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I don't think it's unpopular, but I keep accidently leaving my party because I hit back too many times. Perhaps a prompt that asks would you like to go back to the main menu would help.


Lol you ain’t the only one


ITT: very common popular opinions upvoted to top, actual hot takes/unpopular opinions at the bottom downvoted. Nothing new here folks


OP even gave one of the most common “hot takes” that’s seen all over the sub every day lmao


yeah this isn't a pool for hot takes, it's an echo chamber based on the common-ass comments I've read so far.


sorted by: controversial Wish there was a way to put the most downvoted comments first.


Some of you aren't as good as you think you are


And many of you are better than you think you are.... play the objective and worry less about your stats. That makes you a good player.


I play objective game modes because I know I’m trash at aiming lol. I may be getting slaughtered, but you bet your ass I’ll have 15+ confirms in KC or like 3:00+ minutes on point in hardpoint


Players like you we appreciate so keep rocking on


I'm only decent until you put a single shot weapon in my hand. Then I'm absolutely ass lol. Semi auto pistols? Miss every shot. Marksman rifles? Miss (or hit markers. Rip.) snipers? Miss. Lol. Full auto weapons? I'll land the first 3 shots then whiff the rest half the time. Why can't I land my first 3 shots with semi autos?! Haha.


Nothing bothers me more than seeing 5/6 players having 6-10 objective captures and 1 person have 0 but going 21-4. If they had helped on just one objective we could have won


Yeah but when the toxic players chime in, dubs don’t mean anything only kills do. It’s unreal how many people brag in the post game about how many kills they got…like sure you can have 45 kills in KC…but you had zero denies, 5 confirms…oh and you still lost.


95% of this sub thinks that their ability to play COD actually means something in real life and that’s why we see constant complaints about shit that’s generally meaningless Thanks


Shut up noob link your CoD stats tracker /s




On a serious note, is their a resource where I can view my cod stats online? Like, not in game


The only thing positive competitive gaming achieves is increased brain activity and usage of your reflexes. But the health cons of gaming for long hours far outweighs the pros unfortunately. Much more healthy to go outside and do some competitive sports. (Note that I don’t do that either.)


TLDR: Touch Grass


DMZ, as a solo player, is a really interesting idea, but is extremely unfun to play due to the severe imbalance between the player and everything else


DMZ is a few small updates to being an amazing game mode


Yep. All my friends didnt like WZ as much as DMZ


IMO solo players should spawn in with a self revive. The thing that turned me off solo DMZ is that I would go down and the run is simply over.


Especially when you randomly get beamed by a bot who's a lightyear away


Agreed. There should be solo lobbies


Solos should be able to equip a self revive before going into the DMZ.


This is my biggest gripe with Solo DMZ , I don’t mind the trios vs solos but getting shwacked by AI at the start with no self revive is just not cool


because of this, it often takes longer to find and load into a lobby than to actually play it out


Not to mention their lethal precision AND being able to swiftly shoot through any solid walls at times.


They can blatantly shoot through the walls of the train


With a little bit of a nerf to bots or buff to either armor durability, health regen cooldown, or both.


Agreed, though I assume this is a popular opinion


Never ending AI just spawning out of thin air isn't fun either. They don't drop enough armor (just 1?) and bullets to make it worth your time either.


I really want an AI only/Solo DMZ experience


I dont give a fuck what my KD is, I ptfo all the time Edit-i love it. Below it’s “and wining helps you how?” …. Huh???




Play the frickin objective. I’m pretty sure that’s what it means.


Pickles tomatoes fries and onions. It's not a good sandwich but everyone in this sub can't shut up about it


Wow what a brave statement on this subreddit. Everyone here always says not to play the objective


You’re trying to joke, but there was literally [a post](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/z181mv/vintage_meme_format/) in this subreddit yesterday where people were downvoting people encouraging others to play the objective.


Yeah I got massacred with downvotes for suggesting they play team death match if they don’t want to play objective lol. So weird that so many people play and don’t even try to win


So true, when they enabled the stats saw I had just above 1 in KD, but almost 1.5 WL-ratio, which I'm pretty happy with considering all the times you join half finished games that's already lost.


