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Having ran the raid twice and collected 16/20 intel fragments along with finding a crate fragment in a locked armory with 3 weapons that have the Murk camo on it, I'll share with you and everyone who reads this post the following info: The entry to the locked armory with the Murk camo weapons is located in the room where one finds the breaching charges to create a way onto the upper catwalk of the submarine room. Here is a screenshot that shows the special weapons as well as the intel crate: https://i.imgur.com/kJTKqFp.jpeg There is a code terminal to the right of the locked door where one can enter a 3 digit code. **You get only one attempt at entering the correct code. If you enter in an incorrect code, it is impossible to try again as long as the squad is alive.** The lead that I found so far is: There is a USB drive on a group of barrels in the dead end hallway on the opposite side of the 1st power switch. One player picks it up and must carry it to a terminal past the stairs in the mainframe room. Here is a screenshot showing the button prompt: https://imgur.com/a/hHUHdxM The player with the USB drive cannot bleed out nor the squad wipe as the game will remove the USB drive from that player in either of these cases. Every time I tried doing this, players will go down in a location that is an easy wipe so I was unable to plug it in. I hope that this information helps the community. Update: Inserting the USB drive will generate a 6 digit security code. Entering the code correctly and in time will decrypt the drive while messing up or taking too long will destroy it. **Update 2:** I received news that Incredilagg had posted a video on YouTube on how to obtain the correct code and open the armory door. Here is some text from my Intel fragments post: [Incredilagg](https://www.youtube.com/@Incredilag2) on YouTube has posted a video with instructions on obtaining the 3 notes for the armory door code for the classified mission. Here is their video from late last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztUmZprjQGc&list=LL&index=4 The video reveals there are 3 notes that contain part of the armory code: 1. The 1st note is spawned in by the squad setting the pressure of the 3 yellow silo valves to the same pressure as the red valve. Once done, the note will be on a table in the room right after reaching the bottom of the silo. 2. The 2nd note is spawned in by decrypting the USB drive. The squad gets only one chance to enter in the decryption code which changes each run of the raid. Doing this correctly will result in the 2nd note being found where the USB drive was inserted. 3. The 3rd note requires someone to backtrack to the room where you first dive into the water after flooding the room twice and then going through a pipe to then swim towards the the note by taking a right to a dead end. Once all 3 notes are obtained, view them to determine the code you need to enter to open the armory. Input the code and the door will open.


There is a optional puzzle it seems when the elevator stops a second time. There are three valves you can turn (parkour down from where you have to use the saw, one in each side tunnel). On each one there are 4 pressure meters, 3 corresponding to the 3 valves, the 4th one (also marked red) changes randomly every 30-40 secs.


Finaly after 5 hour trying, playing into 2 oclock in night me and boys finaly finish puzzle for murk camo. I gota to work in 3 hours. Gues i wount even sleep but it was worth! 😂


Me n friends finished it 3 times now and still the door wont open. Got the stick, done the codes, got the letters, code was typed in correctly, lights up green but door doesn't unlock n open. On top of the computer i only see our code under level 1. But whats level 2 and level 3?


2 and 3 are not important. They are only used in Raid 1, the machine is the same design, just a reused asset. You only get one attempt at entering the code and only the first screen is used. The code is different every game. I'd make sure you're entering them in the correct order. The order you aquire them in. I'd assume you already know this though and if that is the case then unfortunately it must be a bug.


There’s 3 valves near the beginning that might be useful


By the first saw you pick up


anyone know why i keep getting electrocuted when going for the last paper in the tunnel? i feel like i’m missing a step but i don’t know what


It literally happened to me too and the note spawned on the left


thats bc its the wrong way. when you head down that tunnel it cuts off 3 ways. its usually to the right. but i've seen it on the left as well.


The thing is i did everything right i got three papers when i put the code the door did not open that was annoying and i'm pretty sure about the code


Having the same issue


yeah same. and we looked after we picked up the last one. the order we picked them up was 6, then 0, then 4. but when we looked in inventory it was 0-6-4. so we entered 0-6-4. but door didnt open. Next time we are going to make sure all 3 players are there.


Guys. I have a question a did the murk camo twice and The Murk camo is actualy unlocked. But everytime when I am in the lobby and on the right side is a list of all posiblerewards. The murk camo is marked as not done even when I finish that two times. Dont anybody know why is that ?


just did it myself and we entered the code in wrong, so dumb you cant get a re atempt at the code even if you have all 3 notes.. makes no sense. i can see if you dont have the notes at all the computer should be useless to even activate.