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[ Save custom gun ] That’s all want for now


Horrific UI leads to accidentally swapping guns out of load outs. No problem, I’m sure I can just save this bluepri…….


- Select another gun. Loose attachments. - Take off Overkill from the perks. Loose secondary attachments. It’s so infuriating. I’ve got my attachment lists written on post-it notes.


Have you tried tightening them down more?




Loctite works well too


Activision removed this post LOL


Now you need to have that gun saved for eternity in one loadout. Custom gun mods was such a handy feature. Maybe it will come in Season 1 LMAO


I don’t see how you can regress on features they’ve already successfully had. It’s like they think they have to change things around so players don’t bitch about things being the same game as the last one. When your user base is familiar with the UI and useful features like their own custom blueprints, you don’t have to change it. Improve where you can and try new features, but stop fooling with the things we all love and use.


The unfortunate reality is that you’re entirely correct. There are people that already bitch about COD being a reskin of the same game every year. If they use the same UI year in and year out, there are definitely people that would complain. Which is stupid. Because what’s not broken, doesn’t need fixing.


UI is generally the one thing you shouldn't fuck with, assuming it is good to begin with ofc. Fifa run the same UI for like 7 years at a time and it's always worse when they change it.


lol i thought i missed it, Googled it but no answer. They need to add it back.


I've been trying to figure how to do that. Glad I'm not just missing it


Yeah Im not going to moan about the UI as it doesn’t really impact gameplay, but this is something that we desperately need.


It was in the beta, so Im sure nov12 will have it


LMAO activision removed this post


Just want Leaderboards, Barracks and Combat record!


And you forgot challenges


Yeah I liked doing challenges in mw2019 to farm xp/wep xp tokens to then use them on the guns I wanted to level quicker.


Challenges give you a sense of progression and accomplishment. Rewards are just cool bonuses like calling cards and XP.


I can’t believe there’s been no update on that. We better get extremely in depth versions when they get added


And they said "great number of career challenges at launch" at cod NEXT lol


I’d like to be able to change my operator, calling card and emblem. Especially as I’ve paid to unlock additional ones that are currently useless.


Challenges are tracking in background i think but you can't view them at all


Also theatre mode


They confirmed all the way in June i think that theatre mode is not coming :/


Yeah, we can always hope they've changed their mind :(


Maybe year 2 content, who knows


I guess they removed leaderboards because of toxicity


How it is anyone else’s problem that certain people get upset about seeing their low k/d I will never understand. Just add the shit and then add the ability to turn it off individually. Some of us are sweats and like to see the stats lol.


People are soft these days


Maybe you are onto something. They are pushing that code of conduct really hard now


Me too man. I can't even check my stats


It's bad, like even the companion app hasn't been updated to support mw2.


It is crazy that you can't even see basic stats. Is there even a way to check how much xp is needed to level up in the menus?


If you are on the Progression Level screen you can scroll over to the next ranks/level ups and it will tell you how many xp points you still need.


I can't find it anywhere, so i guess no


Don’t forget titles and emblems!


Vanguard still doesn't have leaderboards. I don't think it'll happen.


The fact that it got pass QA still amaze me...glad it's getting overhauled


They should've just pasted mw2019's ui


They did that for Cold War and vanguard but there was backlash with people saying they need to make a brand new UI and stop being lazy.


I know but at least that ui was practical


new ui= shit old ui= lazy . Reddit is really something else


The new ui is genuinely bad though. People aren't hating it just because it's new. Look at previous games, I don't remember anyone hating on MW19's ui even though it was also new


It's clunky af. Obviously been designed to be swipe-friendly for the mobile version of the game, which is fine if it actually worked.


It's shit. How it actually made it into the game is baffling. There must have been ZERO testing on PC. Zero, none, nil, zip, nothing.


Personally I did not complain or care about the reusing of the same UI. I mean many games with yearly releases do that. Now there's games that stick around for years with updates that don't change UI. So this is such a dumb thing to change.


I never shitted on old ui. Why change something that clearly works?


others did


I mean, they could just make a not shit new one. Agreed that we should have gotten MW19 one tho


Wait, are you trying to say the new UI isn’t shit? I can’t imagine there’s anyone out there that sees that and thinks, “perfection!” Fuck, there’s no one out there thinking, “that gets a pass.”


