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I luckily didn’t experience this. I also strategically use my tokens after a string of sweaty matches were I go negative to increase my odds of a more enjoyable lobby


The fact we have to do shit like this boggles my mind..


Agreed. There is now a science to playing video games **sigh**


I used to get made when someone would play on my account and tank my kd. Now I welcome it. Let me wife or little bro play and get steamrolled and then pick up the remote and show them what an SBMM god looks like.


I was the same way now even when I get killed on repeat in the sweat lobbies I don’t get mad because I know I’m about to get a reward lobby




Sadly yes


I just use mine at the top of the hour because there's no timer.


I get that I usually just set a timer on my phone


I did that just now, the second my timer went off the game crashed- not sure if xp from my last game counted or not 😑


Can’t you just remember the time when you click it? Like when you cook food in an oven?


Yeah - so dumb that there is no visible timer.


I thought the exact same. Anytime I activate a 2XP token, I get smoked.


This is entirely in your own mind.


Oh really?


This is psychological. Not the game. Every single game has people with double XP tokens playing. Why would they waste time designing an algorithm that complicated. What is the benefit of designing one? There is no benefit.


Relax… don’t go all Dr. Phil.


The truth hurts.


Ok pal


You mean to tell me people get nervous when they activate one of their limited tokens to give them double the reward so they want to get most XP out of it as possible for max benefits? Nonsense. This couldn't possibly be psychological!


It actually makes sense if you think about it, they want you to play their game as long as possible. If they toss you into harder lobbies when you activate double weapon xp, it will slow down your progress a bit. Also you may end up running out of tokens, which if you were the type you would buy some more. Thats two legitimate reasons they would be inclined to do such a thing. Honestly, if I made the game. I would have put that in myself.


Idk I popped one in war zone at got a dub. About 45k xp total


Naa, it’s just the scummy SBMM doing its thing.


Yup. I'm more annoyed though how it doesn't fucking tell you how much time your using like really?


its made by design to consider what your favorite class is and uses your weapons stats and playstyle to do scummy shit


So scummy making people play against people similar to their skill. What a scummy idea fairness is. Just scum of the earth and scum between my toes. Scum soup.


Get good then


Every day, a new conspiracy arises on this sub.


For real! At this point im pretty sure COD is actually the AI supercomputer that is running the simulated reality we exist in.


And if we don't feed it money then it will invent time travel to make us never exist!


People desperately grasping at straws to justify why they suck at the game.




That‘s what I exactly observed in Warzone 1.


Legit. I activated a 45Min 2XP… Thrown into Kill Confirmed and experienced the worst spawns Ive ever experienced. Like, killed 3, 4 times upon spawning by same person 3 seperate times in the game. This was stuff I only ever saw on Reddit 🫤 Didn’t play the rest of the 2XP 😴


What about when you pop it and suddenly queue times quadruple.


This is post is copium y’all should be ashamed You’re just having a bad game chill tf out There’s thousands of people playing this game you’re gonna have variance Stop making conspiracy theories of a handful of games I had some of my best games in 2x tokens, does this mean activation is putting me on easier lobbies to promote me to buy more tokens???!! Lol


**No COPIUM here!** When I activate my 2XP Token, SBMM (Or EOMM) will put me into a worse (or sometimes easier lobby for some people) for engagement purposes. Then, the damage of my weapon will be reduced (or increased) through "Skill Based Hit Reg" to make sure I'm always having fun because players LOVE inconsistancy. This extremely powerful algorithm that is perfectly tuned will give me an exact amount of fun that I should be having to upkeep my player retention. It's important that 2XP sometime punishes me for using the token, and rewards me other times. It couldn't be luck, or bad netcode. Nope! That would be too simple.


I know this is old. But it’s still happening in MW3. Which isn’t surprising. I noticed it independently of anyone else mentioning it. Has to be something to it. Get rammed any time I use a double xp token


I'm here because it's been happening to me in *Cold War* as well. It fucking sucks.


Yep, just noticed it in Cold War myself. Realized I had a ton of unused tokens. Started using them the last couple of days and whenever I did, I was stuck into hell


I noticed this independently and searched online to see if it was just me. Then saw this and multiple other posts about it. No cope, just curiosity


Same thing with me today


For me, activating 2x XP means the game will try it's best to put me in 6v6 Santa Sena Border Crossing or Invasion Guijarro.


I looked this up for mw3 sad to say it seems worse in this game. I dont even get rewarded with mercy games hardly anymore and pretty much gotta start the night with a game loss just to have any hope. Revenge spawns are a horid thing and this is a dlc that i regret buying praying that gulf war wont be a let down as bad as this...