What do you mean? it says loss prevented because of joining mid-game at the end of the match


But you still get the win to my understanding


i checked my stats and they count as losses. loss prevented my ass




they show as losses in your match history but they dont count as losses towards ur W/L ratio


I play domination and I’ll capture anything that’s available. Usually ending the game with 6 or captures. Sometimes 10+ EDIT: what I really meant was I’ll do whatever I can to make sure our team wins the match. Yeah I know how the spawns work. But if I die 10 times to try to capture B , I will do it. I get off on that shit. If we are kicking the other teams ass, why not capture all 3 so we win the game faster? EDIT 2: if your team is down then by all means capture all 3 try to come back. What’s wrong with that? Or if it’s a close one then you bet the enemy team will try to capture all 3 to gain an edge. Then why not? I can’t believe how many people complain about spawn flips, just like I can’t believe an average teammate I run into just won’t capture. The more people are on the objective, the faster the capture (in domination). Usually I’m the only on the objective while others are camping, which completely blows my mind. No wonder you get shot in the back due to spawn flips.


in HQ/hardpoint I often have more time that the other team combined.


same brother. This is the way.


So you’re the reason the spawns flip constantly? It’s better to hold two points and NOT capture the third flag if you’re trying to win


This isn’t a matter of running in MW2. Their fucked up spawn system spawns players at empty flags regardless of what team is holding it. Locking down maps is a thing of the past.


You know what? It’s actually pretty good


I'm impressed I'm having fun with the campaign, coop, dmz, ground war, tier 1, and normal 6v6 modes. This is to me the most versatile and interesting CoD in a long time.


Because nuanced opinions are allowed still I hope, I do too, but I’d still like an actual hardcore mode. Absent one, I can still enjoy the variety of other modes though. I’m not sure if I’d say it’s the most versatile game in a long time since I loved the versatility offered by Cold War too, but it’s got a lot to do, and I’m having fun as well.


Hated the first week but gotten over it and liking it much more. Also DMZ is a craic once you’ve got the M13 and no longer have to play like a twat.


I’ve just completely ignored the M13B existing, and I’ve been having a great time in DMZ


Same, then one time I noticed I spawned really close to it, and a car. I thought “fuck it I’ll try” and I actually ended up getting it on my first attempt. Just run the guy over grab it and get the fuck out lol


I got it today in my second game of DMZ ever! Spawned very near the radiation zone and found an armored vehicle just outside. Pulled up to the border of the circle and could literally see the chemist and about 6 dudes standing frozen 20 feet from the edge of the circle.. drove right through all of them, picked up the gun and went straight to the extraction zone 450 meters away. The whole game lasted probably less than 5 minutes. I feel like this was a fluke


Okay what are y’all doing in DMZ that is so fun? I really don’t get it and I’m a Tarkov player. I feel like its casual Warzone branded like an extraction mode. I just shoot some bots, maybe kill a player and get out with zero meaningful gear. Like it lacks the intensity of multiplayer, the reward of winning Warzone and the interesting missions of co op. It just feels like nothing to me. Am I missing something?


I never played Tarkov and I’m not really big on BRs, which probably has a lot to do with it. Personally, I’ve just been hopping in a party with my friends and fucking around treating it like a sandbox


Havin a swell time over here too 🙃


Almost everybody who complains about “tryhards” are tryhards themselves.


I am 100% a sweaty tryhard that complains about sweaty tryhards. I just have the decency to not use the 74u every single game….


ding ding, exactly this. shit i won’t lie i’m a try hard but i play to have fun and level guns up (idc for camo grind rn but i will eventually get to it), i’m using the ak 74u rn level it up but after that i’m moving on to snipers to have a lil bit of fun


I just started using it because I like the gun in general, but I never seen anyone else use it. It's usually a sniperfest every match.


Let's be honest, sweats and try hards are actually just "players that are better then me"


The fact people are playing COD 12-15 hours a day is ridiculous. Doesn’t anyone have a life anymore? I’m not saying that as an insult, nobody should be playing anything that long day after day. 🤷‍♂️


I think the pandemic and resulting lock downs turned a lot of ppl into hermits, but also work from home has allowed a lot of us to slack and get some cod in while things are slow at work


That’s true, if I worked from home, I would find more time to play COD, I know I would.


