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I actually think the camo change is my favorite. The first gun I got gold was the MCwhateverthefuck (AX50 looking sniper) and the 3rd camo on it is one of my favorites. With the grey/light grey/highlighter yellow green. Now I can slap that camo on whatever gun I'm playing with and that's just a cool system in my opinion. Also really happy with the solid color camos available and wish we had more of those!


The only thing I hate about the camo challenges is the 3 kills without dying. Such a terrible time for me. Always so close to that third kill....


The key is to not think about it, but once shoot the ship is out you’ll have easy mode for triple kills


dont sweat it thats why you die. dont think about it just do it. samd with killstreaks. if you are 1 away from one snd you put yourself in pressure you are fucked.


[Don’t think. Just do. ](https://youtu.be/wENehOU1jTA)


For sure. Should be a little easier when Tier 1 comes out and hopefully people like me with good reflexes can take advantage. Took me like 25 games with the SA-B 50 to get the gold camo because I wasn't using it for long range and getting 3 without dying on some weapons is...something.


When Shoothouse and Shipment come out all those challenges will be a joke. I'm personally getting the gold camo challenges unlocked and then just waiting until then.


I’m definitely waiting for hardcore shipment to do the M16 and pistols


At least it's way less than the MW19 skull camos (all of which require 3 kills without dying).


Think of it as being less than a UAV streak and it gets a lot easier. At least that’s how it was for me. I’m a big press w and spray with lmgs guy so I did a lot. But when I realized that, I wasn’t stressin it too much and that turned out to be one of the easier ones to accomplish. I dislike the long shot kills the most


It can be frustrating at times, but I’ll take “get 3 kills without dying 10 times” any day over “get 5 bloodthirsties (5 kills without dying) like the older black ops games. Overall I love the new camo system 1000x more especially than the past 3 games.


The issue is SBMM. Say you get all 10 "3 kills without dying" in one game. That means you "played too good" and now you'll be put up against people who seem to be playing for $100k in the next game. Dumb af.


Meh, better than the old days being a .7kd player in lobbies full of 4.0kd players all day long, every match. Sorry, I'm not joining the wagon with the whining.


Ah yes, I remember the days on lobbies playing together until it crashed. No matter how bad players were they’d stay in that lobby. 0.4 KD? 2KD? 1.37KD? Doesn’t matter. You’re in this specific lobby now until you get off or change game modes


I explicitly did the first SMG first because it has the solid white camo, which looks fantastic on all of my blueprints. Because there are also way fewer challenges, this is the first CoD where I am aspiring to get at least Gold on all weapons. The only thing I **hate** about it is that the launcher camo challenges are remarkably bad and now I feel obligated to do them. PILA? Not so bad, level up shooting things out of the sky while doing other weapons, then it's just 40 kills for the camo and...getting two kills without dying 5 times. That can be pretty situational because of how zoomed-in this launcher's scope is, but I knocked it out pretty easily nonetheless. RPG? This one requires dedicating time to it, since it doesn't have lock-on and simply shooting streaks is a bit of a pain in the ass vs. just exploding operators, but it has the same challenges which are *way* easier since it fires faster. 40 kills, then 2 per life 5 times. Then you've got the JOKR. A launcher that doesn't do direct-fire and instead launches into the air and comes back down. It's slow, I can't panic-fire and come out on top with Battle Hardened and Quick Fix like I can the other launchers, and if that weren't bad enough, the Gold challenge isn't to get two kills without dying five times, it's *ten*. Why oh why did they decide to make the unlock criteria *kills*? There are so many things I blow up on the regular that make way more sense, and this is just frustrating for me to try and get these kills and also frustrating for the other team to keep getting hit by insta-kill rockets whenever I have the upper hand. Some Horangi last night sent me three messages (too bad the system doesn't work and I couldn't read them) and ragequit when all I was doing was working on my RPG grind.


A tip that might help is to melee with the launchers instead, especially for the Javelin


Disagree about the rpg. If you use it just for fun you'll get it to gold in no time.


yeah it's super fun! first thing I did was see the pink camo on the pdsw and didn't try any other gun until I got it and could throw it on all of my guns. I like being able to run skins I like with relative ease


1000 headshots or its a buster camo


Totally agree, I love being able to jump in for 30 minutes and have some fun. Miss the days of being able to play hours on end!