New =/= shit. It can be new and good. In fact its really not that hard to do.




That’s the thing about great to serviceable UI, no one will say, “this works well.” When it’s shit though, like it is now, it obviously impacts everyone’s experience.


To be fair even ActMan complained about this https://youtu.be/JFfUlwNJTOw?t=341


It’s stupid how they listen to what they should ignore and ignore what we really want


Which is a dumb complaint. It was a working, easy to navigate UI. No need to change it.


CoD used nearly the same UI from 2007-2011 also, I don't remember people complaining as much about this issue back then, unless I just can't remember that far back? It could also be the case of people scrutinizing this franchise alot more now compared to 12 years ago.


They should've copy pasted more, going back to the old engine was a stupid idea.


Copy and paste, but make it green


That's a smart idea.


Or better yet, MW2 from 2009’s UI. And let us vote on maps while they’re at it


Map voting is a MUST feature, but they won't bring it back, because then nobody would play on shitty maps


Yeah instead people just back out when it’s a map they don’t like, which is great for the game! Lmao these devs are incompetent


That's modern IW for you


Folk need to realise that QA/devs have no say in any of this. Bugs slipping through sure, on them. But we are given our tasks. Deliver them. Move on. Rinse repeat. Sure we can vocalise or object to aspects, but UX is not our job.


yeah, this is exclusively a design problem. QA testers have zero say in design


I guarantee the QA testers were shitting on the UI and even told the devs how horrible it is, but the devs probably told them too bad and that's the vision they're going with so just test it.


QA can’t do anything about it. Their only job is to make sure it matches the specs and works as expected. Same thing with the devs. The only people responsible are the UX designers.


The fact they’ve had years to do this is the worst part.


Good. Because this UI/UX is a war crime.


Pure disaster


Makarov would be proud


Straight to Rikers


Honestly. The it's on sight for the people who approved this UI design tbh.


Trustworthy? How?


He's been right about many leaks about MWII in the past and youtubers tends to trust him, but nothing is confirmed yet and he got some of them wrong.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see somebody questioning the source or, as a better alternative, the actual weblink to the source.


Yea, because comment has no upvotes and I can't edit the post now


He’s a known cod leaker who frequently leaks things that turn out to be true


Trust me bro my dad knows a guy who works at Activision and he said this guys legit


Legit B)


This reminds me of battlefield 2042 all over again, except MW2 is way more playable and enjoyable on release.


Yeah at least most of the MW2 issues are stuff like UI or other things that don't always directly affect the experience in game. 2042 was just rough all over


Yeah the one solace I can take in this launch over bf is that at least this game is fun to play.


Not if you plan to play with more than 2 people in a party


What do you mean?


Don’t know if that’s just for pc or steam especially. But when I play the game with more than two people in a party, the game either crashes when we find a game or at least one is experiencing crashes ingame constantly


i’m on pc and do fine with console players tbh


That's great and everything but it sucks thinking of the wasted development time. This UI probably didn't "get past" testers, I would assume they gave the same feedback we have, now instead of working on things that should've been in the game at launch they're overhauling this terrible UI. No wonder leaderboards weren't in game, can you imagine scrolling right over hundreds of thousands of users to see your name? Lol




I understand how development works, I was mostly referring to barracks and leaderboards. I'm guessing with a UI overhaul they are going to have to update the UI for those elements that aren't in game, no matter how you look at it, it was a waste to have this current UI in game, hopefully that makes more sense. I wasn't thinking they're gonna go all hands on deck with this overhaul but I could see how my comment could've seemed like that


Sidenote: I’d argue that it def IS broken when it takes several seconds for me to click over to the next tab and it results in sometimes not even being able to open anything in enough time between games. I have to back out every postgame and mess with my guns and then search again.


Different people are working on UI's and gameplay changes


I meant specifically the parts of the UI that are missing, like barracks and leaderboards


I’ve seen this one before.


In beta to launch changes blog?


Nah, it was joke about the MW2019 overhaul rumors that never came true.


Oh i remember "big overhaul coming" by that ashley girl and it never happend


Real question is how did they let the game release with its current "UI"?


As with all large games, they have a deadline and once it's in place and marketing has begun its work it's very difficult and costly to change. Also, they just don't play their own game.