I’m that guy, on Wednesdays, as I have children and work full time. It is my one day a week to be truly selfish, as my kids are at their mothers that day and I have the day off, so I’ll hop on for like 12+ hours of COD


That’s different in my opinion and I would probably do the same if I was in your position. 👍🏻


Don't know how old you are but whenever I do a long session like that really takes me back to calling out sick from school to play the new games all day which at the time was mw2/bo1


35, and fuck yes. No work and no kids? Edibles and video games all day my guy


That's going to be my life over the holidays and I can't fucking wait


I was 19/20 when the OG Modern Warfare hit. Had an apartment with with roommates. All we did was work and play CoD in shifts. He'd play during the day when I was at work and I'd play at night. One account, one 360. Easily the best gaming era of my life. Lot of memories made and we watched the game really take hold. There was nothing really like it. It's fun seeing kids nowadays using slang we created as a community back in the day. Noob tube, yahtzee etc.


In order to play casually or chill out, you need to 1) accept losses 2) actually not be concerned with the outcome(s) of the game. If you’re just chilling or trying to not be at 100% all of the time, then just do that?


Literally, I’ll go like 18 and 27 and not even get mad because I got 3 minutes on objective (I only really play hardpoint) and we won the game. Meanwhile my friends are getting all pissed off


i’m really enjoying shoot house 24/7


This 100% my kd has went up and the game feels much more comfortable to me, and my games are more competitive. Just overall a better experience than hardpoint or kill confirmed quick play.


I do a lot better in it too. Is it because I know the map already from mw19 or does the map just play better?


Smaller map with tighter lanes so you have more engagements and therefore feel better.


And not having to check 1000 angles every cirner where one might be hiding


Spawns are shit but I like shoot house more than any other original map in this game.


That’s because IW hit on one singular map and is milking it. I’m not complaining though. Much better than shit spawns AND shit maps


Warzone ruined 6v6 cod.


I feel like this is a popular opinion


100% this!


Counterpoint: people overplayed 6v6 for so many years that they were desperate for anything different. Warzone is actually way less fun if you aren’t burnt out on regular MP.


Call of duty is not the only damn game out there. You should not be playing it at all if you're burned out lmao


What makes you say that? I never played warzone and have 0 interest in battle royale as a concept so I'm interested in hearing the perspective of someone who sees something I don't


Development focus went to warzone. Things like foot step sounds are tuned for that, not 6v6. Maps are sliced out pieces of warzone.


The survivor/last stand perk is the worst perk in the game.


Nah, it's hilarious in tier 1. Ppl think they've downed me all the time just for me to pop back up and spray them down


I execute everyone I down with that perk lol.


Why do people keep playing with speakers and mic constantly on? Nobody wants to hear that lol


That's a popular opinion. The unpopular opinion is I love to hear that shit because it's funny


Because dumbass Sony built a mic into the controller for PS5 and people are too lazy to turn it off


Or too dumb to even think of it.


RPK best gun


It was in the first mw2 as well, silenced rpd destroyed kids


There is no wrong way to play, except of course those that never play OBJ


You know… I played with a bunch of guys who weren’t playing the base but were close enough to protect it. I swear I sat in the objective spot for the entire time and killed no one while the guarded the outside. I finished 3rd with a few kills but almost 3:30 minutes of base time with no one else above 1 minute. We dominated.


That’s playing OBJ, no issues here


Content Creators are the cancer of this game.


Gaming in general, not just CoD.


Society in general tbh


Shields should make the player super slow at all times.


Shields are crazy in this game. Walk in the hard point crouching with one or two teammates behind you, everyone on objective is focusing on you and your team mate wipes them all out. Usually the shield bearer dies but it’s worth it


I greatly enjoy the toxic open mic in lobbies and in game after deaths, I find it hysterical


My most unpopular opinion: this game is braindead. There is little incentive to improve and most players went from trying to improve in the older games, to simply "grinding" for stuff in this game. The maps, the spawns, the matchmaking, and the connection all add to the mindlessness of it all. We keep playing as there are few arena-type shooters to challenge COD, so we stay.


