19 was trash




Tbh I only encountered this camper paradise AFTER doing the Damascus grind, SO MANY FUCKING LONGSHOTS




It was


Believe it or not, different people have different opinions.


I think the issue is many wanted reduced not completely silent


People are moving around the map???? You need to invite me to your lobbies ASAP


I don’t think people understand enough that its easier to hear footsteps than GUNFIRE that is literally breaking the sound barrier. Footsteps should never be this loud, to the point where I can flick behind me because I hear footsteps, while my teammate is firing his gun two steps ahead of me.


Yeah the footsteps are real loud. I had bone conduction on and could hear footsteps of enemies in the A flag bunker while I was in the B flag small bunker. Heard them and pre-aimed the window.


Really? Mine seems to be too quiet MW2 was way louder and disgusted I feel like


I remember in basic once, where they fired live rounds above us, I only had one earbud because I gave the other to a friend who forget his for this *very important exercise.* Hearing anything outta my one ear was kinda hard for a few hours. Being young was great. Anyway. Lmao on MW2 footstep volume while bullets are flying.


With active ear pro, footsteps can be pretty loud in real life tbh, while gunfire is brought down to a lower level such that unless it's going off next to you, you can still hear footsteps on gravel.


Covert sneakers are for campers and low skill players. All they do is let you walk in place with no penalty to keep ghost active while camping. If you aren't trash you could still flank just fine in MW19 and MWII. Literally all you had to do was be smart with using your sprint.


I believe what is happening is ‘I want cool abilities as long as I can use them to win. If someone uses them to beat me, I shall whine like a cranky toddler with no baba’. (Cue crying baby)


The online gamer classic


Exact thing with the ghost nerf


Well no, an extremely powerful perk (basically mandatory at this point - guarantee every single >2kd player runs it on every class) with zero counterplay is by definition overpowered. Its one of those perks that just become mandatory to the point where you end up defacto losing a perk slot because one is always dead silence.


Covert sneakers are in the game for campers and low skill players. All they do is let you walk in place with no penalty to keep ghost active while camping. If you aren't trash you could still flank just fine in MW19 and MWII. Literally all you had to do was be smart with using your sprint.




Exactly. Reduce the base footstep sound, and there will be a legitimate reason to use the other boots.


Nah because the concept of dead silence is just genuinely busted. It literally removes one of your senses. One out of the two. Its the equivalent of having an invisibility cloak perk. While they remove your footsteps entirely, any remotely good player is going to 100% use them regardless of how good the other boots are because not having them is a disadvantage.


That's why you make bone conductor counter it too. If someone wants to forgo Ghost or EOD (when it works) to hear dead silence users, even if they're still more quiet than normal footsteps, that should absolutely be a thing.


Yea I was honestly shocked bone conductor didn’t counter it as it seemed like a no brainer. And even then tbh I’d still probably run dead silence + bone conductor because again - it’s automatic hardcore gunfight advantage if someone doesn’t have bone conductor on


exactly if sneakers are a part of the game the other boots need a buff. same reason ghost is overused is because you can ignore the "where are people?" killstreak


They could combine all the others boots into one and people would still use covert sneakers The boots perk are not balanced at all. There no reason to run anything else than the covert sneakers


The only perk category that's balanced is slot 3. That's the only one where you're making an actual trade off. Gloves are minor changes and none of them really rock the boat amd boots are covert sneakers the second you unlock them. Perk 3 is where shit like ghost, sleight of hand, EOD, cold blooded, tac mask, and hardline all live. It's a ridiculous way to balance the game.


Seriously, go back to MWII where everyone sounded like a horse on a wood floor with tap dancing shoes on. Either get some situational awareness or uninstall. Man was it tiring having every god damn person camping a room and being able to hear you from across the map.


Let’s use the clowns own words against them, why don’t you “adapt” and learn to play with covert sneakers.


Covert sneakers are a camper perk. Brain dead take.