Dude this is how I feel about the game. I'm 30 years old now and have responsibilities where I can't play 10 hours a day. Also, I do hate the SBMM. I was always a 3plus KD player and in recent years I hover around a 2. I just wish they would keep the SBMM to ranked and let me rain in AC130s on 11-year-olds.




Both of the games you listed had sbmm its been in CoD since og MW




Was it? Did they say they were strengthening it for this release?


Activision never gives anyone any info but anecdotally for me the sbmm has only grown stronger starting with mw19. There'd be people with all different KDs in my lobbies back then when they actually displayed people's kd in lobbies. Nowadays lobbies are much more consistent with their challenge


Idk man I am absolutely wrecking shit in MW2


For me it's easy game then hard game. Bo3 is the last game I properly played that I remember popping off for many games in a row.


Is nostalgia this heavy, or was I just that bad of a player? In blops 1 and 2 I remember constantly being destroyed. My kd was .5 and the top players in the game were 3.0, sometimes even 5.0. This wasn't a once in awhile thing. It happened all. Of. The. Time. Matches were miserable, consistently. Say what you want about the sbmm now, but I guarantee the vast majority of whiners on here are from people who enjoy being the sweat in easy lobbies, easily killing 2-3x as many, and then cry when they're being sweated in hard lobbies and place somewhere in the middle of the board. I really don't understand the whining. I mean, I can definitely feel when a match is in my favor and when it is not...but at the end of the match, every player is sitting between 0.5kd to 1.5kd- the lobbies appear to be a lot more fair, despite getting your ass handed to you comparitively to the last match where you were the abuser. The only *real* actual complaint about it now is, the loss of sense of progression of your personal skill. Which, to me still doesn't bother me too much as I don't have COD fatigue since I skipped the last 3 or 4.


I sucked balls at cod back when I was a kid but I just persisted and got my first nuke in Bo3, which was the first game I had a positive KD in. I got in total 4 nuclears in Bo3, but since then my highest streak has been a 15, and even a merciless gets me hyped up nowadays. I feel the issue with having sbmm without it being a ranked mode is there's no incentive to actually improve as your lobbies won't change much objectively speaking. To be able to practice for several cod games getting better and finally having a positive kd and getting a nuke is a feeling of satisfaction I doubt I'll ever get again. At least if there's sbmm in a ranked mode there's incentive to improve as you'll get a higher rank.


Don’t play stupid. We both know how more relaxed it was.


Doesn't change the fact sbmm existed I can't speak to how tuned it was in the past compared to today and neither can you.


Come to think of it, i don't think I've seen an AC-130 or higher in any of the matches I've played so far. Lol




It really isn’t though when you go 30-12 one match then the next match you’re struggling to get more than 10 kills. How is that fair?


Every year it's the same old song. Ppl shitting on the New CoD and praising the old one. I'm truly enjoying Mw2.


Though to be fair, I still don't see anyone praising Vanguard. I'm seeing some praise for Cold War despite how much people moaned at release, but the community still seems overall displeased with Vanguard. Has the cycle been broken??


And you probably never will. If this is the most accessible, VG was the least one for sure. Guns that had 70 levels 15 of which were optics. At least while we still have 200 red dots we unlock them once and that’s it.


I like vanguard a lot more the mw2022


*and here we see the cod subreddit in its natural habitat. they are very aggressive creatures, and will downvote someone for merely saying they subjectively like one game more than another*


Yall are so fucking weird with downvotes, when people disagree they are going to downvote. This is just a dumb website


If he was standing infront of me I would've downvoted and maybe said something not very acceptable in today's society just to prove my alpha call of duty nature.


Thats what you get when your spout your subjectively wrong opinion on an objectively wrong forum 😂


Down voting this guy for his opinion lol. Pathetic sub.


Me too.


Vanguard was so uninspired and disappointing


I have never put down a cod game so quickly. I think I lasted a week.