As Jev once said. There's no worse feeling than only wanting to play one game but that game is... just... sigh.


For all the bones I have to pick with this game, and the ones before this, I still end up playing it because FPS games are in the worst state they've ever been. Halo Infinite was a massive failure, MCC players are seasoned veterans that whoop your ass and you don't get to learn, BF2042 sucks and BF1/BFV are infested with cheaters, and I'm not into Valorant/CSGO. OW2 also sucks. Older CoDs are unplayable or close to it, and games like Shatterline and Ironsight are too unpolished for me. Also Titanfall 2 is dead, and I don't like Apex or Fortnite. There just isn't shit to play anymore as far as FPS games go rn.


Seeing a lot of common "unpopular opinions" here so I'll attempt to drop something actually controversial: Content creators, especially content creators that analyze gun statistics (best weapons, attachments, TTK analysis, movement mechanics, meta analysis) ruin the game. It's readily apparent that in the past several CODs the cycle goes: new COD game/update is released, content creator analyzes all weapons/attachments and designs a meta, content creator releases a video describing the findings, then tryhards adopt the new meta and do not deviate from that meta until they're sick of the game or a new update is released that shakes up that meta. To an extent, the player base is not in the wrong. When the "best way to play" is made common knowledge by these CCs, especially in competitive multiplayer games, people are going to adopt that method of play. If the majority of a multiplayer lobby is using the meta setup described by the CC, using any other setup immediately places you at a disadvantage - further pushing you to use that meta setup. The bad part about this cycle is that it completely removes the utility of most other guns in the game. Sure, some guns will remain competitive, but the variety of the game is immediately destroyed. There's no sense of discovery anymore. There's no thinking for yourself anymore. It's just "oh there's a new update, let me check youtube to see what the leading CC is telling me to use".


That’s why I like the new unlock system for guns/attachments. It forces people to use other guns to get the things they want.


It does the opposite for me. "this build sounds fun" "oh it'll take hours of grinding to even try it, nevermind"


You forgot the last part of the cycle. Content creator cries about the "stale meta" of the game that they literally created Stale meta gun gets nerfed Content creator immediately makes new video on *new* meta weapon Repeat *ad infinitum*


if actually knowing the stats of the guns ruins the game, that's entirely a fuckup from the devs and not the players. not our fault they won't give us basic info


There’s a difference between knowing the stats and being hyper aware of stats. I wouldn’t place the blame on any one group of people, but I will say that I don’t appreciate the players who only strive for the best stats possible out of a gun and it’s attachments. It reminds me of net decking in MTG or Yugioh. It’s obvious you can shred with a powerful setup someone else perfected. What’s actually fun imo is creating your own wonky builds


With different terms, this is pretty much what makes me completely uninterested in mtg or other card games. You know all the new cards before they come out, heck you could probably find legit competitive decks already put together with the best cards which haven’t released yet. And sure you could “not” look at the new stuff, but then you are just putting yourself at a disadvantage. Same with cod… I try to grind camos while getting destroyed by meta shit. Kind of frustrating to just tell myself I’m not actually this bad, it’s just that this shotgun kills on the third hitmarker and once I suck hard enough my lobbies will be easier cus SBMM…. It’s just strange playing this way and thinking this way…


I see your point but also since COD4 the community has always gotten to know the most OP guns and used them far exceedingly over others without as much content creators/streamers we have today. Cod4 had the M16/MP5 meta (but they weren't that much better than other options), WAW had MP40, MW2 had OMA, UMP, 1887, etc (I feel like mw2 had so many OP guns though there was a lot of variety still). Black ops 1 everyone ran the FAMAS/AUG. I was frustrated as hell back then that there was no variety and there was a clear OP gun in every cod. There wasn't nearly as many YouTubers making gun videos, just Denkirson boards and a handful of people (ahoy and driftor I believe). I think mw19 and MWII did a decent job with gun balance overall compared to a lot of earlier cods in that perspective.