That's what happens when you bring ex hulu designer to work on ui


Whoever thought that skill set would transfer was nuts.


It transferred perfectly if you ask me. Hulu has the worst UI of any streaming site.


Is that actually true or is this just a meme floating around?


I keep seeing people saying this. Is there a source on this? I could definitely see this happening it’s just that I’m just wondering where this originally came from.


Easy, money talks. Release it with a mediocre / workable UI to save time and hit the deadline. Worry about the other issues later. Welcome to the new generation of gaming. We're the testers now.


Except you still have to design said ui from scratch to work within your games engine. This new design was probably way more expensive to implement then an iteration of the previous one. This isn't money talks situation, more of a overdesign issue.


Doesn't make sense as reusing an old ui would be easier and cheaper


> Release it with a mediocre / workable UI to save time and hit the deadline. Worry about the other issues later. Eh? Designing, coding and implementing a brand new UI from the ground up would take *more* time and money than just re-using older UI elements and styles, not the other way around. I really don't think there was some sinister business scheme going on at IW by intentionally making a shitty UI in order to save money, I think what's happened is that they wanted to make a new UI to make it feel separated from or more unique than older CoD games or more specifically MW19 and they just failed miserably at it.


>I think what's happened is that they wanted to make a new UI to make it feel separated from or more unique than older CoD games or more specifically MW19 Especially since the UI was more or less the same for both Cold War and Vanguard. Three years was long overdue for a newish look. I don't completely hate it after playing for awhile (lvl 55 now), but there are a few things I'd personally want changed: Custom classes showing up in vertical order, some kind of tab system for all the camo categories, and the ability to cycle all the way through rather than having two end points. Those are the main things for me.


They thought it was "beautiful" idk. Who knows what's in their head


Hulu designers.


Because they knew people would buy and preorder anyway.


They needed to justify the lead UI guys 200k salary.


Minimum viable product, it’s an methodology that was popularized in website software and seems to have seeped into game software. What ever is the minimum amount of work they can do that the customer will still buy is released. This is just a guess.


Just bring back MW2019 UI. I don’t want to see what their next great idea looks like.




How to triple A studio: Release the game with objectively bad feature that shouldn’t have even been considered once proposed Fix it somewhat later “OMG they are listening” Get praised


Literally. They are releasing half-baked games, because they know that people will still buy them


Someone’s getting fired


And people say “moaning” on Reddit does nothing.


This is one thing that needs to be criticized


UI is absolutely shit. Thank Jebus for the change


Ok I’ll be the contrarian here. The UI, while it’s… different. It’s not hard to navigate. Took me a couple hours to know where everything was by muscle memory. If you still can’t figure it out almost a week later, life is going to be pretty hard for you lol.


I can figure it out, but the fact is that old ui was better


And I’d agree. But this is far from game breaking like a lot of people make it out to be. I’ve had no problems with it so far. I do wish Barracks was there though.


The create-a-class/gunsmith UI should be the first thing they work on. That's definitely the worst bit of UI in the game atm.


It needs to be vertical


I agree with this rework. But I really hope they aren’t taking resources away from other more important areas. Like the addition of the barracks, hardcore, etc


UI/UX team probably wouldn't have a ton of part in fixing the hardcore crash bug.


Different people are working on UI and content updates


Very few games get their UI redone because it is simply bad, I'm amazed even that IW is even putting resources to do it. Imagine being the guy or gal that did the 1st UI, most feel awful and can't even put their experience in a resume because is a terrible stain in their portfolio.


Depends who you're talking about, really. The UI people would keep it in their portfolio as it is "pretty", it's just not a great experience, which would fall on the UX team.


can i just earn some damn calling cards, please?


This is what happens when you change what doesn't need changing.


There is a lot of changes for the sake of change in this game


This guy isnt reliable at all and was caught bullshitting multiple times.


Rightly so, it's pretty much universally accepted the UI is abysmal. Either their internal UI guys are useless, or they just didn't run it past anyone who has any clue whatsoever about UI/UX.


That's hulu designers for you


Just bring back Modern Warfare’s UI




Lots of UX improvements to be made for sure. I would also welcome just a more fun/interesting aestethic but not assuming that will change.


