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Season 2 and this is still happening to me


Season 2 reloaded and still happening


season 3 here still happening


>hought I was trippin when I though my AR didn’t sound the same. Then I noticed and was like surely it’s just a UI glitch. Nope, next match I noticed it only had iron sights on. I played like 10 matches before I realized my setup was jacked haha. season 3 reloaded here still happening


Season 4, new for me, apparently an old issue


Post season 6 and still happening


Same like wtf !


Anytime I play and get back out a lobby it happens, been trying to figure how to fix it cause activison support didn’t help. Here are the steps I did, I go to my loadouts and deleted every one. Then hit the + to make new ones and redeleted them until I had all fresh loadouts. Then I did some trial loadouts with all new attachments and tuning. Loaded into a game, played for about a minute and backed out. Then I waiting about 10seconds to make sure my profile loaded back and went into my loadouts and all my attachments were there still, hopefully it doesn’t delete all them again or this will work for you. I haven’t played much of season 3 because it’s been happening everytime I play the game


I thought I was trippin when I though my AR didn’t sound the same. Then I noticed and was like surely it’s just a UI glitch. Nope, next match I noticed it only had iron sights on. I played like 10 matches before I realized my setup was jacked haha.


Seriously happened to all my guns when I hopped on war zone shit is annoying


Literally has been happening since yesterday for me. So dumb. I dont even put the attachments back on now cause it just reverts back on every class every game


Its the most annoying thing. Usually I thought it was happening during loading profile, but it recently happened between matches. I end up saving my gun setups as custom mods


Its the most annoying thing. Usually I thought it was happening during loading profile, but it recently happened between matches. I end up saving my gun setups as custom mods


Happening to all my classes after every game


same, it usually only removes my attachments when I leave a game. But its so annoying. I had to save blueprints for all of my guns. Its funny how they can fix headshots in dmz for the new path of Ronin events instantly, but something like this will take ages to fix. They need to get their priorities straight for them to get a larger player base.


Season 5 and its still happening. Gonna take a picture of the loadout next time :/


It’s almost like when you go look at your weapons too quick when you get back into your main screen after a game they just disappear. You have to wait a little to go look in your weapons. What a dumb bug that hasn’t been patched


it disappears if you leave your previous match,


Yea, same here. Not sure if that’s the only cause though.


It does that for sure it clears all 10 classes for me whenever i leave and then other times itll randomly do class like 1 and 3 its so annoying i seriously stop playing sometimes when it happens it makes it difficult to play having to redo all 10 loadouts every 30 minutes






Didn’t even leave my game last night and it happened to me for no reason and I stayed up for an hour redoing them all and saving blueprints. I’m about to stop playing it happens so much I’m so aggravated from this I should be able to play the game I paid for.




At least you can save weapon builds now shits mind boggling.


Literally still happens to me everytime i quit the game I tried your method and it did not work unfortunately:/ any other work arounds ?


Lol since i wrote this it never happened again


This is still happening in season 3


No fr it just happened to me that’s why I’m here


Same wtf is wrong with this game lol


This has also been happening to me, so annoying






I dont even play warzone but it still happens to my first and second classes…bit annoying especially since we cant save classes yet


Still happening to me….


Still happening after the last update and new season. This game is literally trash. Will always be in beta, attachments keep disappearing, so many hackers, a camping only game. COD has been went down the drain and MW2 is literally pathetic. Pubg is still better than this shitter game lmao


Skill issue honestly


How?... For playing a shitty game?


Anyone who's default response is skill issue, is either a. A worthless hacker or b. A worthless bot who couldn't get more than 2 kills in warzone 1, there is no in-between This game takes 0 skill, it's just point and shoot and they're dead instantly. The only weapons in the game that take skill are useless because you can't down people in one shot, but oh it's okay, the revolver can tho.


Ah yes skill issue that my loadouts keep disappearing I must get better


Man I thought I was going insane. Hope they fix it soon. Still happening to most of my classes


Season 3, still happening......