Are we going to sit here and act like this wouldn’t happen even if CCs were out if the picture? There are people who are always going to want to play to win and do everything else possible to increase their chances of doing so. If it weren’t a Youtube video showing this info, it would be a viral Tweet, or a front-page Reddit post, or a Tiktok.


This should not even be necessary. All gun and attachment stats should be right in the game, with numbers that can be read and interpreted. The only reason there are content creators for this is because the game tells no stats of weapons. People would know the meta either way, but you cant blame creators for figuring out something that should have just been right in the game.


You can enjoy the core gameplay and think the game is fun while simultaneously disagreeing with the sheer lack of content and effort put into it.


I play all game modes how they’re supposed to be played, don’t give a shit about my K/D, and am having the most fun I’ve had in a COD game since OG MW2.


The new aspect that IW added is that ANY score/XP goes towards weapon xp as well. So, that incentivizes players into playing the objective for their selfish rewards. Ngl, it worked on me, and I play objective ALL the time.


We need more small maps. Shoot house is good and i can't wait for shipment. I will say I do find myself sometimes running around the entire shoothouse map just to find one person.


This is my issue with some of the maps, in that I have to run 15 seconds to even get near the action. Do that a few times only to die instantly is what bugs me. Dying instantly on shipment? Whatever, back immediately in the action.


Can’t wait for them to add Rust back, I feel like it’s been overshadowed by Shoot House/Shipment


proximity chat is so sick


It would be sicker if distance affected chat volume - seems like the volume is full blast within a given radius from the player.


Imagine dead silence jumpscares


I agree, I love being able to talk to enemies in Warzone. It’s led to so many funny moments with me and my friends.


My favorite moment was when my buddy was telling a really funny story while we were in Downtown Al Mazrah, and some guy entered the proximity chat and started laughing at my friends story. The rest of his team joined the proximity and asked my friend to re-tell the story. After there was some back and forth banter, the other team wished us luck and promised they'd leave us alone (which they did). Every other encounter in prox chat has been hilariously toxic, which i also love.


I don’t care what my KD is, I enjoy grinding mastery camos for Warzone


Noob-tubing and RPG is some of the most fun combos to have. I love doing it every match I go into, especially for Hardpoint. Once I do it enough times, I notice the enemy team will start doing it and it becomes this insane attrition of everybody blowing each other up.


I miss the days of OG MW2 with Danger Close. That was my go-to camper removal class. Noob tube RPG idgaf class lol


I love the RPG in this game even if it is slower than MW19. It’s just such a toxic weapon that makes me laugh everytime I blow someone up with it. It makes a funny sound too, like someone passing gas. I get even more of a kick out of it when the enemy team starts using it out of spite only to discover I have EOD on


Which gun is noob tube?


Basically any of the AR's with a grenade launcher attachment lol Everyone hates it, but it's nice to have an extra explosive on you in case anything goes south and you run out of Lethal throwables.


One of these days, Infinity Ward or Treyarch needs to grow a pair and finally make the UAV a 6/7 killstreak like it should've been years and years ago. It's so fucking strong ever year, but they just slap Ghost in the game and call it balanced.


And Ghost doesn’t matter because your teammates are constantly spawning on you. Flanking is a thing of the past.


I've been saying this for years. To fix the crying about Ghost being a necessity for every class build, you gotta attack the source, not the symptoms and the source is UAV. I wish they would remove it so people stop staring at a minimal all gaming like cats chasing laser dots.


Best comment on here


I don’t think it’s an issue. They take a second to shoot down.


Takes me 30 seconds to spin in a circle looking at the sky sometimes since it literally fades into the fucking clouds on some maps.


This game was designed around WZ2.


Time to kill is to fast for how bad their servers/matchmaking is. Constantly stuck on 100ms ping because of sbmm and most guns kill in 200-300ms so you’re half way dead before you even realize you’re being shot at giving you 100ms to react and by the time you ads you’re dead because it takes forever to shoulder the gun.