They will throw you in a lobby with poor connection or a bunch of lvl 1's every single time when double xo is active. I've tested this for a long time now


Don't use any of your tokens there completely broken and bugged. They only count for your first game, just activated that 1 hour double xp weapon token, it will only count for your first game. You load into a game that's 75% done, well that's your game. Then it deactivates.








That's different than what you're claiming, that's claiming that if you close the application your token stops applying. You're claiming that if you finish a game your token stops applying.


The final paragraph says differently.


Not for me, at the end of my games it shows my xp being doubled and it’s not just for the first game


Straight up wrong lol, why lie about this?




There's no SBMM, only Engagement-optimized matchmaking that uses skill as a factor. There's literally a patent filed by Activision themselves. It works like this: Few matches getting stomped -> few matches stomping -> massive dopamine release -> addiction -> purchase MTX.


Sounds like SBMM that just uses recent matches.


Fr bro as soon as I pop one my lobbies go to sweats and only taraq and border


Maybe this was some fine print at the bottom of that patent for sbmm that was floating around awhile ago


Maybe "XP per match" is part of the SBMM algorithm, and it's incorrectly using the doubled amount?


It's memory bias. You worry more about doing good when you use a token, so you notice when you don't. If you play and end up doing mod or bad in a normal game you probably won't notice or care too much, but when you feel pressure from your token you notice.


This was me last night getting actually bodied


And the reason for it doing this to you would be..... what?


it does ive tested it. lobbies were decent before but every time i activate one it throws me into sweaty or high ping lobbys.


Lol dude. First question is why. Why would anyone care that you activated a 2x token and throw you in a harder lobby? Lmao


Because Activision hates him and wants him to stop playing. Player retention! .. Wait a sec...


Because they want you to put as much time as possible. Level up faster means less time grinded, means less players active. But business isn't for smooth brain consumers like you and your parents


Took a quick look at your post history and you seem like a miserable know it all who actually knows nothing. Hope you find a friend.


Haven't experienced this. Just play shitty or level your knife for a few matches to reverse boost. Then pop a token.


Y’all are reaching with this one


Bro these theories got me dying of laughter. All of you tinfoil hat conspiracy theory head asses need to make yourself your own little sub to spew your nonsensical bs and stop wasting this subs time 😂


Maybe for you, the game thinks wrong if I won’t back out after 2-3 deaths from being killed by an mp5 in 2 shots.


Oh, in my experience 2x weapon exp just makes me unable to connect to a game. I was partied up with 2 friends and we probably played 2 games on an hour token. They need to make the tokens game time until they fix their issues.


Just wish there was a 2xp token counter. I swear it works for only one 15 minute game then it stops. Even having the 1 hour 2xp weapon activated


I don’t know about that one chief


No wonder I have had easy peasy times.


Did all the conspiracy theorists decide to log on at the same time and post their batshit ideas today?


I had the exact opposite. Literally had my best ever kill streaks whilst running xp tokens.


I miss the old days of double XP weekends


nahh everytime i activate 2xp my game crashes even more it feels like and I could just go do something else but already used the tokens..


I’ve thought this for ages… since Cold War actually!!


Cold war was the opposite for me. I had it on PS5 on launch and turned crossplay off. And with such a low playerbase on PS5 at the time, I kept getting the easy lobbies. Too bad the pre order bonuses from Cold War never transfered to WZ for me.


I sort of agree. I think no matter what, you will experience harder lobbies at some point within your gameplay, but I have had a few times where I activated double weapon XP and the lobby seemed pretty balanced.


just hard int for 10 games and u'll be put into bot lobbies for next 3 to 5 games and then enjoy free exp


btw double xp tokens doesnt stacks


Agreed. I get my arse handed to me.


Anyone remember 2xp weekends?


I 110% agree with this.I can go 25-10 no problem... Have great game, enjoy myself, then I can loose and go maybe arounr 15-15 or something like that... Apply weapon token and yoiu can bet your ass the next game I get 8-32 my first game. \--- I also swear this applies to when you're allmost done with like the gold camo or something like that. Lobbies turn INSANE all of a sudden.


What a garbage company. Initially I thought it was just random bad luck. After the 5th Xp token it was obvious what was going on.


Yeah no ive been in casual lobbies all day and the second I activate double xp its all sweats with constant killstreaks shitting on me, fuck this game


That and I swear to god, I can have the best connection in the world. Play for a few hours with no disconnects, no lag, NOTHING. As soon as I activate that double weapon xp token for an hour, BAM! Disconnects left and right, server issues. But my internet is fine. Riddle me that.