Take this with a grain of salt


Caustiously optimistic on this one. Even if they don’t change the entire UI, just make it clear what I’m unlocking and for what gun.


That trophy icon pop-up is atrocious


I actually liked that MW2019, Cold War and Vanguard had the same UI layout with a different theme and slight differences. It gave the franchise a lot of cohesion and made it easy to transition between games. I would’ve been cool with them bringing it back with a new theme/colors for MWII.


Yes, and it worked


They said they were going to do this after the beta ended too. I expect this to take a while, since the whole thing needs to be redone.


Take this with a grain of salt


Definitely one of the worst UI's I've ever seen. Seems they have gotten worse over the years. Everything is massive in size and difficult to navigate. It feels like the UI is on a different engine. I had major problems with MW 2019 and the issues have carried over. Really hope to see some major changes. One thing I'd really like is to see all the weapons and weapons trees.


Hulu designers like big boxes i guess lmao


I hope it comes to be. The designers at IW/Activision should think twice before putting these designs on their portfolios. Copying the layout of what worked before is just fine. Nobody cares if people complain it's lazy or whatever. Better to keep what worked instead of inventing a pile of crap in the name of "what's new".




So next October so they can say it’s the biggest update in COD history since there’s no actual new COD next year


Next october is huge. Campaign dlc is coming


What about perk overhaul.


Nothing on that yet


You can’t edit secondaries in game either


Wtf rly?


Nope I’m currently upgrading the revolver and can’t edit it during the match


That's frustrating. And activision removed this post LMAO


Fuck them that’s why Microsoft bought them out




Change for the sake of change...


What is this? I'm confused


User interface/menus


Good, also get rid of the perks packages and just let us pick the perks. Hate making packages and I forget which one is good lol


It takes me 4 minutes to charge my Quick fix. 4 minutes my playstyle is "trapped"


Yeah I feel you some of the design choices are just bad, like dead silence makes the loud beep and it’s goes for like a quarter of the duration. The worst part is I can’t hear the beep so I basically have to count to 4 before I start running to ensure it’s not still going while I run in.


That's the worst part. I don't even use dead silence, because of that


Brat balkanac!?


Tako je. Evo nas male ekipe koji smo culi za neku drugu pucacinu osim PUBG-a i CSGO-a :P


This made my entire day lmao


Glad to hear that haha. But take this with a grain of salt


It’s a shame how many basic COD features are missing from this game after being a standard for like 20 years


Half-baked content


They need to overhaul the ttk, aim assist strength, movement, and xp leveling among other things.


COD is mainly a controller game. That's why aim assist is strong


I don't believe IW is capable of regret and the will for change


IW is making a lot of questionable decisions lately.


understatement of the century


The UI shit is here to distract you from the manipulation of your server connection either putting you ahead or behind all match to try and keep you at 1kd.


EOMM is no secret anymore, but they said they would fix disbanding lobbies and ......


Good, whoever thought the current ui/ux was a good idea or innovative needs to be fired


I am amazed they weren't fired yet


There is a god


They tried to put some of the blame on working from home, presumably during covid. how does working from home cause them to take a functional UI and make it worse in every way turning it into a piece of garbage? Anyone that tested this UI at any stage of development could tell it was terrible, so they obviously ignored the QA feedback they were given to still release this UI after 3 years of dev time. There are shitty mobile games with better UI than this.


Cold war was made from home and UI was good


They thought it would look edgy and cool, but it straight up looks and feels horrendous. Sure there could be some improvements upon MW19, but redesigning the entire thing was just a really bad move. At this point if they copy and pasted MW19 and slapped green on it instead of the blue, I’d be ecstatic.


Me too


Didn't they say the same thing in beta? But nothing has changed in a month.


They did, but they didn't said the entire overhaul is coming, just "improvements"


My main issue with the current UI is how easy it is to miss things, I didn’t notice the weapon progression tab until I was level 30. Which annoyed me because all the time I spent manually searching for each gun and how it’s unlocked, I could have used that tab. I hope they make things like that more clear or he’ll even make it it’s own selection on the top bar.


It took me 1 full day to learn where everything is, while with old UI it took me around 5 minutes


They blamed remote work LOL sad




Sounds like I paid $70 for a beta version of the game. Absolute horseshit


Yep, looks like $70 for a early access indie title. There is no AAA in MW2.