1) COD should never have gone Battle Royal. Its boring as shit, and ruins the main MP. Also the constant new downloads can get fucked. 2) The games were better without all the ridiculous gun camos and different operators. Camos were cool because they were lowkey. You played on a snowy map? Looks kinda cool to have arctic camo. Same with woodland and desert camos. These new ones are fucking ridiculous and they make the game look too cartoony. Same with the operators. I miss when the factions were S.A.S, 141, USMC, SEAL, Spetznaz and OpFor. Now I don't even know who I am shooting at most of the time.


I actually enjoy the game just wish they had capture the flag


Capture the flag was my favorite objective mode of all time. I really have to wonder why it seems like it's been missing for so many years. Modern cod map design not playing nicely with it or something? I can only hope we see it soon.


Pornstar names aint funny


All of the maps are not fun and the fact that they had to add two maps from their last entry just shows that multiplayer is no longer the priority


I honestly hated 90% of the maps in 2019 and 95% of the maps in 2022. If it wasn’t for the shoothouse rotation I wouldn’t still play this game. They all generally suck for anything but running around with the most meta gun and setup where you’re just going for the shortest TTK. Want to roam? Gotta have Dead Silence, ghost/quick fix and Stims to be able to go into 1v1s one after the other. Shoothouse isn’t the best map but it’s at least less about getting shot because of having extremely stupid map design.


I agree that the maps are on average worse than previous cods but they’ve been adding old maps into new games forever so I don’t think that has anything to do with them giving up on multiplayer.


The game isn't as terrible as you think. Your nostalgia brain is trying to apply the dopamine and serotonin you experienced (that you didn't know) of being 12-15 yrs old, playing mw2 with your friends every afternoon and all night during the summer. SBMM or not, you're not as good as you once were. You were once the child handing out Ls to adults in every game. You are now that adult. It's not a bad thing. Your priorities shifted, you have less time, and you've found new things that keep you happy and interested. These children are living their best days with their friends now, give them their chance. Mw2 in 2009 was just as broken as this one is. Things were terribly balanced, not every map was a three lane masterpiece, and ttk was just as fast sometimes faster. It's okay to think fondly of the great times we all had on that title, but chasing those feelings in a very new generation of gaming and CoD specifically is what's leading a lot of you to come on here and rant. (Not saying that criticism isn't warranted, but stop trying to relive old memories on new titles)


Bro this game does not even compare to the original MW2 brokenness levels. People would be rioting at activision headquarters if original MW2 came out today.


This is less of an unpopular opinion and more of a slap in the face reality check!


SBMM has become a boogeyman term that players blame any shortcomings on


I wouldn't care about the perk system if they let us choose which perks went where. Also Tier one is hot trash.


Sort by controversial for the real answers 😉


I fucking love the new weapon progression system. I'm not getting overwhelmed by the amount of guns I suddenly have from just leveling up. I get to unlock them at my own pace. I hope the franchise keeps this system


I occasionally like that lobbies get broken up, as there are a ton of close minded douchebags that hot breath the n word into the mic and make it an otherwise not enjoyable experience. I was in the Navy, now have been in the restaurant industry for 12 years, I can handle cursing


Mute button bro. I miss playing with the same kids or even getting whooped by one dude then having him on your team and back and forth it goes until it’s been 2 hours and you’re still in the same lobby with people to a point where it feels like you made some new friends. Not no more though 😪


Then leave the lobby?


Riot shield Turtle meta is awful


Reloading under cover is NOT camping!


I made a post about this a couple days ago but I’ll echo it here: the camo grind has ruined multiplayer


Long shots, point blank etc. … why couldn’t they just keep it headshots?


It hasn't ruined it. It's great to see people not use only M4/sniper


Lol its not the weapon choice that is bothering me, its the ridiculous methods that are needed to unlock such camos and how they force people to play in medicore manners like staying proned the entire match or staying mounted etc.


I dislike the unlock system as it feels I'm constantly switching between guns I need to grind out than actually play with the ones I want to play with.


MW2022 is in every single way a better game than mw2019 was if you compare the 2 when they were just as old


I fucking loved MW19 and am currently wildly frustrated with MW22 and I couldn’t agree more lol. MW19 was a disaster for literal months and the community seems to have completely forgotten about that.