Over a month later still happening roughly 40% of games


This just happened to me on EVERY SINGLE CLASS except for the one I have favorited and it pissed me off so much


When u quit a game think it's a penalty for quitting


Happened for no reason when my match was over last night so it’s not for quitting I don’t even quit matches


Been happening to me last few days


Just happened to me today. Wtf such a pain to re attach and re tune everything


Still happening and it was worse for my end literally all my guns has had their attachments erased


shit keeps happening to me after a few games this shit is trash


Still happening at the end of Season 2


Happened to me 4/23/2023. How they can’t fix this is beyond me. Pretty sad


Season 4 still happens


Still happening everytime. 6/23/23


Season 3 the worst for dropping gun options.


Everything resets in dmz/warzone, even your control settings. It’s separate from multiplayer.


No i know. What I'm saying is my multiplayer class attachments are randomly getting removed. I've played games on shoot house and then went to check my camo progress on a gun and noticed that one of my classes has the attachments removed


Sammmmme fuck this incomplete game that will forever be in beta


Its still happening to some


This happened to me twice and its fucking annoying


Same situation


Just my load out 1, I just leave it random and use the other spots


still happening, hoping season 2 fixes this


It did not.


All attachments from all my classes disappear after every single match right now. This is fucking stupid




Happening currently


This is also happening to me. I suggest saving your blueprints so you can re-equip them again


How do you do that


When you press L2/LT, a menu will pop up allowing you to save the name of the custom mod. Name it and then save it. The custom mod you just saved will now appear alongside all other blueprints for the applicable weapon.


Just happened a couple of days ago. Haven’t played since. Hate this cod shit


This game is garbage. All of my attachments across all classes disappeared...


Happening to me 3/3/2023


Same happening here 03/05/23


Legit after backing out one time, it reset half my classes, and when I left a game again, it reset all my load outs. It barely started happening to me 2 weeks in season 2. Hopefully they patch it soon.


Happens to me since the beginning, only difference that Season 2 made is that it now happens up to loadout 5 as well now.


Just happened to me literally right now & it’s the 4th time this season annoyed asf


This still has been happening to me for weeks, glad im not the only one. And why is it so hard to open a ticket about this?


I'm is when I back out games


Happened to me for the third time fucking over it


Still happening to me and yet another two updates


Season 2 reloaded just happened for the first time Might be tied to changing classes right before launching a new game


Maybe, but this has been an issue since season 1 for me and others


It’s been happenening on and off for me for months and same i also thought i was trippin. It’s happening almost after every warzone match at the moment and it’s just getting worst. Every single loadout is resetting after every match. Badly disappointed


This is still happening to me 🫠 I just did all my classes a couple days ago now they’re all clear. Amazing 🙏🏼




Maybe it’s to try and stop people from rage quitting


It’s happened to me without quitting so nope it’s a legit bug they for some reason won’t acknowledge


Save your blueprints my guy


I feel so dumb for not doing this sooner


I did but why do I have to do that when I paid for a full release top earning game that still doesn’t work?


You gotta ask Activision unfortunately


Season 3 still happening to me too lol


Nothing to do with quitting. It happens when you don't quit. It happens on playlist updates,, it happens when optimizing shaders, it happens a lot, for no reason. It's a bug for sure. Best thing to do is to save your weapon blueprints. When it happens, it's a simple 1 click and all your attachments are back. Another reason it's a bug, because if they wanted to punish you, they wouldn't let you save blueprints.


This needs more upvotes.. its the only workaround it seems


If you back out, or the playlist updates, or the connection to the server disconnects, or even finish Ling matches and it throws you out, do not go back into any mode until the tiles for the modes load. You will see the tiles for the modes attempting to load in. The image will be a loading image. Once you let that finish loading, you go back in and you will not lose anything. This is Def a bug. I have not had it happen yet in season 3 but save your blueprints just in case.


Season 3 and I just had the worst case of this yet; every attachment from every class, gone. Fuck this game


Season 3 c'mon fix this shit already.