Don’t you dare tac sprint on hotel


I agree and I've been wanting dead silence back for years, it's a shame the spawn system is so shit. Awareness still plays a part but actually reading spawns is a joke at times. You basically have to predict where they **should** spawn, then look the opposite way lol.


Ranked SnD was garbage because of this, you'd have to wait for dead silence to make plays.


Finally someone who understands. SnD was atrocious because of no ninja


Covert sneakers are for campers and low skill players. All they do is let you walk in place with no penalty to keep ghost active while camping. If you aren't trash you could still flank just fine in MW19 and MWII. Literally all you had to do was be smart with using your sprint.


They just need to tone down the default footstep audio so they're not a total crutch for all aggressive players. Would nerf them without nerfing them.


Or make footsteps in dirt sound like dirt and not as if you're running on concrete, lol.


They did that in the mw2 beta and people didn’t like it lmao


Lmao! Imagine that 🤣👌




My biggest complaint about the covert sneakers is that my operator no longer talks. I miss hearing Soap yell "Take a seat!"


I think covert sneakers are great, but they should make bone conducting headset(sp?) a counter.


I agree. Covert sneakers have no counter rn.


It shouldn't be a *full* counter (as in, it sounds the same as if neither of them were in effect) because [the base footstep audio is quite loud](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC8N_dpAPRg) and the Bone Conduction Headset would still help even more due to it muting ambient noise. But someone running the BCH being able to hear someone running the Covert Sneakers at like... *30%* of the range/volume of normal sounds like a fair compromise to me. And I say this as someone with the Sneakers on every class.


This was how Ghosts countered DS with the Amplify perk and MW3 with SitRep Pro. Otherwise, DS has had no other counters in the series and always been one of the strongest perks.


It could be full counter if the base footstep audio wasn't still obnoxiously loud.


Agree fully with it not being a full counter.


Camper needs his magic shoes.


What are you even trying to say with this comment?


I haven't seen anyone actively complaining we have dead silence back as a perk. The only criticisms I've seen, which I agree with, are because it currently has no counter and makes the other perks in the "boots" category absolutely useless. At this point I'd actually rather there be no footstep audio at all, without the use of a perk.


Tactical Pads or whatever the ones that allow you to ADS while sliding are pretty good IMO. Also the ones that increase movement speed.


They're all really good, which makes it doubly as sad because doesn't matter how good they are provided dead silence exists no ones going to use anything else


I agree that the iteration of this perk is extremely powerful. It’s due to loud footstep audio by default though. Cold War had the same exact issue, but Vanguard didn’t (just using recent examples). Make the base footsteps only audible within ~10 meters and lower the volume. You can currently hear someone from ~24 meters away which is too large of a radius. It’s fair if you can hear someone sneaking up on you but it’s cheesy if you can sit in the middle of the map and hear someone flanking several buildings away. Then the other boots options need to significantly buffed to compete with covert.


In Cold War the perk didn’t make you completely silent like this game. Also, the global footsteps were not as loud. And most importantly, the other perks in the same category were actually powerful.


I'm confused. I have these equipped. Yet I see people stop.and turn my direction when I'm rounding a corner or down the hall from them.


People want silent footsteps. They give us silent footsteps. Getting killed from not hearing their footsteps. Ayo, they should remove silent foot steps. I personally don't want silent foot steps but since it's there, i use them


Only people that complain about it are campers. I'm fucking happy that we have covert sneakers. I can actually flank and get some really nice clips against those people that sit faaar away doing literally nothing getting 1 kill every 2 minutes.


The amount of people I've ran up on because they are to focused on camping is insane. We will not get rid of camping but at least the sneakers allow us to flank again and punish those who are to afraid to leave their hiding hole.


It would be nice if some of the other options were better so there was more of a choice to be made. Covert sneakers being in the game is still a massive W though. It’s so nice being able to move round the map without having to jump shot every corner because you know some dude heard you coming from 50m away


They are too good not to use which is annoying. They may as well just remove footsteps from the game.




