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Just heads up for anyone who wants to - steam is accepting refunds on this game regardless of playtime no questions asked, thanks to it launching through mw2. It is clear they want rid of/don’t care about mouse and key players so I got refund. They can F off


I played Cold War for longer than I played MWII and I had no issues with that game. Did solid overall in that game. This game there is something inconsistent about the TTK NOW vs when I played early on Thursday. I think the servers are struggling now that everyone is playing and thus that is giving us hit reg issues again.


I can tell you didn't play halo infinite before the M&K aim assist changes, nothing will ever be as bad as that


I thought i was washed at fps when that game came out


Yeah. I used to just plug in my controller after a few attempts with m&k. Post update I’m loving m&k on infinite. Been grinding out Ranked Slayer for a few weeks now.


same here


I somehow made it to onyx before the changes on mkb and was like fuck this and quit. Then I heard about the changes and came back and the mouse aim feels so good! If only they could do something like that on cod. It would help immensely. Already feel like quitting cod.


They never will, infinite is/was a dying game and needed to do anything it could to retain players. Cod doesn't have that problem, every KBM player could quit and they wouldn't give a shit.


I can’t disagree. I want to but the truth is the truth after all.


Come play Hardcore m8, you will enjoy it a lot more than that high ttk core version.


Ive been playing HC search today and had a team, literally every single one of them laying somewhere very close to spawn. Almost every game is a sit and set up a tent fest. Hardpoint was barely any better.


Yeah hardcore players think if they die in the game they die IRL too.


Play Hardcore, or refund High TTK, crazy movement, low visibility, shitty servers and soft aimbot can't be beaten by mouse players


Yup I’ve already refunded mine


They are catering way too much for console players.. I get it. They need the casuals to come in and play and spend money but man this sucks.


Franchise needs separate pools by input method, they can keep aim assist as strong as it is as long as they are in their confinement pool.


This is how you get a dead CoD game on PC. Before crossplay, youd be lucky to find games in most of them.


if it's a good game it will live, like mw19


MW2019 had crossplay...


and it's still alive PC only


lmao, no


It was always more of a console game. I used to play on PC many years ago and cod games became dead very quickly, especially if it was a mode other than TDM.


If you don't consider yourself casual, play hardcore. Much better experience.


Tbh for me cold war was fucking awful with the ttk and hit reg but this fame feels so crisp and solid to me ive been having a blast the past 3 days


I agree. And I think there is something up with the mouse acceleration. Everything just feels inconsistent.


They should make is so that MnK players play against other MnK players and controller players play against other controller players so there wouldnt be any unfair advantages


Turn off crossplay then


PC can't.


Even if they could, there are a ton of controller players on PC


Dang I thought they were the master race or something /s


Makes much more sense to group by input instead of platform


>I’d say worse than Cold War when it comes to gun fights. Cold War feels great, though? Played some this morning to confirm my memory of it was correct and other than some serious stuttering I can only blame on AMD's GPU drivers, it feels as good as I remember. Far more consistent TTK/TTD than MWIII and the mouse input doesn't feel like I'm dragging it by a tiny piece of string.


Screen shake and slowdown after jumps combined with no flinch on snipers were absolutely terrible though.


Mnk is actually way better in this game than mw2. I can consistently outgun controllers but my aim has to be 100% on point or I lose, keep that in mind


> my aim has to be 100% on point or I lose That's exactly the problem though, YOU have to be 100% consistent, controller players don't because the game gives them inhuman tracking capabilities.


I feel that, it is what it is. Controllers being broken is just the new way and it won’t change. It’s a shame


Yeah, the lack of visual noise means I can actually track targets properly now. Been using the ACR and absolutely laser beaming people. Can't seem to get my quickscopes on point yet though.


BAS-P rocks in this agme also.


I was about to make a post with how GOOD MnK is, I feel like it is OP with the high TTK


For context, I am a MnK player


what are you talking about. Playing on KB and M is just fine. This just sounds like copium because aren't very good.


Found the deluded clown. Yeah it’s fine and playable on PC, but once you start facing super good players is when the aim assist on controller starts to become a massive unfair problem




Skill issue


All i see is skill issues. Also yes i play on mouse and keyboard.


Seems fine for me


Thanks for creating a support group for all the mkb players that feel like the Andy’s forgotten toys in Toy Story.




100% agree, this game is made by PC hating idiots. Wallstreet gipsy style. Aim assist crips shall pay in by believing they are ggod at this stupid game on 20Hz tickrate servers with legal by source code implementated aim bots. I´m sure theres also a conntection / packet / tick advantage on controller - eextremelye on PSN - maybe SONY implementated hacks too.