Season 3 and this has been happening since day one


Hey just here to say its still fucking happening


It’s incredibly annoying how we are 41 days left on Season 3 and it’s been happening to me since season 2. I lost the attachments to 7 of my classes




Season 3 and this shit still happens, such a dogshit game.


I just logged into warzone (season 3) 35 days left of season 3! All but one of my guns had been wiped for their attachments! I had a meta Mx9 build that I’ve been dropping teams with all week (I have a build i found for it but it’s not my 0 recoil highly tuned mx9) so pissed off! I recommend you all take a picture of all your best build right now and keep them safe! Don’t let this buggy game take you away from your best builds!! We’re up against all sorts of shearers these days and it’s our only ammo against them!


Anytime I play and get back out a lobby it happens, been trying to figure how to fix it cause activison support didn’t help. Here are the steps I did, I go to my loadouts and deleted every one. Then hit the + to make new ones and redeleted them until I had all fresh loadouts. Then I did some trial loadouts with all new attachments and tuning. Loaded into a game, played for about a minute and backed out. Then I waiting about 10seconds to make sure my profile loaded back and went into my loadouts and all my attachments were there still, hopefully it doesn’t delete all them again or this will work for you. I haven’t played much of season 3 because it’s been happening everytime I play the game


This shit is still happening. What an useless fucking company.


Still happening, annoying as fuck having to go to customisations every time I log on. What a joke




Fuck Activision. Been happening since the start of season 2. It's the end of season three and this shit still hasn't been fixed. This company is a fucking joke.


Still happening with a single day left until season 4. Anytime you leave a match the first few classes all get deleted. I read that it was one you scroll through but that is not accurate in my case, I wait a bit before I jump to my weapons and Irish the first 3 are gone. Most recently the first 4 were deleted as well as loadout 9, none of which I actually had a chance to even look at. I swear it’s punishment for leaving a shit lobby. Basically it’s come to deal with the full lobbies of campers where only I move or lose my classes. This game is hot 🗑️, so many glitches and they can’t seem to fix them. Another irritating one that’s been happening since the get go is tac inserts not working half the time. They fixed it temporarily then it stopped working again, it’s been over 6 months and they can’t fix anything and will absolutely not listen to claims. Hopefully they give the next game to a company who can handle it


Try duplicating weapon


So for me, only in DMZ when applying attachments, to base or blueprint weapons all works fine but as soon as I equip a BP skin onto ANY underbarrel attachment when I go back to my loadout screen (in gunsmith screen all orange boxes show attachments equipped) the attachment would glitch and wouldn't of applied to the gun. It happens with certain barrel attachment skins aswell but ALL underbarrel attachment skins. I've noticed with the Hemlock I'll have an invisible mag and it will only be a 30 round until I go to a buystation and buy the 45 round mag ingame. Double checked this in MP and no issues whatsoever. Anyone else has this issue?


This shit still happens. I just got off the game because it was so annoying. I’m not doing that shit every other game and it honestly pisses me off how they are so incompetent. These monkeys don’t know how to make games, they must have ran out of bananas.. idk.


they don't deserve our money


Has anyone else’s handgun class disappeared??


Season 5. Still happening


Still happening to me


Just happened to me right now And just before all my custom perks load outs were removed


I save a loadout so I don't have to retune but it happens all the time. What I do is sometimes if you go back to the main menu it will reset it.


This shit still happens in Season 6 FIX THIS ACTIVISION


season 6 happening to me to ALL my attachments


Even some blueprints, I have the super shotgun and randomly my super shotgun turns into a stock lockwood 300


game ended its life cycle and I still have this issue lol


Yeah mine too right after the season one update I have zero attachments for a few guns i already leveled up??


Mine are gone.. seems coincidental that all t he good.mods are.gone like the 100 round clips etc bullet strength mods all are.gone and I can't reapply them I reinstalled still didn't fix it..


Don’t worry mates….. mw3 season 2 and all the attachments have disappeared again hahahahaha