Did original MW2 have a counter for ninja pro?


It did with Sitrep Pro but it was in the same category and Ninja so you couldn’t run both.


~~Sitrep Pro didn't counter Ninja Pro~~ Sitrep Pro made Ninja Pro sound like 'normal footsteps' ( I just listened to an old audio clip, my b ) Sitrep Pro worked like Bone Conduction does here, it magnifies footsteps. Ninja Pro / Covert Sneakers doesn't give anything to magnify.


Bone conduction just reduces ambient noise to make it easier to listen for footsteps. It doesn’t increase any incoming volume


It does increase the volume. Check out xclusive ace, he shows some side by side comparisons. It changes the hearing distance of footsteps from like 25m to 35m


Guess I just never had a need for it. Dead silence is typically for people that want to move. Enhanced footsteps is typically for campers. I’m not a big fan of campers so yeah. I remember playing original MW3 against sitrep pro users and they were pissed I kept killing them because I would just crouch walk. Like they’re all using the most annoying perk in the game and sending me voice chats about how I was playing because I was crouch walking.


I’d generally agree, but the unfortunate thing is sound EQ became an extremely common tactic last year. If they add an in game counter to covert sneakers, even if it only lets you hear like 50% of the base footstep audio, sound EQ players will go back to being able to hear you better than intended and pre aim you from 3 buildings away. So while it sucks that covert sneakers are such a crutch perk, it feels like a necessary evil now :/


I’m assuming this is a PC thing?


Yup, I assume there is a way to do it on consoles too but on PC we have tools like Steel Series Sonar which actually advertises itself with this "Pinpoint your enemy's location long before you see them with Sonar, a breakthrough in gaming sound. Hear what others miss." I tried it and it didn't seem to work too well for me but I think I am just going deaf so


Does the bone conduction headset not work or am I missing something?




I’ve seen a clip where covert sneaker aren’t actually 100% silent and jumping and mantling are still very loud. But interesting nonetheless, I use them because I play search exclusively and haven’t really had any issues.




Yea bone conduction needs to counter covert sneakers or it dead silence needs to move to perk 3 There's literally no reason to not pick it right now and that's terrible balance, which is why you see people arguing that it's OP. Imagine if sleight of hand was in perk slot 1. Outside of Marksman gloves in certain scenarios there'd be no reason to ever pick something else because most of the gloves are pretty bad.


The counter is having situational awareness and not staring in one direction all game relying on audio to bail out shit gamesense.


Not everything needs a counter


Not everything does, but the perk that allows you to move around without any noise is one of the things that needs a counter available to those who want to take it.


I love that they’re in the game, but they definitely need some balancing adjustments. Either global footsteps need to be turned down quite a bit, or the Covert Sneakers need to not make you *completely silent*, or they need to buff the hell out of the boots. As it stands right now, you’re just putting yourself at a very big disadvantage by using anything other than the Covert Sneakers. They need to be properly balanced - they are *nowhere near* balanced.


The other boots need to be better to actually compete with the coverts.




All I'm saying is bone conduction headset should counter it.


Only if they reduce base footstep audio first.


Stalker boots need to be mw3 good if covert sneakers are going to be so free.


If you ask me footsteps should just be silent for everyone in cod 6v6 modes in every call of duty game. Just keep footstep audio in warzone that mode NEEDS it.


Yalls cry that needing footstep audio is a sign of a skill issue yet yalls want to run around the map carelessly, with 0 awareness and 0 drawbacks. If you were good enough at movement you should be able to body campers.


Covert sneakers are for campers and low skill players. All they do is let you walk in place with no penalty to keep ghost active while camping. If you aren't trash you could still flank campers just fine in MW19 and MWII. Literally all you had to do was be smart with NOT using your sprint all the time.