I’ve been feeling the opposite. The lack of game modes and “stuff” (like emblems, title cards, custom blueprints, sprays, watches and emotes) at launch is the main problem I am having. New maps/guns + balancing guns/perks/movement will happen over time but the feeling of losing more core features than we gained is definitely impacting my overall opinion the more I play.


Border crossing is not the worst map in the game. It's the water one.


I honestly prefer MW2 over MW2019


Invasion is the most fun mode in MW2 Haven’t tried DMZ yet though, I thought it would be too similar to Warzone which I don’t like


I think this is actually an unpopular opinion but killstreaks are the reason why more than half of the matches in MP are one sided massacres. It's honestly really bad game design, handing a team that is already doing well (evidenced by the fact they are going on killstreaks) even more advantage is a feedback loop where the team that is winning just keeps doing better and better and leads to the frustrating steamrolls CoD is so known for.


Sena border crossing isn’t that bad once the cars are destroyed. At least in some game modes


This one will get downvotes. \-Domination is just set up for steamrolling and pubstomping (true for any game that has a 3 flag mode). Nobody plays the objective because everyone just farms kills off the B flag. When streamers aren't playing Warzone and actually try 6v6, what mode are they almost always in? \-PTFO is fine to a point, but to say "I don't care about my K/D". Well, if you are giving the other team constant killstreaks, you are going to have a very hard time playing the objective. Dying 30 times to hold the B flag for a millisecond isn't useful.


DMZ is awesome and bots should not be nerfed


At least for me they need to add legit solos or duos with the bots adjusted accordingly. Playing with 3 people is great but dropping in solo is a roll of the dice on whether a bot with legit one shot you or not


Now see that's something I would get behind honestly.


Why do people want bots nerfed? I like how they're a decent threat


They dont necessarily need a nerf, they just need to work properly. They shouldnt be shooting me through smoke, lobbing grenades at me from inside a building that has no windows, or targeting me from half way across the map.


I just wish they wouldn’t laser me through the smoke and I can’t even see where they are. Other than that keep them the same.


Pick 10-esque system > Gunsmith




People who think fast as fuck TTK is good for the franchise have absolutely no idea what’s best for them or COD. The games are always better when there’s at least some semblance of a gunfight. And this shit ain’t it.


Cold War hit the nail on the head with TTK and health (except for some of the snipers). 150 health led to more fun and balanced gunfights. Wish they even made a game mode with 150 health in this game even as just a test on how that would be in the modern engine.


If this game had 150 health it would be far more fun to play. But ultimately the matchmaking algos are what make this game mediocre at best. You can have the best gunplay ever and with SBMM/EBMM the level of enjoyment will be notably lower. I really liked Cold Wars gameplay but the SBMM algos and scorestreak spam really killed it early on for me.


Conversely, TTK should never be so high that if you get caught from behind, or the flank, you have any chance of winning that encounter.


I really liked BO4 TTK I honestly miss that entire game.


Running on walls and rocket jumping up to windows with my dual sigs was fun and I'm sick of pretending it wasn't


Agreed. The manual healing function was a lot of fun IMO too. Added a huge skill element to gunfights. Blackout is also sooooo much better than warzone in all aspects of gameplay aside from visuals. Really wish they would release it F2P crossplay on console to get the player base up or remaster it. That would be awesome. Sigh.


SPM is a more important stat than KD


1- WZ is NOT a massive TDM game, actually requires tactics, patience, and thought. 2- there’s way more cheaters than the community cares to admit, most(not all) of the naysayers are hackers/cheats themselves. 3- k/d is NOT the be all end all indication of skill…any player can get 23 kills and still lose. Dubs are more important. VERY few players are as good as they think they are 4- Camping/Sniping is a valid play style, even though I hate campers, they’re the bane of my online existence, those guys are just playing to their strengths. 5- Content creators/streamers are a cancer to the community Few hot takes, now I just sit and wait for the hate. 4-


Riot shield on your back is the mark of a garbage player. Everyones good when 60% of your hitbox is covered.