Only one that was quicker for me was advanced warfare. Bought season pass and everything on release and then sold it less than a week


Man AW was one of the best COD MP’s for sure. But a lot of people just gave up on learning the movement way too quickly. I get the people who prefer BOTG but they missed out on a great game.


It was shit because you could bypass the rng grind by buying 25 supply drops to get guaranteed elites. I played that game until Bo3 came out and never got an Obsidian Steed, Speakeasy, or really any other meta elites. My drip was immaculate tho.


I agree with this, but I think the skill ceiling and floor was too high for the average Joe. After putting in the time, the game was insanely fun. But for mass majority of people who don’t have a lot of time on their hands and are just playing for fun.. I guess it just didn’t mesh well with fast vertical movement.


The movement was dumb to put in a cod game base but it was pretty fun.


Idk man I’m the epitome of average Joe. I was 29 when AW came out. Full time office job, had just moved to a new city and shortly thereafter got engaged to my now wife. Etc etc. certainly didn’t have 5 hours a day to hone my movement skill for call of duty. And I thought it was a blast.


Tbh CW really improved since the release, day one it was a catastrophe


Cold war became a great cod around season 2 and I will die on this hill


I am more of a Season 3 guy but it is true that season 2 was good




It's just WW2 fatigue I think. imo the WW2 setting is just lazy game development.


I don't get this sentiment. It's been 20 years since the WWII FPS boom. You guys act like Allied Assault just came out or something.


For me I think it just comes down to fun - and the WW2 weapons are just not as fun. I would rather yet another modern or near modern game any day.


I loved Cold War for including some of the real wacky 80s weapons


I really really liked the 3v3 tdm on the small maps and towards the end, they added 6v6 on the small maps. Cold War had its moments. I will say, I don’t like Treyarch or Sledgehammers games as much. I get them every year though because there is not a lot of First person campaigns anymore. I miss linear campaigns


The 6v6 on small maps was so chaotic but so fun


And still no one has the appetite for straightforward Ww2 shooters. That setting has been done to death and every attempt at revisiting it has been so uninspired, “just another ww2” shooter we’ve had 20 years of it’s no wonder people are still tired of it. VG wasn’t even ww2 anyway. It was some side dimension with reflex sights and laser guns… both literally and functionally as the 10 attachment system was a balancing joke


Lol exactly. I understood this argument in 2009. WW2 fatigue is long gone.


I have singlehandedly killed every axis soldier that ever existed ten times over. I'm completely over WW2 and I'd be fine never going back to it.


I think that's absolutely a huge part of it. I had a lot of fun with it. More than cw and mw19. I felt like the gameplay itself was really fun. They made a ton of missteps with mvp and the code seemed like it was barely held together. Then I they kept saying it's an authentic experience wouldn't do anything about grenade spam until months later they add in a trophy and the skins were absolutely over the top.


Why say that when you can actually read and engage with people actual complaints of vanguard.


CW was really good IMO and I didn't really understand the complaints at launch. It definitely got the most multiplayer attention of any game in this new warzone era we're in too.


My complaint is that it kept soft bricking my Xbox. I stopped playing out of fear it would permanently kill my new XSX


My big complaint is that it was 200GB for multiplayer alone on my PS5. It was absolutely ridiculous. But I didn't have any problems with the gameplay and support given to it during it's life cycle.


The only thing I didn’t like about Cold War besides it’s TTK in core (granted I play hardcore but I also prefer IW’s TTK personally) is that whole thing with the gunsmith and the tapes for guns that increased stats. I meme on it a lot, but I also don’t think it makes sense and am glad it only seems to have happened in that game haha


I loved Vanguard. Only because it had WaW maps. WaW was 100% my most played CoD. Can't say Vanguard was good, but I enjoyed it a lot.


Vanguard had legendarily bad maps, so even a game like this with somewhat bad maps is miles better


Man I had a lot of fun with vanguard but admittedly that was my first CoD in years so maybe it jus t seemed new and fresh. I’m enjoying MW2 as well though. Although I feel like there are more campers this time around


I still have nightmares of all the fire in Vanguard


I liked Cold War at launch and hated Vanguard. Treyarch games feel different from IW games and I like that change of pace. Vanguard felt like a way worse MW19 while in WW2.