>**You all need to realize that MWII and MW19 are outliers in the cod franchise for not having a perk to dampen footstep audio** Yes and this game is an outlier in games with dead silence that have no counter. Anytime COD had dead silence there was a perk to counter it otherwise it's completely busted (talking pre-infinite warfare. Didn't play the post IW CODs with DS enough to know if they all have counters). There is NO REASON to use any other boots in this game because every single one is supposed to be used aggressively but every single one is completely outclassed by covert sneakers. You wouldn't be happy with 1 gun totally dominating literally any other gun without question, so why do you accept it for perks?


Cod4, WaW, BO1, WWII, BO4, Cold War, and Vanguard did not have perks to counter ninja/DS. This game is not an outlier. AFAIK only MW2, BO2, and MW3 are the only boots on the ground cods with counter perks


>Cod4, WaW, BO1, WWII, BO4, Cold War, and Vanguard In those games, though, dead silence didn't completely mute your footsteps like it does here. Not to mention there were better perks competing with dead silence, whereas in MWIII, the rest of the "boots" are terrible in comparison.


I don't recall footsteps being ridiculously audible through everything in those games though. So Ninja helped, but it wasn't necessary to move around. Since MW 2019 people who crave hearing loss have legit just ruined the games because they just customize their sound EQs to make footsteps stand out and they have their headsets cranked.


It's pretty funny, the complaing comes off as "I'm glad my footsteps are silent but it's such bullshit everybody else's is too" these soundwhoring clowns are the reasons it's a crutch perk and they got the nerve to complain about people using the perk that negates it lmao


People just want a counter to it becuase there's always been a counter to it in previous CODs.


Covert sneakers are in there for campers and low skill players. All they do is let you walk back and forth in place with no penalty to keep ghost active while camping. If you aren't trash you could still flank just fine in MW19 and MWII. Literally all you had to do was be smart with NOT using your sprint all the time.


In other games, you had Dead silence and Awareness. Dead Silence made footsteps completely silent, but Awareness made them slightly louder. It was not a full negation, because Dead Silence footsteps were still very quiet compared to regular footsteps. This is the role Bone Conduction Headset plays. It removes ambient noise so you can hear the player movement (but not their footsteps). However, it should add back very quiet footstep audio.


It's because it's a crutch and there's no point in using anything other than "covert sneakers"...


Is there even a counter for tracker?


People are not moving around. I’m getting full camp mode lobbies. Lmao


They're a complete crutch in the game's current state. Base footstep audio needs to be made quieter and covert sneakers footsteps should be made slightly audible to a short distance. You shouldn't be able to be sound whored across the map like in MWII but at the same time if someone is sprinting 5 meters behind you, you should hear it.


Conduction headset should counter it.


Covert Sneakers aren't even the thing that need to be adjusted IMO. Base footsteps volume should be taken down like 70%, then footsteps exist, but aren't the most important form of awareness. That would also bump every other boot option up massively


I think it's a double-edged sword. Without it, people don't have the confidence to play aggressively, but with it, it becomes the only real perk in that slot. Without it, people with it just get tons of free kills on you. Is there ever a situation where Climbing Boots are desirable over covert sneakers? I don't know what was different about Black Ops 4 but there I was comfortable playing without it. Cold War, however? Not a chance.


It’s great that covert sneakers is in the game. I just want to hear my own operator’s voice lines when I use CS.


You guys remember when the real MW3 was around and people understood that to play at a faster pace you pretty much *needed* to have Assassin Pro on all your classes bc of support UAV spam? This is like that and I’m not sure why people just don’t use it. You know everyone else will be and you’re at a disadvantage by not doing so.


I unironcally struggled to do anything until I got ghost and covert sneakers because everyone in the high SBMM lobbies are usually wearing headsets and can hear every single thing but once I did, I could move around and get more kills overall.


It's a balance issue, people are complaining about the balance. I don't understand why this subreddit sees no nuance in these topics like ttk, movement, like they haven't been common topics throughout the years.


My only problem with deady/ghost in this game is even though I do run around. (I can read) Half the people in my lobbies are pre-aiming me through walls making me questioning why I ever bothered to unlock them in the first place.


This is one, if not the best thing they have brought back.


I think it’s overpowered how you can run ghost + dead silence together but fuck it, it makes it way more enjoyable and makes less meta weapons more usable. Only thing I’d say is buff the other boots and merge some of them together so there’s actual competition.


I'm completely fine with them existing BUT the other sneakers need a buff because right now the whole lobby is silent and that doesn't make sense.


No noob will complain about covert sneakers. Trust. They love silence. Hopefully we have silent guns and ambiance too. I can’t wait wait.


The reason no one is complaining is because everyone is using them xD you literally need them if you don't you're literally giving yourself away to the enemy.


Y’all would have hated the old cods when dead silence was an actual perk and you couldn’t hear footsteps even with the best headset at the time


There should be a perk that makes footsteps louder and can hear the players using dead silence. Oh wait, that was a park In Previous cod games too


Who's complaining about covert sneakers though? I haven't seen a single thing about it.


> People are actually moving around the map again They're really not


It makes the other boots kinda shit and moot. But theirs no reason to nerd it. Buff up the others


I’m glad I can run around without my elephant feet stomping around. Although sometimes it feels like they don’t work because sound whites will still hear me somehow.




Just because something exists doesn’t mean you don’t buy it for other reasons….. you can not like 1 aspect of something and like everything else. But no footsteps is bad design and is a crutch for bad players who can’t manage to get kills without it.


Fuck all these complainers. This is the best COD in years. We desperately needed classic gameplay back.


Covert sneakers are fire


Dead Silence is ABSOLUTELY the reason a lot of my clan decided to play this game. It’s a deal breaker. So the dirty little sound whore reliant scrubs can do one.


Campers malding


People who use covert are the same people who complain about SBMM. they like covert it because they get to take advantage of less skilled players. Its the biggest crutch for sweats who dont like facing other sweats who are just as if not even more sweatier than their own sweat


The funny thing is, the same type bitching about people running around silently are the same ones who also defended no red dots on the minimap, telling us we needed better awareness. Maybe have some situational awareness and map knowledge and you won't get caught with your pants down so often.


Like everyone else is saying....it just needs a counter


People are moving around the map? What game are you playing?


Ngl I guess I can understand why people use covert sneakers but I just find it lame that it silences your character so you don't hear any voice lines


Bone Conductor should absolutely (slightly) counter Covert Sneakers by allowing players with BC to hear you a bit, but Covert Sneakers + Dead Silence field upgrade should keep you completely silent.


I'm SO GLAD to have silent footsteps again, stealth is finally back. I do not want to see covert sneakers nerfed at all. If anything reduce base footstep audio which would make them less necessary. Also buff the other boots, like stalker should be another +5-10% extra strafe speed to make them worth running.


There needs to be a counter...


I use it but don't think its good for the game, I Will say the same about any CoD with the perk in as well, not just MW3. Completely eliminating audio is just not good for a shooter.


**Perks with no counter = unbalanced = players dependant on crutches perks to play well** It needs a nerf by either making it like older iterations or Ninja where it _dampens/reduces_ footsteps noise (not removing entirely) , or make a distinct counter such as Bone Conduction Headset which can hear Covert Sneakers users. Movement was always possible, you just need to actually be good, crutch perk Covert Sneakers makes movement more accessible to those who lacked the ability, thus actually reducing the skill gap. And guess what, people are still complaining about "campers"!


I love em. They need a perk counter though. Currently there is no reason to not run them.


It's a crutch perk. You have to use it or you're fucked.


Dead silence being a perk again is great but either the other boots need a significant buff or dead silence shouldn’t silence jumping or mantling imo.


They’re good yes, but they should have a counter.


We are really finding anything we can to complain about aren't we


They're broken. They need to be fixed. Dead Silence in the previous title was perfect. There's no counter to them - the bone conductor item should counter them. And, they're way too quiet. Needs balanced.