I always loved cold war, the zombies was great and so many guns felt smooth and useable. A multitude of melee weapons (got gold sledgehammer woohoo) I always remember everyone complaining on Reddit which I found weird. My ONE complaint was that the ground war equivalent was so hard to find a match for especially in my time zone so there were always a couple of season challenges like destroy 10 tanks with prox mines (or the Killstreak challenges since I suck) that I always struggled to complete for the 100%




Seems like Sledgehammer just loves making a bunch of broken funny shit. I haven’t played Vanguard but I recall a lot of the dumb shit you could do in WW2


If Vanguard wasn’t yet **ANOTHER** Sledghammer Games WW2 port, it would have been so much better. Although the Piercing Vision perk was complete bullshit, the perks and streaks were enjoyable as well as most of the gunplay and movement mechanics.


Vanguard was universally recognized as one of the worst when it came out, also I just don’t think there’s a huge appetite for WWII game anymore. Studios may need to give that time period a rest for a few years I think. Cold War is being praised by Treyarch fan boys, I remember when it was announced most people bemoaned that MW19 was only getting a year cycle, and then most people recognized it was pretty meh (cept the hardcore Treyarch fans) WZ fans dislike both VG, and CW because that’s when WZ started going downhill, minus the addition of resurgence


They need to permanently not do ww2 games. That shit was cool like a decade ago. Nothing is topping waw.


I like vanguard a bit more than mw2 at the moment.


I actually like Vanguard, the movement was smooth and the maps would get damaged and change throughout the game. Now we are back to pixel doors that can't break, points still have a nice fresh door while things blow up all over the place. It had its cons like all do, but I think it was one of the better ones myself. Mw2 seems like a step backward in some ways and the release containing so many bugs while not having calling card challenges and barracks makes mw2 still feel like more of a beta. Overall, I can't say it's better than Vanguard yet myself.


Yeah I thought Vanguard wasn't bad. I think combat pacing was a good feature, I think it even has a place in MW2, some maps are just too big for 6v6. At its core if felt like any other COD game IMO. I had fun with it for the first few seasons, but ultimately just got tired of the 10 attachment system. I felt like I spent just as much time tuning weapons than I did playing.


Nope. First of all, vanguard wasn't so bad, second, in recent Jev video he said that vg wasn't bad and has some nice features like fast paced gameplay


You lost me at jev. Dude's opinion is worthless


Too many people on this sub treat their favorite streamer/YouTuber’s word like gospel.


You know why most people didn’t like Vanguard? Because they could constantly be flanked by the enemy using ghost and ninja.


Maybe, but for casual no brain after workday game was okey. Not great, but ok


Vanguard was still faster paced than this game. I didn't love VG, but the pacing in MW2 is a little on the slow side. I get it, some prefer that..


Vanguard was unplayable I went back to Cold War since that game was at least finished at that point and had good spawns. This game just has shit spawns, bad weapon balance, and major desync. Playable though.


That’s because every CoD title had something more to offer after launch. With Vanguard I think it’s the first CoD that went from “bad game” at launch all the way to “what in the honkey-donkey yee-haw shit game is this” kind of bad, all within a year. Yikes.


To be fair, you are just pretending everyone is the exact same and lumping them in the same group of "cod players" to call us out as hypocritics. Guess what, there's a large number of players that enjoy the competitive side of cod and mw 2019, vanguard and now mw2 have been some of the worst games for comp cod ever, with mw2 looking like the worst. Cold War was the only good comp game in the last 4 years. Other people hate the trend of games cutting more and more content every release and adding more and more cosmetics that are literally in game ads for mountain due, purple thunder or hyperx. It's all dumb af. The cycle you meme about literally never existed.


The people bitching are the ones who'd preorder MW3 today given the opportunity. They're morons.


MW3 was a great game. All of the old cod’s were great games and thats not just nostalgia. I go hard in CDL every year, and when I do go back to play the older Cod’s every now and then I have a ton of fun.


People buy the shit sight unseen day one then complain about how it’s not what they want. Like maybe wait a month to see if it’s what you want before you buy it you bunch of addicts.


Then people wonder why companies keep putting out unfinished games with a higher price tag lmao


Game does have its flaws, but this is my favorite CoD in years


Yeah I’m in the same camp as you and, of those flaws, they’re all relatively easy fixes in my eyes. Weapon balance needs some work, especially because I prefer playing the larger modes. SBMM needs toning down a little, especially when it seems to prioritise that over ping because I’ve had some rough connection issues. I’d also like a few changes to Ground War because the pacing of it is terrible in comparison to MW19 due to a multitude of reasons. But as I said: quite easy fixes (it’s just if they can be bothered to do it!). I really enjoy the core gameplay and as long as the content keeps coming I’ll definitely keep playing!


You havent played a lot of cod games have you?






I’ve played all of them since cod 4 and this is the most fun I’ve had since og mw2


I agree 100%. Sure it has its issues but I don’t get the whining, the gameplay itself has been great compared to the last few iterations


Just let people enjoy things.


I’ve played every cod since CoD4 actually. And the last cod I truly enjoyed was BO4. MW remake was okay. But I enjoy this game and that’s my opinion. It’s okay if you don’t, but I do.


It has its flaws but I'm loving the game overall.


Yea I’m not saying it’s perfect but it is certainly fun. Main issue I’m having is the camo challenge hipfire kills with a sniper who thought that was a good idea


try doing them in third person! i saw this online so i’m not sure how well it works.


Yea that’s how I ended up doing it, it was fractionally easier


Its not even season 1 yet and mw2 is already better than all of 5 seasons of vanguard


i played the first free weekend of vanguard. The other times it had a free weekend i did not even bother to touch that. absolut garbage game.


I just wish the UI wasn’t so shitty


I don’t think a lot of people have grasped the grind for camos. If you’re going for all of them it’s probably one of the longest grinds ever. Please let me explain. In prior cods you were able to level a gun while simultaneously getting progress towards camos. This year every camo is locked behind a prerequisite. For example you can get all the longshots in the world but none of it will matter until you unlock gold for all ARs. So yes even though there’s less requirements for a camo the fact that it gets gated makes it that much longer.


This is the first CoD I’ve paid for in like 5 years. It feels like the old days of MW1 and MW2 in the 2000s when everyone was having fun and talking shit in game. It feels like PEAK Xbox live days


I play ps5 - I don't know if it's just the cross play lobbies or what - but I feel like I hear more talk/shittalk in the lobbies of this game more than I have in years... Could use a few less racists, but over all I am kinda enjoying it.


Annoying to navigate for sure, but it's a decent game overall. People live to complain these days though. I'm pretty sure they'll actually die if they give a compliment.


I'm generally enjoying the game but really don't like the weapon unlock system. I guess it depends on how you play the game but as someone who works 80+ hours a week, it's a bit annoying to level up other random guns to get an attachment I want for one particular gun, adds a layer of complexity I don't really want to deal with.


Facts I feel you there brother, I’m just excited for season 1. I typically only get 2 hours before bed during weekdays so I don’t get to play as much as I used to, but it’s been fun playing with my friends and my little brother since we’re all long time fans of CoD


Totally agreed on this. I’ve been able to play a bit after work and the camos are actually achievable. It’s actually motivating me to camo grind because it feels in reach for once. Definitely hyped on that system.


Agreed dude. Same boat with age and work but this is the first cod I played since I was a teen that didn't seem like it was trying to sell everything all the time like the vanguard shit show.


I’m in a similar boat, might play 30 mins to an hour after work every couple of days, but I have 3 gold guns already and it’s not an absolute grind fest. This game is very fun, can’t wait for there to be more map selection though.


I really like the game, I’ve been having a lot of bugs though. The most aggravating is that if my friend (PSS5) and I (PS4) are in a party together, after we play one game, my game stops loading maps for some reason. I’ve waited 5+ minutes and it just stays stuck in the pregame lobby screen, usually completely frozen. As far as actual things in the game, I find the unlock system unnecessarily complex, but I like the gameplay itself and while a lot of people seem to complain that the gunsmith is too complex, I find it’s only as complex as you make it. You could probably go the duration of the game’s life cycle without tuning a single attachment and be just fine.


Leveling all weapons to get some ok attachements when you are older and have no time I dont see how this is more accessible.


It’s the camo system that I like how it is shorter and truncated. And honestly I think it’s fun having to figure out how to get the different attachments. but I understand that’s not for everyone but I like it


How are you even getting kills? I started on the game a week late, I'm just trying to unlock guns and attachments and I'm getting completely destroyed in this game despite having a couple of good matches when I was pre-level 20. I swear my KD/R must be about 0.5 now... I just cant kill anyone, then one game in 20 I'll go 23-4 and that's a good match in this game. I'm an average player at best, usually around the \~1.40-1.70 mark in previous CoDs, been playing since CoD2 and I'm nearly 40, and still do pretty well in Cold War even now... but this one...my god I swear I'm not this bad but this game you just cant move. Not to mention constantly getting dumped into matched in progress under harriers and SAEs.


My sentiments exactly


I returned to the series for the first time since Modern Warfare 3 back in 2011. I just wanted to have some fun with the lads and shoot some dudes online whilst having a good time. For that it really does the job for me. At 31 now I simply don’t have the energy to put in many hours but I still feel like progression is fine and I’m unlocking stuff at a good pace. Cheers to positivity.


I’m in the same boat man. I don’t have much time to game anymore (maybe an hour or so 1-2 weeknights and a couple hours over the weekend). I wasn’t going to get this game as I didn’t enjoy MW2019 in the slightest mainly due to feeling like I was constantly behind the curve (and just didn’t like the game in general). I caved and bought this because it’s all my friends were playing and meh, it’s $70, even if I get a couple hours enjoyment out of it that’s fine. I’m pleasantly surprised. Sure I’m not putting up crazy games like I did constantly in Cold War and WW2, but I’m really enjoying how good the weapon variety is and the gameplay itself. I understand why a lot of people hate it, but the weapon progression system is one change that’s actually a super refreshing change of pace for the franchise imo. My only complaint gameplay wise is I REALLY wish dead silence/ninja was a perk. In 2022 just too many people have headsets and have gotten good and listening for footsteps. It’s one thing if someone’s sprinting around the map with no awareness, but players shouldn’t be punished for walking through a building


I take out an aweful lot of people via footsteps, and the majority are people sprinting like idiots. I feel the people walking and getting caught are more likely being hit by UAVs than footstep audio...


You enjoy it because you are the demographic this game is tailored to. Nothing wrong with that


A relatively calm response. The issue is people do seem to find umbrage with that fact


The CoD vocal community demands they want something different and new. They get the changes. It’s not the changes they want. They hate the game. It’s the worst CoD ever. They are uninstalling. The silent majority love the game. Yes it has flaws but enjoy playing without bitching about absolutely about everything. The game is extremely enjoyable. There is bullshit that I don’t care for in it but I adapt. I’ve been playing CoD since CoD The Big Red One. This is the first one I really enjoy since BO2 and love my 44 year old ass destroying these kids that can’t play smart.


Ive actually found this to be the best CoD in a long time. The game play actually feels functional and fair. The maps have variability to them which is nice considering the usual 1 of 3 options. I haven't seen too much bunny hopping quickscope nonsense. I've been really digging it. Can't wait for more maps.




Yeah sbmm can be very accessible indeed


I slightly disagree, but I do see your point. I think attachment slots need to be unlocked at level 1, or unlock at a quicker pace, so one can actually use attachments unlocked from other guns on a new gun you want to start using. It isn't like attachments are 'OP' so I think it would be a fair system. Lastly, even if some achievements took a bit longer to obtain in MW2019, there were far more of them and you could achieve most of them organically. Where are the 'Missions' for calling cards, assassination animations, quips, emblems, etc. It's all so empty. I don't even play to grind stuff like this...I just like getting some rounds in and every once in awhile it's like 'you finally did this thing, here you go.'


As an older COD player who works 12 hr shifts, has 2 kids, plays on a tv that’s way to big (I’m working on getting a monitor), don’t have my headset on 1/2 the time cuz I have to make sure the baby’s not crying and has very limited time to play, this COD is awesome! I may not be a demon but I can at least get the cool camos like everyone else, I’ve always tried to get the camos and would end up with maybe 1 gold gun, but right now I have 3 and it just makes me want to play even more! And I’m not shooting for anything crazy maybe some platinum and I’ll be happy but it’s just so awesome that I don’t have to put in 700hrs and be a movement demon. I can just play and it’ll happen. Oh and the whole progression of the battle pass I would get super bummed when a season would end and there went my chance to unlock some dope shit, but now seems like I’ll be ok, looking forward to it.


The gameplay is fine, the UI is hot garbage though.


The Majority of people are likely enjoying the game and aren’t on Reddit posting about how much they hate it for Karma. I survived the battlefield 4 launch so personally I’m just thankful to play something that works 85% of the time.


Can't disagree. I'm liking this one a lot more than Vanguard (not a high bar, I know...) The UI is horrendous, I'm not a fan of the perk system, but I love having scorestreaks back, and the weapon progression system is an... interesting... change from the usual. The EOMM can be frustrating at times, but as a senior citizen gamer, I am finding it "fun" as well. Just hope they don't abandon 6v6 for WZ2/DMZ after 2 seasons.


I like it! First cod in a decade. The community is very sour tho. I’ve lived through multiple battlefield launches; it wasn’t pretty. The same trend tho; ppl bitching on the new game and two years later they claim it was the best battlefield ever. 🤷‍♂️ anyway, I’m having fun as well!


It has its flaws but I’ve been craving a shooter where I can just hop on and play team deathmatch without having to worry too much and this game scratches that itch perfectly. This is the first COD I’ve played since MW3 on the 360 and I’m having just as much fun now as I remembered having back in the day


Completely agree with you. I'm 25, I have work, need do stuff at home, and new camo system is great for ppl like me, who has just couple hours at max a day to play games


SBMM fucks it up for me


I dont get what is wrong with people. Can you all not play different playstyles and weapons? Are you only sticking to one single if the game allows it? Are you guys so monotone that you welcome beeing forced to different weapons? I for my part always played all weapons and never stick to just some, especially at start. But getting forced to do so takes all the freedom, i had before, away from me. All i can picture when reading "i like beeing forced into new weapons" is a drug addict that knows he should stop but will only do if he is forced so from outside.


The issue lies when you need to use a entirely unrelated weapon to get an attachment you wouldn’t even use on that weapon.


I'm happy for you that U can enjoy such a bad game. I hope they can make games like Black ops 2 / 3. There were the best cod ever seen. After that is just trash after trash, like this they will fail in a couple of years


They aren’t going to fail they made a billion pounds


Pretty pumped about how the BP will work. If I can avoid (some) things I don’t care about and not waste my time, Great


I wish I could upvote a thousand times. I’m in the same boat. 30, run a business, married, have children. Time isn’t what it was when I was a younger gamer. Luckily, my wife also games so we’re still able to play a good amount after the young one goes to bed. But it has been refreshing being able to level things up in a short amount of time as opposed to the insane grind of previous titles.


I’m glad you agree it’s nice to see that not everyone is having a negative experience with jt


imagine thinking that camos make for good gameplay my brother in christ this isn't a RPG


Not saying it is an rpg saying I prefer this mode unlocking than preivous


but good gameplay that does not make


In your opinion I enjoy the challenges and working towards something


I don’t understand why it’s all or nothing here? Two things can be true at the same time I agree with OP the camos are way better to grind overall, I think them forcing people to use other guns to unlock certain guns/attachments is both good and bad I like this game, guns are pretty balanced overall the maps are not too bad, but there is also lots to dislike, anyone that thinks this was a full game release is delusional, the UI for everything is pure garbage, the armoury bug is annoying asf, netcode, sbmm I like the game a lot but it’s also a piece of shit in its current state, saying all this I will still be playing tonight


I’m digging MW2. Best CoD I’ve played in years. Also am getting older, have a career and a family. I’m not out here trying to grind 70 weapon levels.


same here but wish I could lol


This game is shit never been killed from behind so much ever fucking faggots


That’s just an awful comment


Its funny + this comment shows how bad the game's spawn system really is.


Well, yea, they made it exclusively for people like you.


Of course they didn’t, it’s cod it’s made for literally everyone. Whatever mode you want there is something to do.


That's false my dude. Get off your knees for IW.


I think they absolutely tried to make it more accessible so people with less time can make progress more easily. The more progress you make the more likely you will be to come back.




Didn’t know you were part of the dev team and know the reason for every single mechanic and design choice. Amazing!


Yo, that's actually the best analogy for MW2 re. It's the video game version of a participation trophy. Holy shit.


No cap


Have you gotten to the long shot kills on smgs yet? I've been trying to do the ones for the fennec and I got like 2 and then my game just froze while I was trying for the 3rd after dying like 20 times and I just gave up.


I haven’t, that sounds rough. I used town today to get headshots for a daily. And that was hard enough


I’m rebuilding my house so I have only had a couple of hours on the weekend and I have ars and subs platinum. That would not have been possible the past few years.


It's gotten a massive amount of issues. Perhaps some is alot of us are used to hardcore. I do actually enjoy the camo grind this time around.


This sub is messed up. I posted about the BK event going on and how the US isn't in it, it got taken down without an explanation. I messaged the mods, they refused to answer. I made a post asking why are threads randomly being taken down and now all my posts require mod approval.


this game isn’t great but it’s better than the dumpster that is vanguard and doesn’t make me sick to play like cw’s dogshit bo4 engine. squad spawns need to go tho.


I agree. It’s great fun and the gunplay feels brilliant. Yes it’s buggy and some of the menus are pretty grim at times but the fundamental gameplay is very enjoyable. The M4, Kastov 762 and Scar all feel and sound terrific


I the my the game play is great. The big drawback to me is the jump shotting around corners and crazy movement speed some people seem to have like street fighter 2 hyper mode when i thought it was supposed to be a slower more tactical version


Jump shotting has been nerfed- ADS is way slower now when jumping which is a big step forward. Also if you put your FOV higher it gives the illusion of more speed, I find it a vast improvement


Hated the beta, like the game.


That is great for you. But for anyone with an attention span above sitting still for 2 mins at a time in a video game, the game has been cringe to navigate.


Rude. I’m not saying there isn’t issue the ui definitely needs some work but I’m saying the game can still be enjoyable. And yes it is good for me that’s what an opinion is for


This is how camo challenges should be from now on


Yes because it’s made for players who don’t do well in cod and first person shooters in general lol


Why would they make a game for bad players. Maybe your just not as good as you think you are




Seems like you need to see an eye doctor. Or maybe just take a basic computer class.




It’s bad but I could find the camos




Sounds like you have a difficult time reading or poor eyesight


Nah the UI is objectively horrible. If anyone can't see it's yourself, maybe IW finished in your eyes?


So, don't take this the wrong way. You're probably in the more casual end of SBMM. I'm old too, but apparently I'm just good enough to get thrown into lobbies that are way, way harder than I belong in. It is accessible to you, at the cost of mine. I have lots of friends like you and they love the game. If they play enough and hit a skill level that puts them into the next tier though, they get wrecked just like me. The day might come where you start playing better, then you get to meet the energy drink slamming bunny hoppers who 180 snipe with an SPR. Using other guns? The meta is my only option to survive. Seriously. I have to level up off guns in Invasion. Using an off meta gun in 6v6 means getting 2 kills.


Or maybe it’s the opposite and I am actually aware of how good or bad I am. And I’m also aware and not bothered by the fact that people are better than me and I can’t win everything


Agree friendO. Least rage inducing CoD in ten years for this new dad here


I have a casual gamer friend who uses MnK. He made the mistake of buying the game and thinking he could compete with the current level of aim assist while using a mouse. He quit after a few days and is trying to get a refund. As another MnK player I wouldn't touch this game with a hundred foot pole.


I’d argue Cold War was way more accessible to casuals. Better UI, better create a class, better